TH E graphically as “ Juan Fernandei,’’ but more popularly as “ Robinson Crusoe’s Island.” Juan Fernandei is about'four hun­ dred miles west o f Valpnriao, Chile, Sometinv during tho yoar 1704, a and is so fur off the baeten path o f British sailing vessel, the Cinque ste tntors that it has been totally over­ Ports galley, dropped anchor near a looked by moilern civilization. It bus small island about 400 miles west of changed but little since the days when the southern part o f South America. Robinson Crus»>e climbed its rocky Among her crew was a Scotchman, crags in pursuit o f game or sat on Alexander Selkirk, who had been its rock crags straining his eyes for a convicted o f insubordination. Rowing passing sail. A little village o f natives who make him ashore with a keg o f water and a few provisions, the ship sailed away, a living catching lobsters to ship leaving him to die o f loneliness, des­ to tho mainland, now hutldles on its pair, starvation, or as the prey to low, rock coast and that is all. There is no fanning or other industry to wild beasts. No one cared. speak of, and except for lobster boats The castaway, however, »lid not coming from the mainland once or choose to lie tamely down an»! allow twice a month, there is little to break his fate to swallow him without a struggle. With typical Scotch thrift he the monotony. The one big event o f the entire harbored his resources and ma»le the most o f his surroundings. The island year for Juan Fernandez, comes each he found to be absolutely uninhabited Christmas time in the form o f a Rob­ by man but there was an abundance inson Crusoe cruise conducted by the o f fish, vegetation and fresh water F. S. N. Steamship company as u which insured him against dying of treat for novelty seekers in search o f something new. starvation. The trip is planned so that just For almost five years he lived there in solitude, using a cave at the ocean’s after sun-up, as the ship slowly edge for a home, planting crops, con­ steams past the uninhabited side of triving to live somehow while hoping the islaiul, the thrille»! watchers constantly for a friendly sail which crowding the rail, suddenly catch would take him back to the world of sight o f a solitary' figure at the top of i high cliff, waving frantically, evi­ men. dently begging them to stop. In 1709 the Duke, a British priva-1 Rescuing Robinson Cruso teer, passed that way and seeing his signal, picked him up and took him back to England where he died four­ teen years later while serving as a lieutenant on the H. M .S. Wt ymoufh. It was ten years after the rescue o f Selkirk that Daniel DeFoe pub­ lished his great school boy classic, Robinson Crusoe. It has been general­ ly conceded by wirters since then, that his story which has been trans­ lated into as many different languages as the Bible, was based upon the ex­ periences o f Alexander Selkirk on the island which ii now known geo- TURN ER TRIBUNE the waist with a piece o f rope, lie is bure-footed and carries a rusty fire­ lock o f ancient vintage. With him is a »log, u goat ami a parrot. Robinson Crusoe and his partners have again been rescued from a grave o f solitude and lonelint'ss--furnish­ ing the thrill o f a lifetime to those crowding the rail, forgetful most of them, thut it is but nmke-believe. SURPRISE GRANGE No. 233 Meets second Saturduy in the mouth in th<* Grange 11 »11, Turner. Visitors welcome at the Lecture hour, at 2:00 o'clock. W .T.R igdon& Son UNOKRTAKKUS answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, viz: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between yourself and the plaintiff and a »li­ vore« therefrom on the grounds o f desertion; and for such other relief us to the court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons is s»-rv»-«l upon you by publication thereof for four r«»n- sediti ve weeks in th*- Turner Tribune, pursuant to un order mude on the 21st »lay o f Junuary, 1931, by lion. !.. II. McMuhaii, judge o f the ubove entitled court. Tho date o f the first publication o f this summons Is Janu­ ary 22, 1931, und the last »lute »*f the publication thereof w il be tin- 2<’>th »lay o f February, 1931. M. B. HAYDEN. Attorney for FalntilT. Salem, Oregon. Jan22-29Feb5-12-19-2»» EXECUTOR'S NOTICE In tin- Matter o f the Estate of Amelia E. Sto*-kton, I)crt«a»cd. Notice Is hereby given that on the 21st day of January, 1931, by oul.