THE TURNER TRIEUSE Up For Election Mr. Hawley has been in congress id years. What has Tie done fo r Ore Oregon needs new blood in con- gress. Vote fo r W. A. Delsell. .W ,W V .W .V A V .V A V .W \W A V .W .V V He WATCH FOR OUR Prosperity is up for election, run­ gon? It is time fo r a change. Vote will not refund the taxes o f the rich | ning to overthrow depression. for \N . A. Deltell. Hi- will represent profiteers and at the same tune pluci It's fo r the people to decide which Oregon instead o f Pennsylvania.— ¡additional burdens upon the farmer. will be chosen. Every man ami ev­ — Paid Adv. ery woman is privileged to ballot— Taid Auv. every day. Depression has no rightful place with a bundled and twenty million people, exchanging goods and services — capable— accustomed and willing to woi k— more highly skilled than other peoples— leaders in efficiency and progressi\ eness— backed by the vast natural lesourres o f the United States. When we make it possible P o r t fo r the man who works to have a job we make it possible for him to buy foot! fo r his family and so help all business, including that o f the farmer. The rest o f the world is o f small importance compared with that free market o f 120,000,000 people— homo­ geneous— o f like tastes, habits and aspirations— living under the same laws— free o f trade barriers. Foreign I trade may be troubled by tariffs and ] revolutions, but at their peak our I > A \ W .\ \ % W ^ V .\ W J V % V .W A V .W A V y V W A V A V A V A t exports represented only five and a half billions o f dollars o f gross busi­ ness in a year out o f a total Am en- ' .W .V .V /.W V iiW .W .W W A '.W .W V A W .W V .V A W W k can income o f ninety billions. Stagnation o f circulation is what's , Af'.ur .’v the matter w i‘ h agriculture and with business. Everyone can help to get the circulation moving again. Government can't make prosperity — alone. Bankers and other business leaders can't make prosperity— alone. It's the people, united in opinion and purpose and courage, who determine Prosperity. They can elect it— none other. Ballots that w ill be validly counted fo r prosperity are o f many kinds Some o f them every man and woman can cast. For example: Help a deserving man or a woman to get a little paying work— or, better a rr*- ' r job. Sp. ,