f ' THE TURNER TRIBUNE LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK is now ready to serve full time on the farm iguin. of Portland will be the aptaker. FOU SAl.K — Special ent old fir wood Mrs. Arthur Kunke and little Joyce 14inelt Turner Lumber ( ’ »inpany. spent Thursday in Salem with Mrs. o —■ Brief Item» Concerning the Com­ Mrs. Anna Johnson with her dauch- M. Fliflet. ing» and Going* of Yourtelf and Ann.i visited her other two daughters Your Neighbor», a» Told to The Mr. Schampier has been working Tribune Reporter*. at the T B hospital Sunday afternoon. overtime on his berry patch the past One of the Nice»t Court*»««» You fine days. Visitors at the Delzell ranch o f late Can Show to Your Gueatt I* to were Mr. and Mrs. Downy and chil­ Have Their Viait* Mentioned in Miss Gertrude Anderson was re- Theae Column*. The Tribune dren of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. lured for the remainder of the school Will Conaider It a Special Favor Dnun and Miss Grace Daun o f Day- year. if You Will Help U* Make Thia ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Nichols of Paper More Intereating to It* Reader* by Sending in Item* for Stayton. Mrs. F. Dutnbock received word re­ Thi* Column. Write us, or, if - —■ O----- cently that her mother is very sick Convenient, Telephone Your Mrs. Susan (jiradin spent all day Mon and hnd been taken to tin- hospital. New* Item* to Thi* Office. - —- O'-- day at the Salem General Hospital with Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Baker and | her daughter. Mrs. Pancost, who is slqw. Chila and lunches at Riches Confec­ little «laughter o f Sahnt recently ly recovering from a severe operation. spent a Sunday here with their cous­ tionery. ins, Mrs. Mata Cartier and family. Valentines 1c to 10c at Presher's Drug Mrs. J. M. Bones visited at the T B Mr. an«! Mrs. Juy Cook spent Sun­ Store, Turner. hospital Tuesday. day with Mr. Fielti on his runch near Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Prather and »on Salem. Mrs. Jessee has joined her husbacd at --- -o .. - motared to McVmnville Sunday where Mr. and Mrs. Fred SihifTerer and Eugene. the< spent the day with her parents Mr. children, Mildred, Main I and Edith, and Mrs. Hutchens. motored to Silverton, Sunday, to Library book» 3c per day at Prathers spend the day with relatives. Drug Store, Turner. Riches Confectionery for quality Many children are out of school, enjoy candies. ing the measles. Mrs. E. S. Prather and Mrs. Fred Gunning were Salem shoppers Tues­ day. George Brower was looking after business in Salem, Tuesday. Miss Grace Hann of Dayton is the bouse guest of Miss Helen Peels. ---- o----- Chila and Innches at Riches Confec- SOUP FOR SOUP SIIIHS The Delzell family will go to Cor­ vallis, Sunday, for a visit with Thel­ ma and Mr. and Mrs. Fehlman. James Denyer, T. W. Dietz and Alvin Schir- man will also be present for the big dinner. - ■ O -- j Dr. B. F. Pound practice limited to removal of teeth, ga* or local, and dental X-ray. New location 303 Fir»t National B-mk Bldg., Salem, Oregon. — o --- Hollis Bones, his parents, Mr. and By Max McKay Toodieoo folks, spring is here and ( how! Ain’t this weather something— i as far back as we can remember, ut I least thirty years, we have never seen «uch good weather. It’s strange folks, •.range. ---- «»■■■■ Whether it’s cold or whether it’s hot, wvre gonna have weather wheth­ er or not. Mrs. J M. Bones and email children ----a— — . Ruth and Keith, and Miss El-trom of With this wonderful element at our Brownsville, mo»ore.1 to Eugene to see disposal, Turner ought to become the Art Robertson is able to walk again Miss Hazel Bones, who they found able world's cocoanut center or usaparagus without the aid of crutches. ' bed. to set up for a sh >rt time each day. V- Y ¿f' • 4 : • * v t ! * - ' )l— \l i ‘ iir V J A * e C h E!i*ctrically and save time for other thin?