The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 18, 1930, Image 5

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Extra Christmas
N TI1K fourth <'lit(attuna In
aum-sslon Neills Martin set
tin rxtrn plain. On past
Christmases lu*r husband
and the two lx>y» hail pro
tended not lo have noticed
It. llut this year Fred Mar­
tin, walking Into the h!g
dining room Just n» hla
wife was adding the finishing touches
to her Christmas ruble, stopped when
his eye fell on the extru plate.
"I think you shouldn't set It, Nel­
lie," he said, gently. "It only reminds
os of—tiling» we would bo heller lo
Mrs. Martin brushed a rnpnlde,
floury hand quickly across her eyes.
Thing* would go blurry when she
thought of Lucy.
"I-et me leu»e It Just nnre more."
she almost pleaded "It I* more than
four years now alnee Lory went, and
every day I am hoping for her hark.
Particularly at Christum* I like to
think that her place Is set ami wait­
ing for her. Oh. Fred. If we could
let her know."
Fred's hand found hers, where It
had rested a moment against the table
for support "I know." he said husk­
ily. "I was wrong In turning her out
as I did I thought the honor of the
fnmlly demanded It. I thought per­
haps she would write; that Is, If she
la «till . .
lie left the sentence unfinished.
I tenth might not have been unwel­
come to Lucy, and four years of si­
lence left them lo draw their m r con­
"Lucy Is too proud lo write," his
wife usserted. "And yet. I have al­
ways felt thnt sometime she would
come hack. Perhaps at Chrlatmna
fallen lliere."
llut right then Lucy seemed to com«
to life. She sprang to her feet.
"Mother— Dad—I can't keep It from
A dd ing M a c h in e s ÿ
tiny longer. Please help me off
ÿ with toy eoat.”
Willing hands drew It from her
shoulders. "Why, Lucy 1* her mother
421 Court
Sab m Í
exclaimed, “you are well dressed.”
"Well enough, mother. You see, Ar­
thur wuuted to tie sure how you would
your erring daughter before
.W .V / A V W W A P A V M receive
he would agree to come In."
“Yes. Ilo Is In the cutter with lit­
tle Nellie, Just beyond the wind-break.
Hoys, will you run and tell him?"
The boys dashed off, but Fred Mar­
tin seemed the most excited of all.
"Two extra plates. Mother!" he shout­
ed. “Two extra plates—and a high
chair 1"
1 (ft. I» lr W,«t«ro Newspaper Ualoa.)
187 Sou'll Commercial Sire.-t
Safi m, On con
•¡J f Arros the str<- t west of
Ladd !■ Hu h Hunk)
The m o il comp'ete lino o f
Mens, Boys Gloves
in knit, wool r.nd fur linings fo r
work, d.-iving or diets, gloves
and mittens.
Also nil kinds o f Men's goods,
and sbooi,
u n d erw e-r and socks.
V/c Want your tra di. C o m , in
and see them.
A V .V .V d V .W .V A V d V .V / A V .* '
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Marón County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Mary Eastburn, deceased.
To It. F. Eastburn, Daisy B. Myers,
Rosa K. Darby, L. E. Eastburn, F. A.
Kastburn, S. T. Eastburn, John East-
burn, Mary V, Drury, Charles East­
burn, F. A. Garbe, Ralph Garbe, Vir­
ginia Garbo, Sheldon Phillips, Hddred
Perkins, Venetta May Perkins, Var-
nell Phillips, and Glenn Titus:
Whereas application has been made
In due form in the above entitled
enuse on the 25th day of November,
1930, by D. F. Eastburn, administra­
tor in the above name estate for an
order and license directing and em- j
powering him to sell certain real
property of the estate o( the de­
ceased, which real property is particu­
larly described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the center
o f Cleveland Avenue in Merrifield’s
Addition to the Town of Aumsville
in Marion County, Oregon, which Road; thence South 73 degrees 45
said point is 11.967 chains Went minutes East 11.43 chains; thence
of the Northeast corner of said | South 36.84 chains; thence West
Merrifield’s Addition to the Town 10.97 chains to the place of begin­
of Aumsville; running thence West' ning, containing 42.15 acres of
along the center of said Cleveland land.
The property herein last de­
Avenue 3.39 chains to the center
of Fifth Street in the Town of scribed being 21.075 acres of
Aumsville; thence North on a di­ land.
rect line with the center of said And whereas this court has fixed
Fifth Street 2.99 chains; thence the 19th day of January, 1931, at the
East 3.31 chains to a 16 foot right hour of ten o’clock a. m. in the room
of way heretofore granted to R. L. of the County Court in the court
Randall, and now owned by Chef- house in Salem, Marion County, Ore­
fings; thence South along the west gon, as the time and place for the
side of said right of way 2.99 hearing of any and all objections to
chains to the place of beginning, said petition and the granting of said
containing one acre, more or less, order and license to sell.
situated in Section 25, T. 8 South, Now therefore, in the name of the
Rang» 2 West of the Willamette State of Oregon, you, and each of
Meridian in Marion County, Ore­ you, are hereby cited, directed and
required to be and appear at said
Also the cast one-half of the time and place then and there to show
following described premises, to- cause, if any exists, why an order
should not be made as in the petition
Beginning at a point 20.08 prayed for, and why said petition
chains north and 3.47 chains east should not be granted and said license
of the Southwest corner of the should net be issued.
Allen J. Davie and Cynthia Davie Witness the Honorable J. C. Sieg-
D. L. C. Notification No. 53, in mund, Judge, with the seal of said
Township 9, South Range 1, West court affixed this 26th day of Novem­
of the Willamette Meridian in Mar­ ber. 1930.
ion County, Oregon; thence North (Seal)
County Clerk.
