\ THE TURNER ¡J CHRISTIAN C H URCH * Sunday saw a fine Bible school present in spite of the bad weather. Bro. Gilstrap's New Year’s sermon Sunday morning sounded the call for “ Full Stearn Ahead.” Much interest was manifested in the business meeting following the morning sermon. Every measure was carried with a full vote and no oppo­ sition. New office! - elected Sunday are: Elders, Messrs. Fred Brown, Thoma­ son, F. G. Booth; deacons, Messrs. Wm. Butxka, Raymond Titus and Howard Baker; deaconesses, Mes- dames Frank Cook, J. L. Webb, Stella Brower, Susan Giradin; clerk, Mrs. Jay Cook; financial secretary, Mrs. Raymond Titus; treasurer, Mrs. M. O. Pearson. TRIBUNE TURNER SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRA IN SERVICE North Bound No. 14, 4:86 A M . (Stops when flagged.) No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) South Bound No. 5, 11:10 A.M. (Stops when flagged to pick ud passengers for points at which this train stops.) No. 15, 9:23 P.M. (Stops on (lag only, to pick up passengers for points south o f Eugene via Cascade Line.) No. 31, 8:45 P.M. ( Regulur stop.) Following north bound trains stop to detrain passengers coming from points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due 5:36 A. M.; No. 6, due 6:06 P.M. Office hours at Turner week days are 8 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon, and from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Station is closed on Sunday und holi­ days. On these days passengers can pay fare and have baggage checked on trains. NOTICE OF F IN A L SETTLEMENT : Fred Bates was elected superin­ tendent o f the Sunday school; Dr. Kpley, assistant superintendent; Jim McGown, secretary; Hildred Bones, assistant secretary; Lillian Peterson, treasurer; Josephine Gilstrap, pianist; Mrs. Ruth Riches, superintendent primary and cradle rool department. M)UR OWIN PROPtRIY Jos. Himman, Prop. IS C O N C I A N I O W H I N I VOUA VO U A NI N ll G M t O M H Ou O N F I A IC I / , - - *1 SI IS , f * * * * A V .V .V .V .V .V .V .W .W .W .V * i i i * * Mrs. Delzell, who has just com­ * Your neighbor's fire loss is pleted her eleventh year as teacher ** likely to become your loss. ♦ o f the young people’s class, was pre­ Don't be without proper in­ * surance. sented with a beautiful vase as a * Christmas present. The school cheer- 1 * Insurance that wa> adequate a few years ago may need ed when she displayed it Sunday j J revision to-day! morning. | ♦ * Let us offer our advice. ----o i — j a * i Sunday evening Edna Johnson led J F. P. ROWLEY, Agent * * a splendid C. E. meeting. A good 1 * General Insurance ♦ crowd was present. | * * Turner, Oregon * . — _ i: * The evening services were dismiss- HHHMHHI# hhhhhmhi * + i -*•*•■** •***■• t-d and the congregation worshipped | at the M. E. church at the revival be­ ing conducted there. Monday evening 31 young people gathered at the church and were to | have witnessed a program by students j from the Eugene Bible University1 ~nd when they did not arrived Rev. Gilstrap announced an impromptu | program by the young people which was greatly enjoyed and was as fol­ low’s: Vocal solo, Mozart Toppan; whistling duet, Willett Jc-ssee and Sam Smith; talk on his recent vaca­ tion by Kenneth Hickok; vocal duef, the Johnson twins; song stunt, Shelia Delzell, Nellie Barber, and Leona Cook; vocal duet, the Witzel twins; stunt .Mozart Toppan and Jim Mc­ Gowan; duet, Anna Johnson and Wallace Chandler; bass solo, Ken­ neth Hicliok. Josephine Gilstrap pre­ sided at the piano throughout the evening. Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap dismissed with prayer. A rousing service both morning aiiîTevening next Sunday. Joint installation o f officers took place at the Masonic and Eastern Star lodges Saturday evening with Cecil Rogers and Mrs. Emma Peter­ son as installing officers. The new officers are: W. W. Oglesby, W. M .; H< rman Lewis, S. W .; Arthur Ed­ wards, J. W .; H. S. Bond, secretary; J. M. Bones, treasurer. Eastern Star: Ruth Oglesby, W. M.; W. H. Oglesby, W. P .; Mary Kelly, A. M.; Elsie Lewis, secretary’, and Chas. Bones, treasurer. — o— - A miniature Christmas tree stood on the secretary’* desk and from which H. S. Bond presented a lovely g ift, a Masonic emblem, to Hollis Bones, as a memento o f his first year as h Mason. The gift was from His mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones. $ UNDERTAKERS Called for C LE A N E D , PRESSED! DELIVERED Just Rhone us, we, 11 do the rest. Keep your wan!robe at it’s best County Coroner Salem Oregon NOTICE OF HEARING OF F IN A L ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the final account o f Katie Ahrens, as udminis- tratrix o f the Etate of John Ahrens, decern* *d, hus been filed in the Count) Court o f Marnm County, State of Oregon, und that the 30th day of |January, 1981, at the hour o f ten o'clock A. M. ha* been duly appointed by such court for the hearing of ob­ jection * to such final account und the s dtlement thereof, nt which time any person interested in such estat** may . appear and file objections thereto in j writing ami contest the same. Dated this iKth day o f December, ' 1930. K A T IE AHRENS. Administratrix. K. !.. