THE TURNER TRIBUNE po ration, M. G io .ii, deceased, the unknown hrirs o f Amos Glover, deceased, Hy Jo*. II Albert, Trust Officio. I HE PHILL-UP COLUM also all other parties and person« Administrator with tin. Wilt Ann-zed unknown having or cluiming any OTTO h PAULUS, right, title, estate, lien or interest I On Fir d National Bldg , By US and OTHERS -a— — — Salem, Oregon, in and to the reni property deci died in the compitimi herein, defend Attorni ) for th Adminiatiatoi An Indian never crack- a smile at unt*. Dale o f Ai t public t ion ^October !' the things most pleasing and amusing IPSO. Po the defendant* above nani d: to us, but win n misfortune comes, he In the irinie o f the Hat o f Oreogn, Date o f la«t on Novcn.bei E. G. Harlan, editor o f the Ore­ laughs. Be an Indian. you are hereby m iuirod to appear fi. lli:«0. gon Business, says in this week s re­ anil ati.-wcr the complaint Almi against —---O------ you in the above entitled couit and port to the editor o f the state: “ While Here’s a bit o f western philosophy NOTICE OF SHERIFF’ S SAI F. cause on or before the 27th day of some people are talking hard times, that will bear repeating several times November ,11)30, that being the time we saw carpenters last week building — “ Live every day so you can look prescribed by the court in Its order My virtue o f mortgage foreclosure a new $¿0,000 cannery at Oregon any dam man in the eye and tell him for the publication o f the summons • *• c u t .............d b i Cii lit Court upon you mid four week.« «uce -uvei) l o f the id» it * o f Oregon Marion City for B. NS'. Doyle & Associate«, to go to hell.” I'gon for ■ _______ frolli thè date o f thè Ar«t puldiei1 ler County in suit: “ No. 21 172, State of l.os Angeles— parties the state cham­ ncrvof; and if in thè event timi you Oregon, represent'd hy and acting ber o f commerce induced to invest in Now that it is all over, what did shall fail so to appi ar and ali wer, through th* World War Vetoran's Oregon: down the Silverton we found you do Tuesday? Did you vote on the pliiintitT will take a decree that *lie i» Sl it.- Aid CotnnuMidcn o f the Stut- Leonard Brothers had '-ased part o f winning side? thè owner in fee «imple and in poma-, of Oregon, composed o f A. VV. Noi situi of l.ot number two (21, lllork bla.l, governor; Hal K Moss, Secre­ the Silver Falls Timber company’s ... — ■.<>- » number ono ( 1 ), Oak Lodge additimi tary o f State; Georg* A White, Ad mill .rnd were building a new struc­ Don’t grin— SMILE. to thè city o f Salem, Marion C’ ounty, jutant *■ nerul; Waller S. Fisher and ture 30 by 150 feet in which they Oregon, a* same appear« frmn th<- S. J llal«an. plaintiff, \s. Hubert C. M o s t folks, when they j will manufacture 30.000 mop and recnrdetl plot thereof, and that pluin Da\ Dot F Da* . Paul Wehnei decide t o have a piece o f NOT AFTER BUT BEFORE tiff's title thoreto he quii feti. and Edward W.-hiier, d f.n d a n ts ." broom handles daily, employing atout printing done want it at once. Service o f thi* «uminous upon >ou, therein pending and to me direct",!, I 30 men. by publication thereof. i, mode hy shall, on November 21»th, 1(130, at 10 It’s quite the style when we “ pass W e arc well equipped to give “ At North Bend we found men • U il I.. M. Mi o ’clock A. M., thereof, at the went out,” to get a lot o f tlowers, prompt service on your work. staking out 500 feet o f waterfront on M ihun, circuii judtre, ut Salem, Ore door o f the county court house at :on. October 30, 1930, unti thè date ■1 >n, • pub c a ction which the B-K-V Battery Separator And have a crowd o f mourners ’round Furthermore, it will not look o f th-< Ar,t publication thereof is Oc- for cash ail right, title and Interest to till the funeral