THE TURNER TRIBUNE FImer A»ch« cam» horn* Saturday with Duke and Calvin Dively the past from I,<•[)«non, where ha haa been tak- week at Union Hill cutting wood, had the misfortune to cut his right hand ' mg treatment» for the pant weak. Ha la quite badly. They were moving the much improved in health and leturned car which had a crosscut saw on the Lebanon again Suuday, side and V erne’s hand came in con- AUMSVIULE p eal Happenings The Aumavilla Women» Club mat with deuliriK with the preservation o f tim ­ ber. Mr. Fuller, who ia u royal enter- tuiner, ia intensely intere»ted in hia Mra. Nora Pound la »topping a few work und therefore kept both young day» with Mra. Johanna Brown. and old interested over a period o f > ■■■■ ulmost two hours. He knows his Claire Donker und hia »inter Mia» Kin- mountains and highways and the tim ­ ber that grows on und ulong them, in »ki ware Salem »hopper» today. fact he knows Oregon as few men — o—- - know it which was fully demonstrated Harold Kanaom and wife visited with un he took his audience from beauty Dr and Mr». Kanaom in Tnrner today. spot to beauty »pot through the state o f Oregon und purta o f Washington, Sherm Swank and wile were hare from lecturing, a» the reels unwounded, aguinst Are, und how to prevent this Junction City on# day the pa»t week. uncalled fo r waste in our vast timber. I ■ ■ — The group o f slides o f Oregon wild Mr». Kosaltha Johnson aud Mr». War llowers in color» and Oregon wild life were especially fine and brought n«r Lee are on the »ick list this week. muny gasps o f uppreciution from the .. . o——— Mr. and Mra. K, M. Pu»on»pent Mon­ audience. Immediately following the progrum day in Salem on bui-ne»» a short business session was held ■ | III» I—O IW when the new bylaws were adopted. Alice Titu* »pent Wednesday night at A pot luck supper was served from Turner with Clarissa and France» Clark. 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock. This Friday night the local high school basketeera play hosts to the with her sister Mr». Sucre, Turner teams in return games. Aums- ! ville played there last week, the girls Mr., A. B. Luca. wa. taken to a Sal- win„ |n|f hnr,, earned flult Karm. 24. Mr». Kay i» here (rom Portland for j g ( while- the boy» were successful in « king out a 16-15 win. Both coaches at Aumsville arc working their pro- tegt-s hard this week as they expect narder games here, us Turner will com v '•‘-•termined to wipe out last week’# defeuts. Coach Mountain will probably start the iwme lineup this p ace cast o town. ^ ; week as he did there last Friday. That Virgi# Bradley .dffered o loosened inc|u,|e- H ighbcrger and W alling, for- tooth while playing baakel ball at Tur wards; Tripp and Bradley, centers; Zuber and Brauner, guards. Coach n«r recently. — ------- Empey has been stressing defensive Mrs. Malinda Chambtrs with Mr* play this week with his boy» in an effort to stop the Turner team which Jack Brooks »hopped in Salem one day seemed to have little trouble in break the first of the week. ing through lajit week, but then couldn't sink the »hots. Merle John- Mr. I.andrrs, who, with hia family lives son at forward, Hunkel »aid Downer on the Graham pla • west of town, is at guards are sure to start but Lee und Willard Johnson are still fighting confi ed to his home with diptheria. it out fo r the other forw ard job, while Getchell and Zuber an: still Herman W alt, while playing at achool, k<->-ping the coach guessing on which ran against Lucille England, falling to to sturt at center. Zuber played a the pavem?nt in such a way ss to Kri.a4 kram,. Imt week ut center when injure his ankle aeverely, Wednesday. I Getchell was removed on fouls und -----*----- may start Friday. Mis* Irene Nance, who has bt-en em­ retnrned to her home in W. J A Y The Specs fam ily o f North San- tium spent Friday evening at the Wallace Bone home. W ILL SERB YOU CO©S : 'MÁGAZlN'-f ! Mrs. Alice Little o f Crawfords- ville was visiting at the Van Nuys home Monday. AND THIS NEWSPÀf'tk I - ■ .'O-—.