The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 25, 1930, Image 4

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    • —
Mr. and Mrs. Toney Sheroti ami S aturd ay .
children of l.ebunon, Glen Sherod of
The C loverdale school put on a
Wallowa, spent Sunduy at G eorge
S herm an’s home. Glen Sherod brought neat little program Monday evening
three carload o f fat steers from W al­ for th eir C hristm as holidays. The pu­
pils and teach er, Miss Gertrud«* An­
lowa. where he has a big cattle ranch, tler on, worketl diligently on this en ­
to the Portland stockyards.
terta in m en t and deserved much credit
fo r the able m anner in which it wus
Mr. and Mrs. Kay H arris of P o rt­
land were here Sunday fo r a visit
B r ie f Ite m * C o n c e r n in g th e C o m ­
in g * a n d G o in g * o f Y o u r a e lf a n d
Y o u r N e ig h b o r* , a* T o ld to T h e
T r i b u n e R e p o r te r * .
O n e o f th e N ic e * t C o u rte * ie * Y o u
C a n S h o w to Y o u r G u e tt* I* to
H a v e T h e i r V is it* M e n tio n e d in
T h e s e C o lu m n * . T h e T r i b u n e
W ill C o n s id e r I t a S p e c ia l F a v o r
if Y o u W ill H e lp U * M a k e T h is
P a p e r M o re I n t e r e s t i n g to It*
R e a d e r s b y S e n d in g in I te m s f o r
T h i* C o lu m n . W r i t e u s , o r , i f
C o n v e n ie n t ,
T e le p h o n e
Y our
N e w s I te m s to T h i* O ffice.
with Kay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. H arris. Kay is an opitician with
I the Kigg* Optical com pany in the
Rose city.
Miss Kunice Lewis is horn«1 for the
Mrs. C. A. Davis and Miss Mary
Davie left S aturday evening to spend
Mrs. Nor
Pound was in Salem
the w inter in Los Angeles, Calif. A t­
torney Kndicott accom panied them
will tran sa ct business in San
V irgie Bradley was a S ilent shop­
Charles Standley was a Salem shop­
for a few «lays before re- per Monday.
per one day the past week.
| tu rn in g to Oregon.
C hristopher Schm itt w ent to Salem |
. —:
Mrs. E. M. Keith was a C hristm as
and brought out his siste r and hus- „ 7'"* “,um n' * ,r,s baskotball team . shopper in Salem, Monday.
band to spend Christm as.
: ,H el‘‘n P^
’ ***** Koko3’ * u an U ;
Irm a an«l ra y B arber, ce n te rs; Paus-
Miss Merle M artin came from Ore-
Hans Jensen and children attended tina and Mildred Schifferer, forw ards, >jon s ta te College to spend Christman
a Christm as program in Salem last with M argaret McKay as su b stitu te, with home folks.
S unday « vening.
[w an t daw n to d a fa a t 4 to 17 w han 1
----- ~
they playe«! the high school team Fri-
Troy N ance of Albany and Miss
h a n s Jensen and chil.lren will (Jj|y evt.ning Cecil M artin referee«! In n o Nance o f Stayton visited at
C hristm as with the C hris Jen- j the game,
the Susie Ransom home Sumlny.
s. n family at Aumsville.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. B ear are enjoy-
Mr. ami Mrs. Cumpbell of Molulla
J M. B«*nesisi>n th e sick list.
1 ing a pleasant visit from th e ir daugh- spent the S abbath here with C. !..
Miss M arian P eter«... of E ugene is te r- *l r s - R E S tew art an«! son, (Juin- H artley.
ten, who arrived last S atu n lay m orn- 1
a guest of Mr. n*id M
Jeseee at the
ing from Spring Valley, M innesota. I Mr. uniD M rs. C. L. H artley will
Boy Home.
Mrs. S tew art is the only d au g h ter o f hav«? th eir family with thc«n for
Mr. and M rs. B ear and has many C hristm as <l.«y.
Mrs. Glen K irckpatrick is here from friends here where she attornimi
C entralia, W'ash., fo r a visit with her school before her m arriage.
Florence, the small <laught«'r of
sister, Mrs. Lee B arber, and family.
Mr. an«! Mrs. W. B. Powell, is «|uite
\ ill wdth intestinal flu.
