The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 04, 1930, Image 5

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The Turner Tribune
s u b s c r ip t io n
$ 1.25 p e r
Bobby bow to liurk at tha miniature
kennel and see the radio dog Jump out
at the sound of Ida voire. On the soft
blanket before lb# Are Jimmy Is glee­
fully chewing the toe off a rubber
Suddenly Martha looks up at the
panel mirror and see* the picture.
Again comet the dim vision of her
grandmother, smiling happily. Martha
latigha bark at the vision, then sol­
emnly relates the story. Vividly she
paints I he word picture of I he prim
little grandmother and of her puz­
zled decision. "Wus I right 7" she
Bobby kicks over his “structo" rus­
tle as he throws his arms about her
and crl«**, "My Bob-White’s tlnd o’
drntiitnn I want.”
I>o!ly, half tearfully, replies; “ It -
was a pretty picture, mother, but It
needs an untique frame; doesn't flt
Into Ibis npnrlment at all. Who could
want you different 1 You’re glorious!”
The timid announced dinner und
Kriil, raising a glasa of sweet, spar­
kling elder, suggested n toast “ to the
most charming of rhurtnlng grand
mothers In memory, poem or song—
to the one who laughs off tier sor­
rows— shoulders her share of life and
never has lime to grow old. Bong live
your type, my dear, the adorable kind
of grandma w« can lovingly call ‘Bob-
White.’ “
Entered ut the Postofficr ut Turner,
Oregon, u n aacond-class mutter, under
Ut "i March -t, i H71
luNued every Thursday at Turner,
Morion, County, Oregon.
MHS. CHAS. 8. Cl.AUK, Editor
» H 4 +4-+++ + + + + > + 1-M-M-M-++
Old, and
by Noni Clack Bailey
com* from « fuinlly proud
of It* Pilgrim unrealry. The
women had alwuye been
good nattired, well rend, hut
Hceatlke «if Dolly, Martha,
who was widowril early, hud
dr m ill Into Journal ixtn. I tol­
ly grew up. umrrled Fred Howard und
moved away. Martha loveil lier, iii I sm *<I
her; hut wna loo busy to consider
changed condition* or pnanliii; time.
Then on ('hrUtnma eve mine a let­
ter. Martha Nat alone In her apart­
ment remllng It. The etork had come!
Khe aro«e Imutlly and went to the
mirror to ace how ahe looked beluK
a arandmoltier. Reflected ahe auw
youth and grui e. Hut—ahe had hard­
ly readied It—her hair was white)
A grandmother! Faintly there came
a vlaloti of tier own grandmother. A
dainty little womnn ahe wan. In Idnck
with a »now white apron lied attout
her atender walat, Around her ahoul
dera wua a »«ft mull fleha. A little
lace cop adorned her allver curia. It
wna a hit old-fMahloncd, ahe knew
Moat other women, Martha remem
here«!, hud rpilt wearing caps and
flchua; hut aomrhnw they seemed Juat
right for the qunlnt little grandmoth­
er who seemed alwaya giving one
Mnrthn laughed, a mther startled
Inugh; for ahe suddenly realized —
"Why. I’m na old at ahe wna then!"
A puzzled look came Into her eye*
The ptirllun Martha a n nay lug: "ICa
lime lo give up your work, don aom
l*er dothea and learn to hnke cook-
lea.” The newspaper womnn wan an
awering: “ Martha Whllewlde, you’ll
do nothing of the sort. You’ll go to
the benuty pnrlor tomorrow morning
and get a facial and have your hair
bobbed!" The vision looked a tittle
shocked, laughed and disappeared.
Decision aod action were one with
Mnrtha. The hair was cut In the lat­
est lines. The curls nestled Into form
like they were hnppy over her deci­
sion. It suited her active bearing, her
youthful face and «mart ensemble.
In the editorial room the sports ed
Itor was passing her desk ns she m
moved her hut. "Hello, Boh White.”
he cheerily greeted her. and the so
briquet stuck tight. That’s wl.era she
got the pen name for those clever ar­
ticles she writes. Those who ure nenr
<A I I K . W .« t « r o N v w sp sa sr L' q I od )
In lh< County Court o f the S ta te
it Oregon, for Maron County.
In the Matter o f the Estate o f
Mary Eadburn, deceased.
To D. F. East burn, Daisy B. Myers,
I!' -a E. Darby, I. E. Eiutburn, F. A.
