The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, December 04, 1930, Image 1

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T he T urner T ribune
s o m M U TO S i
i' scons Mins io
A fter reviewing the sta te ­
m ent of the governor o f the
Fed «rat Reserve bunk of At­
lanta, th a t “ we have been liv­
ing in un autom obile, railio ami
electric re frig e ra to r e ra ," Messrs
? William F oster and Wa«l«lill
A com m ittee of nix cvinpoMtl of
Catching*, frankly uilinit th a t it
Is an Huiiicy, Douglas Barken, J. L.
i* true urul bccuuHc of it we
W ebb, Ted W hitehead, C. H. Jeaaee
prosperi ti. They adm it th at the
and L. C. Ball m et ut the home of
way to restore prosperity is to
Mr. Bark *, Friday evening, and com­
buy still more o f them. And
pleted am tiiK em cnl* for a fa th e r und
bring forth more invention*.
noil banquet to be held in the 'I urner
And develop more new indus­ school Tuesday evening, De­
trie*. And produce more ‘‘lux­
u ries'’ und, in the process,
cem ber 16.
Mr. Barken will have charge oi the
create more bunk credit and
program und hu* prom ised u thic eve-
pay more wages.
a iik * entertainm ent.
In short, the way to go ahead
G overnor Norblud will be the
is to plan to go ahead, und not
rp< uker of the evening.
to go backward. The em blem of
Mr. Ball is in ch arg e o f the din­
the U n it'd S tates is an «agir,
n er and it in needles* to nay th at
not a ci ab.
th ere wdl be pl< nty of good eat*.
Mr. JcMuc, publicity and contuct
m an, ha* hi* hand* full
he will *ei
th a t every man ha* a boy und every
boy a du*l— if they wdl give him th eir
Mr. W ebb and Mr. W hitehead an-
>n thary.- of table arrangem ent* and
sir. Iladiey i* chairm un of com m it­
A. D. Hale inform ed The Tribune
This i* a com m unity ulTuir and ev­
ery niMn in especially invite«!, an«l bent thi* week th at he is not so sure that
o f all, th ere will be on charge fo r the tin- a ir mail *• rvice is so fa st a* some
people think. F o r two weeks ago he
plat« x.
•ent an air mail le tte r to the depot
—-■ -------
ag en t ut G entry, A rkansas, asking in­
S tnyton.—-J. T. Caldwell, who form ation as to when his sister would
pride* him*elf on having good chick­ take the train fo r Oregon. He in­
en*, wa* the victim nguin Sunday closed a si If addressed a ir mail en ­
night of theft. He lo»t 72 Rhode In- v e lo p e for re tu rn inform ation und
Ian«! Red hen* from a llock of 111. he received a reply Tuesday, the day
The hen* were good layer* and hi.* siste r arrived here. The* posting
weighed around five pound*. Mr. date showed the le tte r was sent a
Caldwell ha* ju«t hud hi* (lock culled wei k i*go, hut ju st w here it had been
and every one of the 111 were laying ail th at tim e is not known. Mr. Hale
and he had contracted for the entire says the next tim e he wantn to get
o u tp u t of egg* fo r the coining year. an answ er quick he will send the
Thi* is the second tim e Mr. Caldwell le tte r b> freight.
ha* lout chicken* thi* sam e route an«:
it look* like the work of the same
partie* who visited hi* coop a year
G u y to n .- The wedding o f Willis
l’o tte r, son of Mr. and Mr*. J. F.
P o tte r of S tnyton, and Miss Jean
flu rry of S eattle was solemnized at
CHRISTIAN CHURCH i • Pot. 1 1 ho..i on Than!: ►. dr
ii-*y, ¡ c v r . u y b . j W . „ n t p e r .j .
the cerem ony. Mr. P otter is practic­
The deep spiritual tone in all the
ing luw in P ortland, where th e couple
Sunday services was felt by everyone.
will make th eir home.
— U ——
The Sunday school lesson was the
--- O---------------- *
basis of Kev. G ilstrup’s m orning ser­
Mr*. J. L. Webb will be in charge
mon, “ Tin Little Big Man.” The ud- of the C hristm as g ift program of the
dress V'H* enjoyed by all.
C hristian church m issionary society.
