I THE TURNER TRIBUNE A NEW DEAL I*y A. M. Dairy nipla -rail gut too hot und one day there wus a fire anil the atill blew up. Three men Schulz, Keene and Gilliland who were among the hunch m-eulcd in the ring, are charged with possessing a still und manufacturing ii|uor on the Huk r ranch, one mile from Ntayton, Or., in December, 11)29. They ulao were named aa par­ ticipant« in the operation of two atill« m Seattle, Wu«h., in the following funuury o f operating u «till near Union, Wuah., at the aouth tip of llood'a canal; of operating a atill near Sluyton, Or., laid July, und o f having another «till in operation n< ur Crab­ tree, Or., for two montha last apring. Then* s»*i*ms to b«* a disposition upon tin' pai t of tin- public to have a general ups*-t anil compirti; hou««*- cleaning in Oregon next T im /'•lay, Norcmbcr 4. Whatever the rrnmni for tint atti- tu-n: con dition* justify this hostility to the reactionary force* now in control of •mi- »tate and national ie>vernmcnt A change ii coming. It ia in the air. A W / / W W W A W W W W W Where will it *tup? Whuw known? Take *or inatance, Ila- personnel o f our itati l< Radature. Almost nolid- l> republican they line up und put • vei trade.« and deal« in li-gi«hition which oft* n arc u/ainnt public inter­ est. I’artv first and public Welfare M-cond, la the mottor of tin partiran. In Marion county pai tinnii «hip ha* ■ un wild. N'd a nemocral Inti been MORRIS • le,-ted to any county office aince Optical C' o ’ m . I'.'Oli. Thing« hn\<- been too much New Type Deeper Curved Lena Brat for Better Vision NEW LOCATION 414 State Street SALEM , OREGON J V A f A W W J W W W W A W IA S. B M IL L S onc-aided in Oregon und that U why the cry for a change is going up all over the atnte. The swing from the reactionary Hawley to the progreaaive Drln-11 is too apparent to go un­ noticed in tin* Firat Congreaaionul district und ia evidence that the pro- pie ure awakening. In the Marion county legislative ticket thia year, one lone democrat had the courage to conn* out for elec­ tion to a aeat in the house o f rt-pre- « -ntativea. Thia man ia S. H. Milla, !j. a farmer o f Aumsviile. Anyone cour- ugeoux enough to run on the demo­ cratic ticket for uny office in Marion county certainly ia entitled to most generous support, rarticularly is thia true in the cose o f .Mr. Milla, for he has the beat and most logical plat­ form o f uny o f the local legislative cundidu'.es. If the p* oplt* o f Marion county want u r.-al servant in the I* gislutur*— a Hervant who will look out for th*- public inter«.t rather than hi« own, they will elect Mr. Mill.« next Tueaday and make .i star*, to- wunl smashing the old machine. D. McCully. Alice M. Cranne, Per­ cy l’ope Dabney, Ethel Dnbney, Clarence M. Crane, Belle Crane, William II. Crane, Ethel Crane. Linnie Crousman, A. B. Croasmun, Abe L. McCully, Lillian E. McCul­ ly, John J .Glover, Mary E. Glover, Erma Fuwcll, Russell Fawell, Edna Glover Van Slagel, Frederick Van Shigel, Margaret Glover, Samuel F. Glover and Jane Doe Glover, his wife, the surviving spouse o f Sam­ uel Glover, deceased, James B. Simpson, Mary J. Simpson, Dennie M. Simpson, Nellie G. Simpson, Ed­ ward W. Simpson. Janies Simpson, Louis B. Simpson and Jane Doe Simpson, his wife, Edward S. Simp­ son, Nellie G. Simpson, Mary G. Simpson, Hattie B. Simpson, Edna — — — ■- - t l — ...... ■ Simpson, Adalaide Simpson, Char­ les Simpson, Mary A. Neff, Sarah Last Sunday's morning Oregonian Maclnren, Robert F. Maclaren, Eli­ carried a story o f a big iiiiuor ring sa J. Rowland, Iaiuis T. Rowland, being taken into custody und among Mary A. Boake, William H. Glover, Ella G. Glover, Samuel W. Glover, those caught in the drag net wus A t­ Mary Glover, Lincoln G. («lover, torney Walter L. Tooze, well known Amy L. Glover, Amos L. Glover, lawyer o f Portland and Salem. Mary Glover, Bertha A. G. Fr< nch, William A. French, Arthur J. Glov­ Last December a large atill blew up er, the surviving spoure of Arthur on