THE TURNER TRIBUNE church servie«'«. - - • ' Mr. und Mrs. J . L. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. W. K .Winslow were amonx 1 the Salem visitors this week. Mrs. Pearl Stewart and baby of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Gains Fuson and small son of Crawfordsville cam«' for a short visit Thurs«lay at the J . L. , Sucnr home here. Mrs. Margaret Martin entertained with a family dinner on January 14, honoring her mother, Mrs. T. Y. Mc­ Clellan of West Stayton. Covers were placed for the honor guest ami hus­ band, Mr. und Mrs. T. Y. McClellan, Mr*. Millie Martin, Mrs. Murgaret Strayer, Mr*. Klizab«;th Kirckpatrick, Mr. and Mr*. R. M. Fuson and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, and •laughters, Gwen and Charlotte. K. M. Keith and wifi; shopped in parents, Mr. und Mrs. C. L. Hartley, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. NaTem, Thurs«luy. George Pulmer, near Sidney Sunday. A. B. Lucas is employed this week John Crum, wife and sons of West at Slayton. Suh'm and Mr. und Mrs. Riley Miller Austin Stoddard was here from Sa­ of South Salem spent Sunday with lem greeting friends Sunday. Mrs. Joharinu Brown. Holly Crum re ­ ■ ■ ' # - — mained for u longer visit and Dariel Now l a t h e lim e to get th at loug Brown went home with the Milh-rs iieedsd h ealer or rook stove, S|*eelally fo ra visit. priiied at II P, Je n s e n 's , T u rn er. — - a- • — Mrs. Martruret Strayer was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mi* on Sunday. The P. T. A. Sewing club met at the school hous«- Monday ami planned the year’s work. ■ .ii. ■» .. — — Justin Ransom came from Shelburn and spent Thurs«l«y and Friday at his aunt’s, Mrs. Susie Itansom, home. ■' '■ "'#■ — ■ Mr. und Mrs. Christy Johnson and Wade Mills have gone to Chehalis, Wash., in quest of work. - - D o n 't forget the spei'lnl prior« we are m a k in g on stoves nnd heaters. W e h av e m an y •■tie r go<«| hargalus In <>ur •tore. II I* J eense n, Turner, Oregon. ■ - Mis« I.eota Bradley motored to Sa­ lem, Saturday, with the Misaen Ji-ssie und (»race Richards, and their broth­ er, Eugene. ■ s Frunk Simpson and his housekeep- i r, Mrs. Carleton, spent Monday in Salem. Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen K. Brown, who live on the C. B. McCully place, are the parents of a boy, born January 10. The attendance was very good at the play given by the Slayton high school Monday evening, many com­ ing from Turner, Stayton, Shaw und West Stayton. Mr. an«l Mrs. Everett Powell and small iluughter are here from Sweet Home for u visit at the W. B. Powell home. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hartley and hit V V c ir n e r Mr. and Mrs. Fre«l Schiffen r were dinner guests at George Sherman’s near Salem, Sunday. CYP€ttlRIC6R$ D ro s. S I IN O R Today Saturday p ¡' | Why wish for Summer? °T/ie 5 O f / H o t T awaa * , H E A « T » R S A K E R ! vacation NOW in Thrills and Chills Chase j Each Other over the Serene i 4 Ivan Hadley, Arthur Kunke and I. Garner and Miss Garner went to Sa­ lem, Sunday, to see the play put on there at the American Lutheran church. Aumsville high school basketball ----------- O — — t< am* both went down to defeat Sat­ Saturday while work'ng about her SCHOOL NOTES urday when they went up against the home Mrs. N«;ttie Morris fell and Stayton teams. At the first half the broke her l«-g. She wa.« taken to Sa­ score was 0 to 0 in the boys’ game lem to the hospital where last reports and the final whistle Stayton was S»;mester examinations are being were that she was resting easily. ahead threw points. It was a close finished this week. gume uil through. The girls' game William Anderson und family were The social problems class is pre­ resulted in a score of Iß to 2. A re­ sick with bad cold.