Mrs. C. T. Whit«1 en tertain ed the so­
The sacred concert to be given by
ciety at he» country home the past
Dr. E pley’s choir has been postpone«!
from D ecem ber 7 to Decem ber 14 as
m ore tim e is needed to get ready. Dr.
Epley * ays it will be very fine.
—O.--- -
On F riday, Novem ber 28, the
young folk of the C. E. society held
th eir social und business m eeting.
They re p o rt a large crowd a till a
w onderful tim e. D uring the evening
On Novem ber 26 the pupils of both
the new olticcrs w ere elected. They
high und grade schools took part
a re : Ole P eterson, p resid en t; Louis
Fow ler, vice-president; Helen W etzel, in a splendid program in the audi­
*. ere In ry tre a s u re r; Lillian Peterson, torium at the school, which was
chairm an of Lookout com m ittee; Mux greatly enjoyed by parent and friends
McKay, serg ean t-at-arm s; Josephine who were fo rtu u a te in attending.
(iilstray, chairm an o f prayer m eeting
The program included the follow­
com m ittee; Nellie B arber, chairm un ing num bers: “ Pilgrim M aids," llera-
o f social com m ittee; Lillian P eterson, dine W hite, Kernel G ilstrap, Ruth
Burgoyne, L orraine B arnett, Hazel
su p erin ten d en t of Juniors.
P eterson nnd Lnnore Myers in cos­
F ran* Sin ks led the C. E. m eeting tu m e; group o f school songs, high
Sunday evening. T here was a fine school chorus; "T he Origin of Thanks
crowd and excellent discussion.
giving,” Rev. K. J. G ilstrap; piano
—---O--- -
duet, Lolita Skipper and Emma Den-
The congri gntion enjoyed very y e r; “ Thanksgiving D inner,” 7th and
much the excellent serm on delivered 8th grade pupils; "T hanksgiving
hy Kev. Bates of Mill City, Sunday Song,” prim ary pupils; comic skit,
night. It was one o f those addresses Herschcl Peterson, Atlec P earcy, Al­
th at m akes one feel stro n g er in taitli. fred C raw ford and W ilbur C arson;
hum orous solo, Mrs. Pearcy, with Mrs.
The pastor’s subjects for next S un­ »lay Hadley ns accom panist. The
day are "C hristian P hilanthropy” in school orchestra played several num ­
th e m orning, and his evening subject bers as a p art of the program .
will be “ D ynam ite.”
Prof. John Cox announced the Hi
— — -O
— —
Frolic fo r Decem ber 5 and the
The program fo r C hristm as is shap­
as program on Decem ber 19.
ing up in a fine way.
The singing of “ A m erica" by the
The Imli' s’ b az aar on Decem ber 10 audience brought to a close n very
will he one of the best they have held. inter, sting program .
The Murion County P arent-T eacher
Association will meet this F riday eve­
ning with the Scott Mills B. T. A. in
the high school auditorium , beginning
a t 8 o ’clock. County Breaidenl Dr.
B. F. Bound will preside. Bian* for
the corning y ear will be outlined by
the different presidents a t the m eet­
Mrs. A rduthnot, president of the
Silverton P. T. A. and Mrs. Niccoisori
o f the Aumsvilie at -oci'ition will re­
port on the recen t fall regional con­
ference held in Portland.
Mias Clarabelle Nyc, state home
economic* lead er from Oregon State
college, will be pri sent and give an
address. T here will aJ.-o be a musical
program to be offered by th e Scotts
M.lls organization. Tni* will include
a piano num ber by Bobby Schmaltz,
vocal num ber by Miss Phyllis Macy
with u violin obligato by G. W. T ay­
lor, piano d u et played Mm. I-a Verne
Dixon and Miss C orrinc Moberg.
On D ecem ber 2, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Bones opened their home to a
group of th eir friends and Mr. Am­
brose of Salem served n 6:30 o'clock
d in n er and gave a health lecture. The
tables were deco fat* d in m istletoe
srtd varicolored chrysanthem um s with
ships o f health as placecards. Mrs.
. 7 i r - ret McKay and th e Misses Hil-
div-th Bone* and Helen Peetz, in
clever little caps anil aprons, served.