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. Ladd & Bush Bank Bnlg , Salem, Ore. First publication: 1» c. IM, 1930. 1-ast publication: Junuary 15, 1931. — o- - Hats-'Odorless Cleaning One Day Service Let LTs Serve You Every Week Kerry ity C! ♦ i 1 ♦ > i * i le a n e r » Service i with I A Smile 230 N. Liberty, Salem «j * * You always gel a little more thsn you pay for when you deni with ua~ Clean “ gas,” f u l l measure—-Clean oil, the brand y o u r motor likes ls-st,—and cheerful ».rvice to Wring you buck. i i A V A / V U W A W W V A V .V A M V » i N E W LOCATION ■ * * é ♦ * H A N D IC A P S OF D I S E A S E As you travel through life you will find many handicap«, but none compared to the handicap« of di«ea«e. Have thr«e eliminated by Chi­ ropractic Adjustments given according to a Neurocalometer reading. Remember the Neurocalometer locate« nerve preanure. Chi- ropratcic Adjustment« remove nerve pre««ure. Neurwealome- ,er reading« by appointment only. t i DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. High Street M ORRIS Optical Co’s. FREE AIR and W A T E R W E FIX FLATS RED CROW N G A S New Type Deeper Curved Lena Best for Better Vision £ ÿ Bones Bros., Turner Phone 87 SALEM OREGON p jv w a v w jy w w w w y a SALEM , OREGON ¿JV W V W W A V V W V W W W V W W b V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V THROAT AND L U N G BALSAM fo r the re lie f o f FA M ILY DANCE C R Y S T A L G A R D E N SALEM, O R E G O N -----O---— Every Wednesday and Saturday Strictly Old-Time Dancing At 8:30, p. m. V W W .W A V A W V W W J Y l I B E A U Tr Ml S H O P P E . Over StuslofT Market Salem, Oregon — O — Coughs COLDS SPASMODIC CROUP WHOOPING COUGH HOARSENESS Scalp and Facial M O D E R N D A N C E T rea tm e n ts CRYSTAL GARDEN ANNEX Every Wednesday and Saturday Strictly Modern Music and Dancing One Gate and One Price o f Atlrnis sion etitles you to both style« o f dancing Gems 50c Ladies 25c Roller DREAM LAND Skating A ll Work Guaranteed Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Phone 47J 7 to 10 p. m. Admission 10c j Ladies Free. Skates 25c V / .V / .'.V .V .V W W W A V .V Finger Wave BRONCHIAL COUGHS Contain« no Narcotic Only at Schaefer’s DRUG STORE The Original Yellow Front and Candy Special Store o f Salam I3S N. Commercial PHONE 197 Ptnalar Agency In the County Court o f the Siati* o f Oregon, for Maron County. In ttie Matter ol the Kstute of Mary Euxtburn, deceased. To Ü. F. Kastburn, Daisy II. Myers, i Rosa h. Darby, L. K. hastbuin, fr. A. « J Kastburn. John East burn, Mary V. Drury, Churles Lust bur|, K A ,u|nh G Garla*, Vir giiiiu Garbe, Sheldon Phillips, llildrod Perkins, Venetta May Perkins, Var­ iteli Phillips, und Glenn Titus: Whereas application hus been made in due form in the above entitled cause on the 25th day o f November, 1930, by D. F. Lust burn, administra­ tor in the above name estate for an order und license directing und em­ powering him to «eli certain n-ul property o f the estute o f the do- eeasi'd, which real property is purlieu larly described as follows: Beginning ut u point in the center if Cleveland Avenue in Merrifield's Addition to the Town o f Aunmvilh* in Marion County, Oregon, which sani point is 11.967 chains West o f tin* Northeast corner of said Merrifield's Addition to the Town o f A urns ville ; running thence West along the center of sani Cleveland Avenue 3.39 chains to tin- renter of Fifth fiin w i in tin T s t n al Aumsvillc; thence North on a di reel line with the center of said Fifth S t m t 2 99 chain ; thence East 3.31 ciiains to u 16 foot right o f way heretofore grunted to R. !.. Randall, und now owned hy Chef- lings; thence South along the west «idi* o f said right o f way 2.99 chains to the pluce o f beginning, containing one acre, mon* or less, situati d in Section - . T. 8 South, Range 2 West o f the Willamette Meridian in Marion County, On*- gun Also the ea.«t one tiulf o f tin* following described promises, to wit: Beginning ut u point 20.0s chains north and 3.47 chains east o f the Southwest corner o f the Allen J. Davie and Cynthia Davie D. !.. C. Notification No. 63, in Township 9, South Range J, \Vc.;t o f the Willamette M* ridiali in Mar ion County, Oregon; thence North 40.00 chains to the center o f th< Stayton und Aumsville County Rond; thence South 73 degree. 4.', minutes East 11.43 chains; thi*nc< South 86.84 chains; thence West 10.97 chains to the plan* o f btgin ning, containing 42.15 acres o f land. The property herein last de. «evibei| b*ing 21 075 acr* a o f lumi. And whereas this court has flv* d the 19th day o f January, 1931, at th> hour o f ten o’clock a. m in the room o f the County Court in the court house in Silent, Marion County, Or gon, ns the time and place for the hearing of any and all oh lections to said petition and the grnnt'iig of sa