\ > THE TURNER TRIBUNE with Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap. LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK Mrs. Caterlin is here from Yam ­ hill fo r a visit with her sister, Mrs. I. H. Small umi husband . B r ie f Items Concerning the C om ­ ings and Goings o f You rself and Y o u r Neighbors, as Told to The Tribune Reporters. John Hansom came from Sltelburn, Tuesday, to see his father, Hr. Han­ som, and to tell him o f the injury o f another son, Harvey. One o f the Nicest Courtesies You Can Show to You r Guests Is to H a ve Th eir Visits Mentioned in These Columns. The Tribune W ill Consider It a Special F a vo r i f You W ill Help Us Make This Paper More Interesting to Its Reeders by Sending in Items fo r This Column. W rite us, or, if Convenient, Telephone You r New s Items to This Office. The Chas. Clark family and Lucille I Mildred Hones attended the senior ' play "R estfu l Hour Inn" at Aumaville 1 Friday evening:. Some prowler stole a stand o f bees from Jack Henningsen, near the Har­ ris place recently. We hope they get badly stung. Miss Helen and little Betty Peetg spent the week-end in Portland with their sisters, the Miss Sybte and Huzel Mrs. Standley is reported still im­ Peetz. proving. Kennic Peterson, Jay Cook ur.1 Mrs. Ed Shillings and daughter Howard Baker are among those suck­ ing the grai nfrom the remains o f were in Salem shopping Thursday. the Turner elevator. Clifford Ensley Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Haworth were is using his truck to put the grain in shopping in Salem last week. the cars. A. Bones made a business trip to Salem last week. Carl Owsley is cutting wood in the Sublimity district. o----- Mrs. J. M. Bones called on Mrs. T. T. Palmer, Thursday. W. A. Martin has lG-inch growth fir wood fo r sale. The nightwatchman o f Turner and some o f his boy friends had a bar­ becue and feed by the fire that is still burning at the old elevator site. A good time was reported. old relatives gutliered to givo them u house warming. Sevvrul gifts were daughter*. presented tu Mrs, Rowley and son, Following Is the Christmas program I'uul. A chicken dinner with all tin which will be given at I hu I hristaln trimmiii's wus served ut noon with Church un December 23, Orchestra. eleven seated ut the table. Those pres­ Music, Josephine and Kuth Gilstrap; ent were Mi. uml Mrs. George D. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Hiches Confectionery, K. S. Prather pru) er; song, Mr and Mrs. Furl Cook Taylor o f Amity, Mr. ami Mrs. T . H and E. J. Harrison ull have nice ads in respoiisi> e reading. The Fir.it Christmas Newman and daughter, Helen Jean, this week's issue telling the buying Candle, Kuth Gilstrap's class of ten o f Salem, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fuller public that they have some real bar­ children; resiling by children from Mrs o f Milverton and the hosts, Mrs. I.. J. gains in Christmas candies, notions Riches’ class lead by Gertrude lo o k ; Howl, y and son, F. P. Rowley. and dry goods. These enterprising — - ■ - A very enjoyable day was spent at merchants art1 also sending out "d i­ song. Slur of the East, Wit/el and rect" this week the same ads in a Johnson slaters; leading, Rachel Riches; the home o f Mrs. Stella Miller, Tue», folder to the trade and i f you did not talking tableau in eight parts by young duv, by the Grange Work Club. At tho dinner hour they honored get one be sure und read the ads in people in coslum; solo, Alvm Sulrrtnan; Mrs. William Hulzke, whose KOlh the paper. Music by Fowler orehestra; treats; bene birthday occurred oil Monduy. A love­ diction. ly angel food cake, baked by Mr*. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harnett, Mr. und Hester Crome, with eighty candles Mrs. J. K. Whitehead, Mrs. Louise Centered the table. Z. T. Bryant is spending a few days Kunke, A. E. Robertson and daughter The new officers elected at the busi­ | here with hia friends, Mr. and Mrs. Margaret and aon Albert went to Mil* Fred Gunning. Mr. Bryant is 'Marie ness meeting w ere: President, Mrs. waukee Sunday where they Joined Mr Pu rfe(. i,ejghtonV grandfather and ia Stella M iller; Mrs. Jack Heath at a surprise birthday Civil W ar veteran. He is on his way Those present were M> adames Win. liutzke, K. McKay, T. I.itile, C. party, honoring 1. L- Robertson, Mrs. to Portlund to spend the holidays Whit -, Kam.sdell, U. E. Denyer, lles- Heath’s father Other relatives in the from Foster. Oregon, when« he makes I t Ci a w . J r Whitel idi Fi group -were, Mrs. I L. Robertson. Mr. hi* ho,nc with “ *on' M r’ Br>ant . .. ,.K .. .... , i made The Tribune office a pleasant Mitchell, Eleanor Titus, John Girur- and Mrs. ( hapman and fonr children of „ . . . ... _ _ .................. , _ call Saturday and said he can remem- din, lì. N Karris, Tim Palmer, G. W. M . Helens, Mr. and Mrs. trank Lyle, |,or ¡»«-ction in the early days. He Huimaker, Maude Hones, Miss Miller and daughters and Kenneth Chapman, work' d on the railroud when it was und the hostess, Mrs. Miller. Portland; Mr