TIIK TURNER TRIBUNE The Turner Tribune same a s ' when the bl«m Is taken, as the fam ily Is all home for the holiday a. Besldee, there I* the ques­ tion o f whether or not a a wanderer — might have a proper effect on the younger members o f the family, let alone the good nnnie o f us all. I think you’ll understand ” 1 do.” He drew Idmself up. "It was simply the sentiment. I felt I would like to s|tend ( ’ Pristina* here. But I shan't Impose on you. Glad to have seen you all again ” He strode hack up the road. "H ang sentiment.” he decided, " I ’ m going south.” That rig h t’s express bore an •ztra passi ei » N«w»p«p*r L’ t.lou.) t®. t »j» " SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR Entered at the Fostofttee at Turner, Oregon, as second-class matter, under the Act of March 8, 1871«. Issued every Thursday at Turner, Marion, County, Oregon. MRS. CHAS. S. CLARK. Editor The Vagabond’s Christmas by HELEN GA1SFORD * e u s t facing fifty (5 0) loot «in tli> subscription to this paper. Tin* ®P 'eaks that may he noticed in the ays* I ie . ,.m in., of Maple Ate m plies to new or renewals. The sub* O. I). BOWER. K. P. ROWI.EY. seription price is $t.25. Come in anti Sheriff o f Marlon County, Oregon. P A L I. F. m um s, see the dolls. Attorney for I'lnintiff, Hulem, Oregon. A N s w .w w w v w iV v w w y Ort tONovii I» 20-27 NOTICE TO WATt K USERS HANDICAPS OF I) I S E A S S Water users will confer a favor if they will look over their piping and repair all leaks and notify any mem­ ber of the council or myself of any 1V . V . ,, W . V A W A V . ,. V . W . ,i THROAT AND LUNG B A L S A M fo r th e r e lie f o f C oughs y COLDS SPASMODIC CROUP WHOOPING COUGH SHKRIFF’S NOI ICE OI SALE OF HE Al. PROPERTY ON FORECLOSURK As you travel through life you »ill find many handicaps, hut none compared to )hr handicap* of -diHraite. Have IhrNr rllminatrd by Chi ropractic Adjustment» given according to a Neurocaloiueter reading. Remember the Neurocaloiueter locates nerve pressure. CM- ropratcic Adjustments remove nerve pressure. Neurocalomr- ter readings by appointment only. Notlce I» hereby glvi-n, thut hy /ii tu«- o f un ekeculion dulv imiiuod >ut of tlie* Circuit Court «»f thè Stati- ol Or« g«>n, for t!»«• t'ounty of Marion, it«*l lo In- «Urccted oli thè lirtl day of No\einb«’i’, I Dito, upon a judgment lini di-cree duly ren«lere«l, enteriti of ■«•«•orti and docketed in utul by said ,-ourt on thè 22nd «l«y «>f Octeber, u n o in a certa iti »uit then in sai«! court iM’inling, whvreln P-rcy A. f ’ up- P«-r wiis pinmtiff litui W. I’. S.inpsnu imi l.au u I. Sini|i»on wer«- «lefoml- unt* in f.ivor of pluintlff und ugninst •nid «lefenilants by whirh execution I I ani communi!« d t«» s«*ll thè prnix-rty in j * lid « xerution an«l h«'reinafter d«** j scribed to pay thè suni due thè pialli- |tiff <>f $.>it) with inti n s i therein ut I • tv«- rat*- «if r cent |x-r annuin from thè I.Htb ilay of Aprii, !92H, unti) pani ami thè furtin-r *um of $70.00 uttorm y’s f«-«’» utul thè further - ium of $100 00 laxes unii usnessnients together with tli«- rott* and dishurse- L.___ I)R. (). L. SCOTT .”