The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, November 27, 1930, Image 1

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T he T urner T ribune
vo lu m e
T hings A r e U ookng Up sin cni uh -
From whut we hear from different ; right now than it ever had, but where where it is m ost needed.
part» of the United State.-, it is New j i* it? It i* ntiully in time deposits,
Some rmart f«-How proposed a few
! York City that i* deepest «in the ilrawing jntercat, or in savings ac­ weeks ago that everybody ought to
-lough of <le»pond rigiit now, while counts. People are hoarding instead 1«pend ten cent* a day that he had
If everybo«ly wouhl not intended to spen«l. That sounded
The annual meeting fur the «•lection in almost ev« ry other section the sun- o f upending.
The directors o f the Stayton can­
«»f >ftlc«Th of tli*» Marion County K«*«l- l i n e i- beginning to shine thiough | .*p«-n<l even t< n p«-r cent o f what they foolish to som*-, but a lot o f people nery announce the purchase o f prop­
! iiave saved up .it would start the have taken it up ,an«i the accumula­ erty adjoining the present site and
* rdtc'l Community Club», w u l«« l«l in the cloud» o f buaine»* depression.
It has bet n a tough year; there i» wheels of industry going again speed­ tion o f dime« thus started on their will start the erection o f an addition
tlic Sulim Clmmb.-r of Commerce
room» Monday evening. H> fore the no denying that. Wliat with th- rinun­ ily.”
merry way in beginning to show its at an early date.
routine bumne»» wu» «tart«-«! thouo ci I «lump thut begun more than a
And we hear that the “ Buy Now” ( effect.
George Smith, manager, sa >3 th'
i. ii mbteil «at with bowed h'-ad* for ye .r ago, and this year’« wide-*) r ad movement, which .»tart d a f> w weeks
“ Big money” is not timid. On«; cannery has been crowded for some
a minute in tribute to it» Hr,a prcsi- tl. ought, and the tumble in the prie«- j ago, has spread around the country (arg • financial house announced the time and the addition will take car •
ilent, l.lojii T. Reynold1
«, who purivd of wheat u»«l cotton, and the «hutting an«l that people everywhere are be­ other day that it ha«l clients reauy to o f the increasing business. Twenty-
uw.ty during the day i.t hi« home from (It 'vii <»f fac’ orii-i', we haven’t be r< ginning to take tin- «limes out o f the | invest anything from a million dollar.-' five new members have been added
,« heart attack. ReMdution o f »yin tl ough «udì u “ hard tim«-»’’ ye ir saving*« banks and the dollars out of j upward. They didn't want to bother to the association which means a
pithy will be drawn up by the pr«-*i- »•• re 1921. But it hai its comperila 1 the ch«cking account* and buy th<- | with trifles worth lets than a million, greater volume of business.
ti* n», by comparison with previoua comrno«litieK which are for sob- every­ but they would buy into anything
<1 it und j.ent to Mr». Reynold«.
The new property was purchased
where ut bargain prices.
At the election of oillcen, Dr. I*. O. . «.edlar tuitions. C«»nimo«lity prie
1 profitable in million-«lollar units. T
from W. P. Thorpe.
Bil«-y wo» ie elected pr«-sld«-nt; Mm. j I ave not gone up but have come
This is going to be a “ useful” ones who are holding back are the
Cha« S. Claik o f Turnei, vice |ir«-si- [down. Moat of Uto»«- thrown out of Christman, from all indication*. Peo­ ordinary folks like us. But if we be­
«lent; Jo»« ph Kerber( o f Mt. Angel, ^work hu«l something ahead to tide* ple gen -rally ar>- planning to give as lieve in the future o f the United CHRISTM AS PRESENTS
»ecreUtry-treMMUrer, ami Roy J. Ric«- - them over.
Christmas gifts thing* which are not States we can prove our faith b> be­
of Robert- will take the place o f G«-o i The n ain thing the m U r with t ••• .n* r.-ly ornament d or luxurious, but ginning again to spend our money
I in Mm o f Silverton on tlie boar«| of ¡country rig) t now is timity. Tile heed ¡such useful present., as n« w thin-.«* for tor necessities and a little bit more,
Every child is a lover o f dolls and
I of n big b n': «aid th - oilier day: the horn- . That, is all to the good, for ¿nd when we are all doing that the there is nothing that will please them
«, rectoia.
