THF, TURNER TRIBUNE The Turner Tribune liUlilillill UU l SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR Entered at the Postulile*1 ut Turner, Oregon, us second-class matter, under the Act of March 3, 1871*. "CHEVROLETî W IT H AN O. K . T H A T COUNTS MRS. CHAS. S. CLARK CHAS. S. CLARK 1927 Chrysler Coupe, new tires, good paint, good mechanical shape $285.00 1928 W hippet Sedan, new rubber, good shape. 285.00 1929 Ford Model A Tudor, first class shape ...... 425.00 1929 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, fully equipped, rum­ ble seat, looks new 525.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan, perfect condition......... 525.00 1930 Chevrolet Sport Roadster, run only 9000 miles ........................... 550.00 1929 Chevrolet Coach, looks like a new o n e ........ 495.00 1927 Star 6 Coupe, runs and looks good 285.00 1929 Chevrolet 6 Coach. W e repossessed this one and will make a good price. 1929 Model A Ford roadster, look just like a new one and not run much ........................................... 365.00 1927 Chevrolet Coach, new tires, new paint, up­ holstery and motor perfect 265.00 E v e r y S a t u r d a y N ig h t Spcincercd by Hall Bros, nnd the People of the Cunimunily £'9 W IL L SEM O Y O U I f ever approached upon the sub- j ct o f why they too did not join the c,u.v they were espousing so loudly, they carefully explained that the rhi f sorrow of their lives was the fact that they wt re two years over or had such ba*i t*>i that there wa* no use in applying be- they would be turned down anyway! Every community can re- member t’um even yet. O U m a c a h k es AND THIS NEWSPAPER What the world needs is more young blood in its business uffuirs, with executive position* filled by youngs ten, who-«.- breadth o f vision and optimistic faith in the good In- ntions o f their fellow men have not •t been cloud d by faulty digestion, cirrhosis o f th< liv -r or gout. Were cuch m*-n in charge o f the world’s .•ffairs, th -ic would be fewer wars. FOR ©HLY you CAN HAVE YOUR CHOICE OF ANY FIVE OF THE MAGAZINES LISTED BELOW FOR A FULL YEAR ( T WEL VE MO NT HS ) Virr Why pay more for your magazines when you can buy them at less than cost through your home town news­ paper? You can actually get five of America's leading farm and fiction magazines at this amazing price if you order now. If you act quickly you will receive sixty magazines during the next year for just a little more than the price of this newspaper. Don't hesitate to send your order if some of these come to you now. Re­ newals will be extended twelve months ahead of your expiration date. ILL Country TU R N ER S T A T E BANK During the last debacle, the most violent agitators for bloodshed both at home ami abroad were men safely over the «Irait limit. They stood on street corners ami effervesced sten- toriously regarding patriotism, while hurling scathing invectives at any younger man who «lid not throw «town his work and wade joyously into the fray. They made three-minute speech­ es by the yard, hirml hands to work up general enthusiasm, denounced ull conscientious objectors ns traitors, headed Liberty Loan drives or be­ came dollur-a-year men as a safety measure against having their bluff called. V A S ’ .V .W .V / .W .W w V .V FOR O N LY « liv e r y Saturday N ight O LD TIM E DANCE SALEM. ORECON CO I T u rn e r C o m m u n i t y D ance Editori* and Publishers In all these discussions o f disurm- ument, why has not one thought to cull the uttention o f the Lcugu*1 of Nations to the fact that the only ones who really enjoy the nasty unsavory pastime o f war, ure the old men of ■the world from whose shriveled souls all love o f fellow men has been crowded out by avarice, personal am­ bition nnd petty jealousy— old chief­ tains who sit at home beating tom­ toms ami urging younger men to go A 'S A W V ^ W V o V A % \ V A '/ A * A ,.V ,.iW A W A W / .V V V ,V W W •W out un«l tly at one another's throats. 333 CENTER STREET c\V at tlic Let’s Get the Old Community Spirit. Give us your Support. Being your friends to the biggest nnd bent IM c K t\ Y ’ A S V A V .W A V .V . | Issued every Thursday ut Turner, Munon, County, Oregon, All Join 11 mills mid (!irclo To The* Leif REPORT OF CONDITION O f the Turn r State Bank, ut Turner, County of Marion, Oregon, at close of business December 31, 1U30. Resources $4«,604 55 Loans and discount.