Seated a t the long tables w ere Rev.
and Mrs. G ilstrap, Mr. and Mrs. Ves-
tc r Bones, Mr. and Mrs. M .0 . Bear
sons, Mr. and Mrs. B ert McKay, Mr.
and M ’s. J. C. Peterson of Shaw, Mr.
nd Mrs. T. T. P alm er, Mr. ami Mrs.
J h - . . i Bra her of Salem , Mr. and
Mrs. John Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
McKinney, Mrs. Ada S parks, Mrs.
C hina Bones, Mr. and Mrs. J . H. El­
ston ad daughters, Edna and Blanche,
of Brownsville, Miss Alice Peterson,
C harley und Ilollis Bones, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Bones.
S tayton.— Mr. and Mrs. T hurston
K earns entertained with T hanksgiving
d in n er their son, Ivan, and wife and
daughter, Mrs. Ju n e B artow of S eat­
tle and theii nephew, Guy P. Kearns,
who has spent the past ten years at
Fairbanks, Alaska.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos L. H arris, Sr.,
and sons, Ralph and Jos., J r ., Mr. and
Mrs. Chnrley R. Sims o f Stayton,
spent Thanksgiving at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks and Mrs.
M. E. Cham bers. Mrs. Sims is a sister
of Mrs. Brooks and a g ran d d au g h ter
of Mrs. Chambers.
Mrs. Bettie I.eggitt arrived Mon­
day from G entry, A rkansas, and will
m ake her home here with her brother,
A. D. Hale. It has been twenty-five
years since Mr. Hale had seen his
sister and the m eeting was indeed a
pleasant one. The following news item
is taken from the Journal-A dvance,
printed a t the home of Mrs. L eggitt,
nnd has to say of her d ep a rtu re for
O reg o n :
“ Mrs. B ettie L eggitt, fam iliarly
known to the citizens o f G entry as
'A u n t B ettie,’ left Monday night for
T u rn e r, O regon, where she will make
h er home with her b ro th er, A. D.
Hale. Mrs. L eggitt sold her reaidence
ju st noith of th e M ethodist church to
J o e . Eldridgc.”
Now is your chance to get a
y e a r’s subscription to this paper
and a b eautiful “ Kiss Me” doll,
both fo r $1.25.
Every child is a lover of dolls
and th ere is nothing th a t will
please them more th an a doll
for C hristm as.
You can g et your w in ter’s
reading and one o f these doll*
by subscribing to y o u r home pa-
This offer applies to eith er re-
newals o r to new subscribers.
This offer is only good fo r a
limited tim e, so come in and
put your nam e on the list and
take home one o f the b eautiful
“ Kiss Me” dolls.
G overnor A. W. N orblad urges the
observance next Sunday, December 7,
o f Universal Bible Sunday in the
churches th ro u g h o u t Oregon. The
Am erican Bible Society, an organiza­
tion which issues annually over eleven
f million copies of Bibles Testam ents,
and P ortions in close to two hundred
J languages, has been sponsoring Uni­
jj versal Bible Sunday over a period of
J years. Thousands of churches through
^ out th e United States as well as many
2* C hristian churches abroad join in this
< m ovem ent which was conceived and
i is prom oted to em phasize the essen­
tial position which the Bible occupies
in the spiritual life o f men and wom­
In endorsing Universal Bible Sun­
day, G overnor N orblad says: “The
S criptures o f the Old and New T esta­
m ents have played a m ost im portant
p a rt in the developm ent o f the civil­
ization o f the en tire world. In the
g re a t state of Oregon, a vast em pire
C ounty S u p erin ten d en t Fulkerson of over 96,000 square miles, the
announced S aturday th a t plans have
S criptures have been a vital fa cto r
ju st been m ade fo r a school board
since the arriv al o f the early pioneers.
convention fo r representatives of
These hardy pioneers, when hard
Marion county d istrict school boards
pressed by th e troubles o f th e long
to he held a t the co u rt house in Sa- I
jo u rn ey across th e co u n try and the
lem, S atu rd ay , Decem ber 6. G rant |
suffering found in the new land, ' r*
M urphy is president of the county
ed to the S criptures f« »om fort a::
organization, D irector M arshall of
guidance. Among the very first build­
Sweglc is vice-president and Mrs. F u l­
ing“- w ere those fo r worsh p and even
kerson, secretary.
