THE TURNER TRIBUNE — M w y v % v ;v s w .w % v .% % v b v TURNER kept on the map with tourist trade. S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC The foundation o f a small town is TRA IN SE R V IC E H A M M AN S T A G E L IN E S build upon the number o f people liv­ North h ou n d SU BSC R IPTIO N $1.16 P E R Y E A R ing there; how they make their living No. 14. 4:3«’. AM. (Stops when flagged.) Entered at the Postofflce at Turner, and what keeps the town going. Leave Suh m for Aunisville Oregon, as second-class matter, under If it happens to be a small town in No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) 6:30 A.M. South Bound the Act of March 3, 1879. a farming community then its major No. 5, 11:10 A.M. 10:30 A.M. (Stops when 4:45 P.M. Issued every Thursday at Turner, revenut to the merchants must come (lagged to pick un passengers for Marion, County, Oregon. points at which this train stops.) Leave Aunisville for Salem from the farmers’ trade. If the mer­ 8:10 A.M. chant is to receive the farmers’ busi­ No. If», 9:23 P.M. (Stops on llag only, to pick up passengers for points 1:20 P.M. MRS. CHAS. S. CLARK ) F-'itors ness he must compete with the larger ) and south of Eugene via Cascade 5:10 P.M. 1 me. ) CHAS. S. CLARK J Publishers towns and cities in variety of stock. Leave Aunisville for Mill City Price is not a big factor these days. No. 31, 8:45 P.M. (Regular stop.) 7:25 A.M. Following north bound trains stop to If a farmer must go elsewhere for a 5:25 P.M. detrain pa»eng< r- coming from certain article he will get other ar­ points south of Eugene: No. 16, due st Leave Salem for Turner ticles while buying the thing he needs 5:36 A. M.; No. 6, due 6:06 P.M. 10:30 A.M. and cannot get at home. This ap­ Office hours at Turner week «lays are 4:4 5 P.M. plies to every town and every cus­ 8 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon, and from 1 :00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. tomer, whether it is farmer, miner or Stution is closed on Sunday and holi­ Leave Turner for Salem 8:20 A.M y By Georg«. B. Bowra, Publisher, San manufacturer. days. On these «lays passengers can 1:30 P.M. The buying public demands service Juan Review, Axtec, New Mexico.) pay fare and have baggage checked 5:20 P.M. and will shop where it can be re­ on trains. We of the small town swallow twice, ceived. Leave Turin r for Mill City our hearts turn over a couple of times In the past few years 1 have asked 5:15 P.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * and we wonder what is becoming of hundreds o f people why they did not our investments. Our minds drift to j trade at home. The answer has been the story— “ The Turtle” — we may be unanmous: “ I cannot get what 1 TO UR OWN P M iP IK IY Jot. Hamman, Prop. slow but we have not lost yet. We want.” IS COMCCKNtO WMCN YOU* ,H»0«S «oust is ou risi/-- dismiss the thought as “ bunk” and go VW W AW VW W W It is trading away from home that j on our way. is killing the small town. * I am the exception to all rules, as Another serious situation I find in 1 ; .W N S W W .V « '. W A W A V W long as there is anything to worry the small town is that loyalty is not r i NEW LOCATION about I'll do my share of the worry­ practiced with the merchants. In the r ing. Started this entertaining pastime average town the hardware dealer * * several years ago and still at it. I does not buy his daily home needs i * * picked out a number of small towns from his grocer and dry goods neigh­ i i I and centered my attention on watch­ bor. He buys them at wholesale or * ♦ i ► ing the welfare of the chosen few. A elsewhere and the grocer or dry goods * Your neighbor's fire loss è few towns were in high gear and oth­ dealer does the same thing when he likely to Decome your la ers appeared to be in reverse gear. wants hardware. l Don’t be without proper in­ i I have read that “ Behind every Walk down the street in any small i surance. : * .MORRIS business that keeps up with the times town; drop in the stores and look over i i Insurance that was adexjuate * is an individual that keeps ahead of the stocks. It will be hard tor you to i I Optical Co’s. a few years ago