TH K TURNER TRIBUNE TURNER W W e V .V W W V .V J W e V J V W . SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAIN SERVICE A u m s v il l e N e w s N o t e s HAMMAN STAGE LINES North Bound No. 14, 4:3(1 AM . (Stop* when flagged.) Thursday mt'mbfw and friends o f ih»- Aumsville Community Hub mi t for the ni rond annual New Year's dinner mid nil (üi> No. I lowing account of the taskithall game did n-it reach ri* in time fur publics'inn The A unidvillc Sunt tarn league bs'.kct bull team won it* fir*t league gami- Tuesduy nil# by defeating Gute* en the latter** lloor 32-26 in a close rough game. Aumiville «cored flrst when U hit* t*llied u foul «hot and then followed with a field goal. Empey followed a minute later with auotbor field goal to give hi* team a 6-0 lead. Thl* waa »horf lived for Gate* »cored twice in rapid sureet-sion to end the South Bound 6, 11:10 A M . (Stops when flagged to pick up p.-iddcnger* for point* at which this train stopK.) No. 15, 0:28 P.M. (Stop* on Aug only, to pick up passengers (or point* south o f ri Fug« no via Cascade Line.) No. 31, 8:45 P.M. (Regular atop.) Following north hound train* stop to I detrain passenger* coming from ; l*oint* south o f Eugene: No. 16. due 5:30 A. M.J No. 6, due 6:00 P.M. Office hour* nt Turner week day* ar • 8 A M. to 12 o ’clock noon, ami from I :00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ day*. On these day* passengers c in , pay fare and have baggage checked >n train*. ■ I ****** * * .« * # * # • Ar*t quarter. Two Held goals by Ln • I pey, one by Proepal and a foul conver­ sion from Vt hue added »even point* more to Aum*villi‘* »core during the Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A.M. 4:45 P.M. Leave Turner for Salem 8:20 A.M. 1 :30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. l«oave Turner for Mill City 5:15 P.M. * Y0IJP OWN PR0PÏK1Y 4 * IS C O N C ( R N t O W H ( N yOOR N KiGM RORf H Ü U U I » O N F IA I > •*«< « + < 4 ♦ ! second quarter white Gate* made two Aeld goal» 'o end the half 12 1» for tie local« 4 i * i i White t con-J Amt in the »croud half but Gate* *onn tallied Pro*pal broke through for another and then a double foul conversion by White with a long Acid basket gave Aumiville twelve more point* whiie Gate.i wai gathering eleven th« quarter ending 24 20 for Aumiville Gate* opened the last quarter with a ba»k * - hudin-dd viditor* ut the- It. M. Fu*on Empey (-.) L F . (iati* (14) home Saturday. Ail Types or Beauty Wurk Pr«w|i*l (9) ( '. Shepherd (4) Mr*. J. L. Sncrc nnd «on, John, and Mountain (2) Henne* (9) R. G. Wayne Ransom were Salem viditor* ' Bradley F in g e r L C Howes Monday. M T « v e s s. Goodwin MEM« G. C. Nunce and *on. Manb-n, were j Service with A Smile You alwH.v* g«-t h lid I«- motv than you ¡»ay lor when you «leal with us—Clean “ gus," f u l l measure—.(’ h an oil, the hraml y o u r motor likes t*e»t,—and cheerful service to bring you liack. — u— FREE AIR and WATER WE FIX FLATS : Mrs. Kitzmiller, daughter o f Mrs. RED CROWN ÜAS SCHOOL NOTES Emma Reed and sister o f Mrs. Bow- j . >-rs and Mrs. Spoon, Is seriously ill ut her homo in Portland with no hopes 1 School resumed Its regular work held out for her recovery. Monday morning after several days’ Several from here attended the vacation. w w burial o f Tnbitlia Jane Hull at Tur­ Mildred Rauscher spent the week­ ner cemetery Tuesday. She was 70 end in Salem visiting Mis« Agnes years old ut the time o f her death Kufner. which occurred at Linton, Oregon, on | Miss Matilda Highberger and Mrs. the 5th inst. E. W. Empey visited school Monday. C R Y S T A L G A R D E N .. „ ® T ". , , Alice Brown o f West Stayton cn- Harve Ransom, who Is convalescing t(.re(, 8choo, Mom|ay n8 „ tmhmmn. SALEM , OREGON from injuries received in an auto ac- i *• O -- cident several weeks ago, spent Sat- Bmhi' Tuck,‘ r has been absent from Every Wednesday and Saturday unlay und Sunday with his father, Dr. .school on account o f illness. Strictly Old-Time Dancing Leata Bradley spent Monday night I. W. Ransom and wife o f Turner. At 8:30, p. m. with Helen Zuber. Monday he visited at the Susie Ran­ M O D E R N D A N C E som home in Aumsvillc. Charles "C huck" Albright o f Leba­ non visited Aumsville high school C R Y STA L G ARD EN ANNEX Every Wednesday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Highberger enter­ Tucnday. He is a former student here. Strictly Modern Music Friday night the Aumsville girls tained relatives at n family dinner on ' and Dancing New Year’s «lay. Those present w«-rr basketball team will play Mt. Angel One Gate and One Price of Admi? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alhus nnd chil­ on the latter’s floor. The boys will sion ctitlcs you to both styles dren, Loraino, Lucill eand Wilfred, meet the Gatos boys on the Gates of dancing floor. Mr. an«l Mrs. Theo Highberger ami Gents 50c Ladies 25c Mr. nntl Mrs. E. Warne Empey son, Dicky, and daughter, Deloris Roller D REAM LAN D Skating spent the holiduys nt Junction City lleno. