The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 01, 1931, Image 1

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T he T urner T ribune
Thursday, January 1, 1931
Number 12
Some time ago, in 1925, to be
By a famous coiner of phrase* the
Mr. nnd Mr*. Earl S Prather in- '
passing years have boon likened to ten in- • a* <i>n-r on C5. • .tr ;; d y. | <-x- ct, congress passed a bill desig­
black oxen which slowly tread the Circling th«- /«-stive bom , w. 'ch w ;. h nating what is known as the veterans'
worhl, leaving in their wake a tram­ decorated with green tapers and holly adjusted compeniation act. This pro-
pled path o f havoc and destruction, with the bright re«l b»-rri<-s, were Mr*. vid. -i for certificates o f various
or a furrow bio* oming with flowers Prather’s parents, M r nnd Mrs. N. ; amount.-« b* ae-l on the number o f -lays
— depending upon tb*dr impossibl«*- W. Hutchins, Mrs. Madeline Austin of service of the veteran. These were
nnd non, Charles Nutlian, Wdlard and supposed to be for the purpose
to-predict humors.
In (he main game o f th*-evening
At this annual turning over of the Floy<l Hutch- ns o f McMinnvillle, ,
W. C'urlton Smith, o f Salem, died
pay drawn by the soldier who was
w««t•. tin second game in *u. -
lit Portlun-I lutv We-liu sduy after uii
prepare«! to give even his life for his
op« ration for gull »tone*.
conutry if n«cessary and high wages Ce-tslon, ill the Cacead.- L* agile serio..
I>r. Smith returned from California : duinuge has b«-en done during the was home on a furlough from the i
paid at home, and yet they were not Tl-e vsiiie »i-» f..*t I br-iugh-nit ami
\ her« I m w m tukinic a « t, but hi« past twelve months, ami look over U. S. S. Lexington, ¡.nd Mr. and Mrs. j
receive this adjusted compensation Was * man to ma<. (mill«*. The first
: prospect* of hope for the future.
Earl S. Prather and son, Stanford,
health w m not
twenty years or until 1945. There h -if "»•♦• iim «I to be a |>* rio l of « arming
The clutter--«! «lebri along the just Jr. Charles Nathan remained until |
tut good u* he
at this time at least two rcsolu- up, neither team acc* ui|>lisbinK much.
1 completed furrow is proof positive Monday to visit with his cousin,
tnought uml he
before congress asking, as an
that, whatever els«- may be said of Stanford.
T*>« score, at (lit- - nd of the first linlf,
returned to Port
relief that these cer­
; thi-m, tho oxen have -lone this one
lend for further
tificates be paid at this time. There stood 10 l-i A n Turner’s favor.
year’s trampling job thoroughly.
medicul a 11 e n-
The *e«-oi «1 half devel« ¡a d into a fust
have been several speeches before
Wrecked political ambitions, van­
lion. Hi* physi-
and folio * battle with the lead zig-
ishing G. O. P. *up«-riority, and rem­
cian decided that
m-nt among the senators and repre­ zaiiug from (u.e-1« nin In ilieo lh tr. I i
nn operation wit*
loi>t Sun-lay, Clifford Ensley was sentatives in favor o f this act is grow­
1 went up in smoke, are mingled all
necessary and al­
hauling wood from near Marion and ing. Alr«-a«ly such men as Hon. the fourth quarter the Turner I m -«-.
! higgledy-piggledy with tariff snugs,
though he rallied
I h.s truck back fire«l, blowing the car- Wright Patman o f Texas, Hon. D. D. d iV elop jig sin.- fine i-le jiig , with
prohibition muddl«-*, rusty tax prob­
from the opera­
I bun-tor off and setting fire to the Glover o f Arkansas and Hon. Hamil­ G -lb making some nice slittls, assist­
lems und splintery remnant* o f shat-
tion a n d w u *
truck, which was burned causing al- j ton Fish, Jr., o f New York are strong­ ed by Hi- kock and M Pearson. When
! tered farm reli« f measures. All this
thought to
i most a total loss.
ly behind the bill.
the final gong s-mn-ied th*- score stood
i ,..i | to I
•» change , is udditinn to the yet thr«-ut--ning
Th«- truck was cover-«! by insur-
in favor of Turner.
