The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, February 12, 1931, Image 1

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    T he T urner T ribune
N ew
P ra ictically
NO. 18
A ssured
State File Turner Wins From Salem Brotherhood
Marshall Talks On
Gates at Gates
M. E. Church A t
IT WEST S I M TISI Rural Protection
Albany Meet
Last Night
niGUT m o is COOPERA­
TIVE c u n e i it n o ie
At the West Stayton meeting held
Wednesday evening for the purpose
o f deciding whether the grower«
would favor the building of a cannery
a tTurner, the project wa« discussed
and tin grower* were so enthusiastic
that fifty-three »hares were spoken
J. H. Tull, from the marketing de­
partment of O. A. C., spoke on co-
opertive marketing, bringing out the
many good point* and explained thor­
oughly the advantage* o f thi* mean*
o f the farmer and grower getting to­
gether to dispose o f their crops.
It. l«ee Thiessen, who has been one
o f the booster* o f the new cannery,
spoke on organization. And Wm.
Spiers told of his Interviews with
vurious cannery companies and people
ulong such lines.
A fter the speaker* had ftnishrd a
rece** was taken to And how many
West Stayton grow« r* want«-«! »hares,
un«l practically every one present
mad • application. The committee that
has b«-«-n functioning for the past
month will still look after the matter
o f «igning growers who were not at
the meeting «ml this will be done this
w.-ek, with a rail for a *p«-cial m«-et-
ing soon to b«- held at Turner.
A* soon as the West Stayton terri­
tory is covereil, the list will be turned
over to Mr. Thiessen, who will can­
vass th«> Turner district, and it is
hoped that every citizen who possibly
can will g e t behind the cannery proj­
ect ami help make it a reality.
Time is short an«l those in charge
o f the organization are anxious to
tart building so as to have the plant
r«-u«ly to tak<- care o f this year's crop.
Thirty to forty thousand shan-s of
$100 « urh will be disposed o f and ns
soon as enough are sold to ussure the
new industry, the market department
o f O .A. C. will lend a helping hand
in druwing bylaws and other luces-
sary pnpers for a cooperative can-
Stryton cannery officers are en­
thusiastic nbout the new cunncry as
the StHyton plant is now working to
full capacity and cannot necommo-
• late a very gr« at amount o f incr«-as«-
and th«-y have assured the promoters
of the Turner cannery that they will
give them all the help they can. This
is indeed encouraging nn«l Turn«-r citi­
zens thank Stayton for their support.
A* previously stated Turner is cen-
erully loented among the growers of
this section, on the main line o f the
Southern Pnciflc, with short hauls,
cheap water power and every accom-
moilation to both grower and shipper.
As usual Turner an«l surrounding
communities turned out en mu*«« for
the Community club me« ting Momlay
evening when Mr. Davis, fir«.- marsh'll,
spoke on “ Rural Fire- Protection,' and
Captain Stokes on “ Protecting Horn««*
and Property.” C. A. Bear war in
charg«- o f the business meeting ,u M*t-
«•«i by Miss Muble Tucker, while Mrs.
HfanUy Riches ha«l charge of Un­
social program which wus as follows:
Rashel Riches; solo, Lester Bones;
songs by Salem quartet; duet, Mr.
and Mrs. Furl Cook.
The presentation o f living valen­
tines for prizes were placed as fol­
lows: First, Turner high school; »«c-
ond, Crawford, third, Turner Com­
munity; fourth, Cloverdale; fifth,
Pleasant View. The prizes, box.-d
candies, were donated by the Turn r
Th«- distribution o f valentines
closed the evening's entertainment.
The Turner town team boys «ere vic­
torious again in Wed. night's gsme with
i ates. The boys fought haid through­
out most of the game and held a good
lead, but in the last quarter got a little
over confident and Gates gradually
climbed to within two point* of winning
when the final whistle blew .
Next Wednesday we have the hardest
game of all with Stayton at Stayton.
All that can go please do so and give us
your support.
The scoie was 27 to 25. Refferee
Flescher ot Salem.
Salem Brotherhood men o f the
The West Stayton Birthday club
First Methodist church, Salem, were met at Mrs. Verna Asche’s. It had
pi « sent at a “ Sub-district Evangelism completed its first year as a club. Mrs.
