TH E TU RN ER Antunin leaves decorated the windows ing a bit of excitem ent for a short and bowls of cosmos and chrysanthe­ time. How the Arc sturted in u n ­ mum* in biillant hues were used on the known. tables. The committee in charge was G randpa G a rn er is visiting in Sa- Mrs Win S. Rurgo) tie. Mm. R. O. I lent and v icinity the past few weeks. LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK B rie f Item s C o n c e rn in g th e C o m ­ in g s e n d G o in g s of Y o u rs e lf a n d Y o u r N e i g h b o r s , a s T o l d to T h e T rib u n e R ep o rters. O n e of th e N icest C o u rte s ie s Y ou C a n S h o w to Y o u r G u e s t s I s to H a v e T h e i r V i s i t s M e n t i o n e d in T h ese C olu m n s. T h e T r ib u n e W il l C o n s i d e r It a S p e c i a l F a v o r if Y o u W il l H e l p U s M a k e T h i s P a p e r M o re I n t e r e s t in g to Its R e a d e r s b y S e n d i n g in I t e m s f o r T h is C o lu m n . W r ite us, o r, if C o n v en ien t, T elep h o n e Your N e w s I t e m s t o T h i s Office. T R IB U N E Witael, Mrs 1 Iwlu Denyer, Mrs. h S. Prather and Mrs. J«hu Co*, with all members of tho soicety assisting to make the affair a success. The amount taken in was more than auticepated on and the society wishes to thank all woh co- operated with them in making it a sue Only one vacant house is known out this way this >eur, while other years wg have had several. At pres- ' " l t 'u‘ ^ A- Wood p roperty is v a­ / " 1* Ivan Hadley and Mr. lieur of Tur- ncr busy niukmg cider lust week. the service »tution ut Nublinut) known ns the Etzel station. Re* will handle a good line of tires and accessories, confectionery and with his pleasant smile and w inning ways he should get his share ^»f the business. Wlu-n in need of anything in the service station line, give him a call. • O Austin Sto«l«lart. who i employed in Salem driving u milk delivery wagon, spent Monday night he-<«• in tho guest of Mr. un«l Mrs I ester Ellis Austin is taking a few da) • vacation and visited with his fa th e r and broth «>r ut Scio and a sister at Or« «on City. tu rn ed this week from n ear Mood River where they have bc«li fui tini past th ree we«-ks helping h a iv c -t tint hig apple rro p . Tin» Spencer broth« is who w«-r«« uwuy during the fall harvest or«- now at hum«-. Miss Imogi-ne Alsinnn was absent from her school iluth's a couple of «lays lust week on account of a sore th roat. *- — O Mins Mutilila Mi gli le rger, who Is employ«-«! ut Alhuny, was honte over the week erul to visit her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Theodore H ighlierger. Miss K atherine Lynch wus a Salem visitor W ednesday. O Mrs. J. M. l.iinTiey, who is serious­ ly ill, is reported ms slightly improve«! in health ut this tim e. | Several different fam ilies have been 0 on the sick list lately but lust reports The Cloverdale W. C. T. U. met with all arc b etter. The fun« ral of Mrs. Kutherin« Mrs. Walter W Miller in an all day- Two more rural school ut N orth Etzel, who passed away lust week ut Hollis Bones retu rn ed Sunday from session Wednesday. A metcellaneou* Santiam and West Stuyton, have re ­ Sublim ity, was held from the Catholic P ortland, where he attended the stock kitchen shower was given for Mrs. Karl ported overcrow ded conditions to the church at Sublim ity, Momlay morn Wipper, nee Burnice Ricker of Gardner, county school su p erintendent, Mrs. ing. Solemn high mass was sung b> show the past week. Mary L. Fulkerson. John .Mdler of - ■ <► ■ ■■ Mrs. Chas. Standley Sr., en tertain s who was the recipient ol many beauli- ! the N orth S antiam hoard und B. H. Rev. F a th e r Scherbring of tin- parish, assisted by his b ro th er, Rev. Joseph the T u rn e r W .C. T. U.. W e d n esd ay ,! ,ul “• «*'1 »» u»eful gifts. I C ham berlain of th e West Stuyton Scherbring of Silverton, and K«-v. In keeping with the season. Mr* Mdler board w ere in town S aturday to con­ November 12, a t 2:30, at h er home. F ath er Go« tzin g i'r of Iowa. The Mrs. Helen W hite, d au g h ter of Mr. had her home decorated in orange and fer with Mrs. Fulkerson regarding church was crow«l«-il with relatives SURPRISE GRANGE and Mrs. George B row er, was here black, with the presentation of the gifts [ the m atter. ami friends of the depart««! om- und It is probable both problem s will to Mrs. Wipper being made in a ghost from P ortland, S aturday. No. 233 the floral off« rings were most beau be solved by tran sp o rtatio n of some tifu l. Deceased wus one of S ublim ­ basket. FOR REN T— About 13 ac res; o u t­ of the pupils to an o th er district. M eets second Suturilnv in tin* A hontious dinner was served at noon N orth S antiam has ano th er room in ity's highly r« sp«*cte«l citizens, wlifr«- building and a good house. Mrs. C or­ month in th<* G range Hall, T u rn er. ¡she ha«l r«side«l for a num ber of to the following members and friend*. the school building, which is not now nelia A. Davis. V isitors welcome at the le c tu r e | years. ---- O----- hour, -*t 2 "(I o'clock. Mes’lames Anna Cook, Herman Wipper, , used, and this district may elect to ■»...... Miss Ruby L ister and Mr. and Mrs. hire an o th er teach er and thus take Callan of Salem visited at the home 1 N »ncy Luk*- sh ,l>' *« M argaret The Waldo Hills Gun club that can* o f the situation. T here ure o f Mrs. C ornelia Davis here recently. Shilling, N ettie Morris. M ary Morris. m ade such good scores last y ear when enough pupils attending now to w ar­ th< y held Sumluy shoots for merchan* « \ \ V W / / A W A V « V V A \ V A V V I John McKinney, Eva Cummings, Flor* ran t this. Mrs. Chas. Archabald arrived here