The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 08, 1931, Image 3

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    ’(ì7 f o t
and Mr». WHIford F«-H«-r uml daugh-
tcrs Dorla uml B«*tfy Jean, Mr and
Mra. John Gilmer und daughter Jean
Marie, Mr. nn«J Mrs Emery Filler and
daughter Marjorie I,ou, Mr. and Mr*.
Ileney Feller ami son Bol>hy, Mr. and
Mra. Albert feller, Lillian, Ma, Fran-
o », and Mary F«-ller, Clifford Feller
Friday night Mr». Ella Lambert, of and Hi» host« Mr. and Mr» Fred F*l-
Slayton, and her team installed the new hr.
officer» for the coming year.
Visitors from the Union llill. North
W' J. Harris bus purchase«! tlie old
Howell and Htaytob giangea made up
livery stable ami property on 1) street
the largeit crowd» that ha» attended
ami la tearing down the old barn and
(he meeting* in the paat year.
will bulhl a house on the »lie In the
Mr». Paul Silk* of Much-ay (¡range,
near future, which w ill l>e a great Im­
waa aoloiat, with Mr». Gray of Union
Hill, at the piano during the installation
'1 he new officer» installed for the
J M. Bone», while rec«>vering from
coming year are: Master, H E Mar­
an altact of flu, has l<*en working
tin; over»eer. Frank Bowden; lecturer,1
about the house for his good wife. He
Mr». Myrtle Martin; steward, M. M. j
has built some nice built In cupboard»
Magee; aasiitant steward' A. L. Bowen
snd replnmbs«l the kitchen and placed
secretary-treasurer, E v a Jene»; gale
the atallonary tub«-» in a more cenven-
Sam Wilson; Ceres, Mr». M. Welch; ,
placeon the back porch where he has
Pomona; Mrs D. Wilson. Flora, Mar­
put In a new floor.
garet Mage«; lady assistant steward,
Dixie Jonea; executive committee, M. 1
Mr. and Mr». C. W. Hewitt, Mr. aud
Kaphart, J. Amort, D. Baker.
Mra. Branson and G. A G. Moore, all of
at dinner Sunday Mr*. Frank Millet
and daughter!, Sana and Malmin and
Myron^of Salem; Mrs. M. B. L'ammack,
the Misae» Helen and E«ter and Forest
Albert < amrnack, Kosedale, tbeir daugh­
ter Mra. Stewart and »on; tbeir »on Earl,
wife and amall daughter.
will be a social gathering, will be held
Officers elected for the coming year to
on tb* third Tuesday.
s-*rve the Marion Telephone company
The club ia »poncering the building of are: Willia Scofield, president; Warron
a pickle plant to take care of the big Gray, secretary treaaurer; J. M. Miller,
crop of cucumbers grown in that sec­ Warren Gray. E. G. Miller. A. T Lafky
tion, and a meeting for that purpose ia and Willi» Scofield directors.
called for the near futun
Mra. Klmer
Turner Hi School will compete in the
Aache is the new Sec.-Tress, of the
musical tournament to be held at Pac­
Mr». Frank Schampier entetained with club.
ific University, Foreet Grove, in the
watch party on New Years Eve, honor­
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rand and small eaily spring. They will compete in di-
ing her husband on bis birthday. Game«
were enjoyed and at a late hour refresh­ paughter went to Klamath Falla to viait J vision C
ment! were served Those present were Mr. Rand, Sr. Work is as hard to fiud
Mr and Mr». 8. Hubert Bye, Mr. and there as it is in the vsiley, this winter.
Mrs. Albert Hennies, Mrs. Phillip Fish­
Mr. and Mrs. Weiee of Maclray, and
er and son Marion, Albert llenniea
Mr. and Mrs Bones of West Stayton,
Horton Haghlet, Greg Ithol, The hosts
were recent dinner guexte at the B, H.
and Kalbryh Schampier.
Chamberlin home,
A watcli party wa* held at the Meth­
odist church New Years eve. Rev.
Groves who is conducting revivals there
and the pastor Rev. Burgoyne delivered
sermon» followed by a social hour and
the serving of refreshment*
Mrs. June Rartoof Seattle, Miss Mary
Miss Mildred Kirk of Salem ka*
Peebles of Portlaud and Mr. and Mrs.
hired and will teach the up­
Thurston Kearne of Stayton, were re
cent visitors at the W. O. Roy se home per grades in the North Santiam school,
Mr. and Mrs. Cha». Jolly ami baby of
where, by the over crowded condition,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewtrt and »on
Longview, Wash., were recent guest»
it was found neceasary to hire a second
of bis sister, Mrs. Chas. Barber aud Seymour and wife spent Christmas at
teacher. Miss Fery of Stayton will
Halsey with Mr. Stewarts sister.
teach the primary.
