TH E TU R N ER TRIBUNE .% S % S S N S V a % S S % \ S \ W W % S W W % W W % V .S S W .W .S S S W b S S S % S V i Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pepper of Albany were here for assveral days visit at the homeot her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Rauscher Sr. Mrs. Pepper will be re­ W%%*WYWW%WW%V membered as Maude Rauscher. W. B. Powell is employe«! at Sweet Mrs. DuBois is caring for Mrs. J. Home, Oregon. M. Lindley, who has been ill for the her birthday. Those present wore: past three months. Mr. and Mrs. WmFuson were Sa­ Mrs. Robert Colvin, Mrs. Johnnnu lem visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpatrick motor- Brown and son, Merritt, Mr. und Mrs. Mrs. Etha Sen-ice an,I son, Curtis, e<1 t0 SaK’ m- Thursday, with Mrs. Selmer Brown ami children, Norlyn, was here from Portland visiting her She0*Uye VaVWWVWVWWJVaVt -■ Paid on California The Place for Home People to Baak on your train trip East at no additional cost _4 0 c S aturday C ontin uou s 2 : 0 0 to 11:00 P. M. via San Francisco, I.«»s Ange­ les and «»tiler winter resorts. Tickets arc p ood in warm, clean coaches «>n fuse (rains. Liberal stopovers it imix»r- tant cities en route, such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, LI Paso — now at the height o f their gay m id -w in te r season. NEW O R L E A N S $62.30 ST L O U IS . . . . 30 .0 0 NEW YO R K . . 60.70 am i m any o lh rn . A»k »bout «he new ticket« K<«M| in T o u rist Sleeper«. I h i t extra (o n ifn rt co»t« but little more. Imperial Furniture Co.,i Sunday* IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL* 50c £ / r ’ «,W A V A W « W U V W « ÿ *50 to CHICAGO S ou th ern P acific has cut coach fares 1 .r»t to new low le v e ls. See C a lifo r n ia on your way. It com « u <» more. 25c ........... B U Y tourist f ar es radically cut Upholstered in Jacquard Velour E venings Í er* Coach a n d Davenport$ and CHair General A d m ission ................... ...................25 c Logos ......................... 2:00 to 6:00 P. M. Adults 6 :00 to 1 1.00 P. M. Time Deposit« Beautiful 2 Piece “TheL*ash General Ailmission ... Loges ...................... a / /o This W eeK O nly IN Adults I S pecial M atinees 2 : 0 0 to 6 :0 0 P. M. E v e n in g « 6 : 0 0 to 1 0 :0 0 P. M. Meets second Saturday in tin- month in the Grange Hall, Turn«-r. Visitor* welcome at the Lecture i i W K ' W y W A V V / W A V A V A V . V . V W W / , V , ,, V / . V . V . ' NEW PRICES General Admission ..........................................35c Logos ......... - ...................................................... ^Oc Children .............................................................. 1®C SURPRISE GRANGE No. 233 S o u th e r n P a e ifie E. M. Keith, Local Agent Aumsville Richard Barthelmess WEEK DAYS A V W V .V .W J V .V J AL MSVILLK, OHO.os' - Capitol Uros. Salem, Ore. STATE BANK % Warner Bros. New Entertainment Policy 484 Court St. A U M S V IIX E M onth Starting Sunday I. » i 'c i t W a lc h and J ew elry Repairing I m u , .«( 2 nil o'clo ck . V A W J W . V . ’ A W \ ,, V . ’ ■* Starting Sunday U O E N Salem ;% W V W J W W i% V .V Y Y % W i% W :j OPEN LETTER TO THE PEOPLE OF SALEM AND VICINITY: Warner Bros. Theatres, which has recently acquired the Elsinore and Capitol Theatres in Salem, m.,kes its bow to the people o f the community with an txpr«-ssicn o f its desire to serve the community and to build for its theatres a place among the city ’s institutions deserving o f the public’s faith an«l confidence. We hope and expect to make the Warner Bros. Elsinore ami the Warner Bros. Capitol your thca- tres, with the single purpose o f serving your entertainment nee«is and desires and those o f your n«-igh- bors: Nothing will fc left undone by Warner Bros, to carry out this policy. Our present plans call for the expenditure in the immediate future o fmore than $20,000 in improvements to place Warner Bros. Salem theatres in the class o f the most modern and best equipped on the Pacific Coast for sound pro­ duction, screen projection and the com fort and convenience o f our patrons. Salem’s Warner Bros. Theatres will show only the b< st o f film entertainment ami the sequence o f programs now being arranged will embrace all o f the best pictures o f all o f the nationally recognized producing companies. Salem will be given the best in pictures when they are new. With the same sincerity o f purpose and with the same «let< rmination to had the way which has k. pt them in the front rank o f the motion picture industry since its pioneer days Warner Bros, has been an active leader among the industrial and commercial factors o f the nation in readjustments to conform with shifting economic conditions. Believing prosperity to be a question o f relativity and the price o f amusements to bear a direct relation to the price o f other commodities Warner Bros, in the present trend o f declining costs adapts itself to the natural readjustments. We are announcing a reduction in the price o f admission at Warner Bros. Salem theatres to a level which we believe to be justified by the trend o f prices in other lines, but with the assurance that quality o f the performances offered is to be in no manner curtailed. People patronize those industries where the relative value o f their dollars return the most ,and to those persons, institutions and communities reeogniz ng this principle prosperity is a continuing and ever increasing blessing. With this in mind Warner Bros. Salem Theatres are sponsoring a “ Greater Prosperity Month,” with an invitation to all to coon rat«- and share in its dividends. Very truly yours, M. L. SILVER, Gen ral Manager Warner Bros. Pacific Coast Theatres. JOHN STILLE, Salem Manager. KYGH Price* Kaaaunabla G re a te r P rosp erity Month «• P rosp erity KRU SE & New J ew elry Matla la O rd ar .’ .W NOW A W A N V N V V W tW A W A A A W w N O W G re a te r Prosperity Month ■* W W . V / . V . V A ’ , Mí íí 467 Court Street Salem, Oregon