TH K TURNER TR I BUNE I Malinda Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. TURNER SOUTHERN PACIFIC LOCAL ACTIVITIES Jack Brooks, has returned to Port­ TRAIN SERVICE DURING THE WEEK land. Everett is a grandson o f Mrs. North Bound Chambers and a cousin o f Mrs. No. 14, 4:86 A.M. (Stops when Brief Item« Concerning the Com­ Brooks. Hugged.) ings and Goings of Yourself and —-- »■--- - No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) Your Neighbors, as Told to The South Bound Mr. and Mrs. J. M- B»ne* «e r e Sal­ Tribune Reporters. No. 5, 11:10 A M . (Stops when em Tuesday afternoon. Hugged to pick un passengers fo r points at which this train stops.) One of the Nicest Courtesies You No. 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on Hag only, Can Show to Your Guests Is to Mr. and Mr». Jaek Brook* spent Tues Have Their Visits Mentioned in to pick up passengers fo r points day evening in Aunisville at the II. C. These Columns. The Tribune south o f Eugene via Cascade L in e.) Will Consider It a Special Favor Lew is home. if You Will Help Us Make This No. 31, K:45 P.M. (Regular stop.) Paper More Interesting to Its Following north bound trnins stop to Readers by Sending in Items for The S. C. Ball family were recent din- detrain passengers coming from This Column. Write us, or, if m i guests at the J. E. Whitehead J*. points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due Convenient, Telephone Your 5:3»; A. M.; No. 6, due 6 :0 « P.M. home. The occasion being J. E.'s birth­ Office hours at Turner week days are News Items to This Office. S A.M. to 12 o'clock noon, and from day. 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Palmer and Mrs. (.layette Barnett baa gone to days. On these days passengers can daughter, Peggy, were Salem visitors C raw fordaville for an indetlnate stay pay fare and have baggage checked Saturday. with lier parents. on trains. Howard Baker was a busy man Sat­ -------» — - urday hauling wood and posts from Mrs. Thomas ami M is« Marie Pis« I »«a *»»**********# «*»*****» his mother’s place. Were guest* at the Susie Hansom home Tuesday evening while the hoy* held Mr. Illenby o f Salem was in Tu r­ ner, Saturday, looking a fter property interests. -----o----- Mrs. Howard Baker and children called at the T. T. Palmer home Mon­ day evening. Mrs. J M. B"nes motored to Aunm- ; ville Tuesday evening w ith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwuuds and they »|n-nt Salem last Saturday. -----O----- Mrs. Roy Hatfield was a visitor at the home o f Mrs. Howard Baker, Monday. for Aumxvillc A.M. A M. P.M. Leave Aumsville for Salem - Hl \ M 1:20 P.M. 5:10 P.M. Leave Aumsville for Mill City 7:25 A.M. 5:25 P.M. \ Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A.M. 4:45 P.M. ! Leave Turner for Salem - 20 \ M 1:30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. ! LUCY A. MILLS, M. C. BROOKS. Leave Turm r fo r Mill City 5:15 P.M. i Executrix and Executor o f the Estate o f Narcissu J. Hinton, |)i-c«uch final account nnd the i settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in such estate may appear and file objections thereto in j writing und context the name. Dated this IHth day o f December, Bra.-hers mother, Mr*. L M. Tour neighbor’s fire loss U likely to nccixne your lost. Don't be without proper in­ surance. ____ Mrs. L J. Rowley accompanied Mr. ond Mrs ^dwasds and Mrs. Bones to Aumsville Tuesday evening. Insurance thar was adequate a few years ago may need revision to-day! Let us offer our advice. Mote Howe, who was in business here F. P. ROWLEY. Agent General Insurance many je a n ago, died at New berg Janu­ ary 14 at the age of 33. Funerol services Bill Brazeau, the music man, was at 3 p. m. Friday, January 1« at the * Turner, Oregon here from Salem the first o f the week 1 * Ridgon Chapel SaUm. Interment will -***•**■ *•*•*■ »*•*•*****•*■ •***•*****« looking a fter business. 