before th a t was possibl* th e early
T entative plans are fo r the main s e tte r s o ften gathered to g eth er be­
them e of discussion to be for a b etter neath the trees fo r religious services.
use of the Sm ith-H ughes act in the
“ In view of the greatness of the
schools of the county, 'n addition S c rip t-ro a and the im portant nart
reports wiii he received fro in various played in th e civilization of the en ­
districts on work of the school hoards tire world, I do most heartily endorse
and out o f those will come fu rth e r Universal Bible Sunday and urge all
m atters fo r discussion on problem s to cooperate in m aking the day a
co-incident to the work of the various m ost successful one.”
boards.— C apital Jo urnal.
l U P H
Stayton.— The W om an’s Club and
C ham ber of Commerce will again
sponsor a com m unity C hristm as tree.
The C ham ber o f Commerce has also
decided to give prizes this y ea r fo r
the best decorated homes. A booth
will be in the bank where the voting
can be done, as last y ear the aw ard­
ing o f prizes did not seem to m eet
with the approval of some. It will be
done hy voting this y ear and not by
judges. The com m ittee on home dec­
orations is Mrs. Gen E. Fox, Mrs. M.
Shields, Mrs. Eliza T aylor and Mrs.
H. Champ from the W om an’s Club
and H. J. Rowe, W ayne W right, O.
L. B aker and W. A. W eddle from
the C ham ber of Commerce. These
organizations assisted by P. T. A. will
have charge of the C hristm as tree at
the school house.
"T he Righteousness T hat Exceeds,”
(M att. 5 :2 0 ) was the subject of the
m orning's devotions. L et us m easure
o ur beliefs and connections by the
words of Jesus. W hat is the “ m ore”
th a t Jesu s req u ires? Many th ere are
who outw ardly ap p ear as good and
som etimes b e tte r th an some C hristans
but they lack fellowship with God—
and the deep peace which nothing but
vital touch with the C hrist can give.
So th e “ m ore” th a t Jesu s req u ires is
“ forgiveness, peace, fellowship and
expectation a fu ller life beyond.”
Much Interest is being worked up
in th e Sunday school th ro u g h th e
m em orizing of scripture verses. The
boys class reported 70 verses learned
last week— needless to say they w ere
aw arded th e banner.
Volleyball will probably not m eet
C. F. Sm ith and his m other left
W ednesday, Decem ber 3, fo r th eir till W ednesday next week as the Com­
home in "Glen’s F erry, Idaho. A fte r m unity club is on Monday night.
visiting th e ir dau g h ter and sister
about three weeks. We wish them a
safe trip home.
E. Robinson and his sister, Mrs.
Asquith, arrived from Thiesville, Wis­
consin, F riday m orning. It has been
eight years since Mr. Robinson left
T u rn e r and he says he has been con­
tem plating moving back here fo r the
past th ree years. W hen he left Wis­
consin there was a blizzard raging
and snow was 12 inches deep, and
Minnesota was having one o f its bliz­
zards also. He says O regon looks
good to him and he will stay here this
trip. At present Mr. Robinson and
his sister are stopping with Mrs. Geo.
B arr.
E. Robinson is the first m an to sub­
scribe on the doll offer and this week
took a subscription fo r his son in
Wisconsin. He took th e doll, so he
snid, fo r his sister.
Elton Ball, 11, was the honor guest
i when his parents, Mr. and Mi*s. L. C.
Ball, entertain ed with a fam ily d in n er
j Sunday. A large birthday cake cen­
tered th e table which was iadened
w ith good things to eat. C ircling the
table were Elton, his g ran d p aren ts,
Mr. and Mrs. W ipper, Mrs. F ran k
Lyle, an au n t and daughters, Eleane
and Jean n e, of P o rtlan d ; and uncle,
Ben W ipper; his brothers Bobby and
Keith, his fa th e r and m other, the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bali.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fhelm an
and Miss Thelma Dalzell, all students
a t Oregon S tate college, w ere here
fo r Thanksgiving at the F. C. Dalzell
p arental home. O ther d in n er guests
w ere Alvin Schirm an and R obert
M iller o f Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ulwin
E. D enyer and children, Russell,
Jam es and Emma.