- B. H. Chamberlin and w ife spent Saturday evening at Macleay. The B. H. Chamberlin fam ily and Mrs. Bone motored to Salem Satur­ day spending the forenoon with Mrs. Chamberlin’s sisters, Mrs. Wells and Mra. Smalley, then doing some shop­ ping in the afternoon. s YOU CAN H A V E Y O U R CHOICE OF ANY FIVE Or THE MAGAZINES LISTED BE L O W FOR A F U L L YEAR Verne Chamberlin, who has been I I ! « } 1 V W W V kW W sV kW vw vw w w y za ( T W E L V E IKXH; will be interested. — ter Carvel, who have been living on the O—--- Mr. Stahl has recovered from an at- Dave Easburn place south of town »ince tuct of rheumatism and is aide to be out last fall, have moved back to their home aa usual again. The Growers Club met at the school have built a new house. e ---- house January 28. Speakers were, Mr. Mrs. Martha Fuson is at the home of Stafford of the \uror » »V M in y Co and her son Itoy und wife again after a pro- Mr. spires of Turner. w hoapo»e on mar long stav at the nome of her son Wil- keting. M f A|t,oU o( Wyoming and P. liam She plans on going to Oregon J Helgerson of the L ily Seed Co., told City in the early spring to visit unot!.er of the different fertilizers sold by their son Arthur. firms. Messrs. Dorman and White, who recently purchased the Merrill Gar­ age, will soon remodel the place, putting in both ladies und gents rest rooms, moving the gas pumps and also rebuild the work room. The new owners report business as being goorl and are well satisfied with the treat- . , ... - mont received from the citizens o f . ... - , . .. Aumsville and vicinity.. * . 8«ndwiches 'pickles and coffee were served after the meeting. The pick­ les were furniihe I by the Auroi a Pickl- i ing Company, •>- Saturday a pie social was held ut the HC|)00| house when tin Women’s Auixlia j CyP€UIRIC€R$ huDSTRAT ¡ M e c h a n 'ÇJ ry gave the butterfly quilt to the one T H O M A S 421 Court H O E N % Salem W y V W W A W /A V W W A V W SURPRISE GRANGE No. 233 V % i N Gentlemen: 1 o ile r with to take edvantage of your magazine bargain 1 am enclosing the above amount In payment tor a one year sub­ scription to your paper and the five magazines that 1 hava marked with Meets second Saturday in the month in the Grange Hull, Turner. Visitors welcome at the Lecture hour, at 2:00 o’clock. an X below MSMI t T lf IT à i I J D • W W i S Y W m 'J W W M A W A STA TE TO W N holding the luck number! which happen- . . . ed to tie E. \. Miner of Ntuvton. A □ □ □ □ the pies ° Mr and Mrs. " m. Allen. Mrs Mary Hwnkwl. Mrs. Helen Gilbert, returneo , . , , ... Monday from a several days visit with | ¡ r* ,#«ÍVM “ nd ,n Porll« nd- 'report a mo»t enjoyadle trip and visit i ALL MAKES nice sum was realized from the sale of „ The high school auditorium was packed with members and friends o f the Aumsville Community club at the regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening when Ole Fuller o f the state . , , , , forestry department showed four reels o f movies and a group o f slides o f .-.rones in Oregon nml Washington A W W IW A V A V W V W W V W Adding Machines In the West Stayton district where they M O N T H S ) Why pay more for your magazines when you can buy them at less than cost through your home town r.ew'S- p e p e '7 You can actually g c ! fivo of America's leading farm and fiction magazines at this amazing price if you o r d f now. If you act quickly you will receive sixty magazines during the next year for just a little more than the price of this newspaper. Don't hesitate to send your order If some of these come to you now. Re­ newals will b e extended tw elve months ahead o f your expiration date. ers were present und were very much1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gibson