THE TU R N E R TRIBUNE a new development in politics. Also, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Beginning _ at u point 20.08 .\ % S % \ % W A % W V W .V .W chains nort 'tn and 3.47 chuins east he pays Mrs. Nellie Ross $8500, pre­ I *-“• of the Southwest corner of the | Notice is hereby given Unit the HAMMAN STAGE LINES SUBSCRIPTION |1 86 PER YEAR sumably for work among women. Fur­ Allen J. Davie and Cynthia Davie iinderslgnod Lucy A. Mills and M. ther, Mr. Raskob, it seems, sent per­ D. L. C. Notification No. 63, in Entered at the Postoffice at Turner, sonal contributions to vurious Demo­ Brooks, executrix and executor of the township *», South Range 1, West Oregon, as second-class mutter, under cratic senatorial and congressional Leave Salem for Aumsville of the Willamette Meridian in estate o f Nareissa J. Hinton, de- the Act of March 8, 1879. 6:30 A M Marion County, Oregon; thence I creased, has filed their flmil account candidates in the last campaign. Add 10:30 A M. North 40.00 chains to the center Issued every Thursday at Turner, up all these items and the Raskob in the County Court of the Ktule of 4:45 I'.M. o f the Stayton and Aumsville Marion, County, Oregon. ownership o f the party seems pretty Oregon for Murion County, and thut County Road; tfience South 73 Leave Aumsville for Süh nt degrees 45 minutes East 11.43 Saturday, the 31st day of January, will established. Never in the 185 8:10 A.M. MRS. CHAS. S. CLARK I Editors chains; thence South 36.84 chains; 1:20 P.M. years of its history has it been so 1931, ut 10 o'clork A. M. of suid i and thence West 10.97 chains to the 5:10 P.M. I Publishers heavily obligated to a single individ­ day ut the court room of said court, CHAS. S. CLARK place o f beginning, containing i I.cuve Aumsville for Mill City ual. Never has any party been so has been fixed by suid court us the 12.15 acres o f land. 7:25 A.M. deeply in debt to one man. The thing The property herein last described time uiul place for heurlng objections 0:25 P.M. being 21.075 acres of land. is unprecented.” to suid filial account, and the settle­ Said sale shall be made for cash, ment of suid estate, mid all persons Leave Salem for Turner to the highest bidder and subject to 10:30 A.M. interested in said «state muy, ut suid the order o f confirmation of the I 4:45 P.M. EXECUTOR S NOTICE above court. time and pluce, upp ur anti »how D. F. E A STB CRN. cause, if any there be, why suid ac­ In the Matter o f the Estate of Administrator of the Estate of Mary I.eave Turner for Salem Amelia E. Stockton, Deceased. count should not lx- allowed and ap­ 8:20 A.M Eaxthurn, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that on the proved, and said estate settled. 1:30 P.M. Jan29Feb5-12-19-26 21st day of January. 1931, by order 5:20 P.M. LUCY A. MILLS, o f the Honorable J. C. Siegmuml,! M. C. BROOKS, County Judge of Marion County. Ore­ John J. Raskob, multi-millionaire Leave Turin r for Mill City gon, Mr. S. B. Elliott was appointed *•*****■»• •***«•■*- a * # * * * * * # * * * * . j Executrix ami Executor o f the Estate 5:15 P.M. financier of the Democratic party, executor of the above named estate * I of Narcin.v» J. Hinton. Der»*ased. will hand-pick the next Democratic and letters testamentery issued to WILLIAM II TRINDLE, Î YCUR f)W\l PROrrRTY candidate for the presidency, in the hitm IS C O N CI AS ! 0 » h i n r c o K - i « o t t Attorney for the Estate. Notice is hereby given tiiat any and Mouse is o n iiAc /- - opinion o f Frank R. Kent, Democratic Jot. lUmman, Prop. all persons having any claims against j 31 I U. S. National Bank Bldg. columnist for the Democratic Balti- I n j,j estate will present the same duly •AVASW .V.W .W .W .V.' Salem, On gun. more Sun and one of the shrewdest | verified according to law to the said Date o f first publication Jan. I, 1931. political observers in America. In a S. B. Elliott, executor o f said estate, Date o f final publication Jan.29,1931 at the First National Bank, Salem. recent column Mr. Kent not only de­ Oregon, within six months from the .W .V .V A W .V .V A V A W W clares that Raskob owns the Demo­ date o f this notice, dated at Sa’em, cratic party and will govern its choice Oregon, January 22, 1931. Ï N E W LOCATION S. B. ELLIOTT, of a candidate in 1932 but also Executor of Said Estate. asserts that should the candidate be M. B HAYDEN. elected, the New York financier “ will Attorney for Estate. Your neighbors lire loss is be entitled to anything he wants un­ Salem, Oregon. likely to become your loan der the administration.” Ditn’t be without proper in­ 1 Because of Mr. Kent’s high stand­ surance. SUMMONS ing in the world of journalism and Insurance that was adequate because he is acknowledge»! to be one In the Circuit Court o f the State a few years ago may need T • !