THE TURNER TRIBUNE fa* Mluottrt Fanner ¥ J P O N the hills <1 Bethlehem ^ The dew huog oo the holly stem; One by one the shepherds came T o the manger lit with flame; The oxen and the shepherds all And all the beasts o f barn and stall Bent the knee to Him who lay Like a diamond in the hay, Over the bleating o f the sheep. Across the midnight’s starry deep. The Angel wings were winnowing Lullabies for the Christmas King. You may have read o f him in "W h o’s Wno of America." B«- sure and hear him. Our Ch*-: tm;.« program will be giv­ en on Christmas eve. We ar< planning special meetings to begin n*-xt Sunday with Rev. Groves o f West Salem, a former pas­ tor her ', a ..isting. Don’t fail to plan your wotk co you can attend every night during this holiday meeting. Bligh’s Capital To Present ‘ ‘Tom Sawyer Christmas week the msnagement of Bllghh Capitol Theatr«! is preparing to olf< r its patrons several unusual attiactions for a real, enjoyable holi- da. The first o f these is "R iver’s End" a .Farms Oliver Curaood story to play Sunday an«t Monday. It is a thrilling drama o f action in the Northwest snow country with the Cana«lian mounted police. Charles Bickford plays the dual part o f the hunted man, John Keith .and the Cana«lian officer he resembles, Sergeant Connis- ton. Evelyn Knapp provides the romance in the story and also in the cast am J. Farrell McDonald, David T o ;r nee and Zasu Pitts. fu -day and Wednesday will show “ A Sol«lier*i Plaything,’ ’a romantic Uile o f th.- other side o f the World war m which battle*;, guns, and mud arc left in the background ,cn the light-r side o f a «loughboy’s lif«; is amus’ngly pictured. The action of the plot takes place when the American Arm> of Occupation was quartered in Germany. I.otti Lcder, featured in i . ii * ciu.t, portrays a German peasant girl. Cen Lyon ar.d Harry Langdon arc the doughboys nnd Ncah Beery is a a th hardboih.d captain. N xt Sumlay Uro. tiilstrap will zp«ak on the Christmas spirit in tile morning nn«i there will be a great evangelistic irrmon in the evening. S jhtìm I music. me SIGN METHODIST CHURCH By Abhie L Ronne n M u li]« Firmer It wasn’t because wc* didn’t have a goixl s«*i vice to report that we didn’t g«.t it in the paper lust w«*«*k but we v. re no bu ly "doing things” that we W hen Moth« b« mgt the oroiwcoa didn't have time to toll about the W s ’ r t u icd y tu titer yeu wonde rful service. Dovia Itom the attic, then me know The Day st Ian •« herd Subj«*ct for our morning service was "A I IWaiting for Him." For cen­ The ft fueled angelt teem to nag Ai oo that Eve alar. turies the Jews had b " n wnit’ n^ for And on the tiptop twig, ws hang Jesus and when ll<- rnnic th«*y (the Again the tinning ttar. majority) did not releivc Him hut The tiny light ol rod and gold, | vvn't' d on. H«* comes to those who Ot yellow, pink and green 1 watch for ILm. Arc* you matching? Replace the randlet And a chime It tinkling quite untcen. Our people were invited down to the First Methodist church o f Salem The gilt* grow rnoff claboeate Wtlh every patting vear, last Sunday to htar the oratorio “ The But ttill the tarns old-faahiooed mirth. Holy City." It was a treat too good The taros Jutinctiv* cheer. to miss. Oh Chnttma. it the heart ! owo time. Next Sunday morning e.t 11 o’clock The day that weart the crown. w«* are to hnve with us Dr. Laughlin. 1 know lYt her* when Mother brings The »tar and angel» down I i who will give us his "Peace Talk.” H> is a fin« man and a goo«i speaker. W .V A W .V A m W . CHRISTIAN CHURCH A great Chriatnmx program coming for all, n«-«rr*bf*r '¿'l. Th<* 1 r.* • J r t tr v getting re- I«‘X**«I from t'*. ‘ i: be*;,. a . It wax a rucr ■ «a from the roc.’a; poiit as we I! •id th«- financial. Services wire* well attended last .Sunday morning T'.e minixlcr’s sub- j*-ct wax " A Dad and Tv.'a laid*” in l ooping with the fath«*r an«l s*>n idea. • • f) Sam and Mozart Tuppan sang n beautiful song Sunday morn­ ing. It was entitl«*«l "<’ . s *ot'nd N e w a ï îickoy Mouse 1 : S ■ > v e U s e d f i B g M n * — w m r— t h is r. u, :OMEDY I N ;• a io T C a r s JUST W A IT IN G FOR TH E PRO PER O W N E R 1929 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, rumble seat, fully equipped, looks absolutely n e w ....................... $525.