A committee composed of Mr». “ f)ur bank has more money in it it put i m-»n--y circulating in channels “ hard times” will be over.
more than a nice doll for Christmas.
Chu». 8. Clark of Turner, Henry R.
You can get a beautiful dressed “ Kiss
Crawford o f Salem, Ilowaid /.niter
Me” doll by paying for one year's
o f Salem Ho.ghU, Roy Rice o f Rob
subscription to this paper. This ap­
Mr. an«l Mrs. Karl S. Prather enter­ He was 57 years old.
t rt. anil John Marshall o f 8weg«-l w m
plies to new or renewals. The sub­
tained Wednesday evening o f last
appointed to b< gin making pin»* for
week with u dlnn r party, th«* occa­ sions in the house from Marion coun­ scription price is $1.25. Come in and
the «pring tryout« and to u»uuguraU-
sion being their seventh wedding an­ ty, four years a.-; state senator and see the dolls.
it sy -t«-m a» to grading »o that utlult»
niversary. Covers were placed for had been re-elected to that post at
Hunt Jet»Mi rern-vcd a letter n few »oven gu.-sts: Mr. and Mrs. John R. the last election.
wouhl not compete with children, a» '
la»t year there was »ome dissatisfoc- days ago Iri-ni hi* *i»ier. Mr». Y»ol>e, >
He was elected president o f the
( ‘ox, Mr. an«l Mrs. Donald I. Riches
lion in this pha-e o f thi- cont«;t*. The who, will. Mr V. ' . and lit!tv Ahn.
n.i Mr ; nd M s Karl S. Prather and
committee wdl hold u meeting early
nd was a former northwest district
Jvrux-n is visU.i K relati-n in Den- !
.on, Stanford Jr. A bowl o f yellow
in December to ilruft their plan» »b
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cook were Salem
governor o f the International Lions
that the ilifTen nt communitie» who ¡mark, the r »nd Mi Jcns«-n'* i.^iive chrysanthemums an«l green tapers
I visitors Saturday.
v. inh to tuk part will have umpk- time ¡laud. In in .1 mg (be trip, ih were u»«-«i for d-coratings. The eve­
Senator Reynolds was one o f the
in which to prepac«- th«dr program*, third
out tl > «-a lie airo v«-r> rou :li
L. E. Hennies an«l his crew began
ning was spent in music and social most prominent horticulturalists in
laut »pring too little time wa.« given and litlla Alton could not keep her tool- .
i road work again this week after a
tonv. rsation.
Marion county and wmi president of
mid not all wiio wi*hed ha«i time to
few days layoff.
(inf and I H on h«r luce several tlrm i
the Producers’ Co-operative Packing
prepare for the conte*t. Thi» »pring
She told Mia. Wolfe «..« Didn't Ilk# P
i rociation o f Salem. He was a mem­
tryout» promi«e» to I n * letter than
o f tke s AAA o vroerd o f horticulture
«•ver be fore a» moat of the cont«-*t.ints
1 hat evening she w j -
are pleased with the grading of the to the « apt ait.
His fir :t wife, Miss Kdith Fr.rzell,
program*. in a-ttitic by the «'upturn'* »id<
to whom he was married in 1896,
The neat m«-eting o f the F«-<l«-raii*jn ■ l supper an J »h - »aid to him. ’’ Are
H> --rt trouble was the cause o f the
* die«! in 1917 ,an«l Senator Reynolds “ T ‘iinkful.” The Anglo-saxon word
will lx hel<! at Salem Height« «om-
you the ( '» , >tu n o t i* »t ip ' and when death o f Lloyd T. Reynolds, state m :rried Miss Ruth Saucy, who sur­ which means “ giving thanks.” To be.
time in December, possibly the I2th.
