THE TUUXEK TRIBUNE Mrs. John Bucheraneh in N orm and, Oklahom a, where they will visit relatives and w here it is hoped * -----» ----- that the change will be beneficial to Mrs. Neva Bowers and Mrs. Sphoon John Sacro, wife ami John, J r., little V erg ean ’s health. have gone to Portland to be at the O sp en t Monday in Salem. bedside of th eir sister, Mrs. K iti- Mr. and Mrs. M. McCollouglt and E. M. Keith was a Salem business m iller, who is seriously ill. d au g h ter, Helen, spent Thanksgiving v isito r Saturday. day in P o rtland. On th e ir way horn«- Guests at the W illiam Howard --- o----- they visited Mr. D regnie’s p aren ts at B. F. Simpson was a P ortland busi­ home for Thanksgiving w ere Mrs. Barlow. Mr. D regnie, who had spent O. D. Bart rum and child ••on, Lulu and ness visitor tlie first of the week. his Thanksgiving w ith his parents, Delbert, of Hubbard. m otored home with them . Lloyd P eters and fam ily have —-o - “ moved to the Shields farm n ear T u r­ The D rift creek bridge in the Mr. and Mrs. H ildebrand and th ree Waldo Hills has been opened to t r a f ­ ner. fic. The road has been closed more or children w ere here from P ratu m to Miss Lura Kuenzli of Salem is a see Mrs. Lutie Fuson a t the home of less fo r the past fo u r months. truest of Mrs. E. W arne Empey this Mrs. Millie M artin. Mrs. Fuson is week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Powell, Mr. rapidly recovering from a recent m a­ and Mrs. C hristy Johnson and Wade jo r operation. She is able to be out Merrill Am ort came from S anta Mills w ere C apital City visitors Mon­ o f doors cuch day. B arbara, Monday, where he has spent day. the past eight m onths. Mrs. M ountain and Mrs. C harles Miss Irene Nance was here iron» M artin m otored to C orvallis, W ednes­ Mr. and Mrs. C. L. H artley ate S tayton, Monday. Miss Nance is em ­ day, und brought back Miss Merle Thanksgiving dinner with th e ir daugh. ployed in the H untley B eauty P arlor M artin, R obert M ountain ami his ter, Mrs. George Palm er, and hus­ there. guest, C harles Mills, fo r the T h an k s­ band. giving holidays. Miss Eunice Lewis Recent guests at the P. B. Collins and her house guest, Miss la>uise F riday evening will be the re g u la r home were Mr. and Mrs. M artin Toll­ Hom ew and, cam e with them also. Mr. m eeting of the Com m untiy club. The man and children, Alice and Robert, M ountain took the young people back usual dinner will be served a t 6:30 and Mrs. Collins of Vashon, Wash. to th e ir studies Sumluy evening. p. m. Mrs. Tallm an is Mr. Collins sister. Mr. and Mrs. Curl Gibson oi Aums- Miss Am anda M atthews o f Shaw Zacus Webb, who lived south of ville held open house on T hanksgiv­ has gone to C aliforna to spend the town for many years prior to going to ing day to a num ber of th> r friends w inter. P ortland a m onth ago to m ake his am i relatives. T he m eet ng was a re ­ Mrs. Emma Simpson and brother, home, died th ere N ovem ber 26 ami union o f the Robins. Those in a t­ tendance were Mr. and Mrs M. H. Wm. Udell, were here from Amity was buried in Portlund Monday. Robbins and children, Harold und and were dinner guests of Mrs. Millie Mrs. Susie Ransom in com pany Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robbins, M artin, Sunday. with h er son, W ayne, Mrs. Bess R an­ Mr. und Mrs. H. Doe, Mr. and Mrs. Oky Mills, wife and d au g h ter are som and son. Ju stin , and daughters, F red D enham , Mr. am