« Sunday. turn game will be played in the near paring a debate, "Resolved, That Chain Stores Are Deterimental,” to future. - — - < * ------- be given Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Millie Martin, Arbie Martin TURNER Mr*. Ktta Burns entertained the SOUTHERN PACIFIC und family, Charles Martin ami fam­ Helen Zuber was the guest of L«;ota TRAIN SE R V IC E ily und Mr. ami Mrs. It. M. Fuson all L-I-K-E-M club at her home in Sa­ Bradley, Sunday. North Bound lem, Sunday, with a birthday dinner ----- o----- spent u pleasant evening at the Irving for Mrs. Ivy Johns. Other club mem- The contest for selling the maga­ No. 14, 4 :8 6 A M . (Stops when Plummer home in Sulem, Sunday. bers present wer« Mrs. I.uta Fuson of zines has closed, the red side winning .. ............. O . . .. flagged.) Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Rowland, Mr. 1 Aumsville, Mrs. Katie Sturges* of by four subscriptions. No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) | South Bound nnd Mrs. Hoyt Cupp and daughters, Brooks, and Mr*. Minerva Holcolmb Captains for the red side were Ed­ No. 5, 11: 10 AM. (Stops when Tcssic nnd Madge, and Miss Mildred of Salem. There were also several flagged to pick up passengers for Cupp sp<*nt u pleasant evening with visitor* pre*«'iit, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, ward Hankel and Leota Bradley, with points at which this train stops.) Mr. ami Mrs. J . C. Peterson, Sun­ Mrs. E. M. Pound, Glen and Nooma Prof. Mountain and Mrs. Ella Eng­ No. 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on flag only. to pick up passengers for point« day. Burns and Mr. Burk, who gave the land, faculty advisors; and for the south of E Eugene via Cascad? l blue side were Doris Walling and lovely birthday cake. Mr*. Holcomb Lin^.) Walter Getchell, E. Warne Empey Mrs. I>*c Highb«'rger and daughter, assisted the hostess in serving. No. 31, 8:45 P.M. (Regular stop.) and Mrs. Ruth Riches faculty ad­ Following north bound trains slop t > r x weeks' visit in Oklahoma. Little Virg«'«n, r«'turne«l Saturday from u detrain passengers coming from Mrs. Stella Seeley came from Al­ visors. Leonard Zub«-r was general advisor. points south of Eugene: No. 16, due Virgenn has been «iuite ill since their ii to care for her mother, Mrs. Eliz­ 5:3 6 A. M.; No. 6, du- 6:06 P..M. return. abeth Kirckpatrick, who has be«-n ill Rose Darley was absent from Office hour- ?.t Turn r week days are — - O • with the flu but who is much im­ 8 A.M. to 12 o’clock noon, and from William Howard ami stepson, Mc- proved in health at the present time. school Monday. 1:00 P.M. to 5:0 0 P.M. — - -O - ■ — — Cellan Howard, who ar«' cutting wooil At th<- regular meeting of the P. Vesta Carter of Stayton visited Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ this winter for the Oregon Grain Co., T. A. Friday evening it was d«;cid«Hl school Monday. days. On these days passengers can of Turner, were looking after hosi­ to give a benefit February 19 to buy | pay fare and have baggage checked ------------P ------- — n' o handle gas and oils, and V - can supply the autoist with any and Rev. William Cone *pok<- to a goo«l nil kimls of accessories, including W A R N ER B K O S . Present crowd nt the Christian cl urch Sun­ tire*. It will pay the car owners to day. Mrs. Cone pluyed a gu’tor jmlo give Messrs. Dorman and White a which wus greatly appreciate d. Rev. trial. nnd Mrs. Cone, Imogen»- A1 au.n uml Doris Goodpasture were dinner gu«'*t* o f the Charles Martin family fullow- AWAVASV//AV,V,.V Y.V M YA V .W .,AVAYAV.,AV.‘«V.V/ L, CLOVERDALL ¿ i i l A ¿ IIO T O U Ü }| L fUSItew I P P ïm f AM ERICA THIRST Starts Sunday E M K**ith, Agent Aumsville, Oregon. Advent íirer ! Fie loved to tight ami ## tottflht to love 11 STARTS FRIDAY C Southern Padfic , X ^ O i'O V k a A red hot liombrc * h o wrote the book of love a new chapter every night — one for every boudou in M exico! California You don’t really have to wait the turn of the calen­ dar f«»r your vacation.Tak». it now. when you need it most. Board a Southern Pacific train to California. To San Francisco, Los Anceles, Hollywood . . . perhaps to Agua Calicntc or Palm Springs. Some­ where down South you’ll find the carefree fun you need to fit you for the year ahead. Any Southern Pacific agent will help you plan the trip. o* • W a n er A V I U ro »*. T O L I-jist Time Today ‘Night Work' ÀvAVW /A'.V.SSW .V.V.V.'.VAVAV.'.W AV.W .VVV.StiVV.'