•nator. Mr. Reynolds hail be>»n a
j ho »aiJ "Y t .’ ’
.« ask ii i. in to 1
- "■ —■ ...O- ■■ ■ ——
vives him, along with one son, John thinkful is to be thankful. Not just
forcr from h--art ailment for the
An enjoyable all «lay meeting of more « areiui m,<
Truesdell Reynolds. Other surviving to be patriotic but as the forefathers
• tie-rhip go more
i who established the custom in grate­
p: ? t:-ree years nnd while he h-ul
tiie (jiutigi Work Club wu« held at 1 »n.oo ly and e* pr
i er hs w«>uld. *- •' up i n«l attending to his duties relatives are a brother, John Reynolds
th«- home o f Mr*. Wm. Itutzke re­
| Portland attorney, and a sister, Miss ful recognition o f the source o f all
j That tie *
««-nt down und the
in time to time, he hud been con-
cently. A delicious potluck dinner «a :
j Mary Reynolds, ex-instructor at Wil- good gifts. 1 for one am glad to live
fr- I to hi- b-d for several months
nerved ut noon. The next* meeting
! lam- tte university, but now residing in a country which is Christian (in
-I i r the thn e days prior to his
name at least) whose constitution is
niaJu it so.
will be at the home of Mm. Stella thought the < ap t.
j in the «-ast.
i’.h he v. .. in a critical condition.
framed in Biblical terms; whose very
money proclaims “ In God We Trust.”
Our lives are given to us for more
th-n simply to live. Do you find a
bitterness in your life? There is a
whose h-aves are fo r the healing
In Bibb- school there wa* a fin«- '
nations. The tree on which the
attendance, (¡leaner* class, with all
Son o f God was lifted up and all
members pr. s< nt, «liscuitsed plans for
who will look to Him (in faith be­
u linger class room.
shall have life— the abund­
The choir was thirty strong. Dr
for the look.
Kpley promi»«-«l Am- talent from Sa­
lem to help in the sacred cone« i . De­
cember 7, Sunday night.
Next Sunday night Mr. Gil .imp,
Turner pastor .will trade pulpit* with
Mr. Bates, Mill City pastor. Mr. Kates
wu* married not long ago ami will be
i-ure to bring a Ane sermon.
The morning sermon will be called
• V I ttth B
I.a-t Sunday night th«» subject “ An
<>!«l Bachelor's Love Letter,” brought
out a goo«l nuicnce. It proved inter­
esting. Paul was the old biclx-lor
and I Cor. 1.1 was the love h-tter. It
proved a splendiil sermon.
Th«- l.ndies Ai«l is very busy getting
the work finish«*«! for the bazaar, I)e-
ct-ml) r 10. They have an all day
meeting Tuesday o f this week.
C. E. young people have a party j
in the social parlors Friday night.
They have fine meetings.
The meeting in the home of Mrs.
Whit'* wa very interesting. Mrs. Gil
strap, president o f the missionary so­
ciety, called the business meeting to
«>r«ler, nnd Mrs. Barm-tt followed with
an earnest well chosen program. Tin-
next m<-< ting in December will be a
Christmas g ift program with Mr*.
Webb in charge.
Mrs. F. C. Delzoll will prepare
Thanksgiving turkey for all her fam-
ilv nnd also <-rltertain the family of
Mrs. Bir«ti« Dt-nyer, also Alvin Schir-
rr-iir end Bob Miller, Salem.
JtNSEH 1« n i l
¿subject for the evening service was
The Spirit Fided Life.”
Owing to the fact that so many
will be out o f town next Thursday it
was thought best to not call the regu­
lar prayer meeting this week.
The Ladies Aid will hold their De-
ccmbc-r silver tea at the parsonage
Thursday o f next week, December 4.
The following ones are on the pro­
gram which rw ing to the shortness
of the days will begin promptly at 2
p. m. Everyone cordially invited to
be present at that time:
Opening ........................... Mr*. Bond
Solo................ Mrs. Mayro McKinney
Reading ..
Mrs. Lawrence Roberts
Reading............... Mrs. Earl Prather
Reading...................... Mrs. John Cox
Solo................... Mrs. Wm. Burgovne
Reading............... Mrs. Lee Thiessen
Reading.......Mrs. Lawrence Edwards
Original Poem...................Mr*. Gilletc
Accordian Solo...... Mrs. Ivan Hadley
Paper........................Mrs. C. A. Bear
Reading....................Mrs. D. B. Parks
Solo........................ Mrs. Earl Pearcy
The Burgoynes are spending their
Thanksgiving in McFarland.
Owing to the fact the bazaar is to
be given the second We«lnesday in
December, the W. C. T. U. will meet
the first Wednesday next month. It
will h.- hehl at the Gunning home and
remember the date, December 3. All
the ladies ore more than welcome.