i THE TURNER TRIBUNE W . V W A V / A W W . '.V / A V / W . V . V A W . '. V . ’ V / W / .V .V í :: May the New Year Bring you an abundance o f Happiness and Prosperity The Turner Tribune SI B8CRIFTION »1.25 PER YEAR xxxx •£ I Knt> red at tin- Po*tofflco at Turner, "• Or' gon, a* ik rond-pla -< mutt'-r, lindar •" the Act of March 3, lx7i‘. 'M U/// 1 and i I twill'd every Thursday at Tunar, l¡ Marion, County, Oregon. Si MHS. CHAS. «. CLARK, Editor '• . ton V.- re it .mer guei.U t . ti. Cham­ *, h'-rlain home Christman. pear Broaden of R om - Loda • in G eneral M ore visiting her aiate r, Mr«. Ja men TURNER OREGON St udnickH. % ,* Mr. and Mr*. Lyle Sacre of Salem M W W A f t W A W . V W W W W M V W W A W A V .V W / J V ‘"I two chihlr. n ami of W ■ ■ i —..... . i ... . . . --- — — ------ - . ton »pent Christina* with their par- Harrison’s A P J V W A V y V / A V W .V J '/ .V / W A fW .V A W M V W A V .V W cnt*' Mr ,,n •Z » the p]eu*ant Grove church Sunday. Ì ■ Tii. is the fin-t Christmas program to V ,• be given there for several year*. U rncR isl Reliable [, S, The club* at Wert Stayton school arc* doing well. The Jolly Girl*, who AT,\VA,.V//.VW .VdV.W .VAV.VA*.W /AW //JVAVW .VJV are taking the second division in ^ *• wing, m< t with Mr*. Elsie Bone, ¡1 their h-nder. The Needle and Thread j£ ' V I cluh, tiki king the first division in sew- ^ —V/ et at the school house with .■.V .,.V ,V .,.,.V .,.,.,.V .V .,.,.V .V .,.,.V .,.,.,A ,.,.V .V C,,V .V .,,Y .V .V .V -!■: V ÎÏJ >ng, meet ■ Mr*. Mr*. Min Minnie Dickman, their leader, j The V- . fl-nd maft dub meet with .S W / A V .V .'.V .’.V .V V J ’.V .’ .V .V .Y / A W Elmer Asche at hi* home. All kre \ £ int* rested and enjoying the work very very- i i much. Mi i Nickerson left Wednesday i morning for the Christmas holidays. | School open* again Monday. The West Stayton schools soldi $9.4* worth of tuberculosis seals this i i year, i > were all working to win , Turner Oregon the priii. Tex Shoddy, In the fifth i Salem, Oregon 1 grade, was high man of the school, j having sold 150. Velma Royse, in the I v. nth grade, sold 125. Each were V.V.YWAVAW.W.* pre* nt<-il with a pound box of candy 1 '■ ■■■■ ■ 1 " ——~ ■'■■*" 11 ■ * furnished by Mrs. E. A. Bradley. W W A V . V . V A V . W W M W .V . W .W V . W V . W A W . V . ’.V The school gave a good Christmas • program Tuesday afternoon to a large I crowd. ) Robert Royse and Y'erne Chamber- lain went to the alumni meeting at Aumsville, Monday, and also the ban- — — — ■* j quet in the evening. Virgenc Johnson has been quite ! sick with tonsolitis but is much bet- I ter r.t the present time. ! New Years Úrutí*& iflukr la 'il A Hluair llrnr fiirbrn (fioufrrtiimrrit Bill Brazen's Blt-sic Shop W. JA Y . ¿atmy N “ When the time* or freshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” TURNER, OREGON £ ¡(A cts u. J ) one of those blessed /» i I seasons in on now! and any child of .W .V / .V ^ Z / .V / W / A '.V .’ .W .V .V .W A '.V .W .V .V .V .W .V I God who is not getting the benefit of the me ng is certainly missing a ^ f.% - .V .V .V .N ".V .V .V .V .V -V .V .W .V .".V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V great opp nullity, nnd if the unsaved could realize what they are cheating themselves out of, the church could not seat the crowds that would come. After all is said and done, what is this life but a place in which to get ready to live— forever— in the next world? An- you ready? No time, now? Say! when the reaper comes he won’t a*k if you have time to go with him, but you’ll go. The interest is very good. Some souls have been born into the king­ dom. The three specials from the men’s quartet and the harmonica solo from West Salem last night was just one of the treats planned for this week. There is special singing every *■ night. There’s a good warm room, there’s a hardy welcome for all. After the watch night meeting, the subjects on which Rev. Groves plans to speak Salem. Oregon ^ are: 1215 State Street Phone 703 Thursday— '"The Impassable Gulf." Friday— “ The Unpardonable Sin.” X v . v . v . v a v . v . v . v . v . v .-. v . w - v . w . v . v . v . v . v . v . v . v . v . v Saturday— "The Living Sacrifice.” ■( - Sunday— "Twice Born.” fell from a wire where he was at (U I “ The spirit and the bride say, piny at the Snoddy home on Christ­ WEST STAYTON 'Come.’ And let him that hcareth say . mas day. Laurence Tragen, youngest son of ‘Come.’ And let him that is athirst Mr. and Mrs. Welch of Mncleay come. And whosoever will, let him Mr. and Mrs. Tragen of West Stay ton, was hurt quite badly when he and Mr. and Mrs. Bone of West Stay take the water of life freely.” Ring out the old, «* Ring in the new, Ring out a greeting, friends to you! A wish for health, a a wish for wealth, Success in everythihg you do! D E N H A M i W IT H A N O. K . 1 H A T C O U N T S 1928 Ford Model A Sport Coupe, run only 9000 miles ............................................................ $385.00 1928 Model A Ford Touring.......................... 195.00 1929 Model A Ford Roadster, new paint new tires 365.00 1928 Oldsmobile Landau Sedan; first class condi- dition throughout ......................................... 595.00 1930 Chevrolet Sport Roadster, heater, side wings, wire wheels, rumble seat and run only 8000 miles ............................................................ 550.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe thoroughly reconditioned.. 265.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan, run only 8000 miles........... 525.00 1929 Chevrolet Coach, looks like a new o n e ........ 495.00 1928 Durant Coach, fine shape, new tires.......... 295.00 1927 Chrysler Coupe, fine shape, new tires..... 285.00 1929 Chevrolet Sport Cabriolet, perfect condition 525.00 1926 Ford Touring, ruxtel............................. 85.00 1927 Chevrolet Touring................................. 125.00 333 Center Street Tel, 1802 M c K )Z\ V ’ S 333 CENTER STREET SALF.M, OREGON