■ ■ Tin-: TURNER TRIBUNE TIIE TURNER TR DUNE s u ; h ' m i'T io N ? i . ü & p e r y i : a i : I ». riil -t tin1 i'uatoffice at Turner, I in, i.' s< i i.ilii i', i», matter, umlri J untici of tin !’• ire ll-iyn« I 35; Ilf y don, 5n. C< ,1 tllllle Drlxm g, 71. tla* Act of March 3, 1HVii. I* mi'll i '.' c , > T h’irnl .y et Turner, • M irlen, County, Origan. MUS CHAU. H. CLARK, Editor H o w '1 h ey V o te d A t A u m sv ille T* foli» e. h ,; i t' •• e ."nil o f how t'i % A i i , .’.I " V »ti rs f' It about tin .• e! «1 !«'■ I ml im liMIlr»: i .i >: Ift 1 1 .State H 'im tor- U.inks, 57; Stailard, 2 ; Watkins Chi. a. L. hitîNary r e -e U cti d U H pri S. b ci»u lo r iitht vc— I)e|{.*11, 58; Haw ley. II. Gov m o r It; dry, 35; Meier, 40; M t rhun, 2 3 . J ■ re 1 the ro^ -i me Court— U M ; C o bow , 89 ; WEST STAYTON l— t WANTED— Hy th. West SUyton chool hoard, one old wi ll-worn dry ,.ioda box und one nail key to 1« iiMed for a teacher'« deak and chair n run chicken coop we are repairing for a »chool room. The box und keg m u., be old, a-; anything ifew or mod- ro is not wanted hy the district. - ------------O Mr. Ki ndrickii, who i;i running the .Stuyton hospital, ha b'». ght th« Gun- suule’s farm r«c ntiy. He intends to buiid nome lime in the future. Wanted— For Sale WANTED Piere •. Wood cutt«rs, F- T. FOR SALE -Apples for your winter apply— Kings, Spies and Baldwins; nice ones. Ivan Hadley. - — -#--- -- FOR SALE— Dry beans, fie lb.; r iH wf t Michigan p< a bean; fast NEW LOCATION look -rs and bakers. Also good for e I purpos. s. Will mature 3 week —— - ft «artier t! an most beans. C. F. Bremer y i. Iloyse wan a caller at the Turner, Or«., lit. 1, 2 miles S.E. o f Chu i.b Tain horn«' the wi • k. ■ ■■ o ■■ Tar ier on »Moore place. Any dairyman, poultry miner, or farmer having uny old cow sheds, h n C O ins, oi pig hut. , v.hici they Wish to TU RNER dirpo»' .i m.ght do w< !1 to net the SOUTHERN PACIFIC MORRIS .ci ml board at W'-:t Stuyton. The TR A IN SERVICE Optical Co’s. board mu-t continue to make more North Bound New Type Deeper room for student.:, and not wishing to No. M , 5:06 A.M. Curved Lens (Stops when Best for Better Vision u-.-.it t1.'m < Ivi » ol th opportunities flagged.) olf red ta in hy nearby district», are No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) in the m il ket for all o f th'- afore- 444 State Street South Bound (Stops v.-'v;? m.-ntion a artite.s. Oi course, they No. 7, 10:50 A.M. SALEM, OREGON flagged to pick up passengers for ma t h oid and un. unitary no a» to James W. Mott points at which this train stops.) conform to the r -t o f their equip­ No. 15, 8:35 P.M. (Stops on flag, only ► Representative elect ment, a anything n -.ir new or mod- to pick up passengers fer points south o f Eugene via Cascade Indention and Drainage District— '•iii mif .t show what they already Line.) ÿ A W W U W s W W V W JVVWWVUV have up to a poor advantage. No. 31, 10:55 P.M. (Regular stop.) • — --4J C b in d Form o f Governmi nt— If you believe in the good old days, Following north bound train» stop to _ _ É Y ..». 17 ; »No, ' 6. detrain passengers coming from d tn - ox cart and tallow candle, or points south o f Eugene: No. 16, due / U nu F h m- Y r. i'O; No. 59. ¿he lat -r times win n honest Abe was A .M .; No. 8, dM 5:51 P.M. Moloi Vehicle Liren..ej Tu.:— Ye». . ¿udying by the light from the fire- Office hours at Turner week days are pi ic.', or when you used to attend 8 A.M. to 12 o’clock noon, and from ..tn >ol at tne littie red school house, 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Station is closed on Sunday and holi­ then come to West ¿stay ton, for we days. On these days passengers can can sure boast o f the relics o f by- pay fare and have baggage checked gtiuo days'in tne way or ccnuol build­ an trains. H. S. BOND, Agent. ing. and equipment, or lack ol tiie . »me. But il you are at all progressive ¿u s believe in modem ways and wish »<* li.c and have things like other «»as ÿ communities have, und if you want your t dren to have the advantages Called for mat v .e ciiidiren of adjoining com- inumtt wave and go to school under CLEANED, PRESSED ut least .unitary conditions, then DELIVERED you n ire tier investigate conditions ire- Dr. Carlton Smith iore commg here to live. Just Phone us, we.ll do the m re elected Kresentativc — —- - 4> * Wmle on his way to work the other I*. ' !' «•; Hu er. 12. 