y THE TURNEE TRIBUNE WEST STAYTON No. The Jolly Girls club o f West Stay- ton also held a very pleasant meeting at the home o f Mrs. Elsie Bone last Friday afternoon. Games and refresh ments were the main source o f amuse­ ment for the afterr.jon. -----»■ - ■ Neva Harmes, Bessie Downer, Grace Bates, Elda Johnson, Josephine Snod- ery, Ima Darley, Roberta Spoons, Fern Lewis. Lorraine Fair. Frances Rider, Naomi Chamberlain. Ruth Kohl, Florence Crane, Grace Bowne, Virginia Dari y and Dorothy Harms. No. No. No. Lin*. I No. 31, 10:55 P.M. (Regular stop.) Following north bound trains stop to detrain passengers coming from points south of Eugene: No. 16, due 5:46 A .M .; No. S, due 5:51 P.M. Office hours at Turner week days are 8 A.M. to 12 o'clock noon, and from 1 00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ The West Stayton Needle and days. On these days passengers cun Thread Club, o f which Mrs. Minnie pay far»* and have baggage checked Dickman is instructor, held a meeting ! on trains. in the school house last Friday after­ noon. The club is now working on ♦ ■ a -* * * * * * -* * » * • » * * * * * * * ■ » * * * ♦ • tea towels and the work is o f a very Î pleasing nature. Present at the gath­ ? ering Friday were: ; V O M Ì OWN r e O P IR T Y î + » Harold Tt'gen, Northrup Bates, Marvin Lacey, Tom Bowne, Donald Hankel, Donald Specs, Mark Lewis. Clark Downer. Dean Bowne, William Shellenberger, Texas Snoddy, Law­ rence Tigen, Chester Downer, Clar­ ence Bowne, Faye Bates, Eugene Lee, : Meivin Aschc, and Gene McClellan. The officers are: Local leader, Elmer Asche; president, Harold Tigen; vice- president. Northrup Bates, and secre­ tary, Marvin Lacey. »S C O K C IS N IO » H I N r o t . « M (IÙ H «0 «S H O U S l IS ON < > * ( IIAMM AN STAGE LINES X R A Y CH 1KO PPKACTO K o Leave Salem for Aumsville 6:30 A M. 10:30 A M. 4:45 P.M. Leave Aumsville for Sulem 8:10 v 'î 1:20 P.M. 5:10 P.M. Lea,e Aumsville for Mill City 7:25 A.M. 5:25 P.M. Lady Attendant Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A.M. 4:45 P.M. Leave Turner for Salem 8:20 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. Leave Turn« r for Mill City 5:15 P.M. Jo*. Hamman, Prop. a * W V V S W L V .W W W . V V W V -- First Nai’l Bank llld g., Plume -M'D Salem. Oregon NOTICE OF HEARING OK FIN A L ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given tliut the dual account of Kutie Anrcns, a. mlminls- tratrix of the Ktata of John Ahrens, deceased, has been (lied in tin- County Court of Marion County, Stat«> of Or« gon, an«l that the 30th day of January. 1081« at ttu hour "( ton o’clock A. M. has been «luly appoint« <1 by such court for the hearing of ob­ jections to such (Inal account and the settlement ther«-of, at which time an> person interested in such estat«* may appear und (lie objections thereto in writing and contest th«- same. Dated this 18th «lay o f December, 1930. K ATIE AHRENS. Ailniinistrntrix. E I.. CRAWFORD, Attorney for Estate. La«l«l & Bush Bank Bhig., Salem, Ore. Fir t publication: l»- <•. I8» 1 980. luist publication: January 15, 1031. .•.W AW M VAV.VAVJW AA’ / a PAINTING Your neighbor's tire loss is likely to become your loss. BY PAY OR CONTRACT Don’t be without proper in­ surance. l'. S. Talbot Estimates Furnished Insurance that was aJccjuate The West Stayton Handicraft club a (cw years ago may need held their regular meeting last Fri­ revision to-day! day afternoon. At the roll call every Let us offer our advice. member responded but on«-. Mrs. L. F. P. ROWLEY. Agent $ B. McClendon, teacher o f the West Stayton school, was also present. y General Insurance , Songs were sung by the boys and Turner, Oregon J the afternoon was spent in a jolly as * * ■ * * * * **** *lrv (* **lH t* *»* »* **< well as an instructive time. Mr. Asche has remodeled his garage and the place is being used as a workshop for the boys club, and the boys together with Prof. McClendon, their instruc­ Turner 1 S U HANDICAPS OF DISE A S E CLEANED, PRESSED DELIVERED As you travel through life you will find many handicap«, but nnnr compared to Ihr handicap* of di«ea«e. Ha\c thr»i- rllminatrd by Chi- ropractic Adlu«»nirnt» given acrording to a Neuroralomrtrr reading. * Kmo-mbcr Ihr Nruroralomrtrr loratr« nrrve pressure. Chi- rnpratcic Adju«tmrnta remove nrrvr prr««urr. Nrurocalomr- trr Trading« by appolntmrnl only. Just Phone 1 1 s, we.II do the rest. Keep your wardrobe at it’s best present at the meeting were: Ï B U R R E L ITS Called for tor, are very well pleased in having so nice a place for a work shop. Those w . Hats---Odorless Cleaning One Pay Service Let Us S erve You Every Week Kerry ity 464 N. Liberty St. lean er» Quality. B iiK fiif« $ 5 . 