40.00 chains to the center of the
Stayton and Aumsville County Dec4-11-18-25-Janl
General Contractor and Builder
Cement Work and Plumbing
Route 3
Turner, Oregon
Repaired (’leaned
Shined Died
Cleaned and Blocked
F i n e -e a r d istin ction a n d q u a lity
Drinj ikn sd ami rrcnvr |0 pn cn.l
That Is tti<* limp of your when one
just can't help fItlnkliif; of Itouie."
"If itint Hluke boy line) boon any
good.’ Prod lamented. "She w n Just
throwing hrrM'lf away on him. Thnt
la why I gave her the choice of giv­
ing him up or getting out. I wanted to
•nve her. And «he got out."
"! know." hi* wife agreed. "You
meant It for the he*t. Arthur Hlake
wna wild to be wild and uhc I cm . hut
the Itlnke’H are a good family, and
I've often noticed thnt boy» of a good
family generally »trnlghten up araln.
even If they do go a little wild for a
while. You know. Fred, when I mar­
ried you there were people who »uld
you were, well. Ju*t n little—"
"Hut I got a wife like you." her
liUKband nnawered. 'That make» nil
the difference "
“Yea. and Arthur got n wife like
Lucy- If he married her." Nellie Mar­
lin Initiated. "Let me leave the plate
once more. I'm not giving up hope—"
At that moment the hoy» were heard
coining In by the kitchen door. There
were muffled voice*, and n aound na
though they were helping aome one.
George, the elder appeared In the
dining room door, and hla face stiui-
moned ht* mother.
"Some one here to aee yon. Mom,"
he anld. In an awed voice.
In the kitchen Mrs. Martin found
n woman sitting on a chair, her head
turned nwny, her figure enclosed In u
frHyed cloth coat. Soberly ahe croaaed
the kitchen floor and turned the head
to her eye*.
"Lucy I” »he cried. “Lucy—”
The girl made a» though ahe would
apeak, but seemed overcome. Her
mother dropped to her knees beside
her, chaffing her hand», speaking
words of endearment, crying for Fred
and the boys.
“We found her In the wow. Just
between the barn and the house," the
boys explained. “She seemed to have
oil on your « o i l
Atention Civen Mail Orders
in th e n ew C h e r r o le t S ix
A g a in , C h e v r o le t
an d G en eral M otors
have u tiliz e d th e ir
co m b in ed reso u rces to e stab lish
a new a n d h ig h e r s ta n d a rd o f
value for th e A m erican m o to r ear.
T h e new C h ev ro let re p re se n ts a
ty |> co feco n o m ical tra n s p o rta tio n
th n t A m erica h as long a n tic i­
p a te d —a low -priced six styled
w ith su ch s trik in g ta le n t an d
good ta s te , so s m a rtly b e a u tifu l
an d co m p lete in its p erfectio n o f
d e ta il, so ad v an ced a n d refined
m ech an ically th a t yon will im m e ­
d iately recognize it as the G rea t
A m e rica n tH lu e.
For only a third more than
the regular one-way fare you
can huv a round trip to point»
in California, Oregon, Wash­
ington and urighboi ing states.
These tickets arc good leav­
ing December IS to 2). Re­
turn limit January A.
Similar reduced fares to all
Southern P.iciitc points in Ore­
gon with sale dates of Decem­
ber 18 to January I. Return
limit January 6.
Your Southern Pacific agent
will gladly give you the fare
to the place you w ant to visit.
Phone him today.
T h is greut value is th e o u tco m e
o f fo u r basic C hevrolet a d v a n ­
tag es: (1) T h e savings o f volum e
prtM iuction in n in e te e n im m en se,
m o d ern p la n ts. (2) T h e econo­
m ies w hich re su lt fro m g re a t
p u rrh a sin g pow er. (3) T h e b e n e ­
fits o f c o n tin u o u s research in
G en eral M o to rs lab o rato ries an d
o n th e G en eral M otors Proving
G ro u n d . Anil (1) th e close asso­
c iatio n w ith th e F ish er Body
C o rp o ratio n w ho, th is year, have
su rp assed all th e ir previous
ach iev em en ts in developing b o d ­
ies o f o u ts ta n d in g q u a lit y. refine­
m e n t a n d value.
T hese basic advan t ugea have m ad e
it possible to b u ild a fin e r ea r a t
lotcer co st.
T hey have en ab led
C hevrolet to offer a ear w ith •
lo n g er w h eelb ase—g re a te r ro o m i­
n e s s a n d c o m f o r t —s t r i k i n g l y
s m a r t e r s ty le —im p re s s iv e n ew
lu x u ry —m o re th o ro u g h ly sa tis­
facto ry p e rfo rm a n c e —g re a te r d e­
p e n d a b ility . A nd to pass o n th ese
savings o f efficient m a n u fa c tu r­
in g to th e b u y e r in th e fo rm o f
low er prices!
S p o rt C o u p e
P h avto n
. . *5 1O
’I l l
t c i t h r u m b l e « e a t • •575
T he
S ta n d a r d
S ta n d a rd
R o a d ste r • • •
•173 C o u p e. • • • • • . *535 S e d a n ......................... .1 8 8
S p o rt R oad a t e r
$ 4 || •
S t a n d a r d F lve-
S p e c ia l
•ai t h r u m
* I . . ¿ i r l i
9 in dow (lo u p e . . •545
S e d a n . • • • » • •650
jm o
C h ev ro let T ru c k * fro m $355 to $695
All p ric e * / . o . 6 . F l i n t , M i c h i g a n
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
430 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon