r THE TU R N E R FOR SALK—Special cut old fir wood lfiu eh . Turner Lumber Company. ■' O' Mrs. Jessee will leave in a few days for Eugene to join her hushand, who is employed there. Mrs, Jesse* has been house mother at the Turner Boy’s Home for the past 3 years. o Riches Confsctioneay for quality candies. LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK I r U f I t o w C o n ce rn in g the Cam- teg * G oin g * o f Y o u r e e if and Y * W N oigk bor*. T o ld l o The T rik o n o R eporter*. O s * o f tko N ic o tl C ourteei*» Y o n Can Show to Y o u r G u m I i I* to H ave T hair V isit* M en tion ed in T k «** C olum n*. T k * T rib u n e W ill C on sid er It a S p ecia l F a v o r i f Y o u W ill H elp U* M ake Tki* P aper M ore In terestin g to It* R eader* by S en din g in I tom* fo r Tki* C olu m n . W rit* u*, o r , if C on ven ien t, T elep h on e Y our New* Item * to Tki* O ffice. TRIBUNE WEST STAYTON Mrs. FUrry Stewart U on the sick list this week. Mrs. Goss is visiting with daughter in Eugene this week. her Change Of Ownership Stock Disposal Sale The chances on the butterfly quilt are all sold and it will go to the lucky one Saturday evening. H aving p u rch ased the O re g o n S h oe S tore fro m the P rice Shoe C om p any we find m any accu m u lation * o f chert lino* and b rok en *iae* Verne Chamberlin left for Union Mrs. Vivian Entley took her small on band w hich wa wi*k to diepoae o f in tho »horte*! tim * p o ttib le and Hill district for the tall timber where daughter to Amsville Monday so that to m ake ro o m fo r an en tire new «lo ck . In erd er lo d o tki* we kave he expects to be very busy making d ecid ed to close ou t the** line* at sacrifice price* and m ake tki* a her grandmother ¡Mrs. J. M. Lindley, wood for some time. real *hoe even t. T hese shoe* mean n oth in g to u*— w e d o n 't want could see the young Miss, her first great them , but it will be a great help to us to hav* them ou t o f the »tore at price* that will appeal lo very shoe w earer. W e shall at all time* C .E. Darley and Clarence Bowne grand child. en d ea v or lo giv e you ou r personal atten tion and a fillin g service that Chila and lunches at Riches Confec­ made a business trip to California - * ---- we hope will » n u r * en tire sa tisfa ction to ovoryon e. last week and returned home Sunday. Dr. B. F. P ou n d p ra ctice lim ited to tionery. C L IF F O R D D. B U R G E S S . rem oval o f teeth, ga* or lo ca l, and Mr. Thomason was visiting in the ST A N L E Y BURGESS. Mr. aod Mr*. Fglaton, teachers iu the dental X -ra y . New lo ca tio n 3 0 3 First West Stayton district Tuesday after­ Stayton grade school, wore dinner N ation al Bank B ld g., Salem , O re g o n . noon. o quests of Mr. and Mr*. Neal Edward* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forrette and Riches Confectionery for quality Tuesday «renina:. daughter, Bernadyne, were visitors at candies. o ■■ ■ the W. D. Royse home Sunday after­ W ith ovary pu rchase o f $ 2 .8 6 and up on * pair o f w om en ’» fu ll noon. fash ion ed p u re silk ho»* Joe McKinney and F. P. Rowley ---- -- Mra. J M- Bones returned Saturday motored to Saelm Monday with D, B. Charles Tatro, wife and son o f from Eugene where she wa* called by Parke and they all attended the mcet- Lebanon and Mrs. Harry Prunk were the serious iline«* of her daughter, Miss o f the Veterans of Eoriegn Wars. visitors at the Elmer Asche home Hazel, who is a student nurse at th» W H IL E T H E Y L A S T Sunday. Mr. Tatro is a chiropractor Christaiu hospital there. Miss Bone, at that place and Mr. Asche went Mr. Sloan came from his farm in is making a slow recovery from a ne­ home with him to take treatments for Polk couuty and spent th* we« k end ver* attact of stomach trouble. a week. herew ith his wife, who Wacbee the At Smith o f Sacramento, Cal., came primary room in the Turner school. A valentine program will be a feat­ in on the early morning stage and