1 be made u; Twiu Oak cemetery, Turner . Miss Mildred Martin was here from ^ J W A W A V A V / A V ii W W V V Salem and spent the week-end with Gladys G ive«.», who has been quite; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mar­ ill for the past ten days, i* «low ly rt- tin. Covering. i*lie is at the Lee Barts r Prof, and Mrs. John R. C ox were home w here Mr». Bartier’a sisies, Mr». dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Law- . . . . . . . . . _ , , “ . KirekpatricK la eanug fur ber. rence Roberts Sunday at their farm home east o f Turner. Word comeg from M „ C orn elia 1 | 1930. KATIE AHRENS, Administratrix. E. I CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. ì IBEJIITT MUD SHOPPE I Mr. and Mrs. George Brower are cleaning and repairing the Guy O. Smith property across the railroad track and will move there soon. -----o----- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Farris are en- joyin g a visit from their son, Wm. C., o f North Fir, Oregon, who arrived here Sunday. Church Service with A Smile Sunday evening and while he claims no laurel» as a public speaker, young as well as old enjoyed what he hud to »ay und their only lament wa-, that he did not »beak ,OI1|? eiiu0gh i „ ... . ... . Kerainitg, from a v%<.c4ih of W. J. Denham has been appointed road patrolman in district No. 26, Karl Winner No. 55, J. E. Hennies ee No. 45, Leonard W alker No. 66, and J L Cook No 67 m s gleaned over u period o f eighty ■ years, w hile Oregon was changing , ... . ... , from a w ildertte»» to a commonwealth. . , , , he *" d •■»«.* eHrly day school, taught j in a 12x14 log cabin, com parang edu- Mrs. W. A . Martin, in company with her daughter, Miss Mildred, at­ tended the sacred pageant, “ The Light o f the W orld,” in Salem, Sun­ day evening. cational advantages o f today. The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. Eva Cummings last Wednesday. They had an exceptionally large attend­ ance and many visitors, added four new members to their roll and en joy­ ed a good social time. ■■ O' — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Owensly have r. turned to Turner to the home o f Mrs. Owensly’s mother, Mrs. Moore. Mr. Owensly has been working on the Hunt and Tate farm near Rocky Point. You always get a little more than you pay for when you «leal w iih us— < lean •'gus,M f u l l measure*—Clean oil, the brand y o u r motor tik-» la-st,—ami cheerful serviee to bring you hack. boiled wheal » b e n i On Sunday RED CROW N G AS they w in t miles te church, driving an ox team hitched toalu m ber wagon. luxuries then bui ealled hardships now Mr. Pearson is hale and hearty und : "till conduct ) hi« farm south of Tur tier. I ; j | Mr». May Hadley Is presenting her i piano pupil« in recital in the auditor iuin at the »chool on Eriauy , afternoon January 23, to which par ut» and All Work Guaranteed Over Steusloir Market Salem. Oregon I’hone 47J V / . V . V . V . V . '. V . V . V . V / A '. V , PAINTING I BY D AY OR CONTRACT ÿ Estimates Furnished ÿ l. S. Talbol Turner -i i; Bones Bros., Turner ___________________ _________________ _ FAMILY DANCE SUMMONS S| k cì „ 1 An you travel through life you will find many handicaps, but none compared to the handicap» o f di»ea»e. Have th«*Mc eliminated by Chi­ ropractic Adjuntmenta given according to a Xeurocalometer reading. Remember thi Neurocalometer locates nerve pressure. Chl- ropratcic Adjustments remove nerve pressure. Neurocalome­ ter reading» by appointment only. DR. O. l a . SCOTT 2r»(> N. High Street Phone 87 >. £ $ SA LE M OREGON In the Circuit Court o f the State ÄWVVW.Wwv.