K WEST STAYTON THE TURNER TRLBUNE : evening of curds Mr. und Mrs. Glen Fox und Mrs. Hurry Humphreys. Harry Humphreys and a number of his men friends were chefs that served u dainty dinner at his home Saturday evening. The evening was spent in playing curds und talking over future prosperity. Mr. Hum­ phreys proved to be u good cook. Miss Eileen Bauner entertained a number of her high school friends Saturday evening. Games und re­ freshments were enjoyed by Mubcl Hall, Edward Hankie, Virgie Hradley, l.eota Bradley, Bernard Minden, Amandus Frank, Ix-onard Zuber, Ev­ erett Kuiser, la-onurd 1-ee ami the hostess, Eileen Bauner. TH E AU MS V I L L E STAR Subscription Si a Year in Advance Mr*. Pulmi-i ami children left laut Tuesday for Cunby, where they will (‘has. S. Clark, Editor—Publisher. h» for u time. Entered a» Second Clans Matter On Wetlneaduy a number of frieruU Xi»\ 6, 1923 at tile Postoffice .it met with Mrs. A sc he ami helped her Aumsville, Oregon, under the Act In (|uilt her friendship quilt. of March 3. 1879. % Mr. Hinl Mrs. Itider and family have go no to llrltish Columbia tor a Advertising Rates on Application. visit with Mr. Ryder's mother. Mrs. Nipple, Mrs. Asche and Mrs. Koyse were uniong the visitors ut the Van Osdol home. Mrs. Van Osdol has D r . S c o f ie ld been real sick for some time but is X-RAY CHIROPPRACTOR improviiiR ut the present time and is able to be up and have visitors. Mrs. Annu Johnson has been suffer­ FAMILY DANCE Lady Attendant ing from u badly infected thumb on her right hand und for u time it was feured she would lose the member. However, ut the present time she is C R Y S T A L G A R D E N First Nat’l Bank Bld g., Phone 219-1 SALEM. OREGON slowly improving. .Oregon I.ust Friday the ilirthdny club met Every Wednesday and Saturday Salem, ut the home of Mrs. Shields, post­ Strictly Old-Time Dancing At 8:30, p. m. poned from Wednesday which is the regular meeting time. Twelve mem- b. rs were present, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. M O D E R N D A N C E Seymore St ..art, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. CRYSTAL GARDEN ANNEX Wednesday and Saturday McClellan were guests of the club. Every Strictly Modern Muaic Mrs. Strickland and Mrs. Surges» and Dancing were house guests for the day. The One («ate and One of Admis ; hostess served delicious pumpkin pie »ion etitlcs you to Price both styles and coffee und ull spent u most pleas of dancing unt afternoon. Gent» 50c Ladie« -'5c "It Never Ruins but It Four»," is Roller DREAMLAND Skating Q U A L I T Y CANDI E S un old uduge. Not only in weather but Tuesday, Friday and Saturday in other things. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 7 to 10 p. m. Admission 10c Subscriptions Taken Ladies Free. Skates 25c Asche were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Agee, Mr. und Mrs. Merle Agee and son of 1 for all Magazines Corvallis, Mr. und Mrs. W. I.. Cham- ! hers and fuinily and the senior Mr. Chumbers of Albuny, Mr. und Mrs. O N F A S T T R A I N S Milton Richarilson of Jefferson. Mrs. Riches Confectionery J. A. Agee is Mrs. Asche’s aunt and Turner Oregon Mrs. Chambers u sister. LUNCHES STA YTO N C. F. Niebert, who underwent an operation ut the Slayton hospital sev­ eral days ago, has been taken home. He is a putient of Dr. C. H. Brewer. —---A .