Supplement To The Turner Tribune At the n-gulur meeting Wednesday present time. Those present were M of liint w«ck, the Turner I. 0 . Ü. F. Mrs. J. W. Howne, Mrs. Bruce lodge held installation of the new liowne, Mrs. Forrette, Mrs. Har.kel. officers along with u very entertaining Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Minnie Dickman, Rose Darley was absent from program. The installation was con­ Mrs. Annie Johnson, Mr*. B. H. school one day recently. ducted by Min* Muriul Salisbury and Chamberlin, Mrs. Elmer Aschc, Mrs. A drive is on to sell subscriptions her staff. The following new officers Goss, Mrs. Will Allen, Mrs. Koyse, for the Country Gentleman, the In ­ anti Mr*. Stewart. Mrs. Goss and Mrs. dies Home Journal und the Saturday were inducted into office: Noble grand, Mr*. Mabel Murtin; Allen are new members of the club Evening Post. Suit:* were chosen anti co"ntest will end Thursday at vice-grand, Mr*. Susan Girurdin; re- and Mrs. Wm Wooslcy was a guest, j ^ i anting secretary, Mr*. I.ucile Mc­ Delicious refreshments of sandwiches, noon. Kinney; treasurer, Mrs. Guyette B ar-1 cake anti tea were served by the host- J Captains for the blue side are Doris nett; financial secretary. Miss Murial i ss, Mis. B--lIe Wooslcy anil Mrs. Win. Walling anti Walter Getchcll; for the Salisbury; chaplain, Mrs. l-orctta W o o sle y . red is Edward Hunkr-I anti Lc-ata wuwiey; It. S. N. G., Miss Mildred Bradley. T. C. Mountain and Mr*. Martin; L. S. V. G., Mrs. Thelma i The ladies of thè Growers club «net Et!a England, advisors for the red thè home of Mrs. Masters, Thurs- I. .'*by; Mis* Mabel Wulker is ut pust side, and E. Warne Empey anti Mrs. noble gtand; waiden, Mr*. Hester «lay afternoon. Plans were inaile for Ruth Riches advisor* for the blues. t.'jtn «•; conductress, Mr*. Martha i quilt wbich is to be set together ami Monday evening, January 19, the .lurnelt; outside guaid, W. A. Martin. |uf!t«.-«l ami it v.-us «I. cided to meet at Stay Ion student body will present T ' h lairing of dues u» require«! b> -he homi- of Mrs. Royse next Thurs- their play, "Clay’s the Thing,” in the l ie ctnle assembly was discussed. The duy. Aunuville high school auditorium. The neat regular meeting will be held on M .j. Hi tfi Iti wut out to visit her : local student body will receive half of Wednesday, January 21st, refresh­ daughter, Mrs. Paul McClellan, last the proceeds. Everyone come out ami ment* will be s- rv< d and a nice pro- we* k. support your school anti let’s have u "i in , will be given ami a birthday big crowtl. u ill be honored. Mr. i nd Mrs. Welch of Salem were I Merle Johnson was absent from tlinn r gue ts at the home of Mr. ami Flortrnne Marrett Hooper, who has i school Monday. Mrs. T. Y. McClellan, Sunday. They b n u 11 «ident of 8huw for many Yiie LeHerman's club entertained are friends o f long standing a* they \ cars, died at the home of her son, their friends Monday evening to a were friends when they lived in the II. r'iurd A , near Salem, Janucry 12, party ut the home o f Coach anti Mrs. . ust. 1031, .it the age of 70 years. Besides E. Warne Empey. The evening was » © — —— 1 lie: hu-band. Edgar A., o f Shaw un«l A very pl'-asant surprise party was spent in playing games followed by »■r son, Hichurd A., o f Salem, she in givt n by Mrs. Paul McClellan, assist­ a dainty lunch. Those present were: urvivt-d by one daughter, Amy Bar­ ed by Mrs. Snoddy, in honor o f Mrs. Ht-len Sherman, Dorothy Asche, Ma­ rett Swihait, S-duh, Wash.; two bro- Curim-n Drummond, Friday after­ bel Hall, Virgie Bradley, Imogene