may need i a revision today! New Type Deeper recognize the hardware store from i the times.” Curved Lens » Let us offer our advice. I applied this principle to the the drug store. The sign on the win­ i 1= i Beat for Better Vision * towns. If it was true of the individ­ dow may read: "Drug Store,” and the 4 F. P. R O W L E Y . A gen t * r ual, why would it not be true of the first thing you notice upon entering 4 G en era l Insurance * » 4 4-1 State Street small town? My survey supplied me may be a set of dishes, or perhaps a i * Turner, Oregon * * with a great deal of interest and kept baby carriage. In the hardware store a SALEM, OREGON a my worrying cell working at full ca- ^ it may be a bar of soap. In the dry r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S /W W W V W W W W V V V W W V N goods store the first article noticed pacity. The recent census enumeration of may be an alarm clock. A W J V .W A V W y W .V .'.V A W .• A V .V the picked towns did not in the least Too many small town merchants i surprise me. I had watched the towns are fighting foreign competition with closely and had learned that the prin­ jaw bone when competition at home ^ ciple 1 was working on applied as is divided on every article carried in much to samll towns as to the indi­ stock to where no merchants is mak Ail T'pts of Beauh Work ■; ing sales sufficient to keep the clerk vidual. Gf the small towns under my obser­ busy four hours per day. vation only three have made any re­ Loyalty begins at home. When the £ l’ înijrr markable showing during the past six small town merchant carries a full «• W 41 VOM years. The three winning the medal stock in his particular line and forgets are those that have kept ahead o f the odds and ends in the other merchant’s line,business will be "better and stocks times. One of the picked towns is just more complete. Facial and Scalp about to be patted in the face with a In face of all this handicap 1 do spade. Its citizens do not seem to not believe the modem small town is T rea tm en ts worry over the future. They are con­ “ doomed.” People who have lived in tented with things as they are. The a small town any length of time can­ J All Work Guaranteed population has decreased more than not forget the ease and freedom en­ half during the past ten years, ac­ joyed during their life there. Mem­ i Over SteuslofT Market cording to government figures. The ory is a great thing and absence > Salem, Oregon town is not modern, it is handicapped makes the heart grow fonder. The ^ Phone 47J because o f that. It has a tourist at­ call o f the small town will be an­ • V .V .V .V .V .V .V .’ .V .V .V .’ .V .V . traction but tourists do not linger swered sooner or late. long as they cannot be made comfort­ In cities, to the small town person, Yon always get a little rn«*re able while in town. Service at the there is a degree o f lonesomeness AUMSVILLE than you pay lor » lien you deal stores is any thing but efficient. that grows as the years go by. When­ with us—Clean “ go!*,” f u l l Stocks are incomplete— in fact the ever a small town citizen living in measure—Clean oil, the brand twon is “ doomed” because it does not the city runs against a stumbling y o u r motor likes Is-sl,—and AUMSVILLE. ORFGON keep up with the times. block he becomes discouraged and im­ cbe«-rful s*-rvi«'e to bring you Two hundred miles from the mediately looks back to his home back. “ doomed” neighbor is another town. town and chances are he will «oon 1 It has no tourist attraction, has no be drifting back. This is especially railroad, no capital at hand to ad­ true o f the older person who finds it Paid on Time Deposits FR EE AIR and*WATER vance with, yet during five years it hard to get a good job in the larger W E FIX FLATS has more than doubled in population cities. The Place for Home People to Bank because it has kept up with the times. The small town has not lost its due The citizens o f this town are not con­ respect for old age. It is the older RED CROWN GAS tented with things as they are. They person in the small town who holds are continually shouting for better the permanent jobs. In the city the KRUSE & RYGH highways, better buildings, better young rule. We are at a stopping point in an -chools, modern conveniences and the E xp ert W a tch and Jewelry merchants are carrying larger stocks. endless argument but investigation Repairing They are not crying about chain will show— it did show me— that a | V i V / A V . V / i W / ■*»**■■*■"■*1 -tores or other competitors; they have small town that keeps ahead of the 1 New J ew elry Made to O rder united and are using cooperative j times is not “ doomed.” —o—• buying and selling methods. Every Prices Reasonable citizen there is awake and fighting to ; keep ahead of the times. 