The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, November 06, 1930, Image 1

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    T he T urner T ribune
Julius Meier Wins The G U N N IN G ’S H A V E W O N D E R ­ E. J. Harrison Is Mayor Two $10,000 Damage
No Opposition To
Suits Started Against
Governorship Race By
City Ticket
Southern Pacific
20,000 More Than
The Combined Total
Of His Three
W • certainly hail a most delightful
trip but to understand how wonderful
it was you would have to see it for
»ourselves. The first stop was Salt
Lake Uity, where we took u sightsee­
ing bus in which we saw not only the
city but the surrounding country as
well. The Mormons were certainly
were preserving people to wrench not
only u living but built up a beautiful
city in that ulkili soil. Every shrub
and tree ha. been set out and has to
be watered every day und every lawn
is made of soil “hipped in. The pastel
colorings of the lake itself made a
sight never to be forgotten.
The next day we had the thrill of
going through the Royal Gorge. We
pent nearl ya week in Colorado get­
ting acquainted with a sister-in-law
with whom we had corresponded for
years but never seen.
I)o you remember Frank Tebow
and wife who furnished the music for
some special mee tings Rev. Pogue put
on? We visited them in Malcom,
I own, where he hud held a pastorate
in the Baptist church for two years
But to our surprise he had resigned
to go to school some more. They were
going to Chicago the evening o f the
same day we started for Topeka.
Statem ent of Mr. Meier
My k f«r l
it lo o full f o r adequ ate
I l i a r a lly in g o f votara
th roughout tha t l a l a o f O r t g o n to lha
c a u ie I r a i m e n t it a Irib u ta to tha
g raat tra d er w hota p la t f o r m I hava
r h a m p io n a d — my f r i r n d and a tto ria ta
f o r many ycora, tha
G a o r g a W . Jotaph.
I or th ota ih in g t f o r which ha
»fo o d , I itan d. I thall try to lha ut-
m o t l o f my a b ility to c a r r y out Ilia
p r o g r a m which ha initiatad and which
I hava conaiatantly atpouacd.
prnblam i t a big ona. Tha influanca
o f tha p o w e r m o n o p o ly m u tt and will
ba ioott nati. In atallalion o f b u tin att
m ethod* in g .varnm ant whara p o lit i­
cal eapadian cy hat ruled w ill not ba
a simple lath.
We visited in eleven places in Kun-
ius, entering on the 15th o f Septem­
ber and leaving the 15th o f October,
but In the meantime we ran down
into Oklahoma spending u week with
the nephew, wife and sonny boy who
visited us three years ago, and also
made a short visit on a great aunt und
counsin in the northern part of the
-tote. Oklahoma looked the hardest
hit by drought o f any state we were
in .but relief came while we were
there in four days o f regular Oregon
mist. Our nephew took us through
a cotton gin explaining all the differ­
ent processes nml it was one Of the
mod interesting things we saw. The
cotton crop in California looked su­
perior to that o f Oklahoma this year.
In southern California we looked place we’d rather live than in good
up Frank Olson, formerly tencher in old Turner, Oregon.
Ju liu t L. M oiar
it all
with con fid en ce
Surprise Party
k n o w in g that tha p eop le are w ith me.
L e t ut f o r g e t tha d i f f e r e n c e ! o f the
c a m p a ig n that it p a t! and go f o r w a r d
to g e th e r , f o r O r e g o n , i t ! people, their
w elfa re
p ro tp erily!
hava e x p r o t t e d their b e lie f, th rough
their volt t, in the id e a lt f o r which I
tto n d w i'l not find their tr u tt mil-
F r o m thota w ho h ava dit-
h g re e d w ith thota p r in c ip le !, I can
o n ly atk f o r r e t p e c t fu l a tten tion to
tha m an n er in which I hope to fulfill
my dutiet.