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday visiting at the home o f Rev. and Mrs. 7 to 10 p. m. Admission 10c Prof, and Mrs. P. T. Mountain ert- W. B. Empey. Ladies Free. Skates 25c Bones Bros., Turner rAMILY DANCE Notice Is hereby given that the final account o f Katie Ahrens, as adminis­ tratrix o f the Etate o f John Ahrens, deceased, has been filed in the County , Court o f Marion County, State o f 'Oregon. r.nd that the 30th day o f January, 1931, at the hour o f ten j o’clock A. M. has been duly appointed ry such court for the hearing o f ob- jections to such final account and the ttloment thereof, at which time any 1 person interested in such estate may l.-ipp'-ar and file objections thereto in | writing and contest the same. Dat«id this 18th day o f December, 1930. KATIE AHRENS, Administratrix. E. L. CRAWFORD, Attorney fo r Estate. Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. First publication: Dec. 18, 1930. Last pub'ication: January 15, 1931. SHOPPE fi 50c joyed a visit from Mr. Mountain's o f the week Mard« n left to enter the sister, Mrs. Sahruh Saylor o f Yakima, nnvy. Washington, and his mother, Mrs. A. - ........ O’......... . J. Mountain o f Coburg. Mrs. Saylor Mr. and Mr*. Frank Bower* spent la one o f the large apple growers o f New Year’s day wit.i their daughter, the Yakima valley. Mr*. Eld red Long, and family near i Scio . A portion ofihe roof wa« blown oil Robert Mountain hu* returned to the new gym in the wind «term early his studies at Oregon State college Mr. Carl the eon’.i set or who after spending the holidays with his . , , , ,,, parents. Prof. ar*i Mrs. P. T. M ou n -! buUl ,h# bu‘M,n* #nd ( h ,r-> of Shaw, made the needed repair during tain. - S1 the day Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Parson and son, ! Leonard Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Warner The many friends o f John Sacre Lee and son, Leonard, shopped in Sa­ Jr., will be glad to know that he is lem the lust o f the week. able to be out among his friends O--- Miss Merle Martin took up her again. While he hasn't fully recov- studies at Monmouth normal school from injuries received in an auto Monday. Miss Martin has attended « "» d e n t several weeks ago he id slow- Orcgoiy State college for the past 5 ’ *mproving. year and a half. I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Facial and Scalp T rea tm en ts All Work Guaranteed Over Steusloff Market Salem, Oregon Phone 47J .V .V .V .'.V .W d V .V .W * 1 .■AVAWW!AW.SSW»VWAV PAINTING BY DAY OR CONTRACT Estimates Furnished U. S. Talbot SUMMONS Tamer V .V .W .V W A V W A W A /W HANDICAPS OF D I S E A S E As you travel throngh life you will find many handicaps, but none compared to the handicaps o f disease. Have these eliminated by Chi­ ropractic Adjustments given according to a Neurocalometer reading. Remember the Neurocalometer locates nerve pressure. Cht- ropratcic Adjustments remove nerve pressure. Neurucalome- ier readings by appointment only. DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. High Street Phone 87 SALEM OREGON In the Circuit Court o f the State i V A A W V A V V V V V V V W W m v W o f Oregon, for County o f Marion. Dept. No. 2. Edna M. Reader, Plaintiff, iA V .V .V .V .V .Y A W A W .N V .:. vs. i Harry J. Reader, Defendant. | To Harry J. Reader, Defendant: THROAT AND In the name o f the State o f Ore- | gon, you are hereby required to ap- LUNG BALSAM 1 pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled for the relief of court Hml cause on or before four weeks from the date o f the first publi­ cation o f this summons, namely on or before the 17th day o f January, 1930, and if you so fail to appear and COLDS answer, for want thereof, plaintiff SPASMODIC will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, viz: CROUP For n decree dissolving the bonds WHOOPING COUGH o f matrimony now existing between yourself and the plaintiff and a di­ HOARSENESS vorce therefrom on the grounds o f BRONCHIAL COUGHS desertion; and for such other relief as to the court may seem meet and Contain* no Narcotic equitable in the premises. Only at This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four con­ secutive weeks in the Turner Tribune, pursuant to an order made on the DRUG STORE 13th day o f December, 1930, by Hon. Gale S. Hill, ju«lge o f the above en­ Th. Original Yellow Front and titled court. The date o f the first Candy Special Store of Salem publication o f this summons is De­ 135 N. Commercial cember 18, 1930, and the last date of the publication thereof will be the PHONE 197 16th day o f January’ , 1931. Pentlar Agency M. B. HAYDEN, Attorney for Plaintiff, D ecl8-25Janl-8-15 Salem, Oregon. Coughs S c h a e fe r ’ s