THE TURNER LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK wus here from Eugene. It is tho first time the family has all been home on Christmas day in four years. Brief Item« Concerning the Com­ ing« and Going« of Yourself and Your Neighbors, as Told to The Tribune Reporters. Dr. R. F. Pound practice limited to removsf ef teeth, gas or local, and dental X-ray. New location 303 First National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. One of the Nicest Courtesies You Can Show to Your Guests Is to Have Their Visits Mentioned in These Columns. The Tribune Will Consider It a Special Favor if You Will Help Us Make This Paper More Interesting to Its Readers by Sending in Items for This Column. Write us, or, if Convenient, Telephone Your News Items to This Office. Bill Brascau o f the Music Shop in Salem announces the opening o f u new sheet music department, muking a specialty o f mail orders, handling all kinds o f sheet music. Century Edition, etc. TRI R U N E Lillian E. Brownell died at the fam. Agricultural conditions In the Willumette valley und In fact the Uy home at Shaw December 24. Stil­ whole state of Oregon were given la survived by her husband, William, some good publicity in the Mountain five children, (¡Itoli, Shaw , Mrs John Slates Power company's pug* adver G iuc I k 'W. Sluin' Mrs A E t\ i 111» in - tiaement which appeared recently In son, Long Beach, Cal; l)r|o l, and the Oregon Voter maguxlne. The ad Maiirfce A of Woo,1st., k. Ill'; on. shfl "Oregon Farmer» „ „ , „ Earn 20'. More Than the U S ter, Min. K D Hfker, Pine drove ,, . .... ¿..»..r • Avniige rontuin«'«! tome inh n Mills, Pa ; two brothers, Kdg.r |( and f|U.u uni, dgures and is quoted lu re Mr*. Caroline Drnger has her duugli John W. Krellgh of N< w York stale, with us follow . : Funeral services were tielil at Shaw "The United Slut«« department of ter, Miss Rose, who linchea music in Decem ber 27 with R. \. W, 8 Hui ' " figures show that til. 0 the Portland schools, visiting tier. m , „ _,. •», |, , gon farmers eurn 20'. mure than the —-— O-—-— goylie officiating. The W. I Rigdon " national average and the per capita Mr. and Mrs* Jay Conk and daughter mortuary of Salem wau In charge and ,.Mrning> of the Oregon farmers are Gertrude s|>viit Chi Utmrs Day lu Sal In in to« ut was Hindi In Beleresl Me* I 0Vvr f»b'. above the national average, eui with Mr. and Mis. F' Gurti» inorial Paik south ot Sulem. It is a significant fact that the Pacific the dinner, the first time they had all been together for four year# at Christmas aime. Miss Huxel returned to Eugene in the evening to resume her nurse’s training at the Christian j Pacific hospital. She expects to grad- * uate in June. -.. o---- Mr*. Geo. Ilrower I» quite III. sutler- lng from a severe cold. Dr. and Mrs. Itansom entertained i on Christmas day, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Perkins and daughters o f Lebunon, Mrs. Susie Ransom .»nil son, Wayne, ^ _ _ _ _ Roy Hatfield has purchased a radio. 1 o f Aumsville anil Mrs. Mary Owler The John Selieifl'eri r Sr. home w as a T. T. Palmer was presented with I o f Portland. scene of festivity on Christmas Day W sV V V sV W V V % V «V «V .% *.V V sV V % -——-O- 1 — a radio fo r Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Morris o f w lien sixteen or more of their child­ E. H. Il U R R E L Mrs. T. T. Palmer called on Mrs. the Cloverdale district spent their ren gathered there t enjoy the day. ——'-O — 4Ö4 N. Liberty St. Christmas in North Bend, Oregon, J. E. Whitehead Sr., Monday. Mrs. Caroline Drager entertained with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Dean I. L. Robertson was here from Mil- Morris looked a fter their ranch dur- her children and grandchildren to waukie the first o f the week. I ing their absence. the number o f 15 on Christmas Dev. (¿utility lliittrri«** Mr. and Mrs. Carl W iper spent several days at Gardner with Mrs. W iper’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. W agnor were here from Seattle, Washingon, to spend Christmas with Mrs. W agnor’s Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Haworth are | mother, Mrs. U. S. Talbot and hus­ i ¡ding Shank’s horses as they have band and Mrs. Talbot's father, A. S. Baker. G. I. Burnett o f Salem was traded their car olT. also a dinner guest at the Talbot Sam Slytcr came from Portland to , home on Christmas day. spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. --------o— - and Mrs. Monroe Slyter of Marion. Denham Bros., contractors, the past week have buili a large book­ Dr. Ransom has enjoyed very much case at the west end o f the high friends and relatives calling on him school study room to take care o f during the holidays. the school library books. The work A. E. Robertson and children were was done during the Christmas vaca- dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Harry tlon so as not to interfere with the Barnett on Christmas. i school work. ---- O----- The Lawrence Edwards fam ily are out o f quarantine a fter a seige o f diphtheria. $5.M K‘ Guests at the J, F Thomason boote during the holidays were, Mr». W. T H o I imiii and daughter Bitty I.