hours; company, San Francisco, are starting had nnd po-K-s-ed by said defendants, ¡tober 30, 1930. like a hurry up job, since our a new $100,000 plant— they had al­ The parson too is sorry that we had PAUL F. RURRIS, or any o f them, on or since April II, to go away, ability to handle rush work ready purchased the North Bend Attorn-'V for Plnmtiff *927, in and to the following de­ Postoffice and place o f r<-«idi lice, Sa­ scribed real properly: enable« us to give it the White Cedar company's mill adjoin­ And join the Angels ( i f we do) on this eventful day. lem. Oregon. The West 87 feet o f I.ot thirteen ing. same careful attention that (1 3 ». Block four (-1), Highland “ At Eagle Point, in Jackson coun­ Most everybody in the town is throw­ is given les« hurried work. addition to the city o f Salem, ty, machinery was being moved into ing kisses now. Marion County, Or gon, according 'b'X -ri NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL the new Ladino Dairy Products And telling one another that you sim­ to the plat record' d at page six (6k *8 US I**' ACCOUNT Book 2 Record o f Town Plats for creamery and cheese plant; over at ply were a “ wow” ; said county nnd state, said tract Richland in Baker county equipment But if it's just the same to you, I’d facing Afty (5 0 ) feet on the east In the County Court o f the State is being installed in the nek $15,000 like to smell the rose, line o f Maple Avenue. o f Oregon for the County o f Marion. creamery o f the Pine Eagle Dairy­ Before “ I shuttle otf” and leave for O. D. BOWER, In the Matter o f the Estate o f men’s association, which will enable Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. my eternal doze. Violet T. (’alder, Deceased. it to make up to a million pounds of Notice i* hereby given that the PAUL F. BURRIS, It’s funny how death changes us ami Attorn -y for Plaintiff, butter annually. final account o f Ladd & Hush Trust ,’ul. tn, Oregon. makes us say nice things. Co., a corporation, administrator with “ The Barde Steel company, Port­ the will annexed o f th*- i state o f Oct-IONovfi-l 3-20-2 7 land, has secured control o f the About the fellow that we “ knocked” X -R A Y Cl IR O PPR A C TO R Violet T. (V ile r, deceased, ha* been : and hurt with all our stings; Shorty-Hope gold mine near Ashland filed in the County Court o f Mation — —♦ ---- and plans placing it in production We’re eulogizing him today, the gos­ County. O r.gon, and that the 10th NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL sips o f the town again soon; the Miller-Umpqua Cop­ Lady Attendant o f 10 o ’clock a. m., ha* been appoint- ACCOUNT per company, Medford, is putting Are tongue-tied for the minute before day o f November, 1930, at the hour the corpse “ goes down.” more men to work both in their cop­ • d uy mu id court for h'-nring objec- „ Notice is hereby given that the O. Pearson, per and gold workings in the Trail- tiom to said final account, at which f *fi a* First Nat’l Bank B! I g.. Phone 219-1 But listen, if it’s just the same, why Tiller district. Twenty men are now lime any person* interested in «aid I f iV * not give all this cheer -talc may appear nnd file objection« ‘ ' ‘ ■ " ‘ .,'* ' ‘ ' 1 ,'n 1 Salem, .Oregon employed in the Glair Granite quar­ When we can fully soak it in and feel therto in writing and contest same. i J, , f 1 , M 1 ,p ries, Ashland, and stone for the new i LADD viiii A t. . BUSH iti'u ii T ituq-r CO., r n a ,, Lor- c ,,r 1 ,Jth d||v (»<»,.on, and that ru «duy, it while we’ re here; TRUST (lf jH.c , m|>er. 