The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 29, 1931, Image 5

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    Richard Walker, Thorn** Little and
Mr. and Mr». Fred Harris wire her* niond Titus t»t I
a meeting of I be
from Portland on Wednesday lor • ¡Grange Work Clul» at the home of Raymond Tltia spent Tuesday in Sal­
em altenhliig leglalature with a group
«hurt visit with his parent*. Mr. and Mia Georg* Crum« Tneaday.
of representative* from a number of
Mr*. W. H ’ Harrla and other relative*.
Mr. and Mra. E. J. Beckley bave
■ ■ ■■■O ■ • "" •
nioved lo tb-lr new horne In Folk
Mr. and Mra. Thornaa Little and Mr.
■ ----------------------------
■ eounly. Mr. Beckley etili drive» thè and Mra. Thomaa Little aud Mr. and
c r e im i
itiro U | (h
thè community.
Mr. Raymond Titus attended
Pomouia Grange at Macleay.
Mr. and Mr*. Bremer have moved
from their home here to a farm io I be
Waldo Hill*.
Mra Thomae
Mr and Mr». Thomaa Little *|>ent
Sun.I,iv wiili ln*r alater, Mr». Mar.v
Little and Mrs Ray* W alkeref Weal Slayloii.
ocal Happenings
i. i . .
i. ■
baud, J. M. Lludley and two daugh­
ter», Mr* Elsie I/ cw I m and Mra. Beasie
Colvin all of Auuiville; two nona, who
livea at Albany. Funeral service*
were held at Lebanon today at I o’ ,
dock with W. A. W’eddle in charge.
She wa* laid to real iu the Lebanon
1 cemetery.
A stilendid program ia being pre­
pared for tbe Community Club meet-
i log
Tueaday evening, February 3rd.
olvy Fuller o f the Slate Forestry
Department will furnish the eutor*
tainmeut for tbe eveniug, showing
Mr*. Stella Seely, who I ibh been at reel» aud lecturing on that depart­
the home o f her inelher, Mr». Eliza*
ment. There will be tbe usual 6:30
Geo. Stoddarl and hla father, D. A.
Klrokpal rick, far the p**t ten
(Mil lurk dinner. At the butiueaa 111 eel-
were here from Saio Sunday,
day*, will leave Saturday for her home
{ lug the new by law and constitution
at A I» ih
Mm Kirckpatrick will go to w ill eoiueiipfei adoption and the dual
McClellan Thornton waa a Salem via*
Portland for mu Indvfluate * la v wi th
arangtuenta will be made in organiz­
itor Tuesday.
her daughter, Mm. Amend and fanti* ing The Girl Re»ervea. Come and
Mr». Margaret Slrayer, who ha*
apeud a pleaaaul evening.
Elmer Colvin la tio«ne from Garatialda
I teen making her home with Mr*.
for a viait with hia parenU, Mr aud
Klrrkpatrick, ha* moved to the Ar*
Friends gathered at the home of
Mra. Boh Colvin and other relative».!
Mr*. Elizabeth Kirckpatrick, Satur­
thur M iz home.
day, with well filled baskets and spent
■ e —
Mr. and Mr*, (ilia*. Martin of Aum»-
a social afternoon. The occasion was
France» Glldnw of Salem *|tent Sut-
her eighty-eighth birthday.
V t l l e were gue«ta of Mr». Donald Rich-
ii rday and Sunday with Charlotte
••a Sunday evening.
Marlin mid after th* baakettiall villc’s oldest and best loved citizens.
Mrs. M. McCollough brought the love­
The Wm. Howard family coniemp- game at the gym Saturday even*
lug ahe talked to a group, who are ly birthday cake with candles and
lato moving t*i Turner to he near
Inlerrtoted in organizing The Girl Re- her Sunday school class presenter!
tliolr work, «u llin g wood for R Lee
Mrs. Kirckpatrick with a beautiful
nerve# here. She told of the beuiflt
T tie i •• on.
potted plant.
and ttic* pleasure to be derived, also
Present were Mesdames Edith Mix,
Artecu Brock, Elale and Ellnore Bol­ t lie ex |»cii»c In tadonging to toe organ­ Jennie Wallace, Lulu Prunk, Ida
ling wero gneata at th# C. L- Hartley ization. France* wa* born and lived Collins and small son, Mary Hein,
here uhtll a few year* ago. She ha* Millie Martin, Minnie Porter, Stella
I ioui * Monday evening
Seely, Martha Fuson, Margaret Stray-,
been a mctuliernf the Girl Reaerve for
er, Neva Bowers, Luta Fuson, Carrie
Mr. nnd Mr». Christy Johuaon are the punt three year*.
McCollough, Bertha Powell, Laberria
* "- o
moving to Solo te wake their home.
Winslow, Maude Boone, J. L. Sucre,
- - - <y— —
Mra. J. M. Llndley, who haa lieon ill P. T. Mountain, R. W. Landers and
the past three month*, died at the the honor guest, Mrs. Kirckpatrick.
Mt. and Mra. Cba*. Martin, Mra. I.
. - o- —
of her daughter Mr*. Elsie Lewi*
o . Aleman and daughter Imogean, Mr
Mr*. Margaret Tucker la »pending I Brauner, Mildred Rauscher, Vergi*
aud Lenta
Bradley attended tbe
■eversi day* to Salem.
Young People# ('lull at Ml. Angel
Mr». E. J. Harrison aa*i*ted wit*i en- Tu »day evening.
ventory at the atore the Ar*t of the
The High School voted to **nd Rose
aud Mr*. Mountain and aau Robert Tuenday morning at 7 o ’clock. Mrs
Geo. Towle and Matile Hall as
attended Endeavor meeting Sunday
to iheStadent Confer,
a large circle of trienda to mwrn her ence at Oregon Slate College at Cor­
The Misaea Helen Zuber, Eileen passing. She ia survived by her bus- vallis on February 13 and 14.