i Mis. S. J. here from W ashington fo r a visit with Daphne and K atheryn, m otored to ! C ondit, Mr. and Mrs. C harles P o rter, Oky’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. C orvallis w here Miss K atheryn is a t ­ Mr. and Mrs. G eo,g" Beewi i and Mr. tending college, Sunday. Mills. and Mrs. C arl Gibson. AUMSV1LLE ¿ Mr. and Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W .'K . Winslow and Mrs. Lee H ighberger and sm all! son, E lbert, spent Thanksgiving with t d au g h ter, V ergoan, left S atu rd ay f o r ' . County, O regon, will hold the regUiui I*, ( em ber 20, lO.'iO, at I o'clock p. in. exam ination of applic applicants for stat' Applicant.« for exam ination should certificates at the court house in S a­ notify the undersigned not la te r than lem u< follows: Com mencing Wcdnos- D cem ber 13, 1 •lay, D ecem ber 7, llt.HO, at !» o'clock MARY l>. FU LK ERSO N , County School Superintend) nt. a. m., and continuing until S atu rd ay , W. J A Y DENHAM General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing Turner, Oregon Route 3 .W.VSV.W.ASWAV.V/.VAV.V/.'/.V.V.W.V/.V.V.VVAW ü TU K IN EK I STATE BANK o P o r /% O n t Paid on six months T i m e Deposits ■ ! I -------- Q -------- —Automobile Insurance W r it t e n Notice is hereby v .’en th a t the C ounty S u p erin ten d en t of M arion WVWWVAW.,AW .VAVAVA,/AVA*AV V W .V A ’ I f y o n e o n ld r e a d her miiHP h you would reollza that Instead of some »nort- lived novelty your wife would actually piofe: this year-round servant-gift for Christmas. Who» could be more a p p ro p ria te than a moderr. electric range— with the added hours of leisur»., easier-to-get, perfectly cooked meals ¡1 ofloia» every homemaker? A n A utom atic E lectric R ange in the hom e will O c c a s io n a l T ab les—CHairs for be a gift w hich will prove o f real benefit to the entire fam ily. N o m ore w ood or coal to carry in — no more fires to build — no dirty, sooty pans to clean, Christmas .lust a turn oi the sw itch and your m eal will Other Christmas shopping seasons have taught us that occasional pieces of furniture are the much sought after gifts, so this year we have made special purchases to meet the demand. Visit our store for this first showing of wonderful values in occasional chairs and tables. Library tables, drum tables, end tables, coffee tables, smokers’ tables — priced $4.75 to $12.50. Custom made arm chairs, great, roomy and comfort­ able chairs, arm chairs, beautifully cush­ ioned easy chairs as low as $19.75 or ultra $52.50 to $75.00. or m other more happy than this gift o f clea n ­ be on i ‘.s w ay. ‘T h e G i f t o f G if t» ’ A n Electric R ange m M eans H a p p in e ss for Y e a r s to C o m e .• .■ .■ .• .'.V .V /.'.V .V /.V ./.V .'.V .V '.V .V .V .'.V /.V .’.V i Imperial I F u r n itu r e Co.,!ü J iiiiMiiirifiiiifir 'HiHii!iiHiiiiiikiiiiiii:mi!lliilliiiiliiii:!iii;iii|¡ii¡iiilllliiiiiiiiiiii,iiiiiiiii,i!!|iiHiiiuiiiiii|jíB f - “j 167 Court Street IN V E ST IG A T E the Special Christm as O ffers on A utom atic E lectric R anges Sm all D ow n Paym ent Electric si jifts *•“: S ee the new m odels on display today! Easy M onthly Term s g ( - lin ess — efficiency — co n v en ien ce — and the joy Electric Cookery assures. We recom m end an early selection = W hat w ould m ake the w ife Salem, Oregon ¡/yj «ko »*y be pcrckssed / W / A V A ‘J W tf W W W W W W W W V S W W W W V •t Mountain States Powar Company mmiiiiiii : » !