T he T urner T ribune VOLUME XVI AND CONTINUATION 01 THU AUMSV1LI.E STAK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1931 NO. 17 prospects Are FIM“ ™ |W in One Game Bright For A Cannery Here ITÏ CLUB-LIKING VALEN­ TINES WILL BE PULSEN! AH jTKmbtr» an-! friends o f the Community Club arc urged to be present at the mooting Monday eve I ■. ' T r r . . ~ ___ t * .• ni.ig, February 9, when two speakers /• /-'v -i • 1 f> jin tho fire marshal's office will be If plans new under way here ma­ s y present und discuss with th people terialize, Turner will luivc a coopera­ plan., for fire protection. tive cannery and pickling plant to be Como ami bring your friends. ready to take care o f this year’s crop. There will also bo a good program The plant will be cooperative ami it j o f /p'-cial features. There will bo liv­ is estimated that three hundred | ing Valentinos presented by the dif­ growers can be signed up on account ; ferent districts o f the community. o f Turner being on the main line o f ! .... „ , . . , _ „ ., ,, . . . , In council o f the city o f ri.rnc.-r The Turner merchants arc giving the Southern Pucinc railroad und , _ . . . . . . . . . , . met in regular session Tuesday night, prir.es to those competing. The fol­ practically in the center o f a large j. curfew ordinance was read for lowing merchants are donating tho area o f cannery fruit and vegetables, ^ third and host time and p. .- ii prizes: E. J. Harrison, J. McKinney, which is grown in this section. i. ' „ . . . . . . . . ,. by the council. This ordinance for- E. S. Prather urd Lee B u rb r. One o f the big advantages of the . , .. , , bids any person under the age o f 10 location is the short distance from * r ........................ „ , , . . yi a i roaming the streets or alleys of field to cannery and the fact that the . . . . . . . . . , „ . . . tlig town after 9 o clock p. m., unless plant will be on daily train service, . . . . , , . .. . . accompanied by parents, guardian, or and also cheap power, the project ... 1 . . . .... .. . . , a written consent. Violation o f t is looks good from the start made. j „ , , ., . .. . . » .I ordinance is punishable by a fine or A meeting was held here Monday . .. r ’ jail sentence. afternoon at which growers from the Other matters coming before the West Stayton section and other places council were reading o f the report o f » ‘ •re pr sent and while no definite the audit o f the treasurer’s book.-. The mid-winter banquet o f the plans were decided on a committee They were found correct. D. B. .Minnesota people o f the Willamette v.u appointed to look after a few de­ Piwkcs, formerly ut the head o f the valley will be held in the Presbyter­ tails and report at an open meeting commercial department o f the Tur­ ian church in Salem on Tuesday, ner high school, audited the books. February 17, 1931. v ich will l><> held in the school house Those present were Mayor E. J. Senator Staples, former Minneso- ■ '' f ■ Crume tian, will be the speaker o f the eve­ ning o f next week when the finul and Prather, Night Marshal G. E. ning. A good time is promised. Tell I .in for organisation will be made. Given, Water Superintendent and your Minnc ita friends to come and It is estimated that three hundred Trca,urer F - p - R°wley and Recorder join in the evening’s fun. Bring . 1 , , II. IL Pectz. baskets, dishes and silver. Coffee will g lo w rz «. n b.- signed up. The loca­ he served by the club. Mrs. W. J. tion is centrally located, b« ing on the . * I.infoot, secretary. main Urn- o f the Southern Pacific rail- A the next meeting o f the Maclcay Ui I GW Ul dinance Passes Final Reading . Minnesota Banquet Salem February Seventeenth i Escaped Cons Rob Jefferson Store Sunday Nite in one o f the most spectacular games ever played in Turner, the lo­ cal boy3 won by a mere two points. Boy what a game! Jefferson took the lead at the start and held it tell the last quarter then it would go from Turner to Jefferson, then tie. Twice in the last two min­ utes the score was tied, then Jeffer­ son took a four-point lead. In the la.it minute o f play the home boys dropped in two field goals a long shot by M. Pearson and a short one by W. Pearson, this tying the score, then E. Gath had one in the air as the whistle blew ending the