Stewardship Retreat,” which was Mabel Royse was elected president;
held at the First Methodist church in Mrs. Peggy Comstock, vice-president;
Albany Wednesday evening, February Mrs. Minnie Dickman, secretary and
4. They furnighed the preliminary treasurer. The club presented Mrs.
program. Ju«lge O. W. Emmons gave Forrette with an orangeade set in
a selected r«-ading, “ Varnish” ; Bruce appreciation o f her faithful work as
There were thirty-four
Spaulding, whose father anil grand­ president.
father were pioneer ministers an«l cir= present. Those visiting the club Wed­
Mesdames Masters,
cuit riders o f the Willamette valley, nesday were
gave two solos. The meeting wa.! at­ Lacy, Haines, Frost, Speis, Sheilen-
tended by over one hun«lre«l delegates berger, Tegen, Meskimmons, Wise,
1 "
O ■ —
from ten nearby charges. The I.eba- Edrie McClellan, Sprinkel, Nellie
non charge was present with the Woosley, Alice Van Osdol, Jennie Mc­
largest del«-gation, numbering twenty. Clellan, Nipple and Einfeldt. After
Dr. Luther E. Lovejoy o f Chicago the business meeting was over and a
was the guest speaker of the evening. delicious lunch o f mystery pudding,
The district pre-Easter program on graham crackers and tea were ?erve«l
“ Evangelism and Stewardship Educa­ by the hostess, Verna Asche. The
tion,” was adopted. A banquet dinner crowd enjoyed the old time whole­
was served by the ladies o f the Al­ some fun o f pinning on the old mule’s
Mrs. Tolls Osborn, who was wel(
bany M«-thodist church. A similar tail. Poor mule, he certainly wasn’t a
known here, died at the home of her meeting will be held at the Jason Lee Missouri mule.
daughter. Mr*. O. L Allison of Brooks, Methodist church o f Salem, Friday
Mrs. Elmer Asche motored to Leb­
on February 9th., at the age of 63 years evening March 6, the McMinnville
She is survived by her husband. J. H delegation furnishing the preliminary anon, Sunday, to bring her husband
home, who had been there during the
Osborn: three daughters, Mrs. Clifford
past week. Mr. Asche papered a room
The Friday night rally was a great White. Tuiner; Mrs. Allison, Brooks;
before they came home Sunday.
success. There was a full house and Mrs. Harvey King. Salem.
b I Frank Van Nuys and wife o f Dallas
all enjoyed the gospel message of the
Funeral Servlets wore held from the
were visiting at the Van Nuys home
Kellem* party.
Terwiiliger Funeral Parlors in Salem
Th<- Sunday *.norning anthem was a Wednesday at 1 o’clock with Rev.
The Ladies Aid committee, Mrs.
John Miller and Alma Tyler o f
Micky (fficirting
Interment was made Prather, Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Palmer,
gave a most dilghtful tea at the home North Ssntiam, Lyle Sacre and family
Mrs. Parks proved herself an able in Belcrest Memorial Park.
o f Mrs. Jo hnCox last Thursday after­ o f Salem and Duke Dively, Mabel an«!
leadi-r at Christian Kmleavor, Sunday
noon. A fter devotions, papers with a Alice Brown, Orpha and Hazel Shel-
Mrs. R. E. Stewart and son, Quen- jumble of letters upon them were lenberger and Naomi Chamberlin vis­
The senior C. E. will need to watch ' tin, will leave Saturday morning for passed about with the request that we ited at the Henry Crane home Sun­
out or the intermediate society will ) Portland, where they will spend the assemble three intelligent words. A ft­ day.
i night with Mr. an«l Mrs. Mollett, who er much exercise o f our gray matter
bi-at it in number o f members.
A. Seitzinger o f Mill City was a
are oid friends. An early Sunday we finally got “ M«-thodist Aid Socie­
week-end guest at the B. H. Chamber­
Many comvnt* o f approval were
j morning train will be taken to Chey­ ty” out o f the wreckage. Among the
lin home.
spoken about Rev. Gilstrap's Sunday
enne, where a side trip will be made readings and other forms of enter­
evening sermon.
I to Ft. Collin.'«, Colo., to make a two tainment we were given a contest on
B. H. Chamberlin and family spent
evening at the Harry Phil­
Mrs. Kplcy an«l Mrs. Gilstrap were
at Macleay.
the hostesses entertaining the choir,
following the practice on Tuesday 1 spent at Omaha with relatives. Mrs. I you tell us right quick, “ A t what
evening. There were 32 present and Sti-wart hop- « to reach her home near school do we advance in learning let­
ter by letter?” Give up? “ Why cor­
j all joined heartily into some lively ! Spring Valh-y, Minn., by the last of
respondence school, of course. Most
games after which lovely refresh­
Former T u rn e rite
Dies A t Brooks
ments w«-re served.
