> THE TURNER TRIBUNE E TURNER TRIBUNE I V .V .S W W S S W . V . V . V A V . V . V . V . V . , .V .V .V .v | .% % \ \ V .\ V .\ , .W .V .W A V .% W ^ \ V .\ \ W V .n A V . V A V .V .., .V .% V T o r Gonÿr«s» SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR Entered Ht the PoctofTW at Turner, l¡ Du gon, . - >ecoml data nut > r. under « the Act of March 3, 1879. Issued every Thursday at Turner, Marion, County, Oregon. MRS. (H AS. S. Cl. ARK, Editor POWER AN D THE PEOPLE (F. P. Rowley) Service with A Smile SUITS Called for CLEANED, PRESSE1 DELIVERED Next Tuesday the question of pub­ lic control o f the power sites in the Just Phone U3, we.II do the state o f Oregon will be settled for an­ rest. Keep your wardrobe other two years. This question has at it’ s best caused more discussion, pro and con, You always get a little more than any other issue before the peo­ Hats--*Odor!es.s Cleaning than you pay for when you deal ple to be decided at the coming elec­ with ua— Clean "gns," f u l l tion. The public utilities are spending One Day Service measure—Clean oil, the brand thousands o f dollars trying to defeat Let Us Serve You y o u r motor likes heat,—and the Grange Power bill which is being Every Week cheerful service to bring you solidly backed by Julius L. Meier, back. independent candidate for governor. Kerry They are trying to make it appear ,ity that they are sponsoring the people’s FREE AIR and WATER lea n ers itnerosts in the present campaign. In i WE FIX FLATS 230 N. Liberty, Salem reality they are making a desperate effort to save their own bacon and v .v .v .v .v .% w .v .v .v .v .v ,v . still continue to realize enormous j RED CROWN QAS profits from their over-capitalized j properties. iV W A W A Y Kenneth G. Harlan, nationally known power expert says in a radio address on the Grange Power bill: ( “ The Grange constitutional amend­ W > V W W b W .W A W V UNDERTAKERS ment is safeguarded in every respect by other provisions of our constitu­ tion, and the desperate fight that the power trust is now waging against it V W V W M N V W M P M A V W W LLOYD T. RIG DON is not in the interest of the public County Coroner but wholly for fear that such a law will interfere with the monopoly and A M a c h i n e « with the handsome profits that have rolled into Wall Street.” ALL MAKES Salem Oregon The power companies are fighting T HO MA S ROEN A V M W J V A V A 'A V A W to gain control o f the millions o f dol­ 421 Cou ri Salem lars worth o f power sites that remain yet undeveloped. There is no guar­ ’. W W W V V V W / A Y d Y W W i W antee that they will not do as they A V A V . V V . V A '. V / . V . V done in the past, when they gtt con­ trol, inflate the capitalization and H A M M A N STA G E LINES assess rates accordingly. There is * * only one thing to do and that is for Leave S al* m for Aumaville the public to control the power sites 6:30 A M. W)UR OWN PPOPTPTY that be’ ong to the public. IS C O K £ » N t O A “ £N ■ v.a N .• ; ; * S 10:30 A M. ■ O u » IS O N I I t I - ' How long are the thinking Ameri­ 4:45 P.M. can people going to continue to yet Leave Aumaville for Salem the power trust dictate their ballot? 8:10 A.M. Let us quote former Governor Pin- 1 :20 P.M. 5:10 P.M. chot, of Pennsylvania: “ We have seen the electric monopoly pick out state Leave Aumaville for Mill City • \ M. governments. We have seen it crack 5:25 P.M. its whip over state assemblies. W'e have seen it with stupid arrogance Leave Salem for Turner and conscienceless boldness corrup 10:30 A M. 4:45 P.M. Your neighbor's fire loss is * elections and attempt to buy a seat in likely to become your lose * the United States senate. We have Don’t be without proper in­ Leave Turner for Salem seen it attempt to compel the United surance. # 8:20 A.M. States senate to deliver that pur­ Insurance that was adequate * 1 :20 P.M. chased seat.” a few year» ago may need 5:20 P.M. Mr. Pinchot further compares the J revision to-day! J Leave Turner for Mill City « lectric monopoly to a super-state Ijj Let us offer our advice. 