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan, run only 9000 miles; looks and is perfect .................................. „ .............. 559.09 1929 Chevrolet Coach, refinished, good tires, fully guaranteed ...................................................... 475.00 1930 Chevrolet Sport Roadster, wire wheels, rum­ ble seat, fully equipped; lun 8000 miles.......... 550.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach, perfect condition, new tires 365.00 1923 Ford Roadster ,new paint, new tires, motori overhauled ...................................................... 385.00 1930 Chevrolet Coach, run very little, fully equip­ ped .................................................................... 550.00 1929 Chevrolet Coupe, new tires, car just like new 475.00 1927 Chevrolet Coupe, new paint, new tires, looks very R ood.......................................................... 265.00 1927 Chrysler Coupe; best of shape and looks it. 285.00 1928 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, mohair upholstery, new tires, fully equipped and look very good.... 385.00 1923 Ford Tudor, fine shape throughout.............. 425.00 M c K A Y ’ S 333 C E N T E R S T R E E T SALEM. OREGON / ^ W A V / A Y . W . V . V . V V . W . Y A W m ’A A W / A A W V Y W V W V W /AV/AV.V.V.’MWAWAV.WrWAVAV/AVWMW ¡Ladies Silk Hose $1.00 New Shades— Full Fashioned M e n ’s W o o l Sox 35c to 75c L ad ies G loves Silk or Leatherette 98c i0 ; Á¿ ZfZ IC.i > ' •/ é'S y M en ’s Silk Sox bOc to 75c HOUSE S im s FUR THE ENTIRE H I Sit TO SMI . . .'.V .V .V .'.V .V .'.V .V .’ .V .V .V , E L S IN O R F . "• that our present day life has to offer. $1 Marcel! or K l \ c • THE the hearts o f everyone— young or old. I f you fail to see it you will be miss­ ing one o f the most enjoyable things E. J. Harrison Over StuslofT Market Salem, ( re/o i »V.WAV, ■ .*.* W.WAWAW.W.\WA',WA,.WAV.WAYWY :• ■« greatest story ever told in audible celluloid. Jackie Coogan, whose fame has increased since the day o f "The Kid” plays the title role, Tom Sawyer, while Mitzi Green, who has establish­ ed herself on the stage and screen as America’s leaiiing child actress is seen as the prim little Becky Thatcher. "Tom Sawyer" is a play to warm V .W M V W A V A P A V .W .S W r> — - AH in G in: r I< •' r. wonderful nv ting at the Christian Endeavor ho.'.'. Then- v ia t*v; ux’-nl large crowd. Opening Christmas day, for three «lays, Bligh’a Capitol Theatre will pre­ sent Mark Twain’s immortal child classic, "Tom Sawyer.” Hundreds of chiitlren and hundreds more who used to be children will thrill to the oft- told but deathless adventures of Tom ami Huck, B«cky and Aunt Polly, Injun Joe and Muff Potter. "Tom Sawyer’’ is the kinil o f material that th«.* talking screen was made for. And in the hands o f such capable young players as Jackie Coogan, Mitzi Green and Junior Durkin, it is well-nigh the M e n ’s T ies 25c and 50c Wool Blankets $3*19t0 $350 L ig h t Globes Mazda Inside Frosted ¿5 tn 60 watt Six (or $ 1 .0 8 20c / d V . V y V M W A V A W A V A '^ W A 'W W A V / . W . V . V . V . W . W . W THE CHRISTMAS KING T^tfSSKUta Lillian IVtcmon i* organizing a junior C. K. «oci« ty. 8hi- ha« mad«* u good beginning. O Tin* old ik*u«l flower htalkn were re- move«! from the church lawn by the m«*n on bazaar «lay. They ulso dug the bulb» and cared for them. — O---- A moat enjoyable and spiritual musical piogrutn was presented ul the ••vening church ho««r lust Sunday. Dr. Kpley had charge. Hi* was aided by some splendid mule voiçes from Sa- !cm on«l by his lnrg«; choir. The house was Ailed and the andienc«* was re­ sponsive. —~ O - Don't forget! A real Christmas spirit and an ohi time Christmas pro­ gni ma waits you at the program on Tie «lay evening, December Ü'T. Mrs. Dei Zell has it in charge. Fancy Bath and Hand 15c Towels 98c # MEN’S and BOYS’ DRESS SHIRTS. Special 98c On the Stage F a n c h o n c\ M a r c o ’» Ï Seasons Idea \ Featuring L -O l I L O O C K Screen Actress i AD A BROADCEMT Danseuse TED LEDFORD Vagabond FRANK MELINO & COMPANY SUNKIST BEAUTIES r Silk U ndies 79c to $1.98 B oys’ S w eaters $1.00 and up Staple and Fancy Groceries Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Rubber Boots and Slickers And Rain-Test Clothing • % A W W .V ,V W A W .m ' r »V M W . .•.’.YVSWAWMMWAY.V.V/MSVAVMV.VMAYMWiVMViW