\w.v.v.vwS o f Oregon, fo r County o f Marion. Dept. No. 2. Edna M. Reader, Plaintiff, vs. ■ • . v . v . w . •. Harry J. Reader, Defendant. To Harry J. Reader, Defendant: T H R O A T AN D In the name o f the Stutc o f Ore­ gon, you are hereby required to ap- LUNG BALSAM pear und answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled for the relief of court and cause on or before four I week« from the date o f the find publi­ cation o f this summons, namely on or before the 17th «lay o f January, 1930, and i f you so fail to appear and COLDS answer, fo r want thereof, plaintiff i will apply to the court fo r the relief SPASMODIC ; prayed fo r in the complaint, viz: CROUP For a decree dissolving the bonds o f matrimony now existing between WHOOPING COUGH yourgelf thp p,aintifT a HOARSENESS , vorc,. therefrom on the grounds o f desertion; and fo r such other re lie f as BRONCHIAL COUGHS to the court may seem meet and Ccntain* no Narcotic • •«luitable in the premises. This summons in served upon you Olily at by publication thereof for four con- -i-cutive weeks in the Turner Tribune, pursuant to an order made on the DRUG STORE 13th «lay o f December, 1930, by Hon. Gale S. Hill, judge o f the above en­ rh« Original Yellow Front auj title«! court. The date o f the first Candy Special Store of S iloin publication o f this summons i- De­ cember IH, 1930, an«l the last dnt" o f 135 N. Commercial tin- publication thereof will he the PHONE 197 15th day o f January, 1931. M. B. HA5 DEN. Penslar Agency Attorney fo r Plaintiff. C R Y S T A L G A R D E N SALEM , OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards had ____ ^ feature» on the program will lie a as their week-end guest Mrs. Avis in j j j ___i» . E very W ednesday and Saturday Loftus o f Portland. Mrs. I.oftus is a flower dance by a group o f High Strictly O ld -T im e Dancing form er Turner resident and will be School girl», a musical recitation nnd A t 8:30, p. m. remembered by her many friends as a playlet “ W rong N otea" by three M O D E R N D A N C E Mrs. Avis Bacon. »mall boys. Included on the program CRYSTAL GARDEN ANNEX The teaefiers’ club met at the w ill la- numbers by Betty Peels, Ruth E very W ednesday and Saturday Looney Butte school house with the and Hddred Bones, Ruth Burgnynt- Strictly M odern Music follow ing teachers present: Esther Eludili D- liyer, Olga G *rner, Robert and D ancing Riches and Omma Emmons o f Talbot, Ekwasds, Fdvvln «m i Gnu! u Tliei.»»en One Gate and One Price o f A«lm i- Ethel Gulvin o f Looney Butte, Wm. sion etitlcs you to both style» M rs. Wm. S Burgoyueand Mr». May Jensen, Aurora Humphrey*, Grace o f dancing Pehrrson o f Marion. The next meet­ Hadley. Gents 50c Ladies 25c Roller D REAM LAND Skating ing will be February 5. Mr. and Mrs. Wonacott were visi- Tuesday, Friday and Saturday E verett Loftie, who has spent the to ri at tne W. O. Royse homt Mon- 7 to 10 p. m Adm ission 10c p:i.-t month here at the home» o f Mrs. I day af .. inoon. Ladies F ree Skates 25c ! D'-o! friend» ure cordially in viti d. s T reatm en ts FREE A IR and W ATER WE FIX FLATS ing of the Indian on reservations; how they could not gel flour. 5 0 e He a!»<> told o f old Fort H MÌkiti» and the plac­ toe pioneer eat H A N D IC A P S O F D I S E A S E Facial and Scalp was a lli< at iiilerealing »p< uker at tilt-j L old A Hu h Hank llldg., Salem, Ore. F o r t publication: Dec. 16, 1930. l.u V W A V .V ^ A "«V / ,V A Y A ,,,.%