Supplement The Turner Tribune Geo. Brower , %ith one o f those durn little lizzart) in the hack o f his ' 11 rt. Holy jumpin’ G. W .! 3I1P FOR SOUP S T H T URNF. R SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAI N S E R V I C E Nort h Bound 14, 4:36 AM. (Stops when Happed.) No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Kepular stop.) No. By M« x M c Ka y Helen Beets reduce. By gosh, we some one would Hub Bripps’ pet rooster pet his o something arouml this burg to give neck wrunp. a little excitement, so we could uve something to write about. W e’ re all unwound now, so we’ll You know we have an awyful time see you next we. k .*> injc to make the old top piece do ,:s .stuff, when really there's nothing: ■ W /J V W A W . /.V J W iW W W .11 it. !:cvpeaiRiC€R$j! —— - What we need to make a big boom some “ pink bloomers” or > »me •I Addin:* M a ch in o * ' pumpkins,” or even a “ Gervais »r»rl" J A L L MAKES n* two, then we’d have something to rite about. But we haven’t, so we’ ll T 11 « M A S R O K N ry and get along. % 421 Court Salem ;! By heck, spcukin' o f girl:-, we think ■’ . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V / / / ^ ‘.hose ".Monmouth” girls huv pot it »ver on any other pirls in t!ie coun­ try, even “ Gervais” pirls. o- — Boy, they pot pep anil plenty o f it. You see, they keep them shut :;i all week, then on Saturday nite when hey pet out they are sur i .i.d to io!d. I'm ! I'm ! Just askul u- we know. South Bound No. 5, 11:10 A M . (Stops when Happed to pick up passengers for points at which this train stops.) No. 16, 0:23 P.M. (Stops on Hap only, to pick up passenger« for points south o f K u p e f l e vitt C u S C U l h - Line.) No. 31, 8:45 P.M. ( Jtepular stop.) Followinp north boumi trains stem to detrain passenger* coming from points south o f Eugene: No. 16, ilue . 36 A. M ; No 6, das 6:06 I’ M. Office hours at Turner week days arc 8 A.M. to 12 o ’clock noon, and from 1 00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ days. On these days passengers cun pay fare und have baggage checked on trains. Wanted — A good Ru. rat lound, by a man thoroughly < *p ri- enced in rat hunting.— H. R. You know Peetz will pet n - heavy - Lillery and go over to th. o ’ d mill •!te and hunt rat« by the hour. S’om pastime, eh, hoys? Leave some for *eed H. R. 1‘ in xt mill. . th­ - — We see Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Grume l.ave purchased a new car. We don’t why some one don’t invent an - •¡tomatic jack so when th#- car i in the parage it is raised off it. w heel by a touch o f a button, then by sav- !; ' the tires, - o — Well, "H appy,” it’#l be a -osh. i'es sir, nothin’ like keepin’ ’er up ir. A 1 shape. . O- —— By thunder’ n liphtnin’ you’d b< tter • Irive her around once in awhi - or v -’ ll b#-pin thinking things. — ®— - Anybody know anything about the h’gh cost o f bananas at $2 p< r d-y. W#-‘ve thought up a little poem that the farmers ought to take he# d to. -—O- —- You steal our milk, You steal our eggs; We ll quite the farm, And join the “ yeggs.” SOUSA Chooses Conn Instruments MT.RICA’ S famous March - King and Bandmaster, John Philip Sousa, says: "Conn instruments have been used in my bund for thirty years and more, simply because tec have considered them best. I consider that com pletc equipment of Conn Instruments enhances the musical value o f any band at least 50 A | )c r c c n t .’, Come Jn and See Our Line of T hese Cjreat Instruments BILL B U M 'S MUSIC SHOP SALEM, THINGS W E’ D LIKE TO S E E - Some guy do something what pleased everybody. OREGON