>(> N. High Street HOARSENESS _ 4 tA IN S scarcely slowed as they passed through Bray* BRONCHIAL COUGHS 2 / <"\ ton, but the hobo was watch- Contains no Narcotic | ins and dropped off In the .... of rIH » t t ixed ut $12 1« On'y at Phone 87 ' snow. H e picked himself up and cast» and expenses o f sai«! cxccu- ! tioii 1 vili on .S.itunloy, thè l.tih day whistling, and approached o f D *-‘-ml»t*r, 1030, al thè hour of the crossroads station. Ilow 10 o'rlork u. m. of *uid «Iny al thè well he remembered that DRUG STORE w«-.«t «loor o f thè rounty court house station ! Even the croup o f CHRISTh. vs i ’ t- .Slg.N I S — in Marion t'ounty, Oregon, seti ut The Original Ycllow Front and arcuing old men seemed the same. puhlir uuction to thè highest hidder TOR l HE KIDDIES C.indv Soc ial Store of Salem Oh. but tt was good to be home again, for cu ih in hand on thè dny o f sale, to s|>end Christmas where he had-been t“5 N. Commercial all th<- righi, title, intere*t and «stati- or o f «lolls ami Every c 1 so happy as a b o y ! which . «I «I feipi mt and all p«2H, date of him. •That,” he said, “ is what this No. 233 -» » V* 4 v . » . H V» IV l. - * You can g t .. •Xoculion of pluintiff'a moi-tgng*’ in, country is coming to. Able-bodied men Me” doll h. an«l *o sui I premise» h«-n«inbefon> r en» year’: ,V « W ,* .V / .* .S V .V .V .V .,.V .V .V roaming the country In rues and tat M rts Saturday the «• « ition.d and «I- M-ribed in sani exe- ters. Likely looking fellow, too. I tell month th<* («rang«- H Turn«T. -ut;on as foll«iv. ». to-w t: you, it's high time congress— " VUiton welcome at the lecture V. • 10 i t ■ f I Ut I . Illork 3. hour, at 2:00 o'clock. The vagabond chuckled and proceed I*>irr h («-ove Addition to thè City 1 ” **, WAW/WAW.W.VW.VWW.WWAV.V A V . V . W ’ ed lightly down the road. Suddenly A ‘ .S W «V W / .‘ A V / A m Y W W W Y of Baleni, acconling to thè «luly re- A W . W - * he cheeked himself. “ G eo rg e!" he said, >1 •§ j rorded p'nt thereof e.s thè sani» “ there's old Aunt Agatha's house. n*«|x-ar o f recoril in Marion Coun- Why, Aunt Agatha was another moth­ 4 m ■,*» ty- V . •s-. er to every boy in town. I wonder— ?” •*> Siid sale being m’nle subject to W . VeVWW.WeV/UVW •«•» «.V. -eVW r« «b’mption in thè munner provided l i e sprang up on the porch and ti V. by Inw. knocked. ’»*■ Dnt«d thi* lOth «iny of Novembcr, A sharp-faced woman opened the 1930. door. “ W e ll!” she gasped; “ no, 1 ain't v i ^ BY DAY OK CONTRACT Í O. I). IIOWER. giving victuals to tramps what can't !•''• r;ff Marion County, Or« g«»n. V* > Estimates Furnished come to the kitch en !" The il«K»r By W R lf’ Il \RP80N. slammed, hut he rapped again per Deputy. N o v i3 20-27D«c4-11 e.*s slstently. V » « . Presently the woman reappeared. V« W .W A W .W W J W .V A W “ I beg your pardon, ma'am, I’ m look SUMMONS % Ing for Miss Agatha Ohermnn. Do you In the Circuit Court o f Slat o f know where I can And her?" ■ Or gon for Marion County. A U M S V IL L K ¡ >« n » M. N eal, Plain tiff, “ She's been dead and buried these • »a vs. eight years. You an o!J friend o f J. D. McCully, Alic- M. Cranne, P« t - hers?” cy I’op«- Dabney, Ethel Dubney, “ Y'es, I ’ m Ben M arlin— used to live . • i 1 ir«-ni • M. Crane, Belle Crane, -»f'MSVIt.LK. OREGON •*% in that house on the corner. I'm sure V«'.!.ia:.i II. Crane, Ethel Cran*\ sorry she’s gone.” He moved down '.•s l.inme Cron »nun, A. I). Croon man, the steps. “Thank yon anyway, ma'am, « * • ti « Ab. L. McCully, Lillian E. McCul- 1 and a M erry Christmas.” ty. Joiitj J .Glov« r, Mary E. Glover, Lima huw«l|, Russeil F.