THE The board ban elected G .F. Booth \ uro-Mxful ■tudi-nt boily meitting >n tho Student» of Mu»t«'r Method» to be their chairman and »elected the wiu hi-lil iff the Christian church at Jclfcrion lu»t Thurmluy evening. A large number of tin- student* of Linn, l.qne mill Marion countTe», their pur- unt» anil the teachi-rs from Portlaml wore present. Those prevent from rortlmid were: Mr. Forbiih, the heuil upervUur of the »chool, und his sec­ retary, Mra. Warren, the r«gi»trur; Mr. Sherman, the hu»ini'M manager; Mr. Glover, Mr. Clevolmui urni alao Mr. William» o f Lebanon, who ta the tii*lil supervisor for the three coun- tiea. Short uiitlrodaen were given by the • lilTerent town» repreaenteil at the meeting. Number» by the Fowler or- rhedtru, which con»i»ta of Louis, Ken- teachers ami mu»ical number» and a reading were given by students from neth, Marjorie and liurold, were Tur­ ner’» contribution to the program. Harold Goin of Jcfferaon wna elect­ ed president o f the Muater Method» atudont body and Mi»» Ardyth Shel­ ton of Scio, the aecretary. The neat student body meeting will be held nt Albany on the third of December, at which time Charles F. Walker, the president of this »chool, will try to be secured to give an ad­ dress. The student» of Linn county are challenging the student« of the other two countie» to see which one can secure the most n< W' student» before the date o f the next meeting, Decem­ ber third. lust Friday of each month for regu­ lar meeting date. O Choir practice has been changed from Tuesday evening to Wednesday ho that the orchi-Mtra cun be with them. They u splendid pructice WedncHiluy. O The men's dinner was a great suc­ cess. The men proved themselves good cook» und entertainers. One fea­ ture wus the kunguroo court at which Mrs. Webb, lirower und Gilstrup were convicted o f stealing the church Hi|uushes. There was fun uplenty. I CLOVERDALE i Mr. und Mrs. Hum Dragei recent­ ly ri-turned from a hunting trip, bringing home a fine deer. Jay Cook wum out with his wood- saw the last o f the week. Miss Alga Garner and Miss Ander­ son und Mrs. Kunke attended the Hollowe’en party in Turner, Friday evening Mr. and Mra. Fred UchifTerer were visiting in Turner, Sunday. Mrs. Füllet of Halem spent Sunday here with Mrs. Anna Kunke. TU R N ER TRIBUNE This week the local football team had to resort to straigm line bucks journeys to Brownsville to play that to gain any yardage. Aumsville scored »chool in the first athletic contest the its first touchdown in the second quar­ two schools have ever engaged in. The ter when a long pass from H u n k e l to Brownsville team is reported to be Johnson was complet» d o p the Silver- h,.avy> outweighing the local ten ton ten-yard line, from which John- pounds to a man and Aumsville wul The try for point failed when an undoubtedly have a hard tussle to Aumsville end was offside after Han- hold its own. Coach Kmpey has been kel had bucked the ball acro- t. Score pointing his men toward this game at half time stood 6-0 for the locals. for the past two weeks. Last week Aumsville scored its second touch­ most of the time was spent in work­ down at the beginning of the second ing up a strong offense in passing. half when Getchell, snagging a pass That it will be fairly successful was on Silverton’s 40-yard line, got away Chua. Albright, who attended school shown in last week’s game when for a ch ar run to the goal line. The here for a short time the past year seven out of eight passe.