21 ; No. 50. uioMiing uoout 4;o0, Ben Ciuunber- à 1 >t o f Public Irwtruc i Motor Vehicle License- Tax— Yea, lani encountered a China pneusant t 'vi— ttivartl 77. j 17: No. 4M. f , w h o entered B ens car via tne wind- ; Killinr Vacnnelca In L* gislature— sn.cd. u n i now nas a claim against tne stan game commission lo r $4.5u j Yej, 20; No, 45. L gif Intora* Compensation — Yea, lot another wiiiusnierd, or he may ucciUc to run opposition to Amos unu ¡1 7 ; No, 5 I. Anu> wan a licsn an Lo(i cab. Circuit Jud.ro Bill— Y«a, 7 ; No, 59. Mr. and Mr». B. 11. Chamberlain .nu jimmy visited friends near Mill City, outmay. Dewey and Calvin Dively and John and August kiiU on were in the West »ilaytvn distuct Tuesday. .Mi. und Mrs. Aache and family went to Corvallis, Sunday. Mrs. Ascii»- s bruiher, ».lr. Kt-ily, went witn them. They visited their aunt who uvea in Corvalus before returning .ionic. SUITS rest. Keep your wardrobe at it’ s best Hats—-Odorless Cleaning Service with A Smile One Day Service Let LTs Serve You Every Week ih e r r y ,it y leaner» 230 N. Liberty, Salem Y.VAV.VAV.VA-ASVAV.VA You always net a little more than you pay tor when you deal with us— Clean "gas,” f u l l measure»—Clean oil, the brand y o il r motor likes beat,—and cheerful service to bring you buck. ---------- O ----- — West SUyton Community club held I its In.'» in. »ling Monday evening. As it was a very toggy nigiit lucre were oniy a few out. Tiie meeting was called Monday night as Tuesday, the regular meeting night, w„a ejection. C. W. Hawlry re-elected to Congress I . ih.ir Commi ir ion.' r - Alley, 15; Gram, 7 I. «' :'cu¡t Court Jiidgq Hill, 55; Mc- Mnh- n, 72. ilu to Senator— Drown, 70; Reyn* FREE AIR and WATER WE FIX FLATS RED CROWN QAS Tuesday night a small but enthus­ iastic crowd met at Darley s oflice and t.nked over matters pertaining to the gnod o f the community and other 'W AVW .VW AVAVA V ~ things in general. A lter some dis­ i «It, 71. 'YAWAWANWAVAVAVA 1 cussion from different ones a club Miller B. Hayden was formed, to b,. known as the West Justice o f the Peace HAM MAN S T A G E LINES Stuyton Grower* club, which is to * ***■*•**■»••*••*">«-*•* ******■*•*■*•*•*•*-* Salem District f take care of the problems that come m up in the raising and disposing o f the Leave Salem for Aumsville Incunic Tax— Yes, 5 0 ; No, 33. crops that are raised in this neighbor­ 6:30 A.M. YOUR OWN PkOPtRlY i Anti-Cigar«tte -Yes. 30; No, 60. I I C O N C E R N IO W H C N VOUR N C lG H IO R S sit 10:30 A.M. hood. Ail seemed in favor o f putt ng M O U S l IS O N flR C / - - T ttrm f X Ro ue River Ye», I S ; No, 52. 4:45 P.M. more life in the community club and I.leut' riant Governor— Yes, 45; No, Leave Aumsville for Salem a meeting will be held in the near 11 8:10 A.M. future to talk over ways and means. Water and Power— Yes, 8 0 ; No, 1:20 P.M. 5:10 P..M. The school boaril held a special Leave Aumsville for Mill City DB meeting »Monday night to decide what 7:25 A.M. : to do to relieve the crowded condition 5:25 P.M. W A v w v v w y ! o f the school. There are 80 pupils Leave Salem for Turner E. II. H U R R E L enrolled and more to come in Inter. 10:30 A.M. After some discussion it was decided Your neighbor’s fire loss is 4 :45 P.M. 464 N. Liberty St. to remodel the small house own' d by- likely to become your loss. Mr. Haynes and put the first and sec­ Don't be without proper in­ Leave Turner for Salem surance. ond grades there for the rest o f this 8:20 A.M. Insurance that was adequate term. 1 :30 P.M. (¿utility I?iittf Hallowe’en pranks. Several group.- Jos. Hamman, Prop. I * C i. it « Comm sf to « -Smith, 77. w eri' out but just having a good time. r # * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****•*■» * AVMVAV.W.W.WA’AWA VYA\VAWAAWAAbVAV Bones Bros., Turner . $5.M 11 t