\ THE TURNER TRIBUNE The Turner Tribune o mi SI BSCR1PT10N J1.26 PER YEAR Entered at the Post office at Turner, Oregon, as second-class matter, under \,t of March 1879. MERRY A CHRISTMAS MY DAY OR CONTRACT Estimates Furnished U. S. lalbnt VVVT f f ? fallen. Judea the night clouds 1 The wide-spreedlng country lay quiet and st • And all were at rest save a few humble shephet; -<¿>*7^ Who herded their flocks on a far lonely hilly MUS. CHAS. S. CLARK, Editor PAINTING .\ y Issued every Thursday at Turner, Marion, County, Oregon. AVAW AYAYASVAYW AVY i± à ± ± é ± AAAAAA àà Turner * .■ A V /A V A V A V A W W Y A W .' M lot th« b I k U im , man» *nJ htlahn B fat ika „rrgrHn, Sama'a R fcx lk. room *K*r» wa ha»» up I ha kuM, R fol nil ttkkoM, fcx l»J ilhbun bow« Y kl lk. ToungM«» wko nun to I- m L .•.■.■AVAV.W AW AVAVAW NEW LOCATION This latest reopening o f the time C fo» lk. lank CUM. fallow anj taJi worn controversy anent the status H fcx iha kollf ihai ihlnaa thiough ika paM, HEN on the stillness there coma strains^» quo o f the Bible in our educational R for ika niiulaar wa Mak for In »»in, system is eni ugh to arouse in most I fcx tk. In of lk. »alia, and hill. Songs that never had fallen there Uifdi S kx ika Mocktn«« foi Santa to III, o f us a milder wonder as to whether and over the glad news repeating: T kx ika tinaal that kanpa on ika iim . the vaunted e:i’ :ghtenment o f our age M fcx th. mualc of Uuphtat and glaai Earth can rejoice, for the long night Is o et\ is a definite existing reality or only A for ik» ah*an(. r.mamlxta.l and daat, 8 kx tk. aatxon'igUd ftaatlnpa of ckaar. a chimerical hersv invented to foot from lxis bondage of darkness and doubting . the public. In three different states at the pres­ Now cun be free, for a Savior is bom. MORRIS ent time bitter word battles are being / God has come down from the glory of heaven, Optical í ’ o ' h . ? waged over the matter o f whether New T ype Deeper ? vl To bless and to gladden the eai’th on this mo: Curved Lena ï Bible teaching should or should not Beet for fletter Violon % be given a recognized pi&ce in the iv AV ER in Bethlehem, hallowed forever public school curriculum. From a -V .V / i C R Y S T A L G A R D E N common sense angle there would seem 444 State Street SALEM, O R E G O N to be little room lor argument. SALEM, OREGON J <*— —— Our nation is one comprising so Every W ednesday and Saturdiy many extrem. s o f religious beliefs 'A W A V a V V / ^ A W W A 1 Stric»ly Old-Tim e Dancing and prejudices that the way o f safety ‘• jJ E , who could come on the wings of the morning, At 8:30, p. m. has proven to be that which leaves In power and splendor, to palace or hull, ^ the matter o f religious instruction M O D E R N D A N C E strictly where it belongs— in the I (as chosen the humblest and poorest of dwellings. CRYSTAL GARDEN ANNEX . nm hands o f individual parents. Every W ednesday and Sa.urdav \ , A in Bethlehem— a cold manger stall In schools composed o f children Strictly M odern Music irer. \ [ 1 ° '♦»j'VT'ttT' from Protestant, Catholic, Jewish ‘ a.,d Dancing k,sh’ V E who is mighty beyond any telling, Mohammedan. Moslem and infidels <)nc C.itc and One I’riie of Admii Whose hand guides the sun and the^stai^S «.in' homes, what course o f religious in- j sion critic* you to borii »tylei struction could possible be devised ^ their way, — '$/)- ( i dancing which would bo acceptable to all 7 The as come from the glory and splendor of heaven ^ Gents 50c Ladies J5c answer is obvious. Tor -Jove of mankind on this glad Cluristmos day. Roller D k r .A M L A N D skating Those extremist:, however, who are | Tuesday, Friday and Saturday fighting to have the Bible excluded ' by the message, the shepherds stood ’’ 7 to 10 p. nt. Adm ission 10c from school libraries wou.u seem to •Idling, « O B ,* be carrying fine points beyond the Ladies F ire, Skate« 25c J Awe-stricken, speechless, they gazed at the^siglit. confines o f common sense. The Old or New Testament, the Koran, or an> . W . '. V . V . 