----- O- ---—
--- r « -----
• Mr. and Mrs. Fades soent Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L illi* and Mr. j af)d Sunday wjrh Mr and M„ Elmer
Geo. Harris, who is well known here,
■'•«* Mr" Titus at ten de«! tbe Asche and family
has returned to his job as surveyor near
Newport He fell 3o feet from a ledge
“ "»• « ■ *
"> »•
Mr. |
M , ,„ d M ^ . r X ' i - c o . L y
snd Mrs. Foster of Stayton, attended Creamery held at Ml. A igi I
>• a|m„
ip#nd Christmas with the J. W. on August 31 and suffered two broken
revival services at the Methodist church
were over twelve hundred in Wallace family.
ribs and severe cuts and bruises which
h«»re Thursday evening.
put him in the botpital for a number of
____o ___
| Mr. Darley has been to Portland on
The following inepiiaton of the Wil-
Ismette valley ie Irom the pen of A. D.
Mrs. L. J. Rowley and son Paul mo- j Mr * ,,d Mr* Cha* Barber and fum- bu»inMa r e c e n tly ^ ____
Hale, now living east of Turner. Mr, tored to Amity Friday afternoon.
Mrs I ^ ****,‘'d * h h her »Ufer Mrs. John
Mr. Fr« d Comstock and family are
Guest at th® Jay Cook horn? Friday
Hale was editor and publisher of The Rowley remained to attend the Yam- Oudeans at Chemawa the past week, now located iu their new home.
We are
evening were, Mr and Mrs. R. Titus.
glad to have them with us.
Peoples Pres* st Albany, aome thirty hill County Forum of the Ameiican Le­
Mr*. Webb, M^s. Pearson. Rev.Uil-ttrap
Mrs. R««y Everanu bus returned !<•
years ago wh«-n he wrote the poem:
gion and Auxillery.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Corn’ tock and Mrs. F.. Earl and Gertrude Coo *. Hjxr-
her home ul North B«-inl after a visit
Willamette, oh baaunlul WuUmetle
son Robert visited Sunday at the Elmer ard Baker. Wm. Butxke, Fred Brown
Your flelba are alwaya gre- . 1 ,
i An educator says that a hundred with M r.and Mrs. P. F- Thotnosnu. Asehe home.
j Alice and Glen Titus
Your broad acre« *i retch.
yeara from now the schools will be teach­ She will la.- remi mia red ue Roberta
From nil) to hill,
ing youngsters how to live and not Wilson ami ha» many friends In this Mrs. E. A. and Mrs. E*ter Royse came
The passing of Judge Bean ih Port­
From Portland to Eug«-ne,
merely how to make a living. W«l im m u n it y .
! from Portland for a visit at the W. O.
Protected on the eastward
Royse home. Mrs. E. A. wiil remain land yesterday is regreted by friends
some fellows we know seem to have
here. He and Mrs Bain were very
By the f a*c*«J«-s r«p|M-«J with snow,
If ir a several weeks visit.
Mr. and Mi». P. E Thomason »pent
learned already- h«>w to live without
Whose lofty |«eaks look down,
. . . . . .
close friends of Mrs. C. A. Davis, who
n purl or the boliilay» in Portland with
« r - ll.rn - d , » » « « l , k-,.
\N ilh never a irown.
making a living.
, .
. . . .
| Mr*' >Urr> Stewart, who has been cn Mrj B;an vi#lU,d on D jeeartsf 10>
U; on the valley M ow .
their eon Owen uml tlieir <i>stx|glit*r
sick li*t for- theyxxat week, la bett;r.
v »on _ Lurkner,
f- .
fo r your home
To the west are the f*a»t itange moun­
called the German «-a- j
Between your farms and >ri,
And their top« are kissed
By the gent-e wind«
8 ill Hosting o’er to thee
Your »oil ■ ever willing,
Always favored with sun and rain;
From your fields are garnered,
W hen * nrvixt come»,
Rich cr«>i a of fruit and grain.
I love ><«ur shaded woodlands,
Y ur bright a d «parklmg stream»;
Your |>eople who dwell,
In shaded dell,
Or on your hiila serene.
W ill. n cite, so beautiful \\ :llam« tte,
May thv tiebfs be ever green;
Ma\ thy hollies be the i pot,
M htll*r mnhsion or cot,
M heie love shall reign supreme.
—A. D Hale
Some of the ladies met at the Asche paper you are not only helping the
home and worked on a quilt to be sold editor, but you are helping to support
a community enterprise. Are you a
devil who went all through the World
' M ( arry Arnold of E«tacada spent
War without a scratch, was injured
Friuay night w ith Mrs. Tliomus Lillie
an automobile srcideut in Chicago the
other day and hud to go to the hospital.
Mr. and Mr». Raymond Til il» attend
Which show« how much mori danger­
<-d the wedding o f O lio Eng«lahl and
ous Chicago is than a wor d war.
