The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 22, 1931, Image 6

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Bri«f Item* Concerning the Com­
ing* and Going* of ^ our»olf and
Your Neighbor*, a* Told to The
Tribune Reporter*.
One of the Nice*! Courte*ie* You
Can Show to Your Guects I* to
Have Their Vi»it* Mentioned in
The»e Column*. The Tribune
Will Consider It a Special Favor
if You Will Help U* Make Thi*
Paper More Intereding to It*
Reader* by Sending in Item* for
Thi* Column. Write us, or, if
I our
News Item* to Thi* Office.
The city put on an extensive build- work."
located in Mr*. Brigg'* house, in Tur­
Quite a crowd met at Durley's office
ner, Oregon. Also furniture repair­ Saturday afternoon to hear Mr. Bur­ ing and improvement piogruni
1 The massive gules o f circumstance,
nett o f Woodburn talk about berries.
The unemployed go to work.
Are turned upon the smallest hinge,
He gave a very interooting talk on
Mrs. G. W. White o f Salem anti her
the culture and harvesting o f berries.
A good way to invite peddlers and Thu* some seeming petty chance
on, Harold o f Longview, Wash., and
The ladies auxiliary o f the Grow­ salesmen to your house would be to
Oft gives our life an after tinge,
little Betty Jane White came from
ers club met with Mrs. Koyse, Thurs­
erect a sign in the front yard "men ut
Continued next week.
Salem, Monday, ami visited at the
day afternoon. Plans were made to
George Brower home. Betty Jean
set the second quilt together and to
stayed for a long stay with her grand­
meet ut Mrs. Chamberlin's this com ­
ing Thursduy and have u quilting.
.V Y V A ’ . W W . V . V V A % % V . V . % \ W W . ,. V . W . ,. W A V . V
P s n
Professor and Mrs. McClendon j
spent Saturday in Salem.
Oh boy, what fine weather we've
been having the past few days. Old
man sunshine has been working over-
Mrs. J. M. Bones visited Mrs. Tony
Mrs. Hankie was u Salem visitor | time and if he continues to do so
Gentry at Marion, Tuesday.
^we’ll be having "spring opening” as
FOB SALK—Special cut old fir wood,
the next big event o f the season.
Velma Royse spent Saturday with
14 inch. Turner Lumber Company.
Naomi Chamberlin.
Mrs. R .J. Watson is having a gar­
We always did like "spring open­
Frank Beal made a business trip
age built this week.
ing” in Salem. You just walk around
to Stayton, Saturday.
the many blocks and see the spring
Mr. and Mrs. George Crume have
Mr. and Mrs. William Wonacott styles being exhibited, especially G«e
purchase a 1930 Dodge sedan.
called on W. O. Royse ami family dress and corset shops. Boy, what a
thrill to see those models wearing a
Mr. aud Mrs. Cbas. Martin 0f Sunday afternoon.
big "sm ile."
Au disvi lie attend, d Uebeckah lodge
Oscar Stahl is suffering from an
There's one thing we can't under­
attack o f lumbago or something re­
here Wednesday evening.
ami that is, why Papa Einstein,
sembling that.
For Sale— Baled hay. Come and
the great German scientist, stopped at
With every boy thoroughly inter­ Mt. Wilson to look ut the stars when
get it, $12.50 at the barn. Ball Bros.,
ested, the members o f the 4-H Hund- he could have gone to Hollywood and
Tum or, Ore.
------o----- „ ,
! craft club met Friday afternoon and looked at the "stars," and wouldn’t
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sphoon have worked on milk stools.
have had to use a telescope either,
purchased the Roy Morlcy property
Mr. ard Mrs. Elmer Asche ami besides it would be easier on the
south o f Aumsville.
; family spent Sunday in Lebanon as eyes.
- —-■»■■■■---
M - R, a ley a c c o m p a n i e d Mr. and ... ,.t . o f Mr A.-cbe's m-pln-w. wiio fa
W e’ re afraid that if we ever looked
Mrs. A. Edwards to Saleai Mouday a chiropractor at that place,
at one o f those Hollywood "tsars"
evening where they attended the
Mr. Nipple, Mr. Lacey, Mr. Kohl ¡
be an « ‘ monomer for life,
W hile Sliriue cerenioii «1.
and Mr. Stone went to Aurora last
By thunder’ n lightnin’ we walked
Friday as a committee to talk over up to the school house the other night
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Palmer and
the pickle proposition.
via the dirt path, and durned near
Mrs. Howard Baker were Salem shop­
stuck in the mud. If it hadn’t
pers Tuesday.
The first social meeting o f the
for a life line, in the form o f a
Community club was held in the hall
Richard Gale o f Oregon City was a Tuesday evening. A nice crowd was bush hanging over teh edge, we would
Turner visitor Friday and took sup­ present and the evening was spent have drowned.
per at the Rowley home.
playing games
We suggest that they move the side
M. Bones and Art Robertson at-
night, January 21, waik from the highway over one block
tended a special meeting of the there wi„ ^ a ma33 meeting at the an<1 then wt cou,‘ l * ° to the *cho0'
Woodman o f the World at Marion on WeJt Stayton ^„<>1 hous<? to u )k . house with dry feet.
Friday night.
j about a new school house.
Besides w i have a library and mu­
Mrs. J. M B"ties went to Eugene
today tube with her daughter, Hazel.
w ho is ill.
------o----- -
The Woodman o f the World mem-
bers met Tuesday at their hall in
Marion, doing much needed repairs
on the building.
Ernest Van Nuys and wife o f The
Dalles and Frank Van Nuys o f Dallas
spent the week-end at their parents
home at West Stayton.