■ o f the foremost Democratic writers of Oregon, for County o f Marion.! revision today! * MORRIS J- in the country, his charges hold un­ Dept. No. 2. Let us offer our advice. Optical CoN. V usual significance. Declaring flatly Etlna vs. M. Reader, Plaintiff, F. P. R O W L E Y . Agent • * New Type Deeper ■ ’ that it is “ not reasonable” to believe Harry J. Rentier, Defendant. % Curved Lens % General Insurance k that Mr. Raskob’s extraordinary fi­ To Hurry J. Reader, Defendant: *• Bmt for Better Vision *• i Turner, Oregon nancial support of the Democratic In the name o f the State o f Ore- * s * partly is “ wholly disintereste»! and gon, you are hereby required to ap- -■***■** a * * * * * * -* -»« * * * * * * * * * * * * 4M State Street s X -R A Y CH IK OPPK ACTO K unselfish,” Mr. Kent observes laconi- ; pea rand answer the complaint filed —— O' * -• ■J SALEM, OREGON caily, “ men like Mr. Raskob do not egainst you in the above entitled, operate that way.” court ami cause on or before four ■.VAVAV.VAVAVA’A W / A W A V A W A W A V A V A V A % Lady Attendant The Sun columnist remarks further , weeks from the date of the first pub- — ©— - - that “ there is nothing in Mr. Raikob’s lication c f this summons, narn ,-ly on First Nat’l Dank Illd’g., Phone 2191 record to show that he is either a or before the 26th »lay o f February, V A Y .V A Y A V .'.V A V .V A W ,' Solent, . Oregon sucker who throws money recklessly 1931, and if you so fail to appear and Ti around or a Democrat through prin- answer, for want thereof, plaintiff ciple, preference or conviction. On will apply to the court for the rt lief ----------- ;-----------------------c ------- ;• a w a w w a - a v a v a v a y a - the contrary, Mr. Raskob is a typical prayed for in the complaint, viz: < hard-boiled multi-millionaire. As far For a ik-cree dissolving the bonds •: All Types of Beauty Work i :] H A N D IC A P S O F ? as his Democracy is concerneil he be- o f matrimony now existing b> tween came a Democrat solely because of , yourself and the plaintiff a*: I a di- D I S E A S E . the Smith camlidacy. Prior to 1928 vorse therefrom on the grounds o f 1 Í 5 F in g e r S Í he consistently contribute»! to and desertion; and for such other relief } :: ÿ ■■ ........................ 5 :• W a ve« O U C _______ ; j A* you trav«l through life you voted for the Republican candidates as to the court may 3 eem tr. 't and ’• wilt find many handicap», bul including Coolidge, Harding and equitable in the premises. Hughes.” none compared to the handicap This summons is served upon you Facial and Scaip “ The fact is,” Mr. Kent declares, by publication thereof for four con- of diatane. “ that the completeness with which he secutive weeks in the Turner Tribune, Have these eliminated by Chi­ T rea tm en ts finances the party means that he con- pursuant to an order made on the ropractic Adjuntmcnt» given trols— or can when he wants— its 21st »lay of January, 1931, by Hon. according to a Ncurocalomrtrr publicity and fixes its direction. It l . h . McMahan, judge o f the above! reading, All Work Guaranteed £ means that no one unacceptable to entitled court. The date o f th<- first Kemenfber the Nrurocalomrter Over Steuslofr »Market ÿ nim personally and out of tune with publication o f this summons is Janu- Imatva nerve preswurr. Chl- Salem, Oregon S hus ideas can be nominated in 1932. ary 22, 1931, and the last «late of the ropratcic Adjustmentt remove Pilone 47J Í It means that if the party wins the publication thereof wi! be the 2Gth You always get u liti le more nerve pressure. Nruroralomr- presidency next time it will be Ras- day of February, 1931. than you pay lor