* 57.« I Overdrafts . i a Bonds, securities, etc 3,«00 00 Banking house I2K00 00, furniture and fixtures $1000 00 Cush, due from bank* and cash items II . I 1 7.77 ip | , | te Total j i i I : ; • 7«,r.iH.f»3 Liabilities C pita! stock paiil in Surplus $10,000 00 .mm Oli 1,571.70 36.37M.39 • 5,000.00 ............... . L'ndividcd profits- Dcmaml depo.-it* n- t Time certificat's Bill., payable and i*'*!iM.ounls j '< $76,6iti.93 Total | ’ ! State of Oregon, County o f Murion, ss: I, E. T. Pierce, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly rwi ar that the abo* • slut* ment is true to the le st o f my knowledge and belief. E. T. PIERCE, President. . I1 |! I Correct Attest: URSULA B. PIERCE. J. K. WHITEHEAD, C. A. BEAR, Director*. Tub ciilxd nn*l sworn to before me this 5th day of January, 1031. MAE B. TALBOTT, Notary Public for Oregon. My cninmia ion expires November 30, 1034. Lackin' “a.-.t curative, the next best emergency I*/alee for t e churiot of Mars wou'd ! an «*:•■ limit whereby no man ur: : .• forty-five would be al­ lowed in any army. Did such a cus­ tom prevail, there would be no more V v W W W W W V W W V a V ^ . W W W W W W W W f W W W V W W V W bloodshed on battlefield if the regula­ tion o f hostilities were left in the J***■’ ■ W .V •’ •*«■■ * «”•’ > 'i'A i,//«*1,,V A V .V iV A * A V > V W / .W V V A V W hands where it now rests. It is difficult for old men to get along in peace and amity, whether they be ditch diggers or diplomats. T sty flare-ups are on*- of the privi­ leges o f senility, but human destinies ihould not be left in such hands. © Were the League o f Nations to pa.;:* a youth limit to enlistment in fighting armies, the booming of can­ non would cease for all time. Such a measure will never be passed, how­ ever. for the simple reason that those who clutch th<- string ! o f power which •V alone could pa*. and put it into effect ■••re the very ones who prefer the role | o f tom-tom beaters themselves. j m e c h a n 'ÇJ REPORT OF CONDITION Of Ibi- AU M SVILLE Si A IE BANK, at Auntsville, County o f Mar­ lon, Oregon, at clo*.- of busim-hs December 31, 1030. Resources Loans and discounts Overdrafts Bonds, securities, etc. Banking hou-e $3 .00 00, furniture and fixture Real estate owned other than banking house Cash, due from banks and cash item* Other resources $52,000.21 171- $1500.00 ■: Ì \\ . T.Rigdon&Son UNDERTAKERS i.770.00 Total ........... $88,266.82 Capital stock paid in Surplus Undivided profits net Demand dt j><> t Time c •rtificute* $15,000.00 3,000.00 1,099,19 8C.H92.20 32,216.43 $HM,206.82 LLOYD T. RIG DON County Coroner —o — STREET Of R E D. TO W N i STATE □ Am erican Poultry Tournai □ □ The Country Hem e O INustratod Mechanics □ Everybody's Poultry M agazine □ Pathfinder (W eekly) People's Popular Monthly Salem □ The Farm Journal □ G entlew om an M agasin# □ Poultry Success □ G o o d Stories □ Standard Poultry Tournai □ Hom o C lrd o Q Successful Farming □ Hom o frlond □ W om an’s W orld ‘ .,,V .V .V / A V .V A V .,.V / .,.V 1,.V .V .,.a state of Oregon, County of Marion, -■*: I, E. T, Pi. ree, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that th- above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Oregon Correct Household Magasine □ j W . W . V A '. V / W A W . W W \ CVP€i URIC€R$ Adding Maritili«'* 5 1 , 000.00 9,311.90 1,684.64 Total NAM E IM 11S4 I.isbiliti / w w .w .w , Gentlemen 1 wish to take advantage of your magazine bargain otter 1 am enclosing the above amount in payment tor a one year sub­ scription to your paper and the five magazines that 1 have marked with an X below A U M S V IL L E S T A T E B A N K A LL MAKES s T II «> M A S R O F. N Î 421 Court i-'ali m p V .V .V A V .V / .V / A V .W .V .V Ì Aft-st: K. T. PIERCE, Cashier. URSULA B. PIERCE, E. T. PIERCE, D. F. EASTBUR N , Directors. Subscroee .„d sworn to before me this 6th day o f January. 1981. MAE II. TALB O TT. Notary Public for, Oregon. • commi.v-ion expires November 30, 1034.