Mr. and Mrs. McClendon decided
Monday morning after they were part
way to school, they would rather
walk, so they left their car and walk­
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCormack o f ed the rest o f the way. ( I wondar
Portland were dinner guests o f C. W.
' 1
Email, Sunday.
. girls. The Jolly Girls club met with
Mrs. Margaret Martin aud Mrs. A- Mrs. Elsie Bone and worked on pillow
E. Brudley were here from Aumsville slips and dresser scarfs, while the
w ith
Tuesday in the iutere»t of P. T. A. Needle and Thread club met
Dickman at the school house.
There are two groups o f 4-H club
Mrs. Clifford Ensley and infant
The Growers club met in the Dar-
daughter returned from a Salem hos­
ley office Saturday afternoon with
pital the first o f the week.
about 25 members present. Mr. Ben­
Ray Farrens is here for a visit with nett, who teaches the Smith-Hughes
his mother, Mrs. L. M. Barzee. He system in the Woodburn schools, was
has been employed near Hood River present and talked on the growing of
for several months.
loganberries, raspberries and straw­
Dr. B. F. Pound practice limited to
removal o f teeth, gas or local, and
Fred Dickman, Mr. Sprinkels, Earl
dental X-rajr. New location 303 First Van Nuys and B. H. Chamberlin and
National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. wife attended a special meeting o f
" ~
the American Legion in Stayton last
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wipper motored rnurs4iay. It v u a very interesting
to Eugene where they met her moth­ meeting, there being several state
er, "Mrs. Cora Ricker, o f Gardner, who officials present, the state commander
returned here with them for a visit.
being one.
Victoria Chapter, No. 76, O. E. S.,
members o f Turner were guests o f
Acasia Chapter, O. E. S., o f Stayton
on Tuesday o f this week.
Mrs. Stella Miller, Miss Mable ; <
Tucker and Archie Rankin spent the , «
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Miller at their farm home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones received
word on Wednesday that their daugh­
ter who in a student nurse ut the
Eugene Christian hospital, was seri­
ously ill.
----- O------
G. A . G. Moore o f Salem, who is
well known here and who suffered a
paralytic stroke while on his way to
Hie funeral o f an old friend, Motier
Howe, Friday, is reported as improv­
ing in health.
Building Supplies
W h»t! Trade out of Turner? No!
Never! Then why not bring your
•ho«-* to be repaired to E. Robin*on,
M.F.G. CO.
W . Try to Sell You W h.t
You Need
Everything We Can
P. O. Bo* 208
Phona 275
W V . V . V A V . V / . '. V . V . ’ . V . V / . V . V . '. '. V . W . '. V . V A V
W. J A Y
General Contractor and Builder
Cement Work and Plumbing
Turner, Oregon
Route 3
seum and will have to have a side- !
walk to get up to it. That is, us who
drive “ shang’s horses.”
J V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . V . '.V .V I . V . V . V . V s V .V .V .V .V i y t f .^ .V s V
------» - —
We understood that the chief o f
police cast a man into the city jail,
overnite. Hurray for the cops. This
makes the second person to be in our
little cell, tne first being a well known
local boy.
i; A W o m a n ’s
We’ve sure got a swell police sys-
The eight hour day and the five
and a half day week is quite general­
ly established in business. This makes
a 44 hour week,
In the home, however, recent sur­
veys show ’ hat the farm woman works
fit and a quarter hours a week, The
city dweller is not exactly an idler,
either. Her working time is 4‘J And
a half hours a week.
Almost endless
hours of cooking, dishwashing, clean­
ing. mending, sewing, washing and
ironing. The rest o f the time they
have to themselves unless one of the
children is ill, or something else de­
velops to upset the customary sched­
Electricity has contributed in no
small measure to reducing the work­
ing hours of BUSINESS.
It can reduce the working hours
in the home as well. Electrical ap­
pliances not only cut down the work­
ing hours but make the week more
pleasant by relieving you of the heav­
iest and least pleasant part of the
Cut down your working time! You
can use it to much better advantage
in other ways.
There’s one big move we’ve gotta
make in our Httle town folks. The
“ little yellow shack.”
Things we’d like to see—
An unobstructed view from the
west side o f the railroad track to the
business section o f town.
Cecil Martin buy one cigar per day. ,
Hollis Bones driving fast.
H. R. Peetz be made water com ­
missioner, so he would have control j
o f all the city’s power.
ij W o rk in g
i tem bere-
°*ber morning H. R.
Reetz w-hile waiting for his morning
|,aPer at tbe corn, r ^r^Cf‘r>
' greeted by the words "stick ’em up.”
! Peetz reached for the sky and saiil
| “Don’t shoot, you can have the dam
seventeen cents.” But much to his
| surprise and relief the assailant was
the chief o f police.
Now that’s what we call fine pussy j
footin’ George. Keep it up.
...............& ¿ ^ -..:1 ÍÍ i !ÍIÍÍÍ&S l
All •Join Ilamls and
Circle To The Left
at the
By M ax McKay
Bennie Gunsuales o f Stayton was
visiting Earl Van N'uys, Tuesday.
Community Dance
K v e r y Sn tim loy Night
Let’s Get the Old Community Spirit. Give us your Sup|>ort.
Being your friends to the biggest and best
Every Saturday NigHt
Mountain i ( ; p | S tates
Sponccrcd by Ball Bros, and the People of the Comm unity
'.‘ .V .V .V .’. ’ .V .'.V .V . '. '. V . V . V . V . '. V A V . '. W . V . V . V