* The electric range i* one of the grraiert time aavrr* that electrical •er« i«e bring» to the farm home, It turn« t elf on ami automatically, at u n ity the time you have act. You W ell ' *p«-nd a minute in watching it— a «■.u. Vrful taviug ul liiuc fot other thiuga. Ila automatic tci.']t.-r.ituie cortrol docagway wi«Ii *!l tli» «.'.! ut er» ’»«ly of Lakii g rnd : • ■ ihi-. . ir w i» greally aitnplifird and a teal pleaaurc— Willi an rl-.trlc lanpe. Th: * ahmit it in Irr II of rrroiomy — > ,.<»iuy of Lilxrr 1 llite and Cent. Wc will teil you all tli« d 1*11». «vrme M ountain S tates P ower C ompany OREGON STAYTO N fectionery. AV/AVAW.V.’ASNWAV.WAVW.VV.’.V. '.V/.V.V.V.V.Vj' Ï Mrs. F. C. Delzell, slowly recover­ We see by last weak's paper that What! Trade out of Turner! N °- >cveral ladies o f a ladies a d group all ing from the flue, was able to go to Never! Tli-n why not bring y°ur Salem, Monday, their heads together. My, my, will have a smile ami ¡rood-will feeling: »boss to be repaired to E. Robinaon, i what a big head. located in Mrs. B rifg ’s house, in Tur­ after you have had a Mr. and Mrs. I ’. A. Bear and their Now, if one o f those Unites had a ner, Oregon. Also furniture repair­ daugnter, Mrs. R. E Stewart, spfnt | severe headache, it would only be a ing. Friday at Newport ! dull pain amongst ali those heads put at A valentine program w ill I k » u fen:, together. But if they ail had a head- S. H Baker visited his brother in law. A n d y s H ahiikh S h o p jure o f Ihe Community Club meeting i ac^e together, boj . they d be a b*r Geo. Burnett, who makes Ins home at . . . ... . . . head all split to pieces. Monday evening, February !>. A gen- “ The W in d Blown H-xpeil” the old peoples ro ne in Salem, one day «‘r:il i n v i t a t io n is extended to the pub-; You got the right idea ladies, now- the past waek. ■ 'no to ati -u l. B 'in .'u v .ilfiiin e and adays people have to wotk together to get anywhere. You remember our Riches Confectioneay for quality join in the fui:. great statesman said, "united or die.” candies. ---- f> --— Read the adv. o f the Brunswick K e p it up ladies, keep your hca«ls Next to Elsinore Then tre ,, _ 7° , ,, Radio in this issue of The Tribune. Mr. Turner, who recently «old the !s *a chance for 0l!r Turn,.r together. They say great mind« run Farley place, is in Portland looking J ^ to t ¡nto the contert. Roa,j in the same channel. Sr*It-in. Orei' n ■: RS2 S. H ig h S tre e t for a location. * I the adv. and then fil! out the coupon But be careful about danderufT as A P V W J W V W J W W V W V A W A V A 'A '.V A '.'.V A V W W .V .V A V 1 and ma'! it or go direct to the Holly* its spreads oh, so easy. Mrs O. P. Given left with hpr father,, wood .«hop and get full particular«. -----o----- Albert Savage Sr. of the Waldo Hills, ----- o — Rumors o fa large cannery for Tur­ Friday for a sho.t visit with relatives in Ni.tiec to n atcr user«—I » ill be ie the ner, folks! What say we all join hands Seattle. oflicp next to the Tribune office Friday and shout if such a thing is coming. Y o u Too! Smooth Shave cr Hair Cut Hair Cut 25e Shaving 15c . allies Hair Cutting a Specially afternoon for collection of water rent. F P Ib w ey Minnesota ’oiks of the Willamette Val­ ley will gather at the Presbyterian church in Salem, Februery 17 for their CLOVERDALE sen.i annual meeting. A basket diom-r c------------------------------------ ■ at 6:30 wiU be one of the enjoyable fea­ Ivan Hadley spent Thursday in Sa­ tures of the meeting. Senator Staples lem, where he was on the jury. He ‘ i FO U R DAYS ONLY Î T E RRI F I C A S ALL CREATION EDNA . W e’ve a little poem that you might like entitled “ What's It All About” : Bushin’ to the office, JCu bin’ out to eat; Bushin’ back, ru.-hin’ home, ( Down the rush’ street. IvU.;hin’ up, ruahin’