the Maker place near Stayton und M. Glover, deceased, the unknown it was not known— just then— who lieirs o f Amos Glover, deceased, were the operators o f the plant, but also all other parties and persons unknown having or claiming any suspicion was strong as to the guilty right, title, estate, lien or interest parties. in and to the real property decribed A i|uiet investigation has been car­ in the compluint herein, defend­ ants. ried on since then and it hus been known that the right parties wen* To the defendants nbove named: In the name of the state of Oreogn, known for some time, hut it wus you are hereby required to appear thought best to drift with the bunch. and answer the complaint filed against The still was too good a plant to be you in the above entitled court and "just one o f its kind," so the officers cause on or before the 27th day of November .1930, thnt being the time took it into their heads to find the prescribe«! by the court in its order other stills whirh they suspected were for the publication o f the summons operated by a gang in different parts upon you and four weeks successively from the date o f the first publication o f the state. hereof; and if in the event thnt you Their suspicions were right anil shall fail so to appear and answer, some time ago the plants were spot- plaintiff will take a decree thut she is the owner in fee simple nnd in posses­ t* d and then the fireworks began. sion o f Lot number two (2 ), Block The still on the Baker place near number one ( I ), Oak Lodge addition Stayton was known to be in opera­ to the city o f Snlem, Marion County, tion by some o f the prohi officers in Oregon, a** same appears from the this aection o f the county, hut they recorded plat thereof, and that plain­ tiff’ s title thereto be quieted. kept it a secret, so the story goes, Service o f this summons upon you. hut during the Christmas holidays hy publication thereof, is made by last year there were too many trips order o f the Honorable L. M. Mc­ made to the Baker place hy people Mahan, circuit judge, at Salem, Ore­ gon, October 30, 1930, and the «late who said they were looking for of the first publication thereof is Oc­ Christmas trees- when there wasn’t a tober 30, 1930. PA U L F. BURRIS, tree fit for that purpose within n Attorney for Plaintiff. mile o f there, and the tree hunting Postoffice and place o f residence, Sa­ was kept up at night nlsn. until the lem, On gon. Now com* a the new« from Waah- ington thut “ back neat driving” ia now held illegal. .Vlilliona o f motorist« who have snff* red from the chatter of "buck Beat” driven will find legal solace in the refuaul of the aupreme court o f the United Statea to review u decision o f the lower court« holil- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue o f mortgage foreclosure execution issued by the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon for Marion County in suit; “ No. 21472, State of Oregon, represented by and acting through the World War Veteran’» State Aid Commission o f the State of Oregon, composed o f A. W. Nor- Mad, governor; Hal E. Boss, Secre­ tary o f State; George A. White, Ad­ jutant General; Walter S. Fisher and S. J. Halsan, plaintiff, vs. Hubert C. Davis, Doris F. D a v i P a u l Wehner and Edward Wehner, defendants," therein pending and to me directed, I «hail, on November 29th, 1930, at 10 o'clock A. M., thereof, at the west door o f th<- county court house at Salem Oregon, sell nt. public auction for ca;«h ail right, title and interest had and possessed by said defendants, or any o f th*-m, on or since April 11, lj)27, in and to the following de­ scribed real property: The West S' feet o f Lot thirteen (1 3 ). Block four (4 ), Highland addition to the city o f Salem, Murion t'ounty, Oregon, according to the pint recorded at page six (6 ) Bonk 2 Record o f Town Plats for i-aid county and state, said tract facing fiftv (5 0 ) feet on the east line o f Maple