THE TURNER TRIBUNE CRAWFORD Mr. iiii'gon Pow service weight— with the er company, two re dn!» to t!ie Moun tm i SI..I- i’owcr company and one graceful "S le n d o " Heel. each to tie i'ncitic Tower St Light A range of the favored compitny and the I’ ortlund Electric fall shades. O ther good Power company. "Seven resident» pi Oregon w en values in K ayser hose at awarded ln»ull medal» for meritorioui $1.25, $1.50, $1.65 and cn»»*» o f resuscitation by the prom $ 1 . 9 5 ................................ pressure metnod, uncording to a re port just mude public by the Nutii)iiul Electric Light a .»ociation. The live» o f 329 per«m » who would have died from electric shock were aaved in the y.-ar* In twi-.-n 11122 and I'J.'iO by em­ TURNER OREGON ploye» o f electric light and power companie« applying the prone pr«-s »ure method o f renunciation, the re­ port stated. O f rp< rial intei« ,t to the many lo­ "Tho • receiving the uward in Ore­ gon wei-e: Howard Dynan, the Cali- cal »liar -holder» und custoirx'rs o f th fom la-Oregon Power company, Med- Mountain State» Pow-i-r company i. for»l; Ted Montgomery, the Culifor- the »har> holder»’ quarterly bulletin recently received here. The bulletin, irn-Or.-g >n Power company, M edford; which accompanied tho r«'gubr quar* T. E. Knackatedt, the California- i tcriy divid« ml on Mountain State» Oregon Power company, M edford; Power company preferred »tock. in- Kenneth I*. Sim», Mountain States I dicat » a »toady growth an«l f thr«-*- 2000 KVA transformer». Steadily increasing load» have necessi­ tated thi* iiiHtnilation in order to pro- id* adequate facilities to care for .he u»*ial lull urd wi/iter demand» in uni about the city o f Albany. An ■*i*l tional iinfsrovem« nt in thi» vicin- iy, cairi«-«l on «luring August, wan the i-hunging of th»- j| KV in. ulator* on .1 *• Aibany-Springfi id transmission in*-. Tin- old in. ulator» replaced have been in continuous *«-rvi«-*- sin*-«- 1012. Many n*-w ext* fuions a r e now being ma«le in the rural district* in the Wiilumette division, a considerable number o f farm» being electrified be­ fore tie- advent of winter. lb-construction o f the flume at Jor- lun w -s completed during August. In tccordance with the u»ual practice o f he company, local labor and mater- iI k vv * r - used to the greatest possible ;:t«*nt. A larg*- n< w slack maue o f p -.-ial alloy» to re» st the effect of lit ail wu« inufftlltd at th'- T.ilamook *ow*-r plant during the pa t quarter. A large num ber o f iuw rural cu»- oin i > were coiin-cte«l in the Oregon •rr,t:>ry during the past three months the ninny pregr. * f armers in thi« ct >n re .I zing the !;uper:or advan air*.- o f c«-n*ral station service for igliting. cookiip' and power. An un- e unlly large load was n pessary to upply the many electric prune driers a th Wiiiamett • ilivlrion during the Iry n" • Practically ull o f the 1 0 ilern «Irier* op< rat;ng at Dallas and h.oughotit the Wiliam-lie valley ar sow V-ctr ft -d. In vi« w o f r-cent complaint o f the National Hett r Busin*»» Bureau rel- tive to attempt- it fraudulent switch n*r o f inv* »tor» from on*- stock to anoth- r, the bureau give» a wo «I o f advice to shar«ho!u«-r». It cal!« to min«l tl '• fact that shareholders should exert the utmost caution in *uch mat­ ter-*, arid should not hastily switch «lock before in*l< pedent investigation ■it th*- jiroposition or without obtain­ ing all available data relative to both dock». The bureau lists the following re­ minders as a guide for shareholder.« b 'or d< cidmg to witch stocks: ( l ) Get »II available information before taking any action; (2 ) investigate the reliability o f the talesman and the house he represents; (3 ) investigate th«- security offered in exchange; (4 ) rAMILY DANCE C R Y S T A L G A R D E N SALEM , O REG O N o- Every W ednesday 2 nd Saturday litre*ly Old Time Dancing At 8:30, p. m. W. J A Y D E N H A M General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing Routt* 3 Turner, Oregon Subscriptions Taken 2 for all Magazines ÿ Riches Confectionery Turner Oregon D r. S c o fie ld X -F A Y C ÎH R O P P R A C T O R Lady Attendant msi s r Kl it < riri Li it « The introduction of the new Chevrolet Six marks the most impressive forward step in Chev­ rolet’s twenty-year record of con­ stant progress and improvement. For this liigger and Better Six offers new beauty, new luxury, new completeness and new qual­ ity—yet it sells at lower prices! Tlie improvements in the new Chevrolet Six begin at the smart new chrome-plated headlamps and extend throughout the entire car. Tlie radiator is deeper and unusuully efficient. Due to the increase«! wheelbase, the lines are longer and lower, giving an air of exceptional fleetness and grace. And the new Fisher bodies Paid on six months Time Deposits AW W /AV.W AV.W AV.V.V.VW AV.W A'AV.VA^V.W . Í THE \ E W CHEVROLET SIX MAS 31ANY IMPROVEMENTS Po r^ C en t Insurance W ritten I I C I M. I I I Iti BANK Fire—Automobile Í Q U A L I T Y CANDI ES Roller DREAM LAND skating Tuesday, Friday and Saturday first X at’1 Pank Bld’g., Phone 2V>\ 7 to 10 p. m. Adm ission 10c Ladies Free. Skates 2Sz Salem, . O regon A W A ’AV.W .VA'AW .'AV.V.W .W .W AW A'/AW A'AV .' STATE LUNCHES M O D E R N D A N C E CRYSTAL GARDEN ANNEX Every W ':d n c-d a y and Saturday Strictly M odern Music * and D ancing One Gate am! One Price o f Adm if si«>n etit’ e> you to both style« o f «lancing Gents 50c Ladies 25c HARRISON'S G EN I STORE í TURNER has the security a good dividend rec- cord— a goo«l earning record— sound future prospect ? (5 ) has the security a quick resale market— a loun value at your bank— a fair market price? a a a combine with this more attrac­ tive exterior appearance, a new degree of interior luxury. The chassis of the new Chevrolet Six has also been refined and advanced in a number of different ways. The frame is heavier and deeper. There is a smoother oper­ ating, long lived clutch; a sturdier front axle; an entirely new steer­ ing mechanism; an easier shifting transmission. And along with these improve­ ments, Chevrolet offers a 50- horsepower, six-cylinder m o t o r - four long semi-elliptic spring« —four hydraulic shock absorbers —a safety gasoline tank — and an economy of operation not sur­ passed by any automobile. AT X K W L O W P R IC E S a a « ............. $510 The Cosch $545 Sport Coupe with rumble seat *575 The Roadster............... *475 Standard Coupe ............... *535 Standard Sedan ................. *635 Sport Roadster with rumble s°at $495 Standard Five- Window Coupe *545 Special Sedan Sedan ................. The Phaeton . . $650 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT EXTRA Chevrolet Trucks from $355 to $695 IT’S WISE TO CHOOSE A SIX Ball Bros., Turner, Ore.