co n c lu tio n ,
E. J. Harrison was elected mayor
Pnrri..h junior high, Salem, ami his Tuesday for the city o f Turner, and
daughter, Evelyn, who is studying th* new councilmen are L. C. Ball and
nursing now; Waiter W<lbon and E. C. Prather; H. R. Peetz was re­
wife, who at one time lived in Turner, elected rec^-der and F. P. Rowley,
later moving to Salem. He is now treasur
assistant pastor o f the Methodist
The vote on the official ballot was
church in Riverside; Sarah Bridge-man
and her people— she is attending col­
States Senator— Banks, 15;
li g in Pasadena; Eorctta Starr and
sister, Mrs. Miller of Glendale, both McNary, 127; Stallard, 10; Teel, 3;
,ist<T o f Mis. Nellie Hamilton. They Watkins, 02.
Representative— Delzell, 156, Haw­
were so kind as to drive us into Los
Angeles where we took lunch with
Bailey, 138; Meier, 73;
Mrs. Mildred Marina Pietsch. Her
husband had ulready started on his
Justice Supreme C ourt— Kelly,
'-vangelintic tour, b«-mg in Michigan
at the time. She hoped to join him 1 OS; Campbell, 78; Coshow, J 19; Belt
in a con pie o f weeks, then they were 170; Hosmcr, 22.
Superintendent o f Pubt.c Instruc­
going to Australia to hold meetings.
Howard, 162.
We also spent a day and a half with
Labor Commissioner— Alley, 28;
Mrs. May Hagadorn in Alhambra. The
Ericksons, who lived in .he little houa Gram, 153.
Circuit Court Judges— Hill, 137;
next to our school house here in Tur­
ner about six months some years ago,
Brown, 155; Reyn­
came in for another short visit. They
are living in Selma, Calif., now. The
State Representative— Gouley, 129;
little city was celebrating its golden
141; Mott, 153; Smith,
anniversary the day we were there.
They took us to Fresno next morning
County Commissioner— Smith 103.
where we caught a fast train for San
o f the Peace— Bayne, 84;
Francisco. There we visited Brother
Edward Durfee and two cousins and Hayden, 120.
Constable— DeLong, 151.
<lid a little sightseeing, then stopped
Irrigation and Drainage District—
in Va'! jo to visit Marie Durfee
79; No, 83.
l/cighton und family and then hur­
Form o f Government— Yes
ried on home, taking the Klamath
Falls cutoff, covering the distance in
Bonus Loan— Yes, 59; No, 131.
20 hours and 15 minutes.
Motor Vehicle License Tax— Yes,
Hie only drawback was lack of
53; No, 129.
tim<-— we needed at least another
Motor Vehicle License Tax— Yes,
month. Everywhere they said, “ Oh,
' 53; No, 125.
if you could only stay longer.” It
Filling Vacancies in Legislature—
was interesting to notice the different Yes, 59; No, 108.
crops in the several states. Nearly
Legislators’ Compensation— Yes,
everything was sugar beets in Colo­
•17; No, 132.
rado, corn in Iowa, wheat in Kansas
Circuit Judges Bill— Yes, 15; No,
(and oh, the delicious watermelons i 100.
and sweet potatoes, einl em! we shall
Income Tax— Yes, 111; No, 51.
never forget), cotton in Oklahoma
Anti-Cigarette— Yes, 73; No, 133.
and citrus fruits in California. But | Rogue River— Yes, 51; No, 126.
o f all the places visited we saw no
Lieutenant Governor— Yes ,77; No
bow in a d eq u a te w o r d t a re at tuch a
time. M ay I be g iv e n i t r e n g l h to meet
the g r a v e r e i p o m i b i l i t i e i which lie be­
f o r e me.
( S i g n e d ) J U L I U S L. M E I E R .
Birthday Party
A group of small friends gathered
at the E. E. Peterson home Saturday
and celebrated the birthdays o f Hazel,
age 8, und Mary, f>, with pluying
games. Mrs. Peterson .served refresh­
ments to the guests. In the group
were Hetty Peets, Lets, Ruth and
I.eater Bones, Lorraine Barnett, Eu­
gene and Juanita Noah, Elaine Mor­
ris, Bernadiru White, Clarence Crecn-
lee, Kenneth Barber, Eugene Harri­
son, Keith and Bobby Ball, Ruth Hur-
goyne, Stanford Prather, Edward and
Robert Hatfield, Marion Parks, Mrs.
