X r Till-: TURNER TRIBUNE evening. LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING IHE WEEK Brief Item* Concerning the C o m ­ ing* anil G oing* o f Y o u r*e!f and Y o u r Neighbor*, a* Told to The Tribune Reporter*. One o f the Nicest Courtetie* You Can Show to Y o u r G u rit * I* to H a ve T h e ir V i*it* Mentioned in The*e Column*. The Tribune W ill Consider It a Special F avor i f You W ill Help U* Make Thi* Paper M o re Interesting to It* Reader* by Sending in Item* for Thi* Column. W r it e u*, or, if Convenient, Telephone You r N ew * Item * to This Office. vii i m 0*m — • K. P. Rowley took his mother to Amity the last o f the * ek, where she «pent a couple of days visiting; relatives. ----- e — ■ All are heartily invited to attend 1 the special evangelistic meeting» be- , ing conducted by K. K. Bailey at North Santiam. The meetings will start again on Sunday, November 30. Ì at 7 :30 p. m. the locals made S points to their op­ ponents 8. Paring the last quarter Huge no came out with a little more dash ami ran the filial score up to 34, while the Turner boys hail to be satis­ fied with 30 points. Cecil Martin refereed the game. A rtA A A A V W W W W W V V V W V W V M S V % V .W .% V W W .W cypewKtccRS FRESH OREGON FILBERTS Ail-llinj Mm liiiH K * -o ALL MAKES From G r o w t r 25c T II U M a s 421 Court par pound ' ■•W .V bV .W V .V .V .V .W .W Sample on Request AUMSVILLE It o e N Sabin •\ mile East o f Turm-» un Aumsville Road ---- > - — .V.W AW .V.W W W W VYW W K. Warne Empey, who has been Ì NEW LOCATION Î that time, will listen to the dictations Peter Peterson C, F. Smith and his mother of Glens o f one o f AumaviUe’s fair maidens vwwwwwvwwvwvww; Falls, Idaho, are here visiting their sis- athletic coach o f the Aumsville schools Ur and daughter Mrs. F. B. Haworth well as the girls o f the school during and husban I. They drove turough hi a held a ruling hand over the boys as for the past three years and who has TURNER new Ford Coach. who will become Mrs. Warne Empey S O U T H ERN P A C IF IC Gift stationery 25c to $4.50 at on Thanksgiving evening. T R A IN S E R V IC E Prather's. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jessec entertained the Tie- ceremony will b- performed at North Hound MORRIS Mr. Peetz is reshingling his barn , bo>* from the Eugene Bible University, the home o f Warne’s parents nt Junc­ No. It . 5 ;0fi A.M. (Stops when Optical C’o'rt. Hugged. I this week. at the Bovs Home, after the basket hall tion City and the nuptial knot will New Type Deeper be tied by Rev. W. R. Empey, father No. 32, 3:07 P. M. K-gulm .top.) game Friday evening Their son Wil­ Curved lien* o f Warne. South Bound POH SALE—6 Rhode Island Red and lett is playing on toe University team Best tor Better Vision The girl whom Warne is taking for No. 7, 10:30 A.M. (Stop- when 4 Black hens. G. \Y Farris, Turner. this year. Last year he played on the his life partner is Mi-s Anna Mae | I (lagged to pick up passengers for •111 Si aie Street ï ! Turner team .Usman, daughter of Mr. uml Mrs. ) points at which this train stops.) Xmas cards ami gift now on Gis- I. O. Aimsan o f Aumsville, who is No. 15, 8:36 P.M. (Stops on flag, only 6 SALEM , OREGON J play at the drug store. Dr. B. F. Pound w n here from highly respected among the younger to pick up passengers for point AV.VAVAV.V.WVWUVVWVk Salem, Tuesday, renewing old ac­ set and who has many friends in south o f Eugene via Cnacad* Mrs. Jean Pearcy ami son, Alice, quaintances. The doctor has moved Aumsville ami at Salem where she Line.) — were dinner guest Friday evening ut I his dental offices from the U. S. Na­ attended school. No. 31, 10:55 P.M. (Regular stop.) ,- the C. A. Bear hom south o ' town. tional bank to 303 F-r.-t National b ull particulars o f the wedding will Following north bound trains slop to .- —— o-.... Now is the time to get your circu­ bank. The doctor’s practice is now be published next we* k. detrain passengers coming from ► ----- - — N lating heater. Jensen has some good ■ limited to extraction, minor and oral points south of Eugene: No. 16, due •* / surgery. He invites his friends to call Both the girls and boys teams won ones and priced right. 5:46 A M.; No. 8, due 5:51 P.M. ¡V ■ | on him in his new location. over Scotts Mills in a hotly contested Office hour» at Turner week day« an* Ji ---- o---- game th* re Ia | south on the Turner-Marion road, j rolled an 8-0 score at the rrul of the j 1 M P M to 5 00 P M Moore. Stution is closed on Sunday uml hob S j three wood cutters figured in an auto . first quarter ami ut half t'nie it wns days. On these days pu< ng--r« c :n i Have just got a lot o f il.5 0 to $2 wr.-ck near the Bear place. The road ; 20 0 . pay fare and have baggage check- d pocket knives selling at lM)c and 7Dc ; is very rough at this place and when Scotts Mills scored one b:i ket in | on trains. • 2 as long as they last. H P. JENSEN. | the car hit the raise it turned a com­ the third quarter, the loculs g tting H. S. BOND, Agent. > plete somersault and landed upside I three, but in the final canto Aums down on a barbed wir-- f. nee. For­ j viile walked on their opponents and Mrs. Irma Boon and her mother were tunately no oik - was seriously hurt. the game resulted in a sc ore o f 31-2. r.V.V/MV.VAVAV.