TH K TURN KR TRIBUNE TURNER STATE \ BANK S - E - R - V - I - C - E P o r ^ O n t B u i l d i n g Supplies Paid on 6 months Tim e Deposits rT 1 * F ir e —A u tom ob ie WATER REQUIRED BY DAIRY COWS Insurance W ritten Of Much Importance to Sup­ ply Abundantly Always. R (( Is s well know n f a d tlist heavy pro d u cin g m ilk ru w s cqulra s large am ount or w ater— m o rs lim n inuny people realise. W h e n cow s have free access to w ste r nt s ll tim es d u rin g the w inter m onths, s s when supplied w ith d rin k in g cups, they consum e m ore than when they have s n oppor­ tunity to d rin k o n ly once or tw ice s d a y ; especially Is th is true when they s r e forced to d rin k Ice water. T h e fact that m ilk contains 87 per cent o f w ater In Itself Indicates that a large sup p ly Is needed when s cow produces from 40 to BO pounds of m ilk a day. T h e chief functloa of w ater In the a n im a l's body, however. Is aot to su p p ly the am ount needed fo r her m ilk. Hhe a lso needs It for d isso lv in g her food m aterials, to help d istrib u te the nu tritive m atter th ro ugh the body and to rem ove the waste body cells. It has been stated that fid t>er cent of the w ater co n­ sum ed by a dairy cow Is escreted In the feces, about 13 per cent In the urine. 12 per cent through the s k in and about IB per cent th rough the milk. In sum m er m ore Is elim inated th ro ugh the s k in than In winter. At the M ic h ig a n station wnter con sum p tio n by ten d a iry cow s w as m e n s ured from the .alter part o M a rc h to the latter perl of Ju ly In 1028, w hile the co w s were producing an average o f 14 po un ds of m ilk dally. T h e co n ­ sum ption d u rin g that period wua Ifln g a llo n s per cow or about 140 pounds per dny. T h u s they consum ed about 3.2 po un ds of w ater fo r every pound o f m ilt produced. T h e large dally requirem ent of wa ter ca lls attention to the Im portance o f p ro v id in g an s b i ndance at all times. O n most fa rm s the wnter sup^ ply Is not n s adequate du rin g w inter ns It Is d u rin g sum m er, even though the cow s may not need quite so much. W h e re d rin k in g cups can oe installed In the d a iry h a m lim y w ill pay good dividends. Y Do You Know A fte r fre sh enin g only s sm all nm ount o f gra in sho uld be fed. A w arm bran m ush Is a lso beneficial d u rin g tills period. In fact, bran should fhrtn most of the grain fed for two o r three d u ys after calving. T h e ro w m ay he brought on feed g ra d u a l­ ly. de|H-mllng on the condition o f the udder. If the udder Is bndly caked or congealed, gra in ahould he fed sp a r Ingly. If the udder Is not badly con netted, then the cow m ay he brought unto feed grndtiully. havin g her on a full g ra in ration nt about three weeks after freshening. llo n gh n ge la the backbone of the real d a iry ration. It determtnen. to a large extent, the feed coat o f pro d u c­ in g milk. • • • A calf well started Is n ca lf h a lf grown. It takes a long Mine to o ve r­ come n setback that a ca lf m ay get In the Brat few d a y s or w eeks o f Its life. We Try to Sell You W het E U You Need NOT s P. O. B o x 208 P h o n e 275 S -A -T -I-S -F -A -C -T -I-O -N s s “WE DO IT THE WEAVER WAY” Used Better let us look your lights over 7< HF VROI FT Cars W IT H A N O . K . T H A T C O U N T S California on your train trip East at no additional cost a n d tourist fa re s r a d i c a l l y cut 1930 1929 1929 1927 1928 1926 1929 1930 1926 1928 1929 1927 1927 1928 Chevrolet Coach, almost new.......................... $550.00 Chevrolet Coach................................................ 450.00 Chevrolet Coupe .......... 475.00 Buick C o a c h ......................................................... 425.00 W hippet Sedan .................................................. 285.00 Chevrolet Coach ............................................... 