thers, Jame. C. Barrett, Boyd, Minn., noon. An enjoyable aft« moon was Airman, I.ouise Highberger, Helen and Hiram of South Haven, Mich., spent in visiting anti refreshments of Zuber, Opal Tripp, Tissic Cupp, Doris and one *i*ter, Mr*. Eva Moore of sandwiches, cookies, tea and coffee Niccolson, Gwen Martin, Rose Dar­ Snohomish, Washington. Funeral were served by the hostess, Mrs. ley, Eileen Buuner, Leta Bradley, services were held from the W. T. Snoddy, Mm. Hatfl dtl und Mrs. T. Y. Leonard Zuber, Leonard Lee, Walter ttigdon chanel in Salem at 3 o'clock McClellan. Mrs. Drummond received Gttchell, George Towle, Jack Corse:, Ti.ursday, January lb, with Rev. P. muny useful anti pretty gifts. Jack Kt-ntlell, Jack Kautlau, Herbert W. Krikon officiating. Interment was Amos, Wilbur Tripp, Edward Hankel, made in Belcrest Memorial Park. ‘ l,eo Susbauer, Prof, and Mrs. T. C. The telephone company held its annual meeting Tuesday evening at Mountain anti the host anti hostess, the Frank Fery home. Joe Hendricks Mr. anti Mrs. E. Warne Empey. WEST STAYTON Semester examinations have started was re-eli-cted president anti Frank Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nipple wen Fery, secretary-treasurer. and will end in two weeks. -O — ----- —- to Portland last Friday to celebrate The 1931 Pacific coast amateur Mr. and Mrs. Jim Studnick spent Mr. Nipple’s birthday with his son, Melvin, and family. They returned Thursday evening at the Dan Miller boxing championships will be held in Portland on Friday and Saturday Saturday afternoon. Dcryl ami Rob­ home 7n Macleay. ---------o .... nights, February 13 anil 14, accord­ ert Royse went with them to visit B. H. Chamberlin, wife anti small their uncle, I. C. Roys«-, returning son were dinner guests at the John ing to James J. Richardson, manager I of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic home Tuesday morning after a very Gunsuulcs, Sunday. I club, which organization will sponsor enjoyable visit. . ... . f . — — Mr. and Mrs. Welch from Salem ; the amateur fistic classic o f the far Mrs. Elmer Aschc went to Als«-a spt-nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. west. with her brother, Russ«dl K«-IIy. She Y. McClellan. Practically ail o f the 1930 cham­ visited her son, Everett, who lives pions have turned professional which Mrs. Rones, Mrs. Chamberlin and leaves the field wide open to all aspir­ th«-re and return«-«! horn«- Suturday Mrs. Sprinkle called on Mrs. Carmen ing mitt wieldcrs. With the Olympic a fternoon. Dumontl, Tuesday. games scheduled for next year at Lo* Ross Clark, wife anti baby daugh­ Angeles where the world’s champion­ Carl Lintlt-rman and wife are mov­ ter were visiting at the home of Mr. ship titles will be decided it is ex­ ing into the Nick Smith house. Mrs. and Mrs. H. M. Crane, Fri«lay. pected that a large numbers of box­ Lintlt-rman will be remembered as ers will start getting ready for the The West Stay ton Birthday club Caroline Hofenbrcdl. 1,08 Angeles tournament by entering met at the home of Mrs. A. S. Woos­ Mr. and Mrs. Fretl Dickman anil tne Pacific coast championships next ley, Wednesday afternoon. The ladies visited ami worketl on quilt blocks. two children anti Miss Nickerson, who month in this city. En try blanks may be recur, tl from During the short business session a teaches the primary grstles, spent very interesting letter was read from Sunday evening at the Chamberlin the Multnomah Amateur Athlt tic club. Entries c’ oso February fi. Mrs. Shit Itls, who is in Idaho at the home. Aumsviile School Notes S