and Mrs Ray Baker. Sa­ built from Aumsville through to Woodburn, and hus made muny trips lem. birthday. Present were Mrs. Kffic Mc­ Govern o f Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins an dtwo daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John Hansom and children o f Shelburn, H alve Hansom o f Lyons, the hostess, Mrs. Susie Hansom, and son, Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Porter and Mrs. Geo Brower and Mrs.J. U Webb daughter, Helen, were here from their are joint ho»te*acs at the lutrrs home ! farm south o f Aumsville, Saturday, Mrs. O .N. Cotterson is expected ibis afternoon to the missionary society. fo r a visti with Mr. and Mrs. George at her home in Turner, Wednesday. Brower, friends o f long standing. Mrs. C. E. White will lead the meet­ E. S. Prather has a nice lot o f ing. Mias Markaret Wall, compositor on Xmas gifts at his drug store, also ¡the Jefferson Review, sp* nt Saturday Ur vi ~ I- „ . . , j reasonable prices. Mr. ana Mrs. f. E. \\ hite entertained here visiting her uncle and aunt. Dr, A .J. Allenby from Salem and his and Mrs. Ransom. The Tribune force brother from Keno, Oregon were in acknowledges a pleasant call from Miss Wall. Turner on business Monday. a number of friend at Mr. an< Tho plllcc wu„ bui|t by the party Friday evening. Present were Mr Turner Lumber Manufacturing com- and Mr*. U. E. Denyer ai.d children, pony. J. S. McKinney was head car- Mr. and Mrs. W . F Gulvin and child* 1» "tor, assisted by Cecil Martin, and For tbt C H R IS T M A S CARVER EFFICIENCY beyond compare— *“* I*he only kind that matter«— Attains perfection in the man W ho carves and never spatters. T he test of rare ability Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Osburn and two The home o f Mr. and Mrs. Law­ ren.Mr. urd Mrs Fred Mitehll. Mr. and lh’ whol# Job wu‘ «»«"p lc te d in eigh- And skill that’s mot. appealing small daughters were the guests o f rence Edwards is under quarantine ,, - *, , ,, . L —n days. Sunday, the new home U this: T o cut the turkey and bis parents near Scio, Sunday. . , . . . . as a result o f Mr. Edwaids having Mr. and Mrs. Geo. t tume, Mrs S t d la 1 I w thi scene or a pleasant guth* ring Get none on walls or ceiling. diphtheria. Their 18 months’ child i., Miller. M.-s liable Tucker and the hosts' whcn MV(>rtt| o f th,.ir ir iends and Mr. and Msr. Charles Parsons were —Dttnu jV/iur at the home Mrs. Edw’ards' parents, here from Aumsville Tuesday looking Mr. and Mrs. Given. over cars at Ball Bros, garage. - m O------ — The Domestic Science class o f the A W A V A V W V Y A A W ^ . ' A ' . ' . V / A ' . ’ . V . V . V W W . V . V . V . ’ . V / W . W A V . V . V A V / W . ’ . W W Mrs. Ella Durfee, who has been % i high school is serving a 12 o’clock bedfast fo r two weeks follow ing her short visit in Turner, is able to be up luncheon Friday fo r which a small S charge is being made, the proceeds to again. be used for needed supplies. Come Herbert Brigg3 came from Port­ out and help these youn gpeople to ; land the first o f the week. He isn’t i help themselves. enjoying i !i<- best o f health at the . V . V . V . V , V . , . V . V . V . V . V / . W . V . V . V . , . , . , . V . V / . , . V . V . V . V . , . , . V A , . , . , . * 1V While returning from Salem one present Li.ue. •evening the past week Mr. and Mrs. There will be a splendid program Whiteheail narrowly escaped a serious in the afternoon by both grade and accident when their car skidded and high school students, also a Christmas finally came to a stop in the ditch at tree and Santa Claus. the side o f the road near the Cottage -----O----- M rs. Merle Ensley, who has been farm. A local garage was called and quite ill at the senior Ensley home went to their assistance. 1 Riches Confectionery Société Candies o? Quality in Salem is reported much better. Sunday, Mrs. Susie Ransom enter­ Mrs. C. A. Davis and Miss Mary tained with a fam ily dinner, honoring Davie motored to Salem, Wednesday, Mrs. J. W. Hansom o f Turner on her s W b W W W .V Building Supplies ROUGH A N D DRESSED W oo d LUMBER T S You Need NOT S Fancy Xmas Chocolates Boxes 25c to $2.00 Christmas Pack Cigrs Phone 275 AND CIGARETTES S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N ^ V W / W / W M W A W W W W A W A W A W A V ¡ • D o you want a 6 or 7-room house to fit your needs?- This can be done approximately $1000.00. This company built a home fo r Mrs. • ¡ L . J. Row ley and son, Paul, fo r that sum. With J. S. McKinney as ■T head carpenter and Cecil Martin working under him, we built this ¡■home in 18 days. One other man helped a small part o f the time. I f ^ you are interested in a »mall home o f this cla»» it would pay you to ¡J inspect this house. •I fo r I S Everything W e Can P. O. Box 208 Societe Bulk Chocolates 60c pound U W e T r y to Sell You W het for 35c Imperial Fancy Mix 50c lb AND U 2 pounds Fruit Jells 40c pound TURNER L’b’r E M.F.G. CO. Y E R Crystal Mix 20c lb. Peanut Brittle 30c pound S-E-R-V-I-C-E Í Plain Mix 15c lb. 2 pounds for 25c ¡i £ Lunches Fountain f £ i / ”■ I