game, it went through the loop giving Turner two points more than Jefferson. The rul­ ing is when the ball is in the aid and the whistle blows, if it goes through the loop it counts, and that shot by Gath certainly won a hard fought old game. The score at the first half was 10 to 12 in favor o f Jcf'eison, at the third quarter the score was 25 to 20 stlil in favor o f Jefferson, then that yectacular lot o f playing by the lo- ■ ~:s was certainly a wow. Although E. Gath wa3 groggy and nearly laid up wit ha coid, he turned out some fine playing aid was high point man with W. Pearson second and M .Pearson third. The boys are playing wonderful basketball and should by all means have the hearty cooperation o f the town people. The score was 31 to 29 for Turner. Referee, C ox; timekeeper, Peetz; manager, Briggs. The lineup: The two escaped convicts, Dan Flynn and Lee Duncan, who made iheir getaway during the dense fog last Thursday night, were captured while taking a smoke under the wood pile in the basement o f the Jefferson school. J. T. Jones, constable o f Jefferson, who was looking fo r the cong, went into the basement, and smelling to­ bacco smoke, made a search and dis­ covered the men. He summoned other officers and after telling the men to come out, they did so without any resistance. The store at Jefferson was robbed Saturday night and complete clothing outfits, a revolver, ammunition, food and cigarette were taken. The cloth­ ing, gun and other stuff were found on the cons when taken. Socks from the gym lock* rs in the Jefferson chool were found in the store which indicates that the cons used the school house as headquarters before the store robbery. Duncan was wearing the overcoat that he took from Otto Muelhaupt shortly after getting away from the pen and Muelhaupt identified both cons as the ones who held him up Thursday night. The cons will be con­ fined in the bull pen for some time. T u rn e r tettr Or— •>..» with ample watc.* power which ’ [}****’ 41 ” Ud‘— *’HI ehar* e ot j the program and will present the "O ld Stayton. — The basketball came can develop f?r*0 horsepower. Fashioned School Room." In the cost played here last Friday night with are Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. Frink, 1 Gates was one o f the fastest and best r i- , *'* *' Magee, Mrs. Harry Mar- games o f the season. The rcore was 1 C H tin, Mr:i. Ed Tooker, Mrs. O^car Bak- ,n soc-aaw from start to finish, and it T t. r M. E. Aid was represented at the rally at Pratum last Wednes­ day by ten members. It was a very successful, happy time. We had ali the thrills that go with a trip like that — even to having to change a tire on b> a sma11 mar* in that sta >’* one o f the car. But, vve did it, thank . ,, ... ... . ton won, scire 19 22. At half time 1 he tV T. ( will give ti.«ir annuii ... Miss Margaret McGee, Miss Eva An- L. the score v.'.. 9 10 in Stayton s favor. you, and no hard feelings toward the W hue Kihhon T tu, oth< raise knov t, as i 1 ' Mr D m Hlulku, I Gates team, and Shel- two men who went sailing by in spite rtaDrM Willard «norlal, u, tewdayjWOaaa and Min Marie Hisel ton for Stayton were the outstanding o f our signal, either. Having to put on the spare made us a little late, so ubiriiooii ol liesl week, Februur 11. at players o f the evening. we found a church full o f people— the home of Mr«. John Coz All the Stayton.— Iioudmaster Geo. Keech mostly ladies, o f course— singing. town ar.d surroundin’ c immuni:ie* are has been good samuritan the past Stayton.— Mrs. Louise Beauchamp But we were there in time to hear very cordially invimi io attend month. He h:u had thirty men on road the address o f welcome by Miss Avery w:: u Salem visitor Tuesday. work and expects to find work for and the response was given by the C ------------------- —------------- --------■ that many during the coming month. Woodburn president o f the Federated CHRISTiAN CHURCH The work lias been dor.c on the ceme- Women o f the Methodist Church. — — ——— — — M j cry |,j|| which haa been graded down A fter roll call and a sumptuou" din­ at the district’« expense. Mr. Keech ner each o f the eight societies repre­ I lie fellow amp dinner and board , has given the work to those who Mr. uud Mr*. U. S. Talbot and Mrs. sented gave a report o f their most