■ .. -O-—— -
Mr and Mrs. J . F. Th mason left
Roba Spencer, who is atten d in g
Wednesday for Albany to spend t hris-
! school a t Dallas is home for the hoii-
mas with their daughter and family.
i days.
Miss Helene Witz«d was
F. A. Mitchell and wife spent Mon­
Mr .an«l Mrs. W. Lamb und Mrs.
day evening with Mrs. M itchell’s sis­
M unkers are here fo r the holidays
te r and husband. Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Little were 1 "'¡th -"r- «od Mrs. C. F. Hein.
C rum e.
Malem .-hopper* Monday. .
D ari■ >" 1, -p«*n.l.m: th e
Los Angeles, C alifornia,
Ilev and Mrs. Gib trap and daughters J
Josephine. Margaret. Ruth and Fernel Miss Tilda Johanson of W«;st Salem *'dh K enneth M artin. They are both
will spend Christmas in Eugtne with were Sunday visitors a t the R. O. ' "dudi-nta at O regon Stat<*.
Witzel home.
1 \ j r an ,|
Dick D avenport and
----- O-----
Mrs. Chns. Ramsib-ll, Mrs. Thom as two children are ut the horn«- o f her
Lawrence Edwards, who has been ill Little and Mrs. Raym ond T itus a t - | f>a l ‘ 'J13* Mr- a »d Mr3- J F - Wilcox,
for the past two weeks, suffing from di­ tended a mcw-iing of the W om an's ^0,‘ *ne holblays.
phtheria, is leported as slowly improv­ W ork Club hehl a t the home o f Mrs.
Noble Bradley took the »coutmas-
ing in health
1 ter, C. M. D regnie, and hi* g roup of
J. N. Jolly is spem iing the w inter
The f~ 1 ’era in the M arion vicinity
his d aughter, Mrs. C. M. B ather,
a re experiencing some difficulty in
g ettin g th eir plowing done on account and fam ily. Mr. Jolly has ju st re ­
tu rn ed from a trip in the eastern
e l the rain.
states including Iowa, N ebraska, Mich
Mr. and Mrs. John A very, form er igan and also the Yelllowstone Na-
T u m e rite s, now living at Rocky Point tional P ark.
---------- o-------- ---
w here he io employed on the Marion
H unt farm , were here F riday fo r a a ______________________ ______ ______
short visit.
Miss Bernice ¿auder, a student from
t i e Eugene Bible uebool is visiting at
the Ii«.ys Home and as a Chris mas gift
to Mrs Seesee, is doing the cooking, in
eluding the < hnstm ss dinr rr.
- ——
Mrs. A rth u r Kunk«- was a Salem
. vis.tor S aturday.
. Mr. an«l Mr3. J. L. Webb are en­
joying a C hristm as visit from th eir
«laughter, Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. Brooks
has been employed a t Cascadia during
the sum m er.
—— -O-----
Mrs. L. J. Rowley and son, Paul,
a re »pending C hristm a ■ a t the home
o f Mrs. Rowley’s sister-in-law , Mr.
.■wul Mr*. George D. Thoma», a t Am­
--- —O-----
Th.* C hristian E ndeavor society
hel«i th e ir m onthly social an«l busi­
ness m eeting a t the church Monday
< vening with about 2.7 in attendance.
A very enjoyable tim e was bad by all I
Knsley, Edwin Gatli, Max
Bill Pearson, Hugh Webb,
11 «•!»«• it
the gam e.
----- ---- O
An unusually g«>o«l program und
com m unity C hristm as tree was enjoy-
e«l by 11 large crow d at the school
house Tuesday night. Following is
th«‘ program presen ted : Invocation,
H. C. P o rter; solo, Mrs. Mae I am b;
recitation, Roland L anders; song,
prim ary chorus; recitation, Richard
G ruy; a playlet. 4th, bill and 6th
grad es; recitation, Kennell Brow;
music. Thom as Merry M aker orches­
t r a ; concert recitation, prim ary room ;
song, "S ilent N ight,” Chari« « Pom e­
roy, Fre«l Stiller, P rof. M ountain and
C harles M artin ; playlet, 7th and 8th
g ra d es; group of songs, High School
Glee C lub; songs. Ju n io r Chorus.
S anta appeared following the pro­
gram and rem em bered all with gifts.