for the worse and died late Wednes­
! ance, but th«- insurance adjuster- from the remarks o f Hon. D. D.
for Turner w*s, E. Galli.
day evening.
have not made an inspection yet and
W. Carlton Smith w m born at J--f- parity is*u-* which still hover over­ it is sai«l that it will cost more to re- * Glover. Mr. Glover says that “ No It. F.; M Pears. II, L. F , W. P- ars«...,
feivon, Marion county, April 17, hear and cast their blighting shadows build the truck than to replace it one can justly say that the bonus was
not right, tut were those boys fairly- C ; C. Ensley, R. g .; C Martin, L G ;
1 h 7-1. and attended the public school* into the dubious serenity of the fu­ ( with a new one.
treated by this congress in deferring Sul slitutes, Hiekoek ami Given—
t' ere and in Salem. He also attended ture, augmenting a worl«l-wi«le pessi­
Croskey is using one o f Ball Bros, payment o f that which it acknowl-
J U'-rson, Harper. It F ; Bilyeu, L. F.
Willamette university for one year. mism which amounts almost to panic. (ruck on his milk route until a settle-
«-«lged to be a just debt we owed them Goin, C Beach R. G-; Boyer, L G
It is not an «-nticing picture, look­
In IK92, Dr. Smith entered the Uni­
' menFis made with the insurance com- to say by act o f congress that the
versity o f Oregon, from which he ing backward. No wonder we are ! puny .
Substitutes, Muck. Pbel|u* and Bluck.
certificates should not bear interest
gndutted in 1896 with an A. II. d«*- glad to turn our backs to it uml face
ft hill-1 i• ft reed II • game ui.ii B'igg*
gi e -. Dr. Smith obtained hi* M. D. the future, where, outline«! against en* and noodles Were served and and not be paid until 1945?”
Mr. Glover takes the stand that
degree at the Knnaaa City medical the rosy horizon o f hope, we see the much merriment was created when
passage o f this bill would be a
The boy* will pla\ their third gim e
univ riity in IK'*«
the guests endeavored to «-at with relief to the unemployment situation
the scri< s Werliusday, January 7,
Dr. ?...
returned to Oregon
chop sticks. Those prasent were Mr.
an I located at Turner, Marion coun­ I system, n stable governmental oigan- and Mr*. Wm. Gulvin and two chil­ in that it would increase the buying with Gut-son t ie home fbx-r. Help
ty, wh"re he practiced medicine until izulion .und a free, educated citiz- n- dren, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Whit«- and power o f the nation. That it would the boys to a iu, attend the game and
help absorb the surplus products o f
April 20, l!*02, when he moved to ry not afraid to put its shoulder to two small daughters, Mr. and Mrs.
the farm. But his principal argu­ give them your support. A cordial in-
Silent. For m or than ten years he
! Goo. Crume, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. ment is from the side o f right and valatinii is extend-d in tb-- rut-li,* to
vrvwd as d.-monstruU. of mtatcwty for bigger and heir- . advancement Mitch«-
Vid son, R6b«*rt, Mrs. Htella justice. He says: * *
nnd part-time secretary o f the faculty than «-ver before.
M.ible Tucker and the
“ These certificates are sometimes
There arc rough spots, o f course,
o f the medical department ut Willam­
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Denyer and referred to as bonus certificates. They
In rather a slow preliminary game
ette university, lie also served as looking ahead. But, on the whole, we children.
the Turner aacoud team went down to
\ -iting physician to the Oregon state ; see everywhere good roads, good
training school for boys, the state schools, comfortable hoomes, plenty
defeat. Throughout the game it seein
home for the feeble mind« d and the of food, the highest living st. n-lar-ls
ed they c -uId tint <tninecl with thenld
Oregon penitentiary. Dr. Smith served o f any people in the world, ami in- the other hand Jeffer­
ns city physician in Salem for one d pendenri o f thought and ac’.ion not
looped in M-vt-ral ti-Id goals, run­
t- rm, ami was county physician for to he dupheated nnyw-here else on
It seems that our peaceful little management has to protect his busi­
the globe.
