: THE TURNER TRIBUNE LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK B rie f Item * C o n c e rn in g th e C o m ­ in g * a n d G o i n g * o f Y o u n e l f a n d Y o u r N e i g h b o r * , a* T o l d t o T h e T rib u n e R ep o rters. O n e o f th e N icest C o u rte s ie s You C a n S h o w t o Y o u r G u e s t s Is to H a v e T h e i r V is i t* M e n t i o n e d in T h ese C olu m n s. T h e T r ib u n e W il l C o n s i d e r It a S p e c i a l F a v o r if Y o u W il l H e l p U s M a k e T h i s P a p e r M o r e I n t e r e s t i n g to I t s R e a d e r s b y S e n d i n g in I t e m s f o r T h i s C o l u m n . W r i t e u s , o r , if C o n v en ien t, T e le p h o n e Your N e w s I t e m s t o T h i s Office. Now Day Divani facial preparation, Mr. and Mr*. U S. Talbot alni S II and girl* just think of how poor Mu- It would have been Mr*. Andrew special $1.76 value* now 79c al Traili- Baker wore dinner g neat a of Mr. and dam ne en must feel. Aint dut Brown. surnpin? We suggest that they both Now us my Ktory is getting oer, or* D rug Store, Turner, Orv. Mr*. John Sell I fferrr Saturday evening. unfurl their heurt* und hurst out with Hood River has good apples, a big " h e a r t '’ story in " T ru e S tory" Hut we only get the core. MU* Mary Feller returned to hinter- C W. Smalt hr* been quit* ill the or " T ru e Confession" ntuguxim'. I tried to hold her on my lap pri»eSunday to resume her du ties a* a past week with the flu and Karl Stand- Ashe* to ashes, dust to dunt. But she only left we Hat. Poor boy. teacher in the school. She *|>vul two ley is acting as chore boy. If it wasn't for u broken engagement Gooilby till n e s t week. weeks her* with her parent* Mr. and Mr*. Fred Feller. Jim Noah, who ha* been employed ■ o at the Bone* garage for several monili* V N iV V W ^ S V V V W U ^ V W V V V V V V W W t iV V V V U W W V W .W Mr. and Mr*. J. K. Whitehead, Sr., left with hi* family for Prlnevllle. and Mrs T- T. Palmer and daughter Peggy, were Salem shoppers on Wednes­ Mr. and Mr*. Maurice T<>un*aiid, day ol last week. member* of Surprise Grange, now liv­ ing at Shehl'H, attended the Grunge Mi«fc Faustina Delzell came from Sa­ *1 Winllc Saturduy. Carl OaBley is cutting wood on the lem for New Years dinner at home and Hunt and Tate farm at Rocky Point. A spied ill program of aong*. read­ to see her mother who spent New Years Ms. and Mrs. T. T. Palmer were in ing*, recitations and an interesting us day’ in bed, but glad to have the girls Salem Monday afternoon. well a* am using Calunder s tu n t will all home. be a portion of the Grange meeting Mrs. C. L- Standley, who has been Mr. and Mrs. George W. Moore and Saturduy. very ill. is steadily improving. family and G. A. G. Moore, ol Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harris spent the spent New Years day here at the home Prof, and Mr*. Jo h n Wutaon came past week with relatives in Portland. of Mrs. Moore's brother, Mr and Mrs. from Forest Grove and spent Saturday F. C. Gunning. mill S u n d ay w ith his m other, Mr*. It. Mr*. F. C. Delzell is able to be about ----- °----- ! J. Watson, the house after a week’s severe sickness Clifford Ensley towed the wreck of i 0 with a bad cold and heart trouble. burned truck to Portland Saturday. H e 1 Mrs, Georgia McCIcun ofSulem slop, -----o----- is figuring on purceasing a new Chevro- pud here for u sh o rt visit, w ith utt old Mr. and Mrs. Don Feldman and Miss let truck t<> continue his milk route | friend, Mr*. W. J. H arris,w lnU Mr. Mo­ Thelma Delzell returned to Corvallis und transfer work. ueaii tr u . ia o < d bualm-as in Aumaville after the holid ays. ----- ° ¡W edinaduy, The section men and linemen were : ----- For Sale—One goad fresh milk cow, pretty busy Monday repairing signal Mr*. Etllo McG"Veru earn* from A 1 stuff. Bruce Bowne, Turner; phone and postal telegraph wires The wind j Dayton an d ha* been spending the 715. of Sunday night bl*-w a tree across th e ' week with her father, Dr. J. W. Run- Roy Hatfield was absent irom his right of way causing much trouble to eoui uud wife, ! • woik on the section Monday on account telegraph lines. ----- o—— [ J. It Davis, who lives on the T u m i of having a col.1. FOR SALE or T R A D E -O v e rla i d 4. Miller place, fell from the hay mow Baker and ready to gowith license. Price $50. Will Sunday. He is suffering from se vere i Mr. ar.d Mrs. Howard children cai.ed on Mr. and Mr*. F B. take hay, grain or spuds. < 'has. Parsons, hruist-s hut forltinuity no bone* were! Box 126. Aumsville. Oregon. b r o k c u . He I* eon lied to hi* bed uud Haworth Tuesday evemhg ----- o----- ° Hot!!