I Misa Ruth Dierks at Calvery Babilst
John p. Murphy, w ho for tunny Church in Sulem.
------©- —
years followed the hluekellillll (lude
came from Portland
lier-i and at Aumsi lile about twenty-
year» ago, was here for Masoule Lodge t«> spend Sunday at the parental home.
- -
meeting Saturday ¡night. Ile Im» re­
Mayro M cK inney, who h&a Lot
tained ¡hie iiH'iiil-eraliip in the lohge
well for nonie lime, is taking
here Ihroiigliout the years.
treatments o f h Haletn phvaician.
< 'hila and lunche at Riches Confec-
Tlie wind storm M->u<lay nioruing
C h e v ro le t w in s
come resile»». Mr. Duncan haafoiiiul
«i-vi-rnl letter» ab nd (lie liuu»e wlucli
t<-ld of Id* dis« not« Id, Up lo dati­
li i word lias been rn-civiil o f hi«
where boula.
- ■«»
Mr. and Mr». Fred Filler euh rlnint «I i
wiib a lui key «(inner on New Year»
Dty Pr- *ent were, Mr. uud Mr*. G -u
J .llii
l /c
Paid on
f ir s t p la c e
f o r I lie fo u r th tim e
Hans Jensen Hardware and ntlitr relatives,
neaterr f 16and up; cookstuves at a big
saving for you. Regular *4 50 to *5 50
Mr* Engur.d a car racieved a damaged
play wagon at A3 00 to 14.00. If I f««der aud b unper when a car driven
don’ t have what you want, 1 can get it by Mrs. Jean Tearey hit it from the
fur you ' on short notice. Full line of
pipe litting»: I can do your plnmling
Riche» Confection« ry for qi.ality
work. II. P. Jensen.
- — tK— •
Jim Palmer, who has matin hi« home
Rev. and Mrs, Burgoyne and daugh­
wlih Carl Duncan for tlm pu»t live
ter Ruth enjoyed dinner on New Years
mouths, look French leave aome time
Day at the A. D- Hale in n.«*.
Friday and n* a bicyela w m mls»ing
from a Imme near hy it I» thought
Mr. and Mrs. (’ . A. Bear entetained
In- look it. Heveral days before he left
acme one entered Ida rabidi pena id
idgnl und killed anil skinned a fine dix­
ie Inch made Idm lime fallii and b--.
Time Deposits
P fl
At (h e A'nliounl A u to m o b ile S h ow s
pul the telephone lim e o f this coni - , «¡
Rev. J. M Minton began a series of mnnity out of order.
revival meetings at the North Santiam
Buy you a Circulator Healer now and church SundHy evening.
Milton M cKinney and eon Milton Jrji
----- w ---
save half your wood. Special prices for
j of San Francisco ur® vi-liin g Ids par-
this month: “ Summerheat" Circulator i Someone took a coaster wagon from elite, Mr. and Mra. Mayro M cKinney
Healer <42.00; other Circulator healer* ' in ,ront oi
at lower and higher prices. Cast Iron ' "tor" ,' rday
T il
[|(J|f||f|[J||| | | uLUfl ill
The West Stay ton Community Club ■
held its annual New Years meeting on ‘ 1
January 1st, with u tig dinner at the
nooti hour.
First place at the National Automobile Shows—
a position gran toil on the basis of annual sales
volume— in again awarded to Chevrolet. This Is
the fourth consecutive time that Chevrolet has
won this honor. And the reason lies in its great
value—as exemplifie«! by today's Chevrolet Six.
\t*w lo w prlcoN
Following the business meeting which j
was presided over by the now prtt de t
O. O. Lacy, the following program was
R o a d s te r, $475( S p o rt R o a d ste r w ith r u m b le o r a l, 9t9S|
(.o a r li o r S ta n d a rd K lvr-H in d ow C o u p e , $515i P h a e to n ,
$510( S ta n d a rd C o u p e ,
; S p ort O o u p r (r u m b le s e a t),
9->75t S tu u d a rd Sexlan, fM ,)| S p eeia l S ed a n , IbôO. S p eeia l
e q u ip m e n t extra . P rices f. o . b . F lin t, M ich ig a n .
Recitation by R ith Kohl, song "Jin
Rle Bella'" by the children; mouth organ
solo, by Harold Teg« n, reading and talk
by Prof. McClendon of the West S ta y-1
ton school; Utah Truil by Manon Lacy,
recitation. Velma Royse and
Lang Syne" by the club.
“ Aulii i
The club decided to hold two meet-j
j irigH a month, the first to b. for buei- !
nexs which will be held on Ihe first 1
BALL BROS., Turner, Oregon
miti dnughlir Dirai lu », Mr. Th* Place for Home People to Bank Tussday and t hi second meeting which(