* here fiom Portland a« over Sunday -----o----- Th.- boys game was more even and The regular monthly meeting o f the } guests of Mbs Helen Peetr. ■ Ca'K-d for Methodist Brotherhood will be held j gave the fans a run for th ir admis­ sion price and it was by har 1 work Dr. B. F. Pound practice limited to Tuisday evening, December 2, 8:00 CLEANED, PRESSED that Aumsville wen with n small mar , removal o f teeth, gas or local, and p. m., at the church. O. W. Emmons i DELIVERED gin o f 14-11. dental X-ray. New location 303 First of Salem, president o f the district j Scotts Mills ran up a 4 0 lead in Just I’ lmno n*, w »». 1 ) do the National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Brotherhood, will be present and give ----- o----- a short talk. A man from the state . ' the first quarter but I/s> and John- ir s i. K e e p yo u r w a rd ro b e The new home o f Mrs. Rowley is industrial accident commission is ex- son !ocal forw* rds* bu’ > th'’ n,,,,t nt it's best nearing completion and it will be pect. d to be present and give a talk ,'uartr' r aml eav* th**ir team “ ‘ o- » ready for occupancy by the fust of on the workings o f the commission. •e::d at half time. At the third quarter IIatH-*-(Mori*--n Cleaninir the week. Several matters of old ami new busi­ the score was knotted at 11 all but a One Day Service ness which are very important will 1 foul conversion ami a basket by la-< A- special tax was voted Saturday be handled and every man o f the I put the garm- on ic-- and .Scotts M Ils ÌA*t Us Serve You for the Turner district when the church is especially urged to be pres- ; was unable to pen-t:ate th«- def--ns«- Every Week meeting was held to accept the ' ent. The theme for the meeting is • to score during the last minutes of play. I>o- was high point gainer for budget as presented. -Kerry “ Ye Are My Witnesses.” Aumsville, scoring seven poi its, while M y Charles Barr, who is a senior at The Turner high school played Johnson was next with s'x. le a n e r » the University of Oregon, arrived their first game o f the season Friday Wednesday for a visit over the night with the Eugem Bible univer­ £$o N. Liberty, Salem i Thanksgiving holidays. sity. While the local boys were de­ - V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V . ---- O-- feated, no special significance is to be Mrs. Jesse Breshers, wife of the shar- attached to the game unless it will b KRUSE & RYC.H iff of L'nion county and Mrs. Bresher the selection o f a regular bam for ^ w . w . v w . v a v , w / w ,r * v Expert W atch and J-wr!rjr Y<-ii nlwny« gel u lililí- nu*re of Cove, returned to their homes the the high school. There was same Repairing th'iii y»u pny lot when you «h *1 past week after a pleasant visit here good playing and though the locals w iili us. t I- nu ti f ul l were outclassed in both size and ex­ with their cousin Mrs. Emma Moore. iiit-aeiin—'wl'leBii oil, the liriind New Jew elry Made t«» O rd er perience, made a good showing and a y n U r uioior Ilk»-» lent,—nrid larger percentage o f the goals tried. UNDERTAKERS C. H Jesse«, who has been ill for the cheerful w. rviee to bring you Prices Reasonable The Eugene boys led with the high­ back. past three weeks with fin, is able to be est score nearly all through the game. 4X4 Court St. Salem, Ore. out sgain and on Wednesday made a The score at the half was Eugene 25, LLO YD T. RIG DON business trip to Eugene. FREE AIR an W ood R O U G H A N D DRESSF.D Bones Bros., Turner i f-IHHHIt'JHHHHff ft T U R N E R L ’b ’x* M.F-G. CO. Í 2 V A , ‘ '. V . V / / . V . V . V . V . V . V A 1, LUMBER ft f •S CONCtPNlO WHIN MOOU is ON flfcl - * 'htrmt.t £ Salem Oregon A Y W A V W J V A fW ,V / / M M V vomì own rf oriRTY AND IIA M M A N S TA G E L IN E S Leave Sali m for Aumsville 6.30 A.M. 10:30 A M. 4:45 P.M. Leavi Aumsv lle for Sal<-m 8:10 A M. 1:20 P.M. 5:10 P.M. % : Leave Aurnsvill«- for Mill City 7:25 A.M. 5:25 P.M. W e T r y to Sell You W hat Willette Jessee, a student at Eu­ gene Bible School, spent the week­ end here with his parents, who have charge of the Turner Boys Home. Mr. ami Mrs. Neal E«1 wards en­ joyed a week-end visit from his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Edwards of Monmouth. RED CROWN GAS You Need NOT E veryth ing W e Can P. O. Box 20S Phone 275 S -A -T -I-S-F -A -C -T -I-O -N I W W W W W J 1 W W V .'.’. V . V W . V V . V A '. Y A ’. V . ’ . V / Your neighbor’s fire lo** is likely to ncciMnc your !<«*. Don’t be without proper in­ surance. Insurance that was aJequare a few years ago may need revision to-day! Let us offer our advice. -. P. ROW LEY. Leave Salem for Turm-r 10:30 A.M. 4:45 P .M. Leave Turner for .Snlt-m 8:20 A.M. 1 :30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. Leave Turner for Mill City 5:15 P.M. A gen t General Insurance Turner, Or«-gon -t***»*# *****»**# # # »****# *« Jo*. Ha mman. Prop.