't Klamath Falls federal building has Of course our family will be pleased __________________________________ _ 0 o'clock A .. i,.. n been dcslivered and stone for the duly appointed by such court for th« to see our coffin banked, $10,000 Walsh mausoleum, Mt. Angel hearing o f obu-ctions to such final With “ He’« at Rest,” and “ Peace.” is going out. account and th« «ell'i m.-nt thereof, but I’ ll be “ blankety blanked.’’ it which time any person intereat.-d l o d l t d i o f timber and mill i| HANDICAPS OF . 1 . h € «t;.te nu) tipp'ar *and fit« R Y S T A L G A R D E N hand; will be employed this winter If all this “ bull’ ’ appeals to me when objection* t!i«rito in writing and con ­ SALEM , O REG O N i D I S E A S E getting out the order for 200 car in his breathing days test the »nine. loads o f bridge timbers ordered by We criticized and knocked him in a Dated till* 23rd dny o f October, middle west parties from the Stand­ thousand different way«; 1930. A n you travel through life you ard S asoning Society who will en­ It isn’t going to help the dead if in Every Wednesday and Saturday M. O. PEARSON, Strictly Oid-Time Dancing « i l l find many handicap*, hut Administrator. large their Cottage Grove plant. Their “ the Enterprise.” At 8:30, p. m. E. L. CRAW FORD, none compared to ihc handicap cold process o f seasoning has been a We “ write him up” and cal! him gr--at Attorney for Estate. o f diseaNC. sensational success, and another and and laud him to the s’cies. 1 Ladd & Itukh R ink Bldg., .Salem, Ore. Have these eliminated by Chi- larger plant will be built soon some­ M O D E R N D A N C E First publication Oct. 23 ,1930. Nay, nay, Paulino, a kindly word, a where in southern Oregon. roprartic AdJuNtmenta given C R Y ST A L G AkDEN ANNEX I.a«t publication Nov. 20, 1930. smile, a friendly tap “ So, while some talk hard times, Every Wednesday and Saturday according to a Neurocalometer Are things we ought to give him folks Strictly Modern Music we suggest they get out, see our state, reading. before his final nap; and Dancing find out how others are investing, SUMMONS Remember the Neurocalometer building plants, increasing payrolls, Let’s try and play this game o f life as One Gate and One Price i Admii locate* nerve pressure. Chl- I In the Circuit Court o f the State every real sport should, building Oregon.” Sion ctitles you to botii - yles ’ f Oregon for the County o f Murioti. ropratcic Adjustment* remove And give the flowers and “ boosting” - — o~- — - of dancing Kivil if. Vaughn, Plaintiff, One time up in the Kentucky when they’ll do the fellow Gents 50c nerve pressure. Neuroealome- VK. Ladies 25c good. mountains, says Coleman Cox, a tra- ter readings by appointment Aiq-utu* Engle, Ellen Fogarty, John Roller DREAM LAND Skating velor met a hog raiser driving a bunch I Fogarty, Grafton Vickers, Ellen* only. Bobbin", Richard Ri bbin«, Georg« or razorback hogs down the lane and Forget the little human faults, don’t Tuesday, Friday and Saturday magnify, but be Re»«e, Mary I t « '» , Henry Reese, stopped to ask him where he was tak­ 7 to 10 p. m. Admission 10c the Unknown Heirs of* Horae« A brother to a brother like the Man ing them. The hogman said he was Engle,- deceased; also, all otln r Ladies Free. Ska es 25c DR. O. L. SCOTT o f Galilee; taking them down in the hollow to parties and persona unknown hav­ ing or claiming any right, title, 2:>B N. High Street turn them out to fatten for the mar­ You’ll find digestion better, your ••.Hate, lii n or inter ->t in nnd to nerves more steady, yes ket. The traveler said: ‘ ‘\V’ hy down , the real property d> scribed in th" ^ /A V ^.V .V .V .V A V /A ’ .V A V / in my country, we pen up our hogs And what is more you’ll find you’ve complaint here, I)ef, ndants. Phone 87 > spread a lot o f happiness. and they fatten in much less time.” ,T o the D- f'-ndants above nameil: J SALEM OREGON In the name o f the State o f Ore­ By H. R. ( “ Hy” ) Everding. A fter a thoughtful moment came the gon, you are hereby tequired to np- answer: “ What the hell’s time to a I pe ;r and ana wer the complaint filed hog?” Thi3 same story comes to mind I • i n*t >ou in the above entitled SUMMONS every time some "time-killer” come3 irt and riiu • on or la-fore Novem- '■ r ' i p; o, that belng tho tim.