-i were com­ attempted kick for goal went wide. und i» attending Ia-banon high this pleted, two of which went for touch­ Silverton made its best bid for a year, with Cleo Ellin, who is attend­ downs. One or two new plays have touchdown in the last quarter when ing Hab-rn high this year, were visi­ been given out this week to add to the ball was carried to the Aumsville tors at Aumsville high Monday. the offense while two nights have 15-yard line, but there the line tight­ been spi rit drilling the team against ened and Silverton lost the ball, Aums — Bazaar, Aumsville, Nov. 14 — the shift which the Brownsville team ville kicked out of danger. The game Dorothy Lucas entered school emplftys. Although the coach con- ended with the ball in Silverton’s Monday. She is able to get about cedes little hope o f victory yet he territory in the middle of the field. with the aid o f a crutch which isn't feels that his team will give Browns­ The local lineup included: Just to her liking but she finds it ville one o f the toughest games of Right End................................. Johnson much pleasanter than lying in bed, the season. One thing that is giving Right Tackle ............................. Wilcox which she was compelled to do fol­ the coach considerable worry is the Right Guard ............................... Ditter .Towle lowing a severe attack of infiamation fact that two of his backfield men Center ...................... of the hip, caused by too much swim­ were injured in the Silverton game Left Guard .............. Sisbarr and may not be able to start in the Left Tackle............................. Pomeroy ming the past summer. Brownsville tussle. Lee, captain and Left End ......................................Zuber — Bazaar, Aumsville, Nov. 14 — stellar ground gainer around the ends Quarter ................ Hankel and key man in most of the trick Right Half ................................Kendcll Mrs. Gaines Fuson and small son, plays, is land up by a bad knee, while Left Half ................. Lee Doyl, who have spent the past week Hankcl, quarter, who has been play- Fullback ...................................Getchell here with relatives, returned home ... , , _ , ing great ball all season, has not been Subs— Tiipp for Wilcox, Kadau for Wednesday. Mr. l-uson came from . , . . . ... . . n ¡able to be out for practice because Sisbarr, Amos for Kadau, Corner for their home at Crawfordsville for . . . . . . . . . I o f a sprained ankle. Hankel does all Johnson. the passing and his absence would be sorely felt. However, the team will Clarissa Clark and Charlotte Mar­ go on the field determined to make tin were guests to a number o f their AUMSVILLE a good showing and will. The team little school friends at the home of transported there on one of Clarissa Clark last Friday evening, S T A T E H A N K is the being school busses. , Several o f the stu- , . when the buthdays of both Clarissa dents are gomg along to support the and Charlotte were celebrated in a ADMSVILLE. OREGON . . . rousing Hallowe’en party. The eve- Aumsville continued its winning ninf? wajj p,easantl spent in playi„ , 4% streak on the gridiron last week by parior Kames and ^ te llin g. The defeating the Silverton Reserves 12-0 , Kirls recejvfcd man> niee preMnta. Paid on Time Deposits m a r ow game. The field was soggy R(.freshn,enU consistin;, of punch, - *Buz.iur, Aumsville, Nov. I I — ■ ■ o— * Mr. and Mis. K. Hphoon and three children, Mrs. Emma Reed and Mr hiank Bowers motored to 1'ortlund, Sunday, where they visited at the Perry Kitzmiller home. Mr». Bowers, Mrs. Hphoon und Mrs. Kitzmiller are sister» and Mr». Reed is their mother. F. D. Vaughn, who ha» spent two weeks here with his sister, Mrs. Mar- gu rot H tray er, left Saturday for his home in Ala.ka. Mrs. Hedges ha' several days, is slowly recovering his genera! invitation is extended to all One Gate anil One Price o f Admis on the set, the recorders, cameramen, good health. locates nerve pressure. Chi- to attend. sion etitles you to both styles script clerks, crowded into the pro- —- -«------ I of dancing I! ropratcic Adjustments remove jection room each night. They fol- Mr*' , Kmma in ,,ortl“ " d nerve pressure. Neurocalome­ Ladies 25c lowed the course of the picture with ^ m g for her daughter, Mrs. Perry Gents 50c ter readings by appointment / W A W W W A V A V A '.V .V .W the