Sumiay evening the special music b W .V \ A W M % W A W iW A W iA ’ / JV W W W A W i/ V W W A A W V
wus fine— one male quartet anil one
The orchestra appeared in full
force agnin Sunday evening an«l was
Not understood, we move along, asunder,
greatly enjoyed by all.
Our paths grow wider as the seasons creep
the years; we marvel and we wonder
All are expecting to make the next
Why life is life, and then we fall asleep,
month n month to be remembered in
Not understood.
spiritual fellowship.
Not understanding, we gain false impressions,
An«l hug them closer as the years go by,
Born— To Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester
Till virtues often seem to us transgressions
Snnde in Alumeda, California, Feb­
And thus men rise and fall and live and die
ruary 7, an 8-pound «laughter. Mrs.
Not understood.
Sande will be remembered as Miss
Not understanding, souls with stunted vision
Ruth Edwards, daughter o f Mr. an«l
O ft measure giants by their narrow gauge;
Mrs. Arthur Edwards. Mr. and Mrs.
The poisoned shafts of falsehood and derision
It is now up to the Turner citizens to Sande move«! to Alameda about two
Are oft impelled against those who mould the age.
Not understood.
come to the front and help put <>ur little years ago. Mr. Sande is employed as
town on the map.
Not understood, the secret springs o f action
Which lie beneath the surface and the show
Are disregarded; with self-satisfaction
We judge our neighbors, and they often go
Not understoo«!.
98 Years O f
If you believe that 12 is nn unlucky
number then note:
In 1903 business was bad.
1 + 9 4 0 + 3 = 13
In 1921 business was bad.
In 1930 business was bad.
Those who believe in nunv ology may
take comfort in the fact >
the next
yenr to add to 13 is th«
98 years from now. So, we
ing further to worry nbout.— h’ouh-
ern Lights.
Birthday Club A t
West Stayton Has
New Officers
.................................. —
Dinner Guests
Mr. an«l Mrs. C. A. Bear enter­
tained with a dinner Sunday, compli­
menting their daughter, Mrs. R. E.
Stewart, who soon leaves with her
young son for her home in Minnesota.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Stroud and children, Eleanor,
Ronald and Donna Fry, Miss Adelaide
Winslow o f Rosedale, Miss Helen
Winslow of Monmouth Normal, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wagers and sons,
Robert and Glenn, o f Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Bear and daughter, Eu­
nice, Willard Bear o f Albany College,
Kenreth Bear, Mrs. R. E. Stewart and
son, Quentin, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Excursion Rates
B irth d a y
Special round trip excursions, pro­
viding for travel between seven west­
ern states, have been authorized over
Washington’s birthday by Southern
Pacific, Santa Fe, Western Pacific and
Sacramento Northern railroads, ac­
cording to joint announcement today.
Featured by unusually low fares,
the holiday offering o f transportation
“ bargains" will be available from
February 20 to 23, with return limit
o f February 25, it was stated.
The territory covered by the spe­
cial order includes all points west o f
Ogden and Salt Lake City, from Port­
land in the north to Albuquerque and
El Paso in the south.
Oh, God! that men would see a little clearer,
Or judge less hardly when they cannot sec;
Oh, God! that men would draw a little nearer
To one another! They’d be nearer Thee
An«l understood.
— The Herald.
delightful refreshments were served.
Everything was heart shape and so
Friday evening a load o f us drove
into Salem to our district evangelism
and steward’s retreat. Rev. Lovejoy
from the main office, Chicago, was the
principle speaker« Our district super­
intendent, Rev. Marcy, was chairman
| for the evening. He took for his sub-
! ject “ Why Some Churches Fail.” He
showed it was because they had lost
the spirit o f love and fellowship, and
also the spirit o f adventure. They had
gotten into a rut and were afraid to
try new things for God. Hiss address
was very inspiring and uplighting.
This was followed by an appeal from
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Continued on inside page
Not understood, how trifles often change us;
The thoughtless sentence or the fancied slight
Destroys long years of friendship and estrange us,
And on our souls there falls a freezing blight
Not understood.
Not understoo«!, how many hearts are aching
For lack o f sympathy! Ah! day by day
How many cheerless, lonely hearts are breaking
How many noble spirits pass away
Not understood.