and daugh­ I * Clark family attended Community Club organized if pcs»ible. A num berof play- meeting ill Aumsville Tuesday evening. ■■■o— — FOR FO R ONLY« The men an I boys met at the McCle1- Loyd Van Nuys and the Mieses Helen ¡un hsll and discussed plan* for base- teams Turner, Oregon Route 3 WEST STAYTON Tw o DENHAM General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing The ladies o f West Stayton took something to help out with the dinner ( and had an all day quilting at the Bruce Bowne home Friday. They quilted out a friendship quilt fo r l Grandma Bowne which was a Christ­ mas gi/t from her daughter-in-law, j Mrs. Bowne. Those present were Mrs. T. Y. McClellan, Miss Mary Walker, Mr». Hankie, Mrs. Gilbert, Mr». Piser, Mrs. Koyse, Mrs. Asche, Mr». Beldan, Mrs. Anne Johnson, Mrs. A. W oo«ley, Mrs. Nellie Woos- ley, Mrs. Kohl, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Paul McClellan, Mrs. Comstock, Mrs. Miskimmons, Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Cham­ berlin, and the hostesses, Grandma and Mrs. Bruce Bowne. Albuny Pretz and <«ruce Harm and the Thus, ball this summer. 14, 4:36 A.M. (Stops when flagged.) No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) South Bound Stayton. Mrs. C. H. Brew er and No. 5, 11:10 A.M. (Stops when met Tuesday evemug in regular session, Mrs. A lgie Murphy were the winners flagged to pick up passengers fo r o f the prizes at the bridge party and points at which this train stops.) with a good program following the busi­ J. Spaniol won the 600 prize given No. IS, ft :2-5 P.M, (Stops on flag only, ness meeting. Mr*. Forrette, Mr». W. by the Women’s club last Friday. It to pick up passengers fo r points south o f Eugene via Cascade O. Koyse and Mrs. Ttgan were the com­ was a benefit affair and ten tables Line.) mittee in charge. were played. No. 31, 8:45 P.M. (R egu lar stop.) Follow ing north bound trains stop to passengers coming from Stayton. Harry Humphrey, o f the detrain The ladies o f the West .Stayton points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due Growers Club made a butterfly quilt Korinck Remedy Co., was looking a ft­ 5:36 A. M ; No. 6, due 6:06 P.M. which they raffled off, sidling 160 er business in Salem, Tuesday a fter­ Office hours at Turner week days ar • 8 A.M . to 12 o’clock noon, and from chances at ten cents a chance. The noon. 1 :00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. quilt was won by E. M iller o f the Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ —---O" — - Chevrolet Garage o f Stayton. Mr. Stayton.— Mrs. Louise Beauchamp days. On these days passengers can M iller bought a couple o f chances on pay fare and have baggage checked was a Salem visitor Tuesday. on trains. the quilt at an American Legion meeting in Stayton and proceeded to forget about it. Th erefore he am! his w ife were very pleasantly sur­ prised when the beautiful quilt was presented to them. ployed in the Puntley Beauty Parlor in 1 ■ ----------------------------------------------- ■ Stayton for the paat several months, has ^ North Bound No. The W#»t Htayton Community Club Mr», liaaa Kantom at Shtlburn today. em hospital the first of the week suffer- ing from appendicitis. o Mr. and Mr». Lee ilighberger and daughter Virgean are nicely »«tiled In the small bou»e on the Ed lllghberger TU R N E R SO U TH E RN P A C IF IC T R A IN SE R V IC E ' , G □ □ Cl •I ,, A American Poultry learwal The Country Homo Everybody's Poultry Magatine The Term Journal Con He woman Magatine Coed Sterlet Heme Circle Heme Friend Household Magatine □ Illustrated Móchenles □ Pathflndc’ (Weekly) □ Peeple s Popular M o r.! i f D Poultry Success Cl Standard P rM t. y Journal □ Succottfuf 7 s r i r > j □ □ Woman s » , - M W \ W 1 W . V S W . , . V . V . V . V . ,, W , S V A % S % V A \ V W / A W A W . ‘