- in to visit us on press day. In the Circuit Court o f State of 1 V V A V A V A V . V . V . V . V ^ V . V v I" erih-.l h> t. cm in it or.h f'ir tin- publication of thi« summon* Trying to run a business without . Or ;gon for .Marion County, I upon you and four Wei k successively advertising is like trying to run an Sena M. Neal, Plaintiff, THROAT AND ; f ’ om the date o f the fi it publicntion automobile without gasoline. The only i vs. ! th re o f; in the event that you LUNG BALSAM direction in which it will go is down J- D. McCully, Alic< M. Cranne, Pe shall fail so to appear and answer, | plaintiff will take n decree that he is cy Pope Dabney, Ethel D abney,1? hill.— The Midget Messenger, Cald­ 3| for the relief of tii • own«r in fee simple and in pos- well, Kansas. Clarence M Crane Belle C ran e,I# E v e r y b o d y £ s wion ol the following de tcribed real ------o------ William B. Crane, lath el Crane. |C ** * V property, to-wit: As soon as salaried people find out I.innie C. n -m in, A. B. Cron man, I ? Commencing at n point 2.5 they can’t live Pierce-Arrow lives on Abe L. McCully, Lillian E. McCul- £ chains North 0' Fast from the ly, John J .Glover, Mary E. Glover, ‘ ‘Tin Lizzy” salaries, “ times” and COLDS Southcart c >rn'-r o f the I). L. C. Erma Faw.ll, Russell Faweil, Edna J j " W /.V .V .'.V /.V A '/A W .V o f Jame-i Brown and wife in T. fi “ conditions” will be all right. SPASM ODIC Glovt-r Van Siagel, Fre■ ginning and containing 2 Contain* no Narcotic ward W. Simpson, James Simpson, ------O----- •acres o f land, more or b-*.«, except­ Louis B. Simp on and Jane Doe ing therefrom on« acre acre to fore Never dispute the woman who says Only nt Simpson, his wife, Edward 8. Simp­ sold and that plaintiff’* title there- she has a model husband. Webster son, Nellie G. Simpson, Mary G. i to be quieted. Simpson, Hattie B. Simpson, Edna says a model is a small imitation o f S rvice of this summons upon you, Simpson, Adelaide Simpson, Char­ the real thing. hy publicutio nthereof. is made bv DRUG STORE. les Simpson, Mary A. Neff, Sarah | Table Candies order o f the Honorable L. II. Mc- Maclaren, Robert F. Maelaren, Eli- j M than, circuit judge, at Salem, Ore­ The Original Yellow Front and for your Guests The “ echo” you hear when “ knock­ za J. Rowland, Louis T. Rowland,! gon, October 23, 1930, and the date Candy Special Store o l Salem ing” a com petitor is the sound o f — «J — -Mary A. Boake, William H. Glover, o f the fi t publication thereof is Oc­ 13S N. Commercial Elia G. Glover, Samuel V/. Glover, nails being driven into your own tober 23, 1930. .Mary Glover, Lincoln G. Glover, coffin. PAUL V BURRIS. PHONE 197 Amy L. Glover, Amo* L. Glover, Attorney for Plnlntiff. I’ c n i b r Agency Mary Glover, Bertha A. G. French, I Turner Oregon Postoifice addri-.i* and place o f re*i- So long as you are well dressed, William A. French, Arthur J. Glov­ »lence, Salem. Oregon. carry your head up, walk erect and er, the surviving spouce o f Arthur W 2 W W A V //.W .V /.V /W A V .V .Y /W A V A V ; Oc’.23-30Nov fi 13 20 fast, wear a pleasant smile, choose | well >our associates and don’t talk too i dura much, the world will invoice you j at your real worth. — Bazaar, Aum.sville, Nov. 1 I - Q uick Action That Dr. Scofield FAM ILY DANCE J ^ b ik es Coughs ^G an d yl j: Chocolates, Ben Bons Candies for the Hostess Riches Confectionery Schaefer's