O --- ure o f the Community Club meeliug spent the day with his uncle, Oscar Mrs. L. M. Bargee is having her Monday evening. February «. A gen­ Stahl. Mr. Stahl has been badly 362 S tate Street Salem. Oregon home wired lor eleclrioity. Her sou, eral in vacation i* extended to the pub­ crippled up with rheumatism the past Ray Farrius, is doing the work. lic to attend. Bring a valentine and two weeks but is improving at the J V ^ \ \ \ V A W i A ^ V * V . N f l A W W W W A f V ,W V A V .V W /V W W V V lW V W present time. join in the fun. - — o------ Mr- and Mrs. W. F. VcKenncy were The cauliflower association met at here for s short stay Wednesday. Their W h e t! T ra d e ou t o f T u r n e r ? N o ! Darley’s office Saturday evening and N e v e r ! Then why not b rin g y ou r elected four directors for a term o f home is in Portland. shoe* to be rep a ired to E. R ob in son , four years. They are J. D. Van Osdal, W W *,lA A fV V V W ., A V Y W W ! M V W W W V V V V W V W lo ca te d in Mr*. B r ig s ’ * h ouse, in T u r ­ W. W’ . Bone, Roy Tyler and Vernon Chila and luncher at Riches Confec­ n er, O re g o n . AI*o fu rn itu re rep a ir­ Tyler. Plans for the coming year tionery; ing. were discussed but no definite action O.. - will have a smile and gool-will feeling was taken at this time. The directors Mrs. Walter Watkins has returned to FOR SALE—1 Burbon tnrkey gobler, will meet with E. R. Clark, president, after you have had a her home at Greens Bridge after spend 3 White R<>ck roosters Geo. Hain, 1 Tuesday evening. Vernon Tyler was lug a week here at the A. D. Hale mile north of the Crawford school house elected secretary and Roy Tyler, vice- president. home, assisting with the care of Turner, Oregon FREE FREE Oregon Shoe Company / Y ou Too! Smooth Shave or Hair Cut at Mrs. Glabys Brown. o ■■■ - M V J W V V W A V A W .W .V A V Word from Mrs. C. A Davis states that she and Miss Davie are enjoying KRUSE Sc RYGH E x p e rt W a tch and J ew elry R ep a irin g their stay in the south, and that they will go to Los Angeles and Ventura for a visit with relatives for a month before N ew J e w e lry M ade to O rd e r SURPRISE GRANGE No. 233 ANDYS B S a u b k k h o p “ The W ind-Blown Expert” Hair Cut 25« Shaving 15c i idles Hair Catling a Specialty Meet* second Saturday in the month in the Grange Hall, Turner. Visitors welcome at the lectu re hour, at 2:00 o'clock. Next to Elsinore Theatre returning to Oregon. • P rices R ea son a b le For Sale— Baled hay. Come and get it, $12.50 at the barn. Ball Bros., Turner, Ore. 484 Court St. Salem, Ore. W A W W W V JW A W A W A V i ^ a v v v w ä v w v w w w w w u v v v w w w v w v v a a ^ v w w v w v w w W arn er B ros. I> S I IN O R W hy wish fo r 182 S. High Street Salem. Oregon Sum m er? vacation N O W in W ARM ER BRO S. A P I T O S A I.E lt OREGON Thursday Roaring Comedy-Drama ‘ Bound to be the talk o f the tow n . . . high peak o f the cinematic air circuses” — n . y . sun HOWARD HUGHES’ T h r illin g A ir Spectacle HELLS ANGELS T h e firm m u ltU m illio n d o lla r t a lk in g p ic tu re <•** JEAN HARLOW ■•n L yon —Jama* Has 4 Days Only Starting Saturday O f Chicago’ * Gangland G irliis! California You don’t really have to wait the turn o f the calen­ dar for your vacation. Take it now, when you need it most. Board a Southern Pacific train to California. T o San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hollywood . . . perhaps to Agua Calicnte or Palm Springs. Some­ where down South you’ll find the carefree fun you need to fit you for the year ahead. A ny Southern Pacific agent will help you plan the trip. Southern Pacific H. S. B O N D , A gen t T u rn e r E. M. K E IT H . A g e n t A um »ville ‘ w id o w from C h ic a g o ’ Friday and Saturday The Comedy and Mystery Drama O f The Season ‘T h e C a t C r e e p s ’ While the Canary Sleep Starting Sunday JOE E. BROWN The Big Chin and Grin Boy of Joyland in His Biggest Laugh Feast ‘TOP SPEED