Kastburn. S T. Fnstbum, John East-
Sum, Mnrv V. Drury, Charles East- !
| l»urn, F. A. Garbe, Ralph Garbo, Vir­
ginia Gurb -, Sheldon Phillips, Hildred
Perkins, Venutta May Perkins, Var-
nell i’iiilli pH , and Glenn Titus:
Whereas application has been made
in due form in the above entitled
cuusc on the 25th day o f November,
1980, by D. F. Eastburn, administra
tor In the above name estate for an
order and license directing and em­
powering him to sell certain real
property o f the estate o f the de­
ceased, which real property is particu­
larly described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the center
of Cleveland Avenue iri Merrifield’s
Addition to the Town of Aumsville
in Marion County, Oregon, which
slid point i* 11.967 chains West
o f the Northi-ant corner o f said
Merrifield’a Addition to the Town
o f Aumsville; running thence West
along the center o f said Cleveland
Avenue 3.89 chains to the center
ol F lfti 8treet in the Tov.n o f
Aumsville; thence North on a di­
rect line with the center o f said
Fifth Street 2 99 chains; thence
East 3.31 chains to n 16 foot right
o f way heretofore granted to K. L.
Hindu)!, and now owned by Chcf-
ftngs: thence South along the west
side o f said right o f way 2.99
chains to the place o f beginning,
containing on<- acre, more or less,
situated in Section 2 ‘>, T. X South,
Range 2 W<<t o f the Willamette
Meridian in Marion County, Ore-
A* you travel through life you
will find many handicaps, but
none compared to the handicaps
of disease.
Have these eliminated by Chi­
ropractic Adjustments
according to a Neurocalometer
Remember the Neurocalometer
locates nerve pressure.
ropratcic Adjustments remove
nerve pressure.
ter readings by appointment
256 N. High Street
Phone 87
A'sn the emt one-half o f the
following described premises, to-
Beginning nt a point 20.08
chains north nnd 3.47 chains east
o f the Southwest corner o f the
Aden J. Davie and Cynthia Davie
t * !.. C. Notification No. 53. in
Township 9. South Range 1. West
o f the Willamette Meridian in Mor­
ion Countv, Oregon; thence North
10 00 chain» to the center o f the
Stcyton and Aumsville County
No. 233
M<-ets second Saturday in the
month in the Grange Hall, Turner.
Visitors well »me at the lectu re
hour, at 2 :00 o’clock.
,W V V W A A W U W J W V W iM
o f a light and p ow er c o m p a n y , or, in fa ct, o f any p u blic utility,
i* tied up with the fu tu re o f the area in which it operates. It
must grow if the co m m u n ity is to g ro w , and the co m m u n it y
must g row if the light and p ow a r c o m p a n y is to g row . Unlike
ord in a ry enterprises, a public utility ca n not stand still.
d em a n d s upon it.
Ilit>h quality electric light and p o w e r service, ren d ered at
rensonahle rales, attracts business and industry to a c o m m u n ity ,
nnd new business and new industries bring increased p opulation
and prosperity f o r the en tire c o m m u n ity , including the public
T his is why w e are con stan tly itriving to im p ro v e ou r
service and red u ce o u r rates.
It may sound selfish, but it’ s
her among huslness associates, friends
or family fondly call her "Bob-While.”
It la Christmas, five years since
Martha made her derision as to the
kind of grandmother she was going to
be. Dolly nnd Fred with their Hobby
and Jimmy are spending the day In
Martha’s apartment. A ninld Is con
verting o library table Into a very
proper one for dining, arranging a
marvelous Christmas dinner, Just sent
tip from the caterer's.
The group Is gathered about a tin­
seled tree In the how window. There
are remarkable toya—too many |>er-
hnps. Mnrtha, fresh and pretty ns
ever, Is silling on the floor leaching
It’ s just g o od business.
Mountain States
“ TMW fA B TN ntS
Notice is hereby given, that by
virtue o f an execution duly issued
out o f the Circuit Court o f the State
o f Oregon, for the County o f Marion,
and to be directed on the 3rd day o f
November, 1930, upon a judgment
ami decree duly rendered, entered o;
record and docketed in and by said
court on the 22nd day o f October,
1930, in a certain suit then in said
court pending, wherein Percy A. Cup­
per was plaintiff and W. P. Simpson
and I.aura L. Simpson were defend­
ants in favor o f plaintiff and against
said defendants by which execution I
am commanded to sell the property in
said execution and hereinafter de­
scribed to pay the sum due the plain­
tiff o f $540 with interest therein at
the rate o f 6 per cent per annum
from the 13th day o f April, 1928,
until paid and the further sum of
$75.00 attorney’s fees and the further
sum o f $100.00 taxes and assessments
together with the costs and disburse­
ments o f said suit taxed at $42.4 5
and costs and expenses o f said execu­
tion. I will on Saturday, the 13th day
o f December, 1930, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m. o f said day at the
west door o f the county court house
in Marion County, Oregon, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand on the day o f sale,
all the right, title, interest and estate
which said defendant and all persons
claiming under them subsequent to
the 13th day o f April, 1928, date o f
execution o f plaintiff’s mortgage in,
o f and to said premises hereinbefore
dientioned and described in said exe­
cution as follows, to-wit:
West 40 feet o f Lot 1, Block 3,
Parrish Grove Addition to the City
o f Salem, according to the duly re­
corded plat thereof as the same
appear o f record in Marion Coun­
Said sale being made subject to
redemption in the manner provided
by law.