ning up tlit- score wlii«-h st-xvl 28 to 5
six years.
city has been quiet about long enough ness and crowd and always will. Of
And in the face of all that, down-
Swrvics Given in Frants
the close o f the g.«nn*. The lineup
and been use of the restless dirposi- course, you will react by saying that
During the World war Dr. Smith h--arte«l7 Not we! We’ re rendy and ; tion o f the Yanks, we’ve just got things go on after the dance that is was as follows: Turn r. M. McKav, R.
went to France a« commander o f the eager to tightrn our belts and help ' to b-- up end agoing, anti this over­ not proper. O f course that is true, F ; Z" McKay, L. F; M. Pearson, C ;
d<I3d ft dd hospital company and par­ plow that furrow! And, since the flow of energy has center«*«! itself very true, but who is to blame, the
i Hickook, R. G ; I. Given, L. G. Sub­
ticipated in the St. Mihlel, Mcuse- ; straining oxen ar«- «*ven now just : upon our little -lance hall— the ques- -lance organizers or your mothers and
stitutes C. Wipper for M. Pearson, for
ready to start, we'll simply say,
Argonnc and Ypres-Scheldt ofiV-n.n-s.
1 tion o f the -lance. Folks it’s a ’’ big’’ fothers. Again things o f this nature
J. Deuyer. JeffVrs-iu, Philps, R. F..
He was -liachnrgt d from the army
problem and we, it seems, nee«l the are apt ot happen after your church
I-et’i go!”
May 26, 191b, accepting the com­
I hearty cooperation o f everyone, espe- parties or school programs— why Mack, L. F: Coin, C.; Hart, R. G.;
— — - - '■ ■■■' - o - ~
mission of major of the medical offi­
1 cially those who are not in the least don’t you condemn them. Even in our Harris, L. G. Substitutes. Beach for
Friends gathered at the U. E. Den­
cers’ reserve corps on July 17, lb IS*.
i concerned. For instance, illegal sign­ iittle town we have private card par- Phelps and Jeai low for Hart.
On August 28, Ib24, he was pro­ ver home Mon-lay evening and en­ er:; of petitions, non-property owners, ; ties, principal! “ 500,” where gambling
joyed play ing 500. The occasion was
moted to lieutenant-colonel in the
children (under 21 years o f age . and is going on. For instance, a prize is
Mr. an«l Mrs. Wm Morris and chil­
pre ¡«lent o f the Reserve Officers’ Mr. and Mrs. Denyer’s twentieth residents o f outside districts. Come given as a token to the player having
(china! wedding anniversary. Chick-
motored to Bend where they
association for one term in 1924 and
one, com«- all, we need you to help the highest score and in many com­
Christams day with Mrs. Mor­
1925. He was a member o f Pearl
riti our business center o f Turner of munities money is used. Of course
Masonic lodge and o f Al Rader tem- an-l wa* attended by over a thousand this ten -b!c menace.
this cannot be condemned. Why? Be­ ris’ sister, Mrs. Ruth Ryan and fam-
ple, Portland. He was a life member people who came from all parts of
You, the opposers o f the dance, of cause the large percent o f those in
o f the Salem lodge of Elks, and the county and state to pay tribute course, say “ out with it.” That is only attendance are church-going peopl**.
served as exalted ruler o f the organ­ to their departed friend and comrade. natural. But why? is what the other You who live in glass houses should are not a bonus J>ut they represent
ization in l!*07 und 1!*0K. He also
Lawrence T. Harris o f Eugene «le- half o f the people, or I might say, j not throw stones.
the government’s confession o f a
acted us district grand exalte«! ruler livered an eulogy to the Salem man. the dance attending people want to , In all the riot and uproar one citi­ debt for service rendere«!. They date
for Oregon-south, in l b l l nnd 1012. The Rev. George Swift o f St. Haul’s know*. What has the -lance evil ever zen is known to have said that all from January, 1925, to January,
lie was a charter member ami first Episcopal church of Sulem delivered inflicted directly upon you or any of who attend the public -lance are 1945.- Th«* veterans o f Arkansas . . .
secretary o f the Marion County Med­ the prayer at the funeral service, and your chidlren?