Avenue. O. I). BOWER, Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. P A U L F. BURRIS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Salem, Oregon. Oct30Nov6-13-20-27 *■»*» ss ing that it is the duty o f passengers Fogarty, Grafton Vickers, Ellens Robbins, Richard Robbins, George in an automobile to “ sit still and say Re -se, Mary Reese, Henry Reese, nothing.” the Unknown Heirs o f Horace The statement was issued by Un- Engle,- deceased; also, all other American Automobile Association, parties and persons unknown hav­ ing or claiming any right, title, which declared that the passive action »-.state, lien or interest in and to o f the nation's highest tribunal is of the real property described ia the far-reaching importance to car own­ complaint here, Defendants. ers, aa it leaves in effect the decision To the Defendants above named: In the name o f the State o f Ore­ centering responsibility for operation gon, you are hereby required to ap­ o f the car on the driver. pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before Novem­ ! NOTICE OF HEARING OF F IN A L ber 20th, 1930, that being the tim*- prescribed by the court in its order ACCOUNT for the publication o f this summons Notice is hereby given that the upon you and four weeks successively final account of M. O. Pearson, as from the date o f the first publication administrator o f the estate o f William thereof; and in the event that you Hall, deceased, ha« b* en filed in the shall fail so to appear and answer, County Court o f Marion County, plaintiff will take a decree that he is Sta»e of Oregon, and that Tuesday, the owner in fee simple and in pos­ the 9th day o f December, 1930, at session o f the following described real the hour o f 10 o’clock A. M. has been property, to-wit: Commencing at a point 2.5 duly appointed by such court for the chains North 6’ East from the hearing of objections to such final Southeast corner o f the D. L. C. account and the settlement thereof, o f James Brown and wife in T. 6 at which time any person interested S. R. 1 W., W. M., Marion County, in such estate may appear and file Oregon; thence East0.93 chains; objections thereto in writing and con­ thence North 6' East 3.86 chains; test the same. thence West 6.12 chains; thence Dated this 23rd day o f October, South 26° 45’ East 4.31 chains; 19M. thence East 3.23 chains to the place M. O. PEARSON, o f beginning and containing 2 Administrator. acres o f land, more or less, except­ E. L. CRAW FORD, ing therefrom one acre Heretofore sold and that plaintiff’ s title there­ Attorney for Estate. to be quieted. Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Sa4t-m, Ore. Service o f this summons upon you, First publication Oct. 23 ,1930. by publicatio nthereof, is made by Last publication Nov. 20, 1930. order o f the Honorable L. H. Mc­ Mahan, circuit judge, at Salem, Ore­ gon, October 23, 1930, and the date of the first publication thereof is Oc­ SUMMONS tober 23, 1930. In the Circuit Court o f the State PA U L F. BURRIS, o f Oregon for the County o f Marion. Attorney for Plaintiff. Fred H. Vaughn, Plaintiff, Postoffice address and place o f resi­ vs. dence, Salem, Oregon. Augutus Engle, Ellen Fogarty. John Oct23-30Nov6-13-20 Mow the Electric Refrigerator P r e s e r v e s P r e c io u s F l a v o r s Full flavor is the supremely desirable food quality. Without its presence eating becomes a duty instead o f a pleasure. Perishable foods quickly lose flavor unless constantly pre­ served in a temperature below 50 degrees Fahrenheit Herein lies one of the chief advantages of Electric Refrigeration: a healthful FROSTY DRY' COLD automatically held between 42 degrees and 50 degrees the year ’round. Even thou you’re away for days, you need have no misgivings. This dependable refrigerating system maintains a healthful tem­ perature, day in and day out, month after month, year after year! Learn of the “hundred and one” other advantages of the Small Payment Down — Easy Terms! m ountain STANTON S tates power C o m pany