— -
McChdhin Thornton and Wesley M x,
who are assistant Scout Master*, were in
the group that attended a show in S al­
em one Evening th,« p,|»t week
- o -
FOR SALE or T R A D E -Overland 4.
*eapy to go with licrn-e, Prire $60. Will
tak" hay. g'nln or «pud*. < ha*. Parson*.
Bo* 126. Aumsville. Oregon.
w ... -O----—
The annual Christmas party celabrat-
ed each year by the A uintvile Women's
club wa-t observed for thi* year at the
home of Mrs. George Claxton Thurs­
day alternoon. The afternoon was «pent
•«.cially and with needlework
The guect room* w*ra decorated to
represent the ( hristma* «pint. A large
tr«-e held gilt* for each member and
gu«*t. Mr*. Bland Speer sited a< San­
ta Claus with Mrs. Ghs*. Martin a* her
helper. A m iniature tree red tup»r* J.
green holder* and holly reried as a cen­
ter 1 tr«e I or thu lunch«-«.n ta b le. Paper
nap' in* as will a* the menu, were *ug
gevtive of the Christmas season. At a
lat ’ h' ur Mrs. Clsxton s e r ia l I ineheon.
Mr* Blatid Spser, Mrs. J E. Towle and
Mr* ( harle* M artin assisted during thi-
luncheon hour.
Mrs. David W. Lamb of ('n»cadia was
a special guen for the afternoon.
Club meinbets present were: Mr*
Charles Hein, Mrs. |T , Y. Me Clellun,
Mrs Millie Martin, Mrs Charles M artin
Mrs Kdgcr P erce, Mis. Illrnd Speer,
Mrs. Margaret Sliayer, Mi* J. E low
Iv and Mra. George Clsxton.
Mrs T Y McClellan will entertain
the club at her \V**t Ktuyt'*n home on
January 8
•» “ ■>
Last Friday evening the local gym
wu* well filled with huaki-tbull sports
who were treated to some real good
biinki-tbnll play. Gat«'S came to take
the scalp* of the local* and for 11 time
it looki'd u* though they would do
that very thing.
Aurnsville »cored the llmt ba»kH
win 11 holier threw 11 long *hot which
op<-iii-<l the scoring for Aumirville.
From then on the local* »hot several
basket* ru n ning the score up to ten
m ore point*, bolding tin visitor* to
thre«*, but l«'t up for a tim e ullowiug
Gate* to come within two point* of
them before the q u a rte r ended.
The visitor* ouL*cor<'«l the loculs in
III«’ secoml «(unrter arul ut half tn in ­
th«- score «lood Ip -17 in the visitor*
In the thir«l canto Aumsvill«- ritim*
hark strong to bring the co unt 21 nil,
but G ates counted live more to bring
the count«- to 26-21 in tlnur favor
four minutes before I he gam« ended.
W ith th» *cor«- 28 to 27 in fuvor of> and only 30 seconds to go, th«-
lorals got into f ist action un«i Lee
tnatle one of hi* sensational throw*
which chang. ¡1 th« scon- to 20 2H.
Johnson was high point man with
12, while I*«* was *• conil with 0.
In th«- girl* gam e th«- Mt. Angel
aca«lemy t<-i*m won over th«* locnla by
a scon- o f 21-17.
W alrh
a n d Jewalrjr
New Je w e lry M ad* to O rd * r
Price* R -«sonatile
4 8 1 C ourt St.
Salem , Ore.
R obert M ountain is home from O re­
gon S tate Collegia fo r th«- holiilays
with his parents, P rof, and Mrs. T. C.
1 M ountain
----- ------
V ictor, th e K-ya-ar-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arbie M artin, is recover-
: ing nicely from a m astoid, tonsil and
.denoid operation, perfo rm d at the
S ilem G eneral hospital S atu rd ay .
Mr. and Mrs. E. J . C lark will I
spend C hristm as
n Silverton with 1
M rj. C lark ’* parent*, Mr. and Mrs. j
• Little Edith Schiffer .r ha* been su f­
George Huyeg anil Mrs. C lark ’s *on,
fering for the past week from an a t­
Ml-an W eston.
tack o f grip.