James Noah, Mrs. Dean Morris nml
m u . ill daughter,
Phyllis, Mrs. Roy
Hatfield and daughter Ailene, Mrs.
E. R. King and daughter, Anna, of
Marion, the honor guests, Hazel and
Mrs. F. C. Delzell was pleasantly
surprised Saturduy evening when
members of her Sunday school class
and friends gathered ut her home to
1 welcome her buck, after u six weeks'
I visit in the east. Needless to say a
j very pleasant time was spent by all
present and the evening passed all too
Refreshments were served at n late
hour. Those enjoying the evening
were: Misses Nellie Barber, Helen und
Helena Witze!, Ruth and Josephine
Gilstrnp, Edra and Anna Johnson,
Maxim# and Mildred Spencer, Leona
Cook, Olga Garner, Gertrude Andcr-
on, Messrs. James Denycr, Willett
Jesse, Kenneth Bear, Harold and
Kenneth Fowler, Felix Taylor, John
nml Morris Baker, Otis Brooks, Max­
well McKay, Alvin Garner, LeRoy
Wurner, Esmond Tuppin, Sam Smith,
Frank Sacks, Mrs. William Anderson,
Mrs. B. Dumbuck ami Mr. and Mrs.
F. ( ’ . Delzell and daughter, Shelia.
Community Club
----------------------o -
The Turner Community club will
meet Monday evening, November 10,
and a program o f interest is prom­
Everyone is urged to be present.
Bring a neighbor, especially the new
comers and help all to become ac­
quainted thereby
community spirit.
Mary, the hostess, Mrs. Peterson, and
small daughters, Ella and Ruby, and
and the
son Hirschel.
— -
— Ila/.aar, Aumnvillc, Nov. 14 —
creating a better
refreshments will be served
ladies are asked to bring a
pie. Remember the date,
November 10.
Hallow’en Party
Miss Helen Peetz, Mrs. Geo. Brow-
; er and Mrs. M. O. Pearson were
chaperones when a number of Turner
high sciiool students held a Hallowe’en
party in the old haunted house in the
I hills Friday night.
The young people found the place
haunted by some real ghosts who were
recognized in spite o f their unghost-
like costumes and position.
Refreshments were served to Miss
Sheila Delzell, Miss Myrtle Pyrrol,
Miss Nellie Barber, Miss Josephine
Gilstrup, Miss Gladys Givens, Miss
Helen Peetz, Kenneth Bear, Willette
Jessee, Russell Denyer, Harold Smith,
Janies Denyer, Mrs. George Brower
and Mrs. M. O. Pearsop.
R e la tiv e s o f T u r n e r W o m e n K i l l e d by
L a b o r D a y C ra th , P la in tiffs .
Two damage suits, each for $10,-
000, against the Southern Pacific
company and L. C. Williams were
yesterday filed in circuit court by rel­
atives of two o f the ftvi women who
were killed I.abor day hi a train acci­
dent near Turne.-. Plaintiffs in the
suit are A. E. Robertson, administra­
tor o f the estate o f Ayline Robertson,
and H. M. Barnett, administrator of
the estate o f Inez Barnett.
Williams was the engineer o f the
train which struck the car in which
the Turner women were riding, going
to Salem to work in the canneries.
The complaint accuses the South­
ern Pacific company and its agent,
the engineer, o f careless and negli-
fence in the operation o f the train
and alleges that, contrary to the ordi­
nance No. 72 o f the city o f Turner
regulating speed o f trains in the cit;
limits, the defendant was driving said
train at speed in excess o f 35 miles
an hour, and from 60 to 65 miles an
The complaint further alleges that
defendants failed, upon approaching
crossing, to blow a whistle, ring a bell
or give any signal; and in failing to
keep a proper lookout for vehicular
traffic upon the public crossing.