— — Dr. and Mrs. Davis and children were here for u visit Sunday at the $24 to Los Angeles home of the doctor's sister, Mrs. Floyd Humphreys. Dr. Davis prac­ Special one-way bargain . ticed dentistry here for a number of farts,good in day coaches, ycura but is now practicing in Salem. ntw ret lining ciiair tars and in Tourist Pullmans. This Thursday ufte-noon the Wom­ en’s club will hold it stvgulur month­ Direct, thru service to ly meeting. This meeting is known both San Francisco and as Ilook Day and a visiting lady from Los Angeles. Choice of out of town will give a book review. ! four fast trains every day. I.unch will be served during the aft- New type chair cars pro­ rmoon. vide additional comforts at no extra cost. Pull man­ I.ust Friday evening the O. E. Gard- \ like appointments. IX-cp- n*-r home was the scene of a pleusunt \ cushiontd, individual re­ bridge party. The party was given , clining chairs, upholster­ in honor of Mrs. Ellen R eynolds of ed in restful shades. California, who is here visiting her Sister, Mrs. Emma Slopcr, who was Joint hostess with Mrs. Gardner. The R o u n d t r i p s high scores were held by Mrs. K. I). Crabtree und Marion Hunt. Mrs. • 28 —San Francisco Reynolds will spend the winter hen*. Next Saturday the Slayton Grange •4 5 —Los A n g e le s will hold n cooked food sale and Return limit 16 days. Go bazaar in the Slayton Hurdware store by train at these low fares. and will wind up the day with a Free from worry and masked hall in the evening at their strain, you rest and relax hall. as you ride, ami leave the Prize.-, will be given for the best job of "getting there” to costume and the light fantastic will be someone else. tripped to good old time music. At the food sale held in the hall dres* -d turkeys, cakes, pies and other edibles will be on sale. It’s going to be the best one of | their efforts and the public is invited to attend. ~ ----------------- H. S. BOND Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johns entertained at dinner and an LOCAL AGENT — A N N O U N C EM EN T ------------------------- i he {Management of the Elsinore Theatre takes great pleasure in announcing that Miss Aldine Kaser and Mr. Wendell Scott have chosen The Elsinore as the moat proper and appropriate setting for their wedding which will be solemnized in this gem of Gothic beauty, Saturday Evening, November 22nd, at 8:00 o’clock P. M. Reverend S. Darlow Johnson will read the service. The following local merchants are presenting many useful and beautiful gifts. The Rrlde to be nas chosen The Happy Couple have a Fanchon & Marr-o mod« chosen as th e ir gift from and Kuna Jet tick shoes for Salem 's Leading F u rn itu re her wedding both of which Store, The H. L. Stiff Com­ ar» sold exclasively by pany. a beautiful Green M ILLER’S. and Old Rose Bedroom Suite. H artm an B rothers are pre­ senting the happy couple F arm ers’ H ardw are Com­ with a W hite Gold, orange pany a re presenting a blossom design, 18K W ed­ handsom e set of 1847 Rog ding Ring. ers Silverw are with their congratulations. The bride and groom have chosen “ Frosty O L on" as Fulo,. j announce th a t the the official florist for the prospective Groom ha* cho­ occasion. sen his w edding outfit from th e ir clothing stock. The Capitol Drug Company have prer.ented th e Bride V ibbe.t & Todd announce with her choice of a T oilet the choice of a Majer.tlc set to m atch her bedroom Radio as th e ir Gift to the rulte. happy couple. Photos by G unnell A Robb. Subscribe For The Tribue $1.25 a Year San Francisco a ., i » a ■» — O - ----— - 0 . i n» Southern Pacific W. J A Y DENHAM General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing Route 3 Turner, Oregon LITTLE BUSINESS H a v e P r in tin g N e e d s ..... West Job of Printing STATIONERY Circulars and Posters Handbills and Dodgers Window and Show Cards Don't be a rubber stamp business man— Digni­ fy your business by the use of G O O D P R IN TIN G Let Us Figure On Your Next Job The Turner Tribune ¿s se rtY m stfvafawangMHi