95 E‘ - —O-- Salem - Oregon W .V J V r V s '.W .V .V .N .■ .V A V .V .V .V .V / A V .V W A KRUSE & RYGH Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing New Jewelry Made to Order Service with A Smile i i 'A W AV.V.V.'.V.'.V.V.V.V/.* n H. C IT A T IO N Dr. S c o fie ld TURNER SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRA IN SERVICE North Bound 14, 5 :06 A.M. (Stops when (lagged. I 32. 3:07 I’ M. Regular stop.» South Bound 7, 10:80 A.M. (Stops when (lagged to pick uu passengers for points at which this train stops.) 1 . 8:35 P.M. (Stops on (lag, only to pick up passengers for points south o f Eugene via Cascade 230 N. Liberty, Salem DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. IIitch Street 'mr n m9 mmmm%m9 9 U rnmmmrnmmmmmmm .V .W /A V .V W A V W /M W II NEW LOCATION ? Phone 87 SALEM OREGON Á ’ .V A V / .V W .V .W , Y« mi always get a lis• Is* more th»t> you pay f«»r when v«>u «I« »1 with ua— ('lean ■«•»,’ ’ f u l l measure—-C «au oil, the l«run«l y «• il r motor lik«-« • l,—ami cheerful Bf-rvice to («ring you back. SURPRISE GRANGE No. 233 Mceta second Satunlay in the month in th«- Grange Hall, Turner. Visitor« welcome at the lecture hour, at 2:00 o’clock. MORRIS Optical Co’s. FREE AIR and W ATE R W E FIX FLATS New Type Deeper Curved Lena Best for Better Vision Prices Reasonable In the County Court of th«- State of Oregon, fur Maron County. In the Matter o f the Enlute of Mary Eaatburn, deceased. To I). F. Eaatburn, Duiay II. Mycn«, Rosa K. Durby !.. E. EuNlburn, K A East burn, S. T. Eustburn, John Euat burn, Mury V. Drury, ( luirlos Kust- burn, F. A. Garbe, Ralph Garbe, V ir­ ginia Garbe, Mlielilon Ptiillips, llddri-d Perkins, V« lu tta Muy I'erkina, Vur neil Plullipa, mid Glenn Titus: Wlnrcus upplicution bun been made III due form III the above elilltleil cause on tin- 25th duy of November, 1030, by D. F. East Inn a, administra lor in tl»e above name estute for an order und license ntor of Fifth Street III the Town o f Aumsville, thence North on u di­ rect line with th«- center of nuiil Fifth Street 2.00 chama; tnenn Kant 3.31 chains to a 16 foot right of nil) heretofore grunted to R. !.. K.indud, un«l now owned hy Chef, (ingii; thence South u.»ug the went sole o f said right o f wuy 2.00 chuma to the pluc«- o f l>< ginning, containing one urr«-, mm. or It-**, situated in Section 2 . T. 8 South, K mge 2 West o f th Widumett.* Meridian In Mur.on County, Ore­ gon Al.iO the «a t one-half o f the following deaerib«-J premises, to- wit: Beginning at a point 20.0s chu ut north nn«l 3.47 chains cast o f the South west corner o f the All. n J Davie and Cynthia Davie I*. L. C. Notification No. 53, In Township D, South Rang - 1, West o f the Wiliam tt«- Mrriil an in Mar­ ion County, On-gin; th«-r.*- North 40 00 chains to th«- center o f the Stayton mid Aumsville County Road ; th«-nc«« South 73 il«-gr<-«-s 45 minutes East ! I 43 chains; thence South 36.84 chains; thenc.- West 10 07 chain* to th«- place o f h gin ning, containing 42.15 arreu of land. Th«- property herein last d<- scribed b ing 21.075 nrr«-a of lun«l. Ar.«l wh«-r -ns this court has flx«-d the 19th day o f January, 1981, at th«- hour o f t«-n o ’c'oek a m In th,- room o f the C-Mintv Court in th«- court hous • in S-ih-in, Morion County, Ore­ gon, 11 a the time an«l pince for the h«-aring o f any nn«l nil ohl«-rtions to anid p>-tition itn«l th-- granting o f said order un«l lie -nae to sell. Now therefore, in the name o f th«- State o f Oregon, you, nn«l each of you, nr<- herehv eit«-«l, «lirected nn-l required to be and appear at ani«l time and pince then and there to show eause, jf any exista, why an ord< . ahouhl not be mn«|e na in th«- petition prayeil for, nn«l why raid petition should not he gmnte«| nnd said li-on.e- flhould not h«- ia«ur«l W :tn *■« the Honor-lde .1 C. Sie-»- mund. Judee with th» aer*t o f said -mi-' pfltv.-d this 26th n critic» you to both styles tith-d court. The ilat«- of the first County Coroner Candy Special Store of Salem of dancing publication o f this summons is De- 135 N. Commercial cember tx, 1930, nn«l th«- last «lat<- of Gents 50c Ladies 25t tb<- publication thereof will he the Poller DREAM LAND Skating PHONE 197 All Work Guaranteed 15th «lay o f January, 1931. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 1 Pentlar Agency Salem Oregon M B. HAYD EN, Phone 47J 7 to 10 p. m. Admission 10c Attorrey for Plaintiff, Ladies Tree. Skates 25c W A W V W A V W W W W W ' W A '. V A V / A V A V / A V W . D.-c I h-26Jnn 1-8-16 S»l-'"i, On gon. V J V Y Y V W Y W V W , 4VWV.VW RED CROWN GAS \ CYPC10RIC6RS % Bones Bros., Turner FAMILY DANCE SHQPPE f Coughs I \ W. T.Rigdon&Son s Í $1 Marceli or Finger Wave 50 / Schaefer's