* Bouesis d o i n g tin- rhoue*. Mrs. L. E. Peterson visitep h tr moth- The Lest Saturday Night Commun- er Mrs Brown, at Marion and reports ity Dance was declared a rousing ru^pe** her imbroving in health- by all in attendance. Everyone had a ----- o----- real time dancing tD the ola tunes. Geo. By M o M cK ay Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Palmpr and dau- B ower with his lunch counter and ! Howdy folks, how’s the old eye for ghter Peggy, were visitors at the F B. white uniform setm rd t<» be the main attraction, especially to the ladies, as l»t ra ture today? B etter get out the Hayworth home, Monday evening usual—we oft- n wonder how he does it ! oId monicIi’ and Pr‘ »,8rc rt’ad "omc- Kennetn Peterron is driving milk M nv new (aees * ere noticeable a' the th,£K neyer before r,’a d - . _ . . . . . . Behold! Behold! A new column is route lor Corkey while he is out on . dance. especially several ol the old-tim- t|orn from whjch wc are striving to businecs making plans for a new truck. er9 Df COmm 'mty — who expressed give you u little am usem ent and the m se lves as having a giod time Over laughter. And by yum pin yimrn-y if Mr. and Mrs. John Avery from Rocky o re hundred ar.d fifty people attended •v t’ evcr wound UP and then u n * Point, wi re in Tnrner Sunday bringing Saturday night, dance and a much l.r- wind w i " make “ SiP* for S u ^ r" Mrs. Avery’s mother Mrs Emma Moore i ger attendance is expected this coming | Y e s , 's i r t-> her home here Saturday. It was ani ounced that mem-, Yeh and by the way we had to bership tickets will he issued at the next study about fo u r hours and one min- D r . B. F . P o u n d p r a c t i c e l i m i t e d to dan< e which was met with a welcome ute to come to a unanim ous decision re m o v a l o f te e th , g a t o r lo cal, a n d upon the sophisticated title of “ Soup d e n t a l X - r a y . N e w l o c a t i o n 3 0 3 F i r s t chee: by all. It certainly looks like the for Soupstrainers." And now that N a t i o n a l B a n k B l d g , S a l e m , O r e g o n . d u b Dance is a success. [ th a t is the name of our column we ' will love, protect and provide fo r it the re s t of the days of its life. But what the heck is a soupstrainer Warner W arner anyw ay? Ah, we know th a t they j llr o N . have often been thought of as mus- llrn s. SAT SUN | tachcs. Maybe so, but we’ve always STARTING SUNDAY heard that mu.vtaches we re ferred to a s ............something else. T h e T h r i ll o t Anyhow, Soup for Soupstrainers is the name and we’re please te r make j a L i f e t im e the acquaintance. Well old 1930 is dead and gone, [ so let’s forget him ami tu rn our a t ­ tention to the new born 1931. Only a ( baby of a week, and now what a whale of an old man he’s gona turn out to be. T h at’s if we all put our -houhlers to the wheel and push. Let’s go folks. What say? When a bigger and better town is made we will make it — with your help. Attention! It won’t be long now ] until the museum and library will be Directed completed, and we shall have to turn By our attention to gathering specimens Wm. Baudine i of various type for it. If we had been fortunate enough to have one of those animals called mother-in-laws, we with would gladly offer her, but we haven’t | L oretta Yonng any so som one else will have to | Jack Mulhall donate. C o n folks let’s cooperate and | I’.ay mond Motion get a t least one of this species. A irst National and Vitaphone Picture And then too wc might get some It will of those ra re apecimens o f " tr u e hus- scare the Vitaphone | hands” and "bootleggers.” My what laffs out ¡a mixup we would have and too we o f you! might suggest one of those animals & with "big hills," the " g rocerym an” for instance. Oh! Oh! ! Check and double check, but a in ’t poor old A p eriod of panic of business and industry. In 1921 we had another business slump that caused the old folks to recall the |>ost-Civil War days. This week marks the beginning of anoth­ er year and croaking ravens are i>erched around on the highways and by-ways, warn­ ing that it will be a hard winter and things will I k * much worse before they are I tetter. Maybe so and maybe not. < \ I he light and power industry looks forward to the year 1931 with confidence in the future of the United States, as it has in the past. It will continue to im­ prove and extend its service to the [ h * o - ple, as it has in the past. There is no place1 for |>cssimism in the conduct of our business. Mountain ^ 7 * 1 States Í Varieties Pow *»r S T A Y IO N ' U e n ijiin y OREGON .•.V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V * -.N -.V A -...v .‘.% S V A W A % w J