meeting held in the dining room o f ld ,U w l,ich hai b(‘t n * much Talbot’, son Mr. Steven.on, wife and successful ventures and also one num­ the church lust Friday was a re, nl Í c **‘ el help to those out o f employment. .. , »» o. . lv small son and Mrs. Stevinson * parents, ber— either a reading or musical se­ success. T luro were more than fifty — — — -o- lection. Our pastor’s wife sang a solo pcople present. The reports from the 1 Mr. and Mrs White motored to New­ fo r us. • . nil department were encourag- y ^ U n c l c l V S c l l O O l port and other resorts Sunday. They Silverton had the largest attend­ ing- I J report the ocean a* a very beautiful ance, 35, which included their pastor Sunday morning the services were sight at high tide. Mr. Baker suffered and wife— Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, who uplifting. The music, sermons and , a sev re heart attack when they arrived used to be here years ago. the prayer anil fellowship blended in- | Rev. Burgoyne gave us two very to perfect worship service. Mrs. E. J. Gllstrap entertained her at Taft, which caused them to cut their interesting handicaps in the form o f a The Intermediate C. E. society ir Sunday school Loyal 6 - 8 H ««., at her trip short, hiweve Mrr Baker was able huge boil. Subject for the 11 o'clock growing under the leadership o f Mis* borne Wednesday weening Horn 6:30 til to be over at town Monday and says he hour w-as, "The Freedom o f C hriil," Lillian Peterson. „ , . „ . . , ,.9..>0 o clock Games ni.d valentines is feeling fine again. text, “ I f the Son make you free, ye One o f the most interesting and shall be free, indeed.” "History o f helpful addresses yet given by nro. | Wer* lhe d,Ver*'°" ,or lhe evenini' * ith humanity is one long struggle for Gilstrap was delivered by him Sunday *“vvryont preaont joining in the fun. liberty. But where not guided by God < veiling. His ubject was "Adoles- Doughnut and punch were served and in this, man goes in circle like a wild c ncc and the Drama o f Youth." all are anixoudy looking forward to an beast in a cage. No human system Do not forget the Kellems rally for >)lh„ r cne of , hese d*ijghtiu, Mth„ lllg# can bring peace if the Prince o f nei •xt Friday evening. All nre invited. v ... . . r . ii i ■ . j New officers were elected as fo lows: Peace is left out. The only remedy Wc >' will have visitors. Tins company I . Free! DeVries o f the Marion Coun­ fo r the unrest o f the world today is will b.- worth while. ( Clarissa t lark, president; Roe Wesfall. ty Sunelay School Council o f Chris­ found in my text. I would rather Monday evening tho members and j v’ce president; Mildred Bones, secretary tian Eelucaticn, was present last Sun­ have this freedom that Jesus gives friends o f Bro. Gilstrap’s Gleane rs Vern McGown, trenaurer; Mrs. Gilatap, elay nnel hrlpeel the local workers or­ when He comes into the heart than Sunday school cla s met ut the hom« teacher and Mrs. A. Dumbeck, as*ist- ganize the Macleay Sunelay school. all the wealth and fame the world o f Art RolieitaoaV and enjoyed a real ant teafher. -rho, e prwent Wf>re There were 19 in attendance and a can give. There is such a peace and h«ppy hour. It was u surprinc and !, ^ larger number is lookcel for at the joy in following Jesus." more than 30 people were prese nt. ’ ’ ry ' ° " * r' Le,*tU Cattpr»“ n- Alice Ii rn-xt meeting. At 7:30 the subject was “ The Face Next Sunday evening the pustor’s 4U*' ar*d Arleta Bones, ( larissa The following officers ami teachers o f Jesus.” He spoke o f the Bible as ubject will be "Christian CiUzen- *nt^ Frances Clark, Gcnva Barber, Mar- were elected: Mrs. R. L. Thomas, su­ a photograph album. There’s a word *lilp." It will be one- o f his strongest jory and Phillip McKay, Vem McGow* perintendent ; Maxine Dalrymple, sec­ picture there o f every one o f us but sermons. . Lewis lYferly, Gen« Freemen. It.» retary-treasurer; Luellen Shaw, song the best o f all is the face o f JesuS. Dr. Eple-y is pre-paring some beau Westfall, Robert liutfield, Albest Rob- leader; Mr. DeVries will teach the Friday night, February 6, workers- Uful anthems to be given by the choir I . _ ... Bible class, und Mrs. Janies Shaw are invited to Jason Lee church to soon. There will be special music ert' on- Kev- an