5:15 P.M. over aweing and dominating the state F. P. R O w L E i , Agent which he says is intolerable. General insurance Do the people o f Oregon care S Turner, Oiegun $ enough for their natural resources to S Jos. Hamman, Prop. * * protect them from this condition? HHM HHt-•**•#-*•*•* » » * »»»»»»»■*♦«■»■# P /.V J V W W f t W J V W W When the votes are counted on No­ vember 4th the question will be an­ swered.— (Contributed Editorial.) W W W ♦ W. C. Hawley Republican Nominee for Re-election. Co-author of t*'e Tar­ iff Act o f 1980 which (fives to agriculture in nil its branches the highest rates o f protection ever given. A Native Son of Oregon who has "No Interests to Serve but the Public Interests" and who is Ci Bones Bros., Turner Capable Experienced Faithful SuCCCMHful Read his Record of Successful Service in the Voters’ Pamph­ let. PaoJ Ad, by K om U C. (il«in ^ T RiS don & Son 6 CyP lURI£€RS — Bazaar, Aumaville, Nov. 14 — Clean « ? .• A W .V ’ . V . V b N W V A V V A ' ^ . W . V . ' . V A V / . W . V / . V . V J W W A * r t, . V A Y . , . W A \ , , W A ,A W . V / A ,/ . , , V . V . , . ,. V A ’ . V . V A V l W Play Safe Vove The Straight Republican Ticket “ Now is the time to make a change” says Calvin Coolidge. Here are the Republican candidates for National and State offices — Take this list with you when you go to the polls. CHARLES L. McNARY . . . . For United Staten Senator One of the State a molt valuable a»aati PHIL M F.TSCHAN....................For Governor of Oregon A s p le n d id adminiatrator— patient, tolarant, juat W . C. H A W L E Y .............For First Congressional District Invaluable to Oregon because of hie eeniority in Congreaa R. R. B U TLER............ For Second Congressional District Untiring in Ilia e ffo rt« for ihe advancement of Oregon FRANKLIN F. KORELL . ForThird Congressional District Quick to win recognition in the Nationel Capitol M. B. H a y d e n HARRY B E L T .............For Justice of the Supreme Court An ahla juriat TURNER SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAIN SE R VICE Republican Candidate North Bound for No. 14, 5:06 A.M. (Stops when flagged.) | No. 32, 3:07 P.M. Regular stop.) South Bound No. 7, 10:30 A.M. (Stops when flagged to pick up passengers for points at which this train stops.) No. 15, 8:35 P.M. (Stops on flag, only to pick up passengers for points south of Eugene via Cascade Line.) No. 31, 10:65 P.M. (Regular stop.) Following north bound trains stop to detrain pa.-sengers coming from points south of Eugene: No. 16, duel 5:46 A.M .; No. 8, due 5:51 P.M. Office hours at Turner week days are 8 A.M. to 12 o’clock noon, and from| 1 :00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Station is closed on Sunday and holi- i days. On these days passengers can pay fare and have baggage checked on trains. H. S. BOND, Agent. PERCY R. KELLY . . For Justice of the Supreme Court Deaerving of hia promotion J* U. CAMPBELL . . For Justice of the Supreme Court A keen, analytical mind J u s t ic e C. A. HOW ARD . ForSupcrintcndent of Public Instruction o f th e A capable educator Peace CHAS. H. GRAM . For Commissioner o f Bureau of Labor He haa the welfare of labor at heart SALEM DISTRICT W W “ Strict and imparial enforce­ ment o f the law. Justice with an even hand.” w w - General Election November 4, 1930 W The above candidates, with the other regular Republican nominees, command your respect and deserve your vote. A W YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED Í VOTE THE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET (Paid adv., Republican Stab- Cintrai Committee, Elisha A. Raker, Secretary, Morgan Bldg., Portland.) — Bazaar, Aumsville, Nov. 14 — /W W W .V ///W W.Y.’W W W / W W WWW.VVW 9