-well, E«lna A little o f the zest had gone out o f Paid on Time Deposits Glover Van Bingcl, Fn-derick Von Ben Martin's return. He recognized lb -gel. M .rgar« t Glover, Samu« l the town drug store. Just ahead, but F. G!o .-r and Jane Doe Glover, hi» now it carried a new sign— “ Thump ,« The Place for Home People to Bank wif«-, the surviving spouse of Sam- •*“. son's Pharm acy"— and in smnller let u I Glover, d«-<’«’it»« «1, Jam«-» I). ters, “ W. J. Thompson, Prop.” Inside Schaefer's SALEM OREGON s«*contl in «II, in I I PAINTING I J l. S. Talbül Turner ■: ST A TIi BANK ft 3 •X 8 W A '/ W W W W W W Y V b V W W W V E. % s I H. It L R K K L 404 N. Liberty St. — The Ch&rm of Soit and Shaded L igh ts (¿ lu iiity • — lliillc r ifs S5.85 Ex Oregon / / «W W W V r t “ No, Thanks; Too Used to Freedom,” He Said. x- << — why, o f course! ‘W. J. Thompson Prop.” was B ill! “ Bill,” he called, “ it’s me— Ber. :: M a rtin !” “ B e n !” T h eir hands clasped. “ How well you lo o k ! But what on e a rth - let me give you a Job.” “ No. thanks; too used to freedom.’ “ Jove, Ben. you were a sickly kid how «iiil you do It?” “ Oh, ft’* careless sleep under tb » stars; going where adventure calls an«; doing what com es; eating plain food and— . But what o f you and the rest o f the liny a?” “ Me? Oh, I’m married now and set tied ^» you know, hut otherwise the fam ily I* i ! What mag-c th-r* i* in a idr.ip! How e_ch familiar object gain* encii~ ..tment through the transforming touch of liarmon- iouj iight! There i* i lamp that will Itr.d just the right note of charm wherever in your borne you may choose to piece it. That I :np you’il find at your electric dealer’s shop among the m.iny lovely ones lliry have- on display. Why net go in today ar.d look them ever? They have them new, old, large, small, squat, slender . . . in every size and style. They’re selling at very special prices . . r so don’t delay . . . go in while there’s still a varied assort­ ment from which to select. 1 n % Mountain States I * YOUW P A f i f N f P * STA YTON Power Company D FUCCDJ SS ' OREGON v NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE | By virtue o f mortgage forr?clo*ur< > execution ¡»sued by the Circuit Court | o f th«« State o f Oregon for Marion i County in nuit: “ No. 21472, State of 1 Oregon, represent«d by and acting | through the Worhl War Veteran’s i State Ai«l CommiH.sion o f the State ; ii ami Jane Do«’ Simp >n, his wife, Edward S. Siinp- son, N. Hie G. Simpson, «Mary G. Simpson, Hattie B. Simpson, Edna Simpson, Adaluiilc Simpson, Chur- !«•■' Simpson, Mary A. Neff, Sarah Maclan-n, Robert F. Maclaren, Eli- z i J. Rowland, Louis T. Rowland, M •*■>’ A. Book«-, William II. («iovi-r, I !!u G. Glover, Samuel W, Glover, Mary Giov« r, Lincoln G. (»lover, Amy I.. Glov r, Amos I„ Glover, Muiy Glover, B -rthu A. G. French, « t!i ■ urvi' ir.g »pour» o f Arthur M. (»lover, dec«-as«. Oak Lodge addition *o the city o f Salem, Marion County, Oregon, a« same appears from th» recorded pint thereof, an«l that plain­ tiff’s title thereto he quieted. Service o f this summons upon you, hy publication thereof, is m:i«le by urder of the Honorable L. M. Mc­ Mahan, circuit judge, at Salem, Ore­ gon, October :I0, 1930, un.l the «Into o f the Dret publication thereof is Oc­ tober 30, 1930. t’ AUL F. BURRIS. Attorney for Plaintiff. I ostomce and place o f resirb.ncc, Sa­ lem, Or«’gon. «