THE The Turner Tribune gum«*. aÙHHCKII'TION *1.26 »'Kit YKAIt “ Jo TURNER T R IB U N E «lays here last week looking after his Gfor»> Christenson o f Marion sold Mr. an«l Mrs. R. L. Stevenson anri parents, Mr. and Mr*. White, were here from Mukiltis, Washing­ ton, for a several days' visit with Mr. Stevenson’s mother, Mrs. U. 8. Talobt, and husband an«l his grand­ father, S. H. Baker. McKinney and Doc Eplcy «in« ranch and visiting with hi* mother, hi* service station nnd farm to a Mr. her Mrs. Hiolge. (»<•0. Given* without hi* pipe. Knti i < d et t Pnv t o f f l e c at Tune r, Barber trying to k«-«-p a liiun Oregon, .».• «• cond-clait* matter, under new set o f store teeth in hi* mouth. the Art of March S, IM7K Mathew, of Minnesota, who is taking possession this week. Mr. Mathews has moved hi* family to the Christo­ pher home on B street anil will look for a new location. Mr. ami Mrs. I^vi Fliflet and «laughter, Edith, ami son, Albert, w»-re «linner guests Sumlay at their sister’s, Mrs. Arthur Kunke. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Woo«l o f Salem were out here Sumlay looking after things on their ranch. Ed Schilling has r<-ntc-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N Paid on 6 months Time Deposits Fire—Automobie Insurance Written W. J A Y General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing eiiiiiiiiiiiii» All .loin Hand* and Circlo To The Left e n d i n g III Ml Mi . ” o r "in Traced to their origin, not one in ten but hail* from somewhere in section un­ der this unfavorable discussion. The quota regulation passed a few years ago was a step in the right di­ rection, because it made a radical cut-down in immigration admitted from this section. Even so, it was too lenient. If admissions from southern Europe were limited to u dozen a year, our country would be infinitely better off. Some estimable people would undoubtedly be exclude«!, o f course, but that loss would be made up a hundred fold by the black-hand ringsters, white slave runners, bol­ sheviks nnd gun toting gangsters that would be thereby kept out. Whim wheat proves to be made up o f more tares than good sound grain, the safest plan is to throw out the whole thing. --------o---- SOUP FOB SOUP SI,MS T u rn er Turner, Oregon Community D an ce E v ery • A W A W / A V d V A W .’A V A T A P A flA W M W M W Saturday Night IxM's Get the Old Community Spirit, Give us your Support. Being your friends to the biggest and best M ake 1931 OLD TIME DANCE A n E le c tric a l E v e r y S a tu rd a y N ight Sponccrcd by Ball Bros, and (he People of the Community iiiiiwiiiiiii;- î grappini California ! on your train trip East at no additional cost I f we were Mr. Knot we would linve tied Mr. Smith for first place, but Knot* are funny. Sometimes they g« t thairselve* around a man’s neck and tie him up for the rest o f his life. Things we’d like to see— The T. H. S. basketball team win a C o a c h Year One of your best resolutions for the coming fyear will be to do things electrically—to get away from drud­ gery and time-taking labor—to do things cheaply, thoroughly and in less time with electricity so that you can have more time to yourself. Whether you live in the city or on the farm electricity is the greatest servant you can have—and by far the cheapest. By M a s M c K a y California has two kinds o f weath­ er "usual” and unusual.” Wo notice that the Los Angeles $10,000 golf tournament hud to be postponed on account o f two days o f heavy rain . . . is this a misprint or some more o f Cal’s “ unusuul” weather? Anyhow here in old Oregon we don’t hnvc to postpone unything on account o f rain. We just say “ weath­ er permitting” we will carry on. ■ ■ o ■ ■ - Walter E. Keyes o f Salem offers $26 annually to students taking first two places in an oratorical contest. We see that Mr. Smith wins first while Mr. I.afky and Mr. Knot tied for second place. Mr. Knot ought to b<* ashamed o f himself o f tieing up Mr. Lafky. DENHAM No tiresome days are ahead for you in 1931 with a vacuum sweeper, refrigerator, range or washing ma­ chine. Plan now to take advantage o f the many electrical servants dur­ ing the New year. a n d tourist fa re s r a d i c a l l y cut *5 0 *o CHICAGO Southern Pacific has cut coach fares Hast to new low levels. Sec C a lifo rn ia on your way. It costs no more. Tickets arc good in warm, clean coaches on fast train*. Liberal stopovers at impor­ tant cities en route, such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, FI Paso— now at the height o f th eir gay m id -w in ter season. (from main line points) via San Francisco, Los Ange­ les and other winter resorts. ORLEANS ST. LOUIS . . . . NE W YORK . . . NE W $62.30 30.00 60.70 and many olben. Ask ab«xit «be new tickets good in Tourist Sleepers. This extra comfort costs but little m«>re. Southern Pacific H. S. Bond, Mountain Power STAYTON Local Agent W l W3?¡j¡ States Company OREGON ,% W ,S W V .% S ,A V A W A W W A V W y W J