Dated this 10th day o f November,
Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon.
N ovl3-20-27D ec4-l 1
A* a matter o f fa ct , the public utility g row s at a greater
rate than the c o m m u n ity , f o r a larger and larger p ro p o rtio n o f
the people use its service and b e co m e d ep end en t upon it. T hose
who are using the service are making con stan tly in crea sing
Again Comes the Dim Vision of Her
should not be issued.
Witness the Honorable J. C. Sieg-
mund, Judge, with the seal o f said
court affixed this 26th day o f Novem­
ber, 1930.
County Clerk.
Power Company
Road; thence South 73 degrees 45
minutes East 11.43 chains; thence
South 36.84 chains; thence West
10.97 chains to the place o f begin­
ning, containing 42.15 acres o f
The property herein last de­
scribed being 21.075 acres o f
And whereas this court has fixed
the 19th day o f January, 1931, at the
hour o f ten o ’clock a. m. in the room
o f the County Court in the court
house in Salem, Marion County, Ore­
gon, as the time and place fo r the
hearing o f any and all objections to
saiil petition and the granting o f said
order and license to sell.
Now therefore, in the name o f the
State o f Oregon, you, and each o f
you. are hereby cited, directed and
required to be and appear at said
time and place then and there to show
cause, if any exists, why an order
should not be made ns in the petition
prayed for, and why said petition
should not be granted and said license
In the Circuit Court o f State of
Oregon fo r Marion County.
Sena M. Neal, Plaintiff,
J. D. McCully, Alice M. Cranne, Per­
cy Pope Dabney, Ethel Dabney.
Clarence M. Crane, Belle Crane,
William B. Crane, Ethel Crane.
I.innie Croasman, A. B. Croasman,
Abe L. McCully, Lillian E. McCul­
ly, John J .Glover, Mary E. Glover,
Erma Fa well, Russell Fawell, Edna
Glover Van Slagel, Frederick Van
Slagel, Margaret Glover, Samuel
F. Glover and Jane Doe Glover, his
wife, the surviving spouse o f Sam­
uel Glover, deceased, James B.
SimpSon, Mary J. Simpson, Dennie
M. Simpson, Nellie G. Simpson, Ed­
ward W. Simpson, James Simpson,
Louis B. Simpson and Jane Doe
Simpson, his wife, Edward S. Simp­
son, Nellie G. Simpson, Mary G.
Simpson, Hattie B. Simpson, Edna
Simpson, Adalaide Simpson, Char­
les Simpson, Mary A. Neff, Sarah
Maclaren, Robert F. Maclaren, Eli­
za J. Rowland, Louis T. Rowland,
Mary A. Boake, William H. Glover,
Ella G. Glover, Samuel W. Glover,
Mary Glover, Lincoln G. Glover,
Amy L. Glover, Amos L. Glover,
Mary Glover, Bertha A. G. French,
er, the surviving spouce o f Arthur
M. Glover, deceased, the unknown
heirs o f Amos Glover, deceased,
also all other parties and persons
unknown having or claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest
in and to the real property decribed
in the complaint herein, defend­
To the defendants above named:
In the name o f the state o f Oreogn,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the 27th day o f
November .1930, that being the time
prescribed by the court in its order
for the publication o f the summons
upon you and four weeks successively
from the date o f the first publication
hereof; and if in the event that you
shall fail so to appear and answer,
Dlaintiff will take a decree that she is
the owner in fee simple and in posses­
sion o f Lot number two ( 2 ) , Block
number one ( 1) , Oak Lodge addition
to the city o f Salem, Marion County,
Oregon, as same appears from the
recorded plat thereof, and that plain­
tiff’s title thereto be quieted.
Service o f this summons upon you,
by publication thereof, is made by
order o f the Honorable L. M. Mc­
Mahan, circuit judge, at Salem, Ore­
gon, October 30, 1930, and the date
o f the first publication thereof is Oc­
tober 30, 1930.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Postoffice and place o f residence, Sa­
lem, Oregon.