The Turner Tribune SU BHC HI ITI ON $1.25 I’ UR Y UAH Unti n d ut the Postofflec ut Turner, Utvgon, um Ht cunil dus» mutter, under the Act of March 3, 1H7I'. Issued every Thursday at Turner, Marion, County, Oregon. MHS. CHAS. 8. CLARK, Editor OPEN FORUM AuniHville, Or., Nov. 14. (To tin- Editor.) Just got hack from my trip up milt creek. Hadn’t much trouble in getting up the creek, with three worthy republican-democrat« and one straight r publican at the top o f the ticket, with inutructiona "vote for four” while "Sammy” the demoerat- furmer wuc fifth at the bottom of the ticket, where the democrat« and farm­ er« hnve been ever «ince Woodrow Wileon left the White Hou* •. I want to thank my friend« for their loyal «upport and for looking well to the bottom of the ballot ami rolling up approximately 6000 vote» for me. I would rather «toy at home and milk cow« and feed pig« limn go to the legmlnture, then after the legi«la- ture had adjourned have men run­ ning around and tell «tone«. True storie* on the legi«|uture like I heard a Granger toll on our !u«t leghdature at Slayton n few month« ago. He *.nid that prior to the election of 192H Governor PutO-rson sent a granger to the Grtmge meeting at Stayton re- quoting the granger« to wait a time with patience. In regard to the three dollar auto­ mobile license, until the legislature met that he, Patterson, thought the legislature would work out something ' ■■ r ■ that would he nuti«factory to the auto­ mobile owner, especially the poor automobile owner. He a«ke<( what did they do? He Nuid that he had a two ton truck that co«t $1.90 more for llcetiMe after the legislature met for iiulf year than before it met plus a one cent gu« tux. He «aid our lu«t legislature reminds him of an lri«hmun und a little hull in was a road crn««ing at the foot of a West Virginia 45 year« ago. He »aid: "They built a railroad into the hill« and forests of Went Virginia. There long steep grade. The little bull was on the truck and «aw the train coming down the grade. He put up a fight. He flawed und bellowed. The train­ men blew the whistle. It enraged him terribly. The truin struck the little hull and knocked him into the ditch and broke hi« neck. After the train had pa-Hed, the lri«hmun walked up to the little bull and exclaimed: 'Ah, little hull I admire your «punk hut dam your judgment.' ” In the be­ ginning of our lu«t legislature, the legislator« fought for the financial re­ lief o f the ma»«es of the people and stood the lobbyist« off, hut, alaN there came u train up from the north, load­ ed down with lobby men, headed by THE TURNER TRIBUNE former Governor West and «truck the Reese Llewellyn, manufacturer and Hubscribe for your home paper legislators a side blow and knocked industrial leader. them into the ditch. What a pity, so W A W Y Y V V V V W V Y W V W W /A far as the poor automobile owner was concerned, it hadn’t broken Senator HANDICAPS OF Dunn’s political and financial neck DISEASE THROAT AND in the «ame manner as the little hull’« was broken. LUNG BALSAM • 8. B. MILLS. As yon travel through life you for the relief of will find many handicaps, but Facts will out. There is a cam­ none compared to the handicaps paign on in I,os Angele« for the issu- i of disease. ance of $13,300,000 in bond« to fur­ Have these eliminated by Chi­ COLDS ther extend thi- plant of the municipal ropractic Adjustments given SPASM ODIC power bureau. A taxpayers' commit- j according to a Neuroealometer CROUP tee opposes the bonds. It says, among ! reading. other thing«, that “ the official report W H O O PIN G COUGH Remember the Neorocalometer o f the bureau o f power and light for H O ARSEN ESS locates nerve pressure. Chi* the year ending June 30, 1930, shows: B R O N C H IA L COUGHS ropratcic Adjustments remove ‘ That the bureau of power and light Contains no N arcotic nerve pressure. Neuroealome­ ha» received $8,720,050.61 from taxes ter readings by appointment paid by the people.” Only at Always in the past we have been only. told that the Los Angeles power bu­ reau ha« cost the people nothing in DRUG STORE 0 taxes. Now we have the truth, and DR. O. L. SCOTT Tha Original Yellow Front and we have it over the signatures of one Candy Special Store o f Salem 256 N. High Street hundred of the largest taxpayers in 135 N. Commercial I*os Angeles— men like George L. PHONE 197 Cochran, president of the Pacific Mu­ Phone 87 tual Life Innurance company; William Penslar Agency SALEM OREGON May Garland, leading realtor, and Coughs Schaefer’s PRESENTING THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX « ____ Today tha Chevrolet Motor SQm Company present* the Bigger and Better Chevrolet Six, a new model of the six-cylinder car which has enjoyed such wide popularity. In both the chassis and body, you will find expressed, a* never before, Chevrolet’s well-known policy o f progress through constant improvement. The new Chevrolet Is longer, lower and ' FDI HAM « 1 1 U WINTED HEATS A ches and pains vanish m agical­ ly banaath tha toothing warmth Sufferer* The radiator has been deepened and its appearance enhanced by a curving tie-bar and chrome-plated parabolic h eadlam ps. T h e long hood sweeps back gracefully in to the new body lin es. And » This Electric Heating Pad o f thi» Electric Pad. strikingly smart. » never was Fisher’s fine craftsmanship mors evident than in the bodies of the new Chev­ rolet Six! They are roomier, more comfort­ able, and throughout exhibit that attention to detail which is the basis of true quality. Mechanically, too, the new Chevrolet Six is better. The wheelbase is longer. The frame stronger. The steering easier. The clutch more durable. There is a smoother, quieter transmission. Wherever finer materials and more advanced design could increase Chev­ rolet quality and economy— improvement has been made. The new Chevrolet Six is an outstanding achievement— it is tha Great American Value! A T N E W L O W P R IC E S « « Chevrolet has lon g been on e o f th# lowest Better C hevrolet it offered at new low price*. priced car* In th e w orld. C om a in today. See and drive tb * new Chev­ Y et d u e to tha saving* o f volu m e p rod u ction and Increased m a n u fa ctu rin g efficiency, the Bigger e n d rolet Six. I .earn the economy o f ow n ing a m odern , (in eq u a lity ,six -cy lin d er a u tom obile. from wintar ailment« . . . cold*, rheumatism, neuritis . . . find it lulls pain at nothing alt* will. This light, pliable, easily plug* ged-in Electric Pad it tha beat ««turn nee you can have o f ra»t- ful slumber during tha cold nights to com *. Inespantiv* and * The P haeton................ *510 The Coach *545 Sport Coupe with rumble seat . *575 The Roadster................ *475 Standard 0oup6 .*.** ..* *535 Standard Sedan..................... *635 Sport Roadster with rumble seat . *495 Standard Five- Window Coupe . *545 Special Sedan Sedan ..................... *650 invaluable in em ergencies . . . you can arrange to purcht* on* on easy time payments. G o in today and see them. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT EXTRA Chevrolet Trucks from $355 to $695 All prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan E LE C TR IC H EA TIN G PADS Small Payment Down Easy Payments IT’S WISE M oor tain firjAf State# \ Power Com pa my 5 P « 7 ÿ TO CHOOSE A SIX Ball Bros., Turner, Ore. I i t i I i i t i