365.00 Ford Tudor ......................................................... 395.00 Chevrolet Sport Roadster................................ 550.00 Hudson Coach .................................................... 150.00 Oldsmobile Sedan .............................................. 575.00 Chevrolet Sedan................................................. 495.00 Chevrolet T o u rin g ............................................ 125.00 Chevrolet Coach ............................................... 250.00 Chevrolet Coupe, rumble seat.......................... 375.00 M c I^ A Y ’ S 333 C E N T E R S T R E E T *5 0 to C H IC A G O Southern Pacific has cut coach fares f ast to new low levels. See C alifo rn ia on your way. It costs no more. via San Francisco, Los Ange­ les and other winter resorts. Tickets arc good in warm, clean coaches on fast trains. Liberal stopovers at impor­ tant cities en route, such ?.s San Francisco, Los Angeles, LI Paso— now at the height o f their gay mid-winter season. DES M O IN E S . . $* W A SH IN G T O N . . 77.7« NEW YORK . . . «0.70 SALEM, OREGON MR. FARM ER and many o th cti. Avk ahout the new tickets ro « h 1 in T ourist Sleepers. T h is extra comfort costs but little more. H ow Big Is Y our Dollar? We Will Allow You Up To $ S 4 0 * °° Southern FaelSIe H. S. BOND, A gent Turner „ E. M. KEITH, A gent A um sville • 28c for Butterfat i3c for Medium E ggs 16c for Standard Eggs, 10c to 16c for poultry, light or Me­ dium, 63c for Wheat “ Unscreened” No. 1. White Note-No Matter What the Market is we allow 15% lore We will also take in trade Yoar Old Radio or Phoaograph By all means read The Turner Tribune nllllllNKiSiliiiiiilli AH J o i n H a n d s m id C ir c le T o T h e L e ft Dairy Notes M ilk la a pproxim ate ly 87 per cent w atei T o o often wnter la looked upon «Im ply ns gom ethlng to quench thirst. • • • E AND Everything We Can outside of Salem ? Care of Cow Essential for Making Cheap Milk After Freshening Feed Small Amount of Grain ------ TURNER L’b’r M.F.G. CO. S L ig h t A d ju stin g S ta tio n C o a c h Churn, palatable foods are necea aary In order to m nke the cheapest milk, the most m ilk and the best q u a l­ ity o f milk. M oldy, dusty hay. m usty grains, nnd all such containing dust m ake the cleanest and chenpcat m ilk Impoaslhle. C leun stra w or clean atiavlngs m ake splendid bedding. w hereas du sty straw , dirt from the hny loft, cheap, dusty Huy. and I he lik e mean a dusty b n m and dirty, poor keeping milk. T h e best m ilk pnlt Is the one with the sm allest opening nt the top. T h e poorest m ilk pall Is the large, open- topped pnll w hich w ill collect the inoel dust. T h e m ilk pnlls. cans, separators, and nil other uten sils used for m ilk m ust he th o ro u gh ly w ashed and sterilized Im m ediately before m ilking. —-— I Have the only Official Modern s LUMBER U BALsL- B R O S . Wood ROUGH AND DRESSED a t th e T u rn er Community D an ce K v e r y S a tu r d a y N ig h t Let’s Get the Old Community Spirit, Give us your Support. Being your friends to the biggest and best OLD TIME DANCE E v e r y S a tu rd a y N ight Sponccred by Ball Bros, and the People of the Community >11 w w m u n n i inrTTTT i r r n ynu Investigate Our Liberal Trade-In * Plan BRUNSWICK RADIO Nrfict Reproducing Musical Instruments H o llyw o o d R a d io S h o p is located :n Salem, Oregon, at 130 S. High St. and 2020 N. Capitol St. Telephone 3797 for your home Demonstration These wonderful instruments are also on display at both Warner Bros. Elsinore and Capitol theaters votes Young Ladies Briiswick-Relief Geltest vote * Please Enter my name in the Brunswick Radio Contest N a m e ... Address--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Mail or bring this Coupon to the Hollywood Radio Shop, 130 S. High St. 2020 N. Capitol St., Salem, Oregon, for full particulars.