Ayline Robertson was 17 years old
and Inez Barnett 15 years old when
killed. Both were in good health the
complainants state and had they lived
during their expectancy, each would
have saved and accumulated money
an.l property, thq estate
which in
each case would amount *to $10,000.
— Capital Journal .
then we are not only trusted with the
keeping o f our own souls but that
o f someone else’s. Do we dare be so
busy here and there that opportunity
is allowed to slip through our fingers
and our loved one’s blood be found on
our hands? We, who bear the preci­
ous name o f Christian have to look
Water and Power— Yes, 83; No, out that that name entrusted to our
keeping is kept untarnished.
Gospel meetings will be held at the
North Santiam church Sunday night,
November 9, and every night of the
week following, except Saturday
night, by Evangelist E. K. Bailey of
Cosmopolis, Wash. The meeting Sun-
! day night will start at 8 o’clock and
at 7:30 on the week day nights.
Mr. Bailey is well known by many
i o f the people in the North Santiam
and other nearby communities and
these many friends and acquaintances
: will welcome the opportunity to hear
• o f his gospel messages. An invitation
is extended to every one to attend
these meetings. They will be helpful
to all.
■ -------------------------------7 - 7 -----------------------------■
Next Sunday morning Bro. Bond
will bring the message. Everyone is
invited to be present.
The Ladies Aid served the public
with lunch in Gower’s store building
Tuesday noon and dinner fo r the
Brotherhood, 7 :30, Tuesday evening.
Thursday they hold their monthly
silver tea at the home o f Mrs. Lee
Thursday evening prayer meeting,
followed by choir practice.
Everyone will find a very cordial
welcome at the little church around
the corner. Come.
The Novembe r meeting o f the
Methodist Men’s Brotherhood was
held in the church Tuesday, Novem
ber 5. There were only a few men
present and the meeting was in the
nature o f a round table discussion in
planning work for the coming year.
Two very interesting church serv­
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Templeton o f
ices were enjoyed at the Turner Meth­
A committee consisting o f Ivan
Halsey spent Sunday with their cous­
odist church Sunday with good at­ Hadley, D. B. Parkes, C. H. Jessee,
ins, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little and
tendance both morning and evening. J. L. Webb, Ted Whitehead and A. L.
Richard Walker.
A few members o f the Christian Bones was appointed to arrange for a
Owen Thomason and Mr. and Mrs. church worshipped with us in the eve­ community father and son banquet.
Paul Walker and daughter, Mona, of ning as their pastor was out o f town.
H. S. Bond and Prof. John Cox
Portland, and Miss Lillian Slage! of Th" subject for the evening was “ Mis­
Salem were Sunday guests at the placed Emphasis,” and the text was were appointed to arrange for an ora­
home o f Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thoma­ I.uke 10:20. "Rejoice not that the torical contest on world peace to be
spirits are subject unto you; but re­ held sometime in January if feasible.
joice that your names are written in
Mrs. Thomas Little was hostess to heaven.”
Other items o f interest were dis­
The morning text was 1 Kings cussions on building up church mem­
a group o f friends honoring her hus­
band on his birthday, Monday eve­ 20:40, "W hile thy servant was busy bership and membership o f the Broth­
ning. The evening was spent with here and there he was gone.” Rev. erhood, an invitation extended by Rev
music nnd games, after which ice Burgoyne showed us how we are Burgoyne for the Brotherhood to tak>
cream and cake were served. The trusted with the keeping o f our souls charge o f one church sendee, and an
guests were Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Den­ and thorugh neglect— busy here and invitation from M. A. Groves of the
yer and daughter, Emma, Mr. and j there— we are in danger o f losing i West Salem church to meet with the
Mrs. Raymond Titus and children, them, and what is even more start­ men o f West Salem next Monday
Alice and Glen, Richard Walker, Joe ling, it is said, “ everyone is a key to night for the purpose o f organizing a
someone else’ s heart.” I f this be true Brotherhood there.
Widner and Mr. and Mrs. Little.