The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 30, 1930, Image 8

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E nd Rainwater of North Santlam
The birthday ol Rev. Wm S. Ilur-
go» ne wasmjaly celabruted Saturday is building u chicken houes JO h> so
evening at the lovely country borne of feet on hia place.
Mr. and Mrs. C A. Bear. Tat» large
baskets ol gilts were given to Itev. and
Mr. and Mra. Ed Amort of Mhnw
Mr»r Burgoytie Refreshment* were serv­
v I'Heil hi mister, Mrs. Ben Klockrr,
ed by the hu«teea assisted by Mr* Euri
who recently underwent un operation
Bear and Mrs Hurgoyn*. Present be­
James Boyer, Boldiy Ball, Arthur side* the honor guest hi* wife and dau­ at a Salem hospital.
Purkt's, Jack Crawford, Herschel
ghter Ruth «er»* Mr. and Mrs. A I>
Peterson, Ellis Thiessen, Leslie Cat
terson, Lester Bones, Robert Hatfield, Hale, Mr. and Mia. Arthur Kdwsrda, er, Josephine GtHtai**. Mr Jensen und
Eugene Harrison anti Stanford Pra­ Mr. and Mr* The*. Lillis. Mr, utd Mrs #<>n Altieri. Kenneth lllekok, Gicil M*r
ther Jr.
Wm. Anderson, Mr and Mr*. » UIn Den
th* hosts Mr and Mr
Mr. und Mrs. Earl S. Prather and
son, Stanford, Jr., were in McMinn­ Mr. and Mrs John Co«, Mr. and Mr-
ville, Sunday, where they attended Neal Edward», Mr. und Mn. 1. II.
Mrs Dugell, who has «pent the past
the family dinner at the home of Mr. Small. Mr und Mra Euri Heur, Mr und »I« week* In the east with relative» re-
anti Mrs. N. W. Hutchens, compli­
L D. R 'berlmn and children, Mr and turned to her torno here Monday.
menting Mrs. Prather’s father on his
birthday anniversary. All children Mr*. Ivan Hadley and tons, Mr and Mrs
ol Salem-
were home excepting one son, D. W.
Hutchens, who is on the U .S. S. Lex­ Helenei Mr*. L. Ru'guyne und son* ol *t»rted work I uesday on the new
ington. Other relatives were also in Salem. Merdaio» Jean Pearcy. W. A library and mualutn.
attendance, covers being placed for J
I M urtin, Amy Bear, A. E. Knnke, Earl
twenty at the attractively decorated |
Prather. !.. J. Kow!e.»;the Miss.- diga
»•’«»’•»ber the « M N who h w,|| he
where tho> were the dinner guests | Jean Ball, Mary Peterson, Lorraine
of Mrs. Davis’ cousin, Mrs. Joseph Harnett, Le no re Myers, Hernadim
McCloud and husband.
White. Marion Parkis, Alice Roberts,
--- - »■ .......
Evelyn Jensen, Ruth Bones, Dorothy
Mrs. Fanny Cole left Saturday
SchilTorer, Eleanor Fowler, Betty
morning on the 5:06 train for her
Jean Peets, Marjorie McKay, Melvin
home in Glade Spring, Va. She has
Raker, Moiris Sparks, Edward Hal
spent the past two months here with
field, Gordon Thieasen, Lowell Had­
her brother, George Farris, and wife. ley, Henry» Hatfield, Reese Lynn.
B r ie f Item « C o n c e r n in g th e C o m ­
in g « a n d G o i n g * o f Y o u r i o i f a n d
Y o u r N e i g h b o r * , a« T o l d t o T h e
T r ib u n e R ep o rter* .
O n e o f t h e Nice»* C o u r t e » i e * Y o u
C a n S h o w to Y o u r G u e s t * Is to
H a r e T h e i r V is i t* M e n t i o n e d in
T h e s e C olum n*. T h e T r i b u n e
W i l l C o n s i d e r It a S p e c i a l F a v o r
i f Y o u W ill H e l p U* M a k e T h i*
P a p e r M o r e I n t e r e s t i n g t o It*
R e a d e r * b y S e n d i n g in I t e m * f o r
T h i s C o l u m n . W r i t * u s , o r , if
C o n v en ien t,
T elep h o n e
N e w * I t e m s to T h i s Office.