484 Court St. Salem, Ore. Another town under my worrying C R Y S T A L G A R D E N survey has a tourist attraction one SALEM , O REG O N hundred miles away. The town ad­ --- O *- vertises this fact and they reap a big BY D A Y OR CONTRACT ¿ Every Wednesday and Saturday y W V J W V W A N W W /A " .V dollar harvest annually from the tour- Strictly Old-Time Dancing Estimates Furnished ist trade. In advertising the tourist At 8:30, p. m. E. H. n U R K E L “ mecca” they bring forth the fact Turner U. S. Talbot M O D E R N D A N C E 464 N. Liberty St. that visitors can get modem enter­ C R Y STA L G ARD EN ANNEX tainment, stay at modern hotels and Every Wednesday and Saturday tamp grounds, and buy supplies from Strictly Modern Music A W M W W M W A V A V W J V large stocks. They extend a cordial (Jnnlily ISfiH«‘ ri«‘H ' and Dancing invitation to tourists to visit the town. One Gate and One Price of Admi? , The invitation is accepted nine times *ion etitles you lo both styles out of ten. $ 5 . M E'- Adding Macliinrs of dancing Of course we all realize that tour­ Gents 50c Ladies 25c A L L MAKES ists are not building small towns. Roller D REAM LAN D Skating T H O M A S R O E N They are Seeing America First. It Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Salem Oregon 421 Court Sal«m tak s money to travel and many small 7 to 10 p. m. Admission 10c towns with tourist attractions are Ladies Free. Skates 25c • /W A W W .W A W W J V J ’A The Turner Tribune The Small Town Is Not Doomed 50c I Service with A Smile S T A T E RANK Bones Bros., Turner ^ TAMILY DANCE PAINTING j I \ C V P 6 U IR IC C R S notice of final settlemen Nolic«' is hereby given thut the undersigned l.ui'y A. Mills and M. * Brooks, executrix und ex« cutor of the estate o f Narcisaa J. Hinton, «!«■ creased, has filed th«*ir final account in the County Court of the State «»f Oregon for Marion County, and that Saturday, the 31st «lay of Jaiiuury, 1931, at 10 o’clock A. M. of aulii «lay ut the court room of saiil court, has been fixed by sui«l court as tin* time and piar«1 for hearing objections to auid final uccount, and the aettle- meni of ¡.siil estate, and all p« rsons interest«'«! in sani estate may, at aaid tini«' ami place, appear and show cause, if any there !»«•, why said ac­ count shouhl not be allowed and up proved, and salt! estate settled, LUCI A MILLS, M. C. BROOKS. Executrix and Executor of the Estate of Narcissi« J. Hinton. Deceit... d. WILLIAM II TKINDI.K. Attorney for the Katutc. 314 U. S. National Bunk Bldg. Salem, Oregon. Dale of first publication Jan. I, 1931. Date of final publication Jan.29,1931 D r. S c o fie ld X R A Y C H IK O P P K A C T O R -... O-” Lady Attendant First N'at’l Bank Illd'g., Phone ¿ I 'd Salem, Oregon WÄVWWw w w w w w w v w HANDICAPS OF DISK A S E l Ax you travel through life you will find many handicap*, bul none com pared to Hie handicap* o f diaeaac. Have these eliminated by Chi- roprartic Adjuatmrnta given according to a Neurocalom eter reading. It«.mcnil>er the Neurocalom eter locate* nerve pre**ure. C’ hl- ropralcic Adjuntmrnt* remove n«'rve prenaure. N eurocalom e- *er reading* by appointment only. DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. Hiffh Street Phone 87 SALEM OREGON • mmmmmam ‘.V e \ THROAT AND LUNG BALSAM for the relief of Coughs COLDS SPASM O D IC CROUP W H O O PIN G COUGH HOARSENESS B RO N CH IAL COUGHS Contains no N a rcotic Only at Schaefer's drug store The Original Y ellow F ront and Candy Special S tore o f Salom 135 N. C om m ercial P H O N E 197 Penstar A g e n cy «V .W A V A ’.W ;