when you »leni • er reading» by appointment kob's money that made it possible and M. B. HAYDEN. with us—Clean “ go»,” f u l l only. lie will be entitled to anything he Attorney for Paintiff. iiieii»iirt—C.i-un oil, the brand want under the administration. And Salem, Orejón y o u r motor like» lii*t,—and A U M S V IL L E the answer to that is, why not? Cer­ Jan22-29Feb5-12-19-26 <• »«-rvlee to bring you tainly he will have paid for it.” DR. O. L. SCOTT buck. » Analyzing the unique situation NOTICE OF SALE 2.r>() N . High Street which places a great political party AÜMSVILI.K. OKKG0N F R E E A IR an I WATER with millions of adherents completely No. 7689 •n the power of one man, Mr. Kent Phone 87 W E F IX F L A T S r * __ , IN THE COUNTY COURT OF iO ays: “ Tne extent to which he (Mr. THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR S A L E M OREGON Raskob) has become the actual owner MARION COUNTY. Paid on Time Deposits o f the party machinery, which for all In the Matter o f th<- Estate of RED C R O W N G A S practical purposes is the party, was Mary East burn, Deceased. The 1‘lace for Home People to Bank never so completely revealed, how­ Notice is hereby given that th< '.■ .V .V .'.V .V .V .V . .V .V .V A ', ever, as on last Friday when Mr. undersigned as administrator of the date o f Mary Eastburn, »lee ased, Gerard, treasurer of the committee, ill from and after the 28th day of T H R O A T AN D dVYVWIAVAW.W.VWAWJ filed his annual report with the House February, 1931, sell, at private “ale, of Representatives. at the law office o f Guy O. Smith, in V . V r ' V . ' . V . W M V W / W M LUNG BA L SA M “ It was then made plain that there Salem, Marion County, Oregon, ah for the relief of just isn’t anything else to the party of the following described real prop­ erty, to-wit: organization except Mr. Raskob. He \ Beginning at a point in the ceri UNDERTAKERS ■ has taken over all its liabilities, as­ t< r o f Cleveland Avenue in Merri- field’s Addition to the Town of sumed all its debts and is paying out Aumsviile in Marion County, Ore COI.DS o f his own pocket all its running gon, which said point is 11.967 C R Y S T A L G A R D E N LLOYD T. RIGDON expenses, far heavier now than De- SPASMODIC chains West of the Northeast cor­ SALEM , O REG O N County Coroner fore. He not only has reduce»! the CROUP ner o f aid Merr fi M’s Addition ----- O---- to the Town o f Aumsville; runnine party deficit which was nearly a mil­ WHOOPING COUGH —o — thence West along th«* center of Every Wednesday and Saturda> lion dollars to $628,000, but has as­ Strictly Old-Time Dancing HOARSF.NF.SS said Cleveland Avenu' 3.39 chains sume»! responsibility for the $628,- to the center of Fifth Street in At 8:30, p. m. BRONCHIAL COUGHS Salem Oregon 000. The party now owes Mr. Raskob the Town of Aumsville; thence Contain« no Narcotic personally nearly a quarter of a mil­ North on a «lirert line with the M O D E R N D A N C E .V W A V .V //A ,. V / / W W . ; center o f said Fifth Street 2.99 C R Y ST A L lion dollars. Only ut G ARD EN A N N E X chains; thenc" East 3.31 chains to “ It was Mr. Raskob,” Mr. Kent Every Wednesday and Saturday a 16 foot right c f way heretofore r »ntinu •! to Mr. Shouse’s brother-in-law, of dancing mor*- oc h «, situated in HY DAY OR CONTRACT 135 N. Commercial ........... Ran?»: ... _ 2 ^ t Ladies 25c ilr. Waller B. Hunt, who is in charge P.ij, T. 8 South W e d 'o f 9-P,ts 50c, Estimates P’urnished ij the W¡Unmet?" Meridi' n in Marion Roller DREAM LAND Fkating o f ‘organization,’ ami $21,000 a year PHONF. 197 Tuesday, Friday and Saturday County, Or«-gon to Mr. Charles Michelson, whose two- Pen»lar Agency ^ l . S. Talbot Turner 7 to 10 p. m. Admission lOr . .. , , Also the East one-hnlf o f tlv fol- ye: r publicity campaign has mark«'"! ! lowing described premises, to-wit- Ladies Free. Skates 25c ■VAW.V. W .V W W / W A V M V W A T A V . VAVA’AV.V.VV The Turner Tribune M B OWNS DEMOCRA­ TIC PARTY; WILL CHOOSE PRESIDENTIAL N O M IN E E L i i Dr. S c o fie ld Ï BEAUTY 1 1 0 SHOPPE Î - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i'i Service with A Smile ii •; : f Í STATE BANK 1 I i Bones Bros., Turner ' W. T.Rigdon&Son : FAMILY DANCE i § O o iig h s Ì Schaefer's PAINTING I $