“ skum o f the earth.” Now Mr. Citi­ would receive the sum of $52,354,-
ical society. He later served as pr«-»i I favorite songs of the departed were
I f yeu or your’s can’t go to n zen, whoever you may be, you are 808.84.”
d nt o f the organization.
i played.
, -lance and have a good wholesome, takin a lot for granted and an- mak­
He goes on to say that this would
Dr. Smith always was active in
Honorary pallbearers included Gov­ clean time, then that is entirely your ing a very very bold statement, one not only help them but be a great
American I.ogion affairs and was the ernor Norblnd, F. G. Deckebach, Dr. fault, not the «lance’s, for the «lance that a broadminde«! person would not help to the state as a whole. What is
first commander o f Cnpitol Post, No. H. E. Lee Steiner, Hal Patton, Louis is what you make it. Or on the other dare utter.
true o f the state o f Arkansas would
X. !!«• also was a member o f the Vet­ Lachmund, Gus Moser, Portland, hand if you do not atti-nd and never
Now a few words from the finan­ be true o f Oregon. There have been
erans of Foreign War* nn«l Forty Arthur Benson, Dr. H. H. Cling-r. intend to, why make it your business cia Istandpoint o f the thing. These several suggestions as to the metho«l
Homme* uml Fight Chavoaux.
Justice O. P. Coshow o f the state without the slightest proof whatso­ dances draw crowds here who in turn of procedun* in the matter. Mr.
leave their money distributed in our Glover suggests that in case it is not
supreme court,George Putnam, Judge ever, of what is happening there.
Legislature Post Vacant
Dr. Smith was elected representa­ J. C. Sirgmund, Phil Metschan of
I*am willing to wager ( i f that is business houses. Is this not a little practical to pay these in cash that the
tive in the state legislature at the Portland, A. J. Miller o f Turner and proper) that ninety-nine per cent of help to us. O f course you say we government take up these certificates
people who are ousting the dance or individuals never get it but you «lo and issue 3 'r negotiable bonds so
general election in November, 1928, Edward Gillingham.
The active pallbearers were mem­ rather tryin, have never been near indirectly. At any rate the money is that the veteran may cash these bonds
and aervod «luring the 1921) session.
Ho was re-elected a member o f the bers o f the 363d field hospital com­ enough to know what is really going left here, let is circulate as it may. at their face value and not have to
house o f representatives at the recent pany, 316th sanitary train, 91st divi­ on but are merely taking for grunte«l I f there is no dance in our home town wait till 1945 whn many of them will
November «-lection, lie was a son of sion, o f which Dr. Smith was in com­ what Mr. Jones or Mrs. Brown has people will go to the neighboring not be living.
the late Elijah and Ann Riddell Smith mand during the World war. They seen or heard.
towns and dance, as the saying goes,
Every veteran’s organization and
Oregon pioneers.
were Dr. Roy Byr«l, Paul B. Hansen,
I have been to practically every “ you can build a dam but you can’t individual veteran is urge«! to write
Besides his widow, l.otta C. Smith, H .L. McKenzie, Jnmes A. Ca-h-gun, -lance given in our little town and I
their senators and congressmen urg­
always hold the flow o f water.”
he is ¿urvi’—d by two sisters, Corah Wilbur Portuow, Howard M. Robin­ will truthfully say that I have never
ing the passage o f this bill. Mr.
Now in conclusion, let me say that
B. Pinsmoor o f Hollywood, Cal., nnd son ,lvan W. Dakin, Robert E. Bur­ seen but one thing happen that was
Melon, secretary o f the treasury, is
Eugenia H. Cole, Klamath Falls, lie rows, Frank L. Greene, Samuel out o f the way and then the manage­ other cities have their «lances, why opposed to this bill but if enough
ment expelled that person from the can’t we?
also h-aves a niece, Helen Dinsmoor. Nygren an«l Guy Weaver.
pressure is brought to bear on con­
The funeral was held from the
The body was interred at Mount hall, which is always the case at every
M. W. M cKAY.
gress this objection will be remove-1.
Higdon chapel Saturday afternoon Cr.-st mausoleum, Salem.
-lance throughout the country. The
Turner, Oregon.
The Next Dance Will Fe A Waltz