-r of the Honorable J. C. Siegmuml, County Judge o f Marion County, Ore gon, Mr. S. II. Elliott was appointed executor of the ubov»* n innd estate and letters testament» ry Issued t»» him. Notice is hereby given thut any and all persons having any claims against said estate will present the inn- «luly verifte«! acconllng to law to the said S. It. Elliott, executor o f suid estat«’, at the First National Rank, Salem, Oregon, within six months from th date o f this nolle»-, ilat>-»l ut Salem, Or>-gon, January 22, 1931. S. It. ELLIOTT. Executor o f S-iul Estate M. It. HAYDEN. Attorney for Estate. Sab in, Oregon. ,.W ,V A % W .V .\ V A V A r. V , W . \ Y W , . ,.W .V .W A i W .W A W A T U R N E R LLOYD T. RIGDON S T A T E IN B A K Po r j ( V n t County Coroner 5 P a id o n 6 m o n t h s T i m e D e p o s it s > Salem F ir e —A u t o m o b ie Oregon W A V .% V b W % W .,.W .W The captain o f the boat issues loud SUM M ONS orders. The engines are stoppe»! and pr parations made to send a boat to In the Circuit Court of the State shore. There is much hurrying to and o f Oregon, for County o f Marion. fro an»i jangling o f bells while the D pt. No. 2. Edna M. Reader, Plaintiff, rowers are stationed at their locks vs. and the boat lowered into the water. Harry J. Reatler, Deferulant. With the entire passenger person­ To Harry J. Reatler, Defcntlant: In the name o f the State o f Ore­ nel watching, the boat is rowed rapiil- gon, you are hereby require»! to ap- ly to shore where it pauses for a few p»-a rami answer the complaint filed minutes anil then hea»ls back toward against you in the above entitle»! the ship with a weird passenger— a court nn»t cause on or before four weeks from the date o f the first pub­ man with long tangled hair anil beard, lication o f this summons, namely on cl-»l in a skin tunic fastened at the or before the 2*>th »lay of l-»-bruary, , shoulder with a thorn and tied about 1931, and if you so fail to appear urul In s u r a n c e W r itte n j < , ggess tt a ;i i' .VW .V.V/.VA’.V.V.V.V.W A VA V .W .W .V.V.W A V^A W A W ill $EHO AND THIS N : SPAPER rrr rrr jur n v li^ rrr n r nrr «• j r jrrrjrr VOU C A N H A V E y o t l k CHOICE Of ANV riVE OF THE M AGA ZI H' J LISTED Z l LOWFOR A FULL yEAH ( T W E L V E M C NT H S ) Why pay m o,o for y r-r rr.o iczln . j v.hon you to.", bu, thorn M It*» thzn ( ¿t through ycur hom> lewr, n cw ;- f. j j - ? You con cctucl'y gi l ’ ¡vo cl America'* luad:r>g farm «.nd fiction t. ^ g j'in « i at thi» amazing prlco il V o j e re or now. II you act quickly you will rocoive sixty i.-.C(.Bt1nn} during tho next yoar lor just u litffo more than t'.o prico ol this nowepaper. Don't hesitate to send your erdor if some ol ihc-.-.Q com e to you now. Re­ newals will be exiendod twelve months ohoad of your oxplratlcn date. STATIONERY Circulars and Posters .Handbills and Dodgers Window and Show Cards Gentlemen t wish to taka advantage ol your magazine bargain offer I am enclosing the above amount in payment tor a one year sub­ scription 10 your pepor and the five magazines that I he a marked with an X b'-low > a rubber stamp business man- fy your business by the use of STRUT or R.F.D. G O O D PRINT5NG ,et Us Figure On Your Next Job □ Am 'ileen Poultry Journal □ The Country Home C everybody's Poultry M agaiino □ Tho Farm Journal O O □ □ Household Magatine Illustrateli Maritanti» Pathfinder (Weefclf) Peopto’s Pop jl r Mu • Wy □ Poultry Succett [ ~ Gentlewoman Magaiino i ] Good Stories ( j Home Circle □ Standard Feuir-y Ittreil G Home Friend □ Woman'» Vf.jrtJ G Succossful Fai ,V A V ^ /< ,.,A .,A VA V.,A-.V,-.V,1 A,.V A V A V /.V ,V //A 'A ‘A V 1