same avidity they tuned in for Kitimiller, who is jlL Roller D REAM LAN D Skating only. the radio broadcast ench night. It Saturday Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Boono Tuesday, Friday and Saturday ELECT was finally necessary to station a uni- returned from a several «lays’ stay at 7 to 10 p. m. Admission 10c formed wntchman at the iloor to Newport. Ladies Free. Skates 25c DR. O. L. SCOTT andle the crowds. — Bazaar, Aumsville, Nov. 14 — An«l Amos 'n' Andy "clicked” as 256 N. High Street Prof and Mrs. Mountain visited in D em ocrat-Farm er no one had "clicked” before! I Their radio personalities are as evi­ Corvallis, Sunday. Their son, Robert, Phone 87 to the legislature. I shall oppose all > dent on the talking screen as they an­ is attending Oregon State college. legislation which seeks to gia n t spe­ SALEM OREGON on the air. The screen enhanced their cial privileges to favored classes. I — Bazaar, Aumsville, Nov. 14 shall support the incom e tax. public charm. The greut experiment was a V W W .V V W A W W V W W i W ^ ownership and operation o f publie­ success! . Wilson Einpey, who has spent the serving utilities. Let the public have past two weeks here with his brother, the huge profit in electricity now- Some time last Friday night the E. Warne Empey, left for Ben«! Tues­ going ea st: halt the pow er gra b b ers: postofilce at Mill City anil Stayton day. block the w ater pow er hijackers. im v .w .w .v .w A W .Y A ; ----- •----- were broken into but nothing o f value Mrs. C. D. Boone is tending the were taken as both stamps and money THROAT AND at the Stayton office had be«-n hidden postoffice while Mrs. H. C. Lewis re­ LUNG BALSAM away, and aside from a broken win­ mains at the bedside of her mother, dow and papers scattered 'over the Mrs. J. M. Lindley. for the relief of (loor the damage was light. Mrs. J. N. Lindley, who suffered a At Mill City two holes were drilled paralytic stroke early Monday morn­ into the safe door but evidently the L ik e s ing which paralysed her left side, thieves were scared away before they shows very little improvement in COLDS »V A W W W W W W A had finished their work. health at this time. SPA SM ODIC Th«> Stayton office has had two vis­ CROUP — Bazaar, Aumsville, Nov. 14 — its from prowlers in the past year an«l both tirm-s entrance has been gained W H O O P IN G -C O U G H Sunday guests at the Wm. Howard by breaking the glass in a rear win­ H O A RSE N E SS home were Mr. Howard's brother, dow. B R O N C H IA L COUGHS John Howard, and their uncle, Jim Dos ¡or, both o f Canby. Contain* no Narcotic Chocolates, Boo Bons FAMILY DANCE S . B . M i l ls Everybody Coughs Gandy T CHRISTIAN CHURCH * Lee Sutton, who has some fine Hol­ stein cows, reports that one was shot Some splendid Sunday evening late Saturday, presumabl) by care­ programs are being pr«*pared anil will less hunters or boys. be presented in the neur future. Tal- ent from Stayton church nnd the Tur­ — Bazaar, Aumsville, Nov. 14 — ner church will give one of these Mrs. Margaret Martin, Mrs. A. E. programs during November. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Niccol- - - e The special songs at each the morn­ son are in attendance at the state, ing nn«l evening services Sunday were convention o f parents and teachers enjoyed by all. being held in Portland this week. Candies for the Hostess —o — Table Candies for your Guests Riches Confectionery Turner Oregon Only at Sch aefer's DRUG STORE Tha Original Yellow Front and Candy Special Store o f Salem 135 N. Commercial S. B. Mills horn at R oek fort. W ood county, W . Va.. March 21. 1867, has been a farm er and lumberman all my life and I know- their needs. I have been a resident and taxpayer o f Mar­ ion County fo r ten years. I ara a Mason and Granger. PHONE 197 Pen»lar A gency IF ELECTED I W IL L SUPPORT A V .V V « V W W W 1W iV A A V % V Y .V W W A W M N V .V W W W W THE JOSEPH PLATFORM