The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 25, 1930, Image 3

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The Turner Tribune
1 im e
hl H‘ r i M T I O N
hut r. ■! at tli. 1’ontolllci at Turner,
Or ' hi , ax r‘ contl-class natter, un<l*r
I <: .-V
et (>f March 8 , IS 7!1
re is a a c
That ancient tree wh6 seldom spo
A t Christmas time for men to
The spruce and pine and hemlock /
Mil.1!. ( HAS. h. CLARK, Editor
Down to their roots with saw and shout
And drag them through the woods and out.*
Cluiatrnii i.<, of all t.mex of the
> u-, the children’* season. ’/'he giving
of pn-wnt* to children at Christmas
.. in ix ax old a* Christianity itself,
for it was h< gun by the tbrey Wi e
M* n of the Hast who came to Bethle­
hem, where the Child lay in the .nan-
goi, bringing gift*.
hfe paused, and rustled through his
(Now old and thin) like one who grieve
While spnice and hemlock whispered Iow«J
Among themselves— "And you must go :-
H r -«
i hcy’ll set you up in street and store,..-
In huts, hotels
[j and mansions /or, ' '
T h e children ’j pleasure. They will trims$&Ys^JL \
..... i . ...
JL limb: Or
Each tiny branch, each
'i .r .
Instead of stars, your eyes will
t r '-
Electric bulbs cf . . but you must be^^SsisSX
1 atient and strong: your boughs i mil sdg2T*[:\
Under their gifts: your arms uill
Down to the floor, and night and dLayjfl'fb^
You’ll have no rest in any way.T'wl
Iou must endure the thirst for rain,.
• The need of night, the aching pain i
Christmas Greetings
I f all our Christmas wishes
For % your
come true,
You will have success, goad fortune
And the joys o f friendship, too!
1 1 1 ■
Alims Drugstore4
in Ntw York Ertning Put
£ T
st.-iyt«*«. Ore.
-— —o- - -
We Cannot say the words we would
O f deep appreciation;
We take this way o f wishing you
A Happy celebration
M erry Christmas
You’ve been our friend the whole ■=
year through
And we send happy thoughts to you
May every heart be filled with joy,
Glad welcome for the
New Year Boy
A A V A W /A W .V .V .V A W .V A W SV A V .V .V 'AW AVAVA'
Salem. Oregon
Toe spirit o f Christmas is, or should
be, the spirit o f universal love, o f
I—ac> fu! goodwill b ’tween ail man-
;ind. Christmas marks the anniver-
t. iry o f a new era, the setting aside
o f the old laws o f vengeance and
hatred, o f exact and even justice re-
g irdiess o f mercy. We too often for-
. t ti . t. We too easily forget that
ihc r.n srege which the Heavenly host
brought to earth on that night nearly
two thousand years ago was a message
o f love and joy.
It is itv et ami proper that we
hould i xrhnnge presents among our W A 'W A W A V A W y V . W W . W W A W A V . V A V W A W A 'A W
iend- and loved ones, but the great­
est joy o f Christmas time comes from
h gift we give the children. Joy
for the children, even greater joy for
A V W , V \ \ \ V , V W M W W W ^ , .V .,.V / .V A W .W A W J V W
the giver. Whatever our own state
o f happiness or sorrow, we grown-ups
i owe it to ourselves, to the spirit and
: tradition which Christmas commcm-
• or. t s a ml to the children them-
elvcs, i s • that every one of them,
1 I: s‘ , . a., a Merry Christmas.
v— >
Phone 703
Christmas (irootings
0,19jo. » vt
1215 State Street
5 tl. P. JENSEN, T a m a r H ardw are & Blacksm ithing
U / loneliness," thus said the oak^
That ancient tree who seldom^spoke,
.But here’s one dream by which tolixZ-
'Think of the Christmas joy you’ll givel’X
KENNEDY’S City Cleaning W orks
j *
Instead of stww, your green will wear
Tinsel and baubles everywhere
You’ ve dealt with us the whole
Year through,
Accept congratulation!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
Delightful combination \
it in <:.*y to forget what it is that
Cinixtmax commemorate*. It is easy
la think o f it merely as a holiday
t me, a t!m<’ when there is a great deal
o f ¡hopping to be done, when the
stores are crowded and everybody is
bn-y wrapping up Christmas packages ^ d W A W J W V W M W V W M V W W / y W W Ä W / / A V / A W
and tin- postmen are overloaded and
grown-up* as well a* children are
looking forward expectantly to see
what they are going to get for Christ-
* * 7
m im presents.
m a
/ \ way from this familiar place
To entertain the human raciT^
Ti.unulay at Turnii’, ,
i n, < jurity, Oregon.
O —*
H h »now drifts deeply down the wind»
ing field
And winds ski shrewdly on theemsted slope;
Th e river’ * breadth is pallidly congealed.
And, th rou gh the spectral trees, b lack
*h allows grope
For a familiar landmark— quite the same
As on a score o f other winter nights;
Y et, in the house beyond, the holly's flame
Crackles in fragrant wTeaths, and mellow
H alo the vividly transparent glass;
A tree, serenely tapered w ith a star,
Basks on the hearth; excited shadows pass
before the ruddy (ire and sweetly scar
The silence with seductive whispiering.
T h e sm.xhered slur o f paper and the u u t
Knot o f a ribbon or a tinsel string,
A footstep hesitant at a new thought.
Through fainting distance, voices, bright
and clear,
Carol * beauty that is ever young—
A peace that is invulnerably dear—
A |oy that is old-fashioned warmth among
The ages that have waned since Bethlehem—
And tnentheydim to echoes of their mirth—
T o worship tenderly becoming them—
As a King's glory shines more oo earth.
My First
Christmas Tree
A M erry Christmas
Brush from the heart's own hearthstone
The dull, dead ashes of care;
Breath with the breath of the soul, new life
In the embers of love glowing there;
Kindle anew with friendship
The full, warm glow — till the eye
Shines with the spirit of Christmastime
On the humblest of passerby.
— Ditter’ s General Store Sublimity
.S W .W Y W V V W W W
O W . King, and Quaana,
“ Tali# none. p U w ,”
If you’d hav# a paaeaful reigni
ru fur# you pick a land lik# mina.
That all th# world proclaim#.
NoW. my domain It under ■ tre#
Who## bough, are ■ glittering ,h##n,
Wh#r# hoptoad, p##p out unafraid of ■ noise,
Aad kitti# cat* frolic «baut in th# toys.
Thi, it m£ fret big Chriatma, tre#
And its tina#l bought hang full.
O f goodi«# from moat avarv land.
And litt I# lamb# of wool
Sing a Song of Christmas
Pocket full o f rye
Twenty-four good wishes
Baked in a pie!
Wishes for the New Year,
Others for success,
Hopes for all your heart desires
To bring you happiness!
Guardian Building
P. D. Quisenberry
Salem, Oregon
Christmas Greetings
W e can’t locate each one o f you
To wish you Christmas glory,
So here’s the way we advertise
The same old happy story
A Christmas bright with loyalty.
A .\ew Year gay and snappy,
N ew friends, old loves and all
good things
To keep the New Year Happy
Turner Lumber & Manufacturing Co.
L V .V % V A V J V W k W jW M W % S W
M y Grandma aa^t *Tm King today."
Under my ChHatma, tre#;
God tend his >w«#t««t comfort*.
T o Grandma and to ma.
—lUinoU Farmer
I Subscribe For The Trihue $1.25 a Year