W ayne Ransom and John Sacre J r.,
Mrs. Ja y Cook an«l Mrs. Dumb«’ck y>T'' at th eir respective horn«’* again
were shopping in Salem early in til- ■liter spending several <luy* in the
Salem G'-n'-ral hospital following an
P rof, and Mrs. John Cox are visit­
ing his parents near Jefferson this
week. They will also visit Mrs. Cox’
relatives at Oregon City during the
-■ - »-----
Mr. and M rsT oiT m b^k attended an
E Robimon anJ yicer. Mrs A»;*uith auction sal,- o v -r near Aumsville,
r<c eved a Christm*» cablegram from a Thursday,
nephew a id neiee. Frauk and < iaire As­
Oocar F ü llet and h;s m other, Mrs.
quith, who are in Russia, j M. Fliflet visit"'! here W ednesday
iwn-re they have sp nt the past five evening.
—-- O’-----
Mr Asquith is a foreman in
Ja y Cuok were «loing
a branch D etroit factory, there manu
th eir C hristm as shopping in Salem,
facturing tractors
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. H aw orth were
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Tony G entry
a t M arion, W ednesday evening. Mrs.
G ntry, who i.- an invalid, enjoys vis­
itors very much.
Boy Scouts to a Salem . ’ o’
«lay evening.
( ’lillonl
referr« d
Christmas Joys
B y William Banka
in Missouri Form st
n r H E olden day*. lb* golden day*
* T hey all come back to me.
A m happily the children crowd
A round the Chrietmee tree.
I eee once more the comrade* (rue
M arch onward by my able,
I hear the echo of their song*
T o greet the Chriatmaetide.
l a olden day*, in golden day*
My thought* w e n high and bold.
B ut oh the glory of thi* hour
W h e n in my arme I hold
T h e gihe that love hae brought to an,
T hey q!l my heart w ith pride,
A* I | m la their happy tonga
T o greet the Chrlatmeedde.
«“ nt J * * * * * a r " V c o v ,r
r:*P!', |y :,n,‘ W,M FOOn be out
am ong th eir friends.
A class to u rn am e n t in basketball
ha* been started in th e local high
school, und will continue fo r the next
few days. The freshm en won the
right to play the w in n -rs of the
junior-s«-nior gam e to be played Mon­
day by d efeatin g the sophomoi-*» 17-7
in the first gam e F riday. Th. girls
will sta rt th eir gam es next week
----- ty —
The senior play, "R estfu l Hour
Inn,” was presented a t S tayton,
Thurs«lay, by request. The musical
num bers between acts w ere furnished
, by t.i«' ju n io r girl* q u a rte t, l^ouise
H ighberger, M arie Hiael, Elcen Brau-
ner an«l Imogen« A lsm an; Charles
| Pomeroy and M erle C rane in a «luet,
and the faculty t|u a rte t, Mrs. Ella
1 England. T. C. M ountain, Mr. D rif -
nic and 'Tr Hull o f Stayton.
—- —
4» — —
The baskelbail g.«mc betw een the
alum ni team s of T u rn e r an«l Aums-
1 ville was a close and even gam«*
| th ro u h g o u t and had to b«* playeil one
m inute overtim e to <l«*ci*I< the victors.
T u rn e r won with a »core o f 24 to 23.
Tin* lineup w as: Aumsville — Tim
W hite, B ert B radley, K enneth P orter,
Eugene R ichards, John Prospal, Rob-
¡e rt M o u n tain ; T u rn e r— Cecil M artin,
W IT H A N O. K. T H A T C O U N T S
liKlo Chevrolet Sport Roadster, rumble seat, wire
wheels, winffs, special heater and run only
7000 miles; new cur guarantee..............
$565 .0 0
1929 Chevrolet; een’t be told from new
I92X Chevrolet Coach, original finish like new;
new tires
36 5 .0 0
192H Durant Coach, run very iittle, fine shape
1028 Whippet Sedan, priced under Blue book
1027 Pontiac Coupe, new paint, new tires, line
32 5 .0 0
1929 Ford roadsters, perfect condition
3 8 5 .0 0
I!)27 Chevrolet Touring in good mechanical con­
1926 Overland I Sedan, runs good ...........
8 5 .0 0
1926 Ford Touring
11)27 Star 6 Coupe, reconditioned throughout
28 5 .0 0
1925 Chevrolet R oadsters.................................
M c K A Y ’ S