<>u o f Marshlhld; Mr-, Kenneth Denton and son Kenneth Jr. of Eugene Mr Mr*. T W.Thompson Ferne Rosi burg :ml Salem und iLtughtei It h* log lite li’ «! Ilm« »he I id been Oregon PAINTING ' alone on Chrlsmas D »y. Mr». R. J. I Watson Joinid the congenial group, BY D A Y OR CONTRACT Estimates Furnished Mr. KoMiismi and hi-sister M » A» quilh Mr F« k it-il Mrs. Burr at the m É u â .. back. M\s.s Hazel Bon. s, eldest daughter o f Mrs. J. M. Bones, was home on Christmas day fo r the big dinner g iv ­ en at the Bones home. The whole fam ily o f six children were seated at . W .V W W .V / W .V W .V V W W / A V V / A .V / A V A .V .V W A V / W . H appy N ew Y e a r We can't locate each one of you To wish you New Years glory, So here's the way we advertise The same old happy story A New Year bright with loyalty, A :\ew Year gay and snappy, New friends, old loves and all good things To keep the New Year Happy Tuiner Lumber & Manufacturing Co. .V / W A V A V A V / W W m and orchardists who are "This company is indeed proud o f tlic* part it is taking in increasing piofits for our rural customers and and >n greatly improving working an.t living conditions on the farm through supplying adequate electric service at ..«4. ,/ / W m V A V / A V / A V .V ' ii'iiíi’ M lilSfiìiib. A ll •loin it n mis mid Circ le To The» L«>f< at th«* T u r n e r C o m m u n i t y D an ce livi*ry Saturday Nitjlil Let’s Get the Old Communiiy Spirit. (live us your Sup|*>rt. Beinjr your frientls to the biggest and best O LD T IM E D A N C E Ever held in Turner, S atu rd ay Night, Jan. 3 Spoiccrcd by Hall Bros, and (he People of the Communiiy Schafer. Mr and Mrs, C. A McKay and chllilrcd. Mr. and Mrs. \Vsti r Bone«. Arthur E d * ard. ami a<-n«. Stn- .V / W / i’ .V . V iV .V . 'iV iV / .'iV iV i’ .'iV .V V .V .V .’ .V .V r ’ iV .W .V / iV cy and Uol»-rt, I van, Maxwell, Pom- : «rand Robert McKay, Margaret Tuck­ er anti tl «• h«.«te, Mr. and Mrs. Milch- A Happy and Prosperous :• N ew Y ear for all our «II. W farmers Turner later* hoarding house for dinner thut i 1 S. Talbot r.-nsonuble rates. dav. "Mountain States Power company.” W A A ñ A W W A W A V W W .V V Klamath I * where our »pedal Ironing board la <>n di«|i|ay and h<- will defhonatrate it for Charles Mote, better known to hi- vui I/’ ts go. Turner Lumber Co. friends here as “ Chuck,” a graduate Mr. and M^s. Paul McCormick were — ■■■« ■ - o f Turner high school and a student here from Portland fo r Christmas Mr, and Mr« Fred Mitchell enter­ now at Oregon State College, is a with be» father, Calvin Small, also her sister, Mrs. Ada Sparks and chil­ guest at the Earl S. Prather horn” tained with n dinner honoring her here fo r a few days, and is helping mother. Mrs. Elizabeth McKay on her dren. Mr. Prather with the inventory o f 77th birthday. Besides the honor Sumne», Clarissa and Frances his business and greeting hi« many Clark spent a part o f their Christ­ friends who are glad to welcome him guest, there were present, Mrs. Rnlit. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones enjoyed a fam ily dinner on Christmas day. Miss Hazel, who is a student nurse, return on their investmenL Oregon may well be proud of her progressive VAV.WAW.VV/ fam ily. -----O----- which yield their owners a substantial building a nation wide reputation *or i^ ^ ^ M W S \ V V « W .V .% W A the excellence of Oregon products. ..... i , ■ , - ■ — ■ Mrs. George Slytcr o f Falls. Oregon, came to Marion to G- E. Given anil daughter Gladys spend the holidays with her parents, s|«-nl the day Christmas »1 the Jim -----o----- Mr. and Mrs. A li* Schmidt, expecting Mr. and Mrs. Lotos Osburn and Colgln farm •»•nth oil. Tuesday— Ironing day. \\ In.t Farris home here Sunday. Other Chrir.m a on th. lower Columbia with guests fo r the day were Grant Far­ a pleasure u ilh a teal Honing l««i- family were out <*f iloors, he shot V//2/2AV22JV22.-.V22.V.V2.V/2.V.V.V...WAWAW22AW himself with a 2J caliber rifle. Besit« 8 his father, W. W. T. Given he Is survived hy two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Stephenson of Oregon City, May Better business next year! The joy o f Compensa­ tion! Our wish for you, and yours for us, an I a half broth« r Gerry at home, also several utteles aod other reluilvts in and itrottu«! Turuer. The body is at the Weddle Funeral Parlors h St y|nn with funeral <—r- viecs t<# l v h« id Friday, lie will he laid 1« rial l.y the side of hi* mother ami a sister in the Warren cemetary In the Waldo Hills. ° - | Mr. and Mrs. Wm Morris and chil­ dren motored to Bend wh«*re they spent Chri.stams day with Mrs. Mor­ ris’ si-dor, Mrs. Ruth Ryan and fam­ ily A happy combination! Aumsville Flour Mills ; a a /^ a v a a / a w w w / / / / ,% v / ^ i V . v v a v j v a ^ v v w v v w