'A W W . V A W A W Listening enchanted as angel songs echoed !fJ ’ /ft ¡ n O J* other book treating authoritatively of rO ver the lulls on tliat wonderful nighL *1 Called for religion —m- any form whatsoever, J * v A ’ « II would be an addition to library CLEANED, PRESSED E, too, can liear tlie glad songs of the angels^ * shelves, no matter where. If the | DELIVERED •^And fee! their deep music so true and sublime, morals o f the younger generation are i > ever corrupted by printed words, If we open our hearts to the beautiful message, Just Pht»ne u?. we.II t!o the | those words will never be found be­ rest. Keep your wardrobe \ ^ /T o the joy and the peace of this glad Cliristrnas tiina tween the covers o f any relig ous book '■ at it's best fy it». * \o whether it tre .ts of the Christian re­ ligion or that o f Confucius. Hats - Odorle. s ('leaning Religiaua instruction o f children is .W V W V W W A V I W .V .V J V t ’ / t a job wh^^unqueftionably belongs to » i^ne Day Service parents. Outside organizations such j 1 a *t L’ h Servr* You K R U SE & R Y G II as S u m . s c i . v o . s . churches, Y. M. C. Every Week X -R A Y CH IRO PPR ACTO I* A., etc , c -n aid materially in such Expert W atch and Jtxc.ry work, but even they cun make little 1 K erry Repairing progress unless a religious foundation ity has been laid by parents durng the 1 New J ew elry M ade tu O rd er leaner» Lady Attendant child's impressionable years. 230 N. Liberty. Salem J Too man;, parents these days, busy P rice» R easonable with their bridge and golf, look upon V W .V W .V .V .V .W /W .V A the public s c h o o l as a dumping First N’ at’l F.üik L’.ld'g., Pitone 2191 Salem, 4X4 Court St. ground fo r all parental responsibili- 1 ties. Ti. ’ 3 have oblig.ngly tak­ Salem, .O v er on m v A w y w w ^ Y ou i l w s v * if«4! h I lf!h» m ore en over more and more o f the duties than y o u |in.\ lot w lo ii y o u dt-ul once considered strictly the business wiili na— I Irmi “ gii#,” f u l l o f parents, but in the matter o f spirit­ inearure— -('linn *»|l, the l>rmiil ual guidance the line must be drawn. A V i V . V . Y ^ / A V . V W A ' . V V A V / A V A V W A W A I W A W v o n r motor like« mol The public school atmosphere is far UNDERTAKERS elieerful ar r vira t" lirlng you too busy and individual.’ tic to per- U.o'U. m 't o f an ydefinite courses in re- Pe r æ O n t lig ous instruction.. Furthermore, the L L O Y D T . K IG D O N n it o f any definite courses in rc- FREE AIR and W ATER County Coroner tq . ipped to handle tfvs rn03t delicate WE FIX FLATS o f ii su7>jects. — o — C onsidering the really grave prob- le confronting our civijizatir.i at Salem RED CROWN GAS p ent, it -..ould seem that men filling important executive positions for the sti and community could spend W A W J V . V / A W / W J 'A '. W W A W A V . V A V J V . W J V . ' their time to better advantage than wrangling Over a question as patently .‘ .W /A V A ’ A V A W J V M V W ; W A * un i .datable as the matter o f religious instruction in our democratic schools. H A M M A N S T A G E LINES rj * * * * # ♦ * ♦ /♦ * * # * * * * * * * # # * # « * FAMILY OANCE 5 A * & i TpjW'-/ SUITS I D r. S c o f i e í d Service with A Smile W. T.Rigdon&Son i T U R N E R S T A T E BAN K P a i d (in 6 m o n t h s T i m e D e p o s i t s Fire—Automobile Insurance W r i t t e n Oregon i! Swv* Bones Bros., Turner $ggr Holliday Sale New Year Bells By Latia M itc h e ll T h o r n t o n in O h io F a rm er *7}IN'G merrily, ob, New Year bell» I ■*V. Wbea whiu the now» are glitlening. Your music on ibo dsrkneu wells. And all the world is listening. Ring merrily I Each note is filled, With hope and promise glorious. With doubts dissolved and terrors stilled. And courage over fears victorious. Ring merrily, oh. New Year bells! Again the dewa is brightenu^. Shall grief forget that time dispels, Or sorrow fioutthe New Year’s lightens^. Ring merrily for all to hear. Since need knows no disparity; Bring to each soul your note of cheer. Since cheer it Heavea'i chanty. Í Ties Dress Sox . . . Dress Shirts . . Tie Sets, Special 1* CX-N'.t » N I O W M tfl OUR NClGHPOHS "O Jjs It ON Fiat r-- , 59c to $1.35 ?. 5 c to » 1.25 98c to $2.95 $1.59 10 Overcoats only, $25.00 value Special . . . . 387 State Street Leave S h 1< m for Aumnville fi;30 A M. 10:30 A M, I’ M. Leave Aumsville for Salim YOLiFI OWN PROPERTY D a v e ’s T o g g e r y X: 10 A M. 1:20 P.M. 5:10 P M. Leave Aumnv¡||e for Mill City 7:25 A M. 5:25 P.M. Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A M. 4:45 P.M. •iKhbo likely occome your I o m i D on't be without proper in­ surance. Salem Oregon Bring this ad and get ten extra S & H C.rten Stamps to I.eavi Imurance due wot aJequate a few years ago may need revision uxiayi Leave Turn»r fo r Mill City 5:15 P.M. Let us offer our advice. F. P. R O W L E Y , A gent G en eral In su rance Turner, Oregon jc j S t J K 'X . | * r * * * »«* * * * «* # «»* »«»«* # * ft«»# 1