Mrs. Lorcta Farris and sons, Mar­
vin ami Flvin, were her»* from Wren
for a three days’ visit with her hus­
band’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
-o~- -
T. T. Palmer and family, who re­
side northwest of town, have had Mr.
Palmer’s sister from Portland as their
house guest the past week.
Something new in ruyon pajamas.
E. J. Harrison spent Tuesday in Sa­
must see them to appreciate the
wonderful buy at $1.95. Howard’s
Prof, and Mrs. John Cox spent Sat­ Corset Shop, 165 N1 Liberty street.
urday in Albany.
Mr. an«i Mrs. J. M. Bones anti chil­
Waldo Riches was home from dren, Harlan, Ruth and Keith, were
Monmouth normal for the week-end. Saturday anti Sunday visitors at the
Ben Funston was a Salem business I J. H. Elston home in Brownsville. On table.
j Sunday a family tlinner was served
visitor on Monday.
in honor of .M. Elston’s birthday.
Mrs. Tom Little was a Salem shop- Relatives from Crawfordsville were
per Monday.
also pre.*»*nt for the occasion.
G arner. G ertrude Andewon, Hesaie East * rv*’d by th* M t
Aid In the
| Gower building on eleetion day
Mrs. J. M. Bones was on the sick
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barber ami
FREE! Listen folks! All murried
1 ;st the last of the week.
children have gone to Halsey, where couples an* entitle«! to u free feed at
Fred Martin was here from Browns they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Robt. 8 o’clock on Wednesday, November
Bilyeu,-parents of Mrs. Barber. Mr.
5. Come an.I listen to a talk on health
ville on business Wednesday.
Barber recently returned from the and then eat a health .supp«-r. Every­
Mrs. George Brower spent Mon­ Cascade summit, where he had em­ one welcome. But men and their
day afternoon with Mrs. Howard ployment.
wives are especially invited.
D. B. Parks left Monday for Port-
Wm. McKinney, a Salem attorney, ’ land, where he entered the veterans' j
was a business visitor in Turner Sat­ hospital for medical treatment. Mr. (
Parks was gassed while serving over- 1
urday afternoon.
No. 233
seas .luring the World war and has I
George Brower and Earl Standley never regained his good health. He j
laid the water mains for the new li­ has been having trouble with infec- : Meets second Saturday in the
month in the Grange Hall, Turner.
brary this week.
tion in his hand and foot.
Visitors welcome at the Lecture
hour, at 2:00 o'clock.
George Farris was a business visi­
tor in the Capital City, Tuesday.
ternational Stock Show in Portland
Kenneth Peterson and James Noah this week is the world's champion
?pent Saturday and Sunday at New­ Holstein cow. Side Hill Ormsby Segis
from the Firestone Herd, Akron,
Notice is hereby given that a road
Ohio. She gives 17 gallons of milk meeting will be held at Victor Point
Miss Mildred Martin was here from each day. Oh boy! we would like to
W. O. W. Hall in Road District No.
Salem and spent Sunday with her see her royal highness.
63, in Marion County, Oregon, on
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Martin.
: Saturday, the 8th day of November.
A letter received from Mrs. Anna l930, at j :30 P M for the purpOH).
H. S. Bond is back at his post at
the S. P. depot after a two weeks’ Nichols states that her mother, Mrs. j of ,ev, jnK an additional tax for road
E. C Baker, who has been ir the ! purpoSM in Miil district.
St. Vincent hospital for several weeks
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mills of Eu­ will soon be able to be removed to Oct 16-23-30
County Judge.
gene were luncheon guests of Mr. and her home at 2049 East Burnside [
Mrs. U. S. Talbot, Tuesday.
-treet, Portland. Mrs. Baker under-
went two major operations, one on £***"■'•'■W■*A V ■", V ^ A W « W u *
S. H. Baker, who has been indis­
posed for the past two weeks, is again the forehead and one on the gland
of the eye. She is doing as well as I
able to be out among his friends.
can be expected. Dr. Jojce, of the 1
FOR SALE— Australorp cockerels. Portland clinic, was the attending
Estimates Furnished
( Baby chicks were gotten from Gad- attending physician, assisted in the '
dard), $3.00 and up. B. F. Tucker, physician, assisted in the second oper- j
l). S. Talboi
ation by Dr. Ralph Fenton, a promi- i
Turner, Rout 1.
W W A W W / J W Y W .V .W J V
nent eye specialist of Portland.
Elect W. A. Delzell to congress and
get a man who will be true to his own
Mrs. Raymond Titus entertained
state rather than kneeling to the the Woman’s Work club of Surprise
wealthy profiteers of Wall Street. Grange, Tuesday. The usual potluck
Vote for Delzell.— Paid Adv.
dinner was served at the noon hour.
A. N. Dawson, wife and children of Hallowe’en decorations were used on
Salem were here Sunday to visit Mrs. the table with black cats as place
Dawson’s grandfather, Ben Funston. cards. The afternoon passed pleas­
Mr. Dawson is better known as Andy, antly with the business meeting and
of Andy’s barber shop on High street. a social time. Those present were
Mrs. Wm. Butzky, Mra. P. E. Thoma­
WANTED TO RENT—Small acre­ son, Mrs. Thomas Little, Mrs. C. T. 1
age with building, suitable for chick­ White, Mrs. U. E. Denyer, Mrs. Chas.
en ranch. E. Robinson, Route 1, Box Ramsdell, Mrs. Fred Steiner, Mrs.
70, Thiensville, Wis.
Stella Miller, Mrs. George Grume, and
Mr3. A. L. Denyer.
Word from E. Robinson at Thiens­
The home of Mrs. Earl S. Prather
ville, Wis., states that he is leaving
that place early in December to make was the FC'-ne of a Hallowe’en party
his home in the vicinity of Turner on Saturday afternoon for a large
and he wants to rent a house, cottage group of youthful schoolmates and
friends of her son, Stanford Jr.
or shack.
Bronze chrysanthemums and autumn
Kenneth Hickok, commercial teach­ leaves, intermingled with witches,
er in the high school, went to Port­ black cats, jack-o-lanterns and owls
land where he spent Saturday and formed the colorful decorations of
Sunday with his parents.
the rooms. Upon arrival the guests
----- o----
were presented with Hallowe’en fav­
Miss Catherine Shampier entertain­ ors, and a jolly afternoon spent in
ed members eof the Junior class and playing games and pranks. An im- !
several friends Saturday evening.
promptu program also pleased the I
The contract has been let to J. M. {chi!,ir,?n’ f j
in the fun,
Bones by the war department for the aft' r wh,ch t h L ‘* matche'' Pum»)kin*
improving of the rifle range on the to
partners for the lunch- |
Dr. W. Carlton Smith place north of
A spooky jack-o-Iantern and glow­
ing orange tapers centered the table,
Rev. E. Goerlich, S. D. S. of Shaw, 1 and the Hallowe’en motif was also
was taken to St. Vincent’s hospital carried out in the refreshments. Mrs.
in Portland the past week for medi- Leota Sloan, primary teacher in the
cal attention. Rev. Felix of Grand Turner school, was a special guest at
the party.
Ronde took him down.
. .. -O ---
Young guests invited to the affair
Mrs. Cornelia Davis and Miss Mary were Eleanor Parkes, Barbara Rob­
D tvii «»ere the guests of Mr. Gilstrap erts, Kathleen Sparkes, Hazel Peter­
oi: a motor trip to Independence, son, Ruth Hurgoyne, Gerne! Gilstrap,
■ ■ <>■ ■ ■ -
I Elsinore
Thru Friday
W. J A Y D E N H A M
General’Contractor and Builder
Cement Work and Plumbing
Route 3
Turner, Oregon
P c h k v r o if
A (Inll nr njivim I ¡ n ii d u l h . r i n m l r , u n d y o u
« a v e d o l l a r » w h e n y o u h u y l ’»ed C u r »
from Me K ay
1929 Chevrolet Coach ..........................
1929 Chevrolet Coupe .......................................
1926 Chevrolet Coat* h
1928 Pontiac Sedan
i ! *—
* » Ford Roadster
1925 Ford Coupe
1926 Ford Touring
1925 Star Touring
192-1 Star Touring, glass enclosure .......
1926 Hudson Coach
1 1 Maxwell Coach
1927 Star 6 Coupe
1925 Star Sedan
M c K A Y ’ S
4-ft Slab Wood
Old Fir 16 in.
W ith a S to c k o f
The Turner Lumber
& Manf’g. Co.
Offers you thirty years of experience in the lum­
ber huainena ami connections which enable us to
supply you with every conceivable building uia
term I and